WvW - Superspeed Build?

WvW - Superspeed Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: TwiceDead.1963


So I started running Engineer in WvW 3 weeks ago, every weekend, and I am having a blast with it. Ripped the Frontline scrapper build from metabattle and just did some stuff to suit my personal taste efficiency be kitten ed, and I am still having a blast with it.

Then i read something about a superspeed support build, basically spam superspeed all around and I thought, that would be superuseful in a zerg around the commander, right?

But I am having struggles making it work. I figure I am supposed to blast lightning fields to spread superspeeds to allies, utilizing the electric fields drones generate when they break, but I can’t quite find a balance of opportunities for blasts and blasts themselves. One issue is that drones have a ridiculous delay on self-destructs, and occasionally don’t register at all so when it finally does happen, the zerg has moved on.

… Any tips? Or am I at a fools errand right now and should just stick to frontline?

WvW - Superspeed Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: ApaWanka.2698


Its not a bad idea, but U have to keep in mind that your superspeed have a cap of 5 tarjets, while a Mesmer Veil traited is unlimited number of tarjets Superspeed and resistance. And if they have a build dedicated to that, they can do up to 4 Veils each 72s.

So, I think that is complicated to make it work on zergs because other profesions can do it better than engi. If you speak about small scale fight its more viable.

If U find the way to make it work on large scale, pls, share it…. 8p

(edited by ApaWanka.2698)

WvW - Superspeed Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: TwiceDead.1963


Oh yeah, I am aware of the limitations on affected targets. I wasn’t aware Mesmer can do it better… I assume they don’t have the same amount of sustain an Engineer does which could make Engineer valuable for the role, but I don’t really know as I don’t play Mesmer much.

WvW - Superspeed Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Samug.6512


The best way to share superspeed with the zerg is with destroying your gyros. The field stays up for 5 seconds, it’s very useful if you see some people falling behind. If you want the front line to get it, well, you need to stay in front of them. Predict the movement, if they catch it, awesome, if not, pity. Blast Gyro is the best for this, it has the lowest cooldown.

WvW - Superspeed Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: coro.3176


Mmm. I don’t think it’s very good for actually fighting in wvw. The gyros are too slow and don’t follow you close enough.

However, a full gyro superspeed build is great for getting dolyaks from a camp to a keep or tower. You just cycle through your gyros blowing them up on top of the dolyak and it’s nearly as fast as speedy dolyaks. It is really boring though, so I don’t do that often.

WvW - Superspeed Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: guildabd.6529


Use full nomads and all gyros, then just spawn gyro → detonate gyro, spawn next gyro → detonate and so on.
Btw why does bulwark gyro have short aftercast that stops detonating it right away?

WvW - Superspeed Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


It’s more or less the same as the metabattle build except you take Final Salvo (SS on gyros), Rapid Regeneration, and Medical Dispersion Field. Then find crap to increase your outgoing healing, healing power, and just blow up your gyros. You sacrifice personal suitability for more group sustain.

Take Mecha legs if you get dumped in a crap group without swiftness, and take Elixir C over bulwark/e-gun if you can’t handle the condis. Otherwise, blast those light fields to remove a condi.

Unfortunately, beyond the superspeed, it really isn’t much more than that. I mean, if they didn’t take away gyro dazes to not make the explosions irrelevant but….

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

WvW - Superspeed Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Pride.1734


It is absolutely not worth it to run any healing power or outgoing healing in that build.

Maybe this will be a thing the day blasting a gyro actually becomes a blast finisher.

(edited by Pride.1734)

WvW - Superspeed Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


It is absolutely not worth it to run any healing power or outgoing healing in that build.

Maybe this will be a thing the day blasting a gyro actually becomes a blast finisher.

The healing power isn’t necessary sure, and I think a healbot would be a pretty bad idea but I don’t think I made too many sacrifices here. It’s why I would go with celestial instead of something like nomads.

Outgoing healing I wouldn’t say it’s a bad idea. It’s 20% more healing from the 2 leaps and blast finisher you provide every 15s (and of which you can easily provide the water field if needed) and a somewhat more effective regen tick in conjunction with medical dispersion field and heal resonator.

Anyhow, it’s fairly trivial to change the sigil and food, of course.

It’s probably still worth taking perfectly weighted though; I’ll go change that.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)