[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Joe.4178


Hey guys its me again with vid 5 out, only first 2 parts are about healing engineer due to my duo roaming partner has been busy lately so had to solo roam with shatter also.

But the 2nd clip in the video is good to see how the rotations are pulled off.

-tM- Trillmatic
NSP Colorful Charr Engineer & Mesmer: Bamf Joe
WvW Outnumbered: https://www.youtube.com/BamfJoe0425

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Even.4687


Very cool. This type of build is exactly what i’m looking for; I switched recently from FT to bomb kit, and i’m loving it, and someone recently recommended toolkit instead of rocket boots. Nice to see it in action.

Do you have your build posted anywhere?

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Florgknight.1589


I use a similar build to this, however instead of the tool kit I roll rocket boots to get a quad blast combo on my helaing turret field.


[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: GoNeKrAzY.7308


Its amazing how useful healing + bombs can be. Been toying
with a similar style of play myself albeit i have been using
celestial gear mixed with pvt trinkets. Out of curiosity what
exactly is your current build ? would love to see the traits
and armor so that i could see if i could modify my own build
to be as effective as you are…..

[TEO] Sigurd Hsring
Gunnar’s Hold
Probably the Only Existing Neon Norn Engineer

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Azure.8670


forget the engineer for now, lets talk Mesmer. I WISH I could use my mesmer half as good as you. Mes is my fav class, but ive been switching between my thief and engi lately because im just not good as a mesmer in wvw. Seeing you do so well is making my inner mesmer burn

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


Post your build, dang it! : )

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: nihasa.5067


Yeah. Post your build. You made us curious

Nihasa The Engineer [WvW] Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Holesale.2640


If you know Engi enough you can decipher the traits hes running..no need to ask.
Armor/Runes/Trinkets however.. Soldiers..possibly runes I have no idea..maybe more Soldiers or Melandru.

(edited by Holesale.2640)

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Muhlum.7348


Love your vids man. I actually played some GvG against you a few weeks ago during the NSP/BP matchup. I thought I recognized that colorful armor XD

80 Guardian
80 Engineer
[Lost] – Tarnished Coast

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Kontrolle.3514


Its a full set of altruisim runes, apothekary armor an 10,0,30,20,10 spec.
Backpack regenerator, healing bombs etc.

I used a similar build before the confusion nerf in wvw but with rabid armor 4x altruism 2x water.
sometimes i use a similar one with a rifle, its 10,0,30,20,10 too but with celestial gear, Rifle, knight armor and melandru runes. My biggest problem with bombs is that forced trait in explosives, this is pure annoyance. Also i just cant play without medkit, tried that turret and i just dont like it, in such fights it gets destroyed before you can unleash the full combo.

(edited by Kontrolle.3514)

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: JHN.8749


If you know Engi enough you can decipher the traits hes running..no need to ask.
Armor/Runes/Trinkets however.. Soldiers..possibly runes I have no idea..maybe more Soldiers or Melandru.

i agree it shouldnt be hard, just look at his traits he has bigger radius so 10 in explosives/ 30 in invetions since hes healing, 10 tools since hes perma swift. the rest of the 20 pts most likely go defensive so the rest in alchemy. Since hes not 27k hp hes not full soldiers most likely apothecary and everytime he heals he gets fury might so altruism runes.

Sbi Asuran Mesmer Solo Roamer

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: skeppi.4856



Is the build the armor/trinks are guesstimates based on what i’ve rolled before(backpack ascent karka). The runes I’ll take a guess are altruismx6(I used 4) waterx2. Sigils energy/corruption with a 3rd of bursting or something.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ edit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After rewatching I believe I was wrong. His trink looks more like full apothecary and the sigil of corruption is sigil of life and swapped out to a third with agony or something.


The Balance [TB]
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard

(edited by skeppi.4856)

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: imdapro.3256


Nice rotations! More support than the medicat build and you tank/last longer

Yaks Bend Solo Hammer/Gs Warrior

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Shu.6981


helo its me mugi, I see you did well when I was gone for so long

Mugi [-tM-][Holy]

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: woeye.2753


Very nice. And nice to see a Charr in action. But when it comes to dyes … your taste is rather special

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Victoitor.2917



Is the build the armor/trinks are guesstimates based on what i’ve rolled before(backpack ascent karka). The runes I’ll take a guess are altruismx6(I used 4) waterx2. Sigils energy/corruption with a 3rd of bursting or something.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ edit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After rewatching I believe I was wrong. His trink looks more like full apothecary and the sigil of corruption is sigil of life and swapped out to a third with agony or something.


He doesn’t have reduced cooldown on any of his skills except for shield and he creates bombs when he dodges.

I think he is running 10/0/30/20/10. Just take your second build, remove 10 from tools and add 10 to explosives for forceful explosives.

Raimundo Faztudo (Human Engineer) – Current WvW
Mr Tauser (Char Warrior) – Current PvE
[CATZ] – HoD

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Alkaholic.3875


Very nice. And nice to see a Charr in action. But when it comes to dyes … your taste is rather special

He told me he wanted to have folks remember him. The immortal rainbow engineer.

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: krazzie.9536


I’m actually amazed, good job on that video!

[WvW] Healing Eng Bamf Joe Outnumber Vid 5

in Engineer

Posted by: Korruptkai.8527


nice vid!

[Holy] Warrior/Guardian