WvW Roaming movies!
WvsW Video (Engineer tank gameplay)
WvW Roaming movies!
PMSL @ 0:20
It may be just my inexperience with the subtlties of battle but I think the engineer was playing much better than the thief. In particular the thief was doing unnecessary and inappropriate dodges in many places.
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
Hehe ever since we started play together we had the “say hello to my little firend” joke going, so had to be done!
But I (the Engineer) probaly play a bit better then him, but that’s mostly cause I have played GW II a lot more then him, and know better what other proffesions got up their sleeve (To be noted, it ain’t the trait and skill setup I normal run, first time this weekend so I failed a lot)
But also, from what I understand when we discuss his setup, he sometimes dodge because it give swiftness, and other time’s he simply not sure what the enemy is up to from animation!
When that is said, that Theif setup is a great buddy when you roam a round like this, mostly cause it’s so strong for taking care of it self, all I had to do was focus on taking all the attention I could and try slowly take people down with confusion and other tricks!!
Hope you guys enjoy the movie and music
WvW Roaming movies!
Wild Bill x2 -that’s what first occurred to me when I saw you two.
I’ve got two glass cannon thief buddies. I have wondered for a week or so whether I should run my thief too or a bunker engi in WvW to soak up damage while they do the work. We’re effective as three thieves, but I wonder which I would consider more fun…
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
@Cempa We take that as a compliment!
@Eviator Well I gotta say, soaking damage up, kiting people and in general create chaos around myself is some of the most fun I have in WvsW! A lot more buttons to click on then a glass cannon Theif, and with the general simply minded player type in WvsW most people (as you see) will target you all the time, making everything a paradise for your buddies! atleast, it’s worth to try out and see if it’s fun to you!
edit: Also the rune’s and sigil’s I ended up using were quite cheap, and the gear could be brought for Karma or WvsW badges so money ain’t the big deal breaker!
WvW Roaming movies!
(edited by Amadeus.5687)
Well played Amadeus! I’m more of a Tankcat build with a few changes in traits but your pistols hit much harder than mine. Mind sharing what you have in the first two trait lines, Explosives and Firearms? I can get an idea about your hpts and toolbelt cool downs on the rest of the trait lines.
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW
An engineer making a good sidekick?
It’s almost like ANet designed them this way.
It’s also pretty frustrating to watch in that Engineer perspective fight how the Engineer focusing the guardian did no damage, but the instant the attrition thief started focusing then he starts to fall rapidly and the Engineer just kept him busy. An attrition build doing better DPS than a straight up power/toughness build.
(edited by KirinDave.6451)
Thank you!
The setup I used during my footage ended up being this one:
For this setup I use Soldier’s armor with Superior rune of Grenth, Superior sigil of Hydromancy and Superior Sigil of (60% chance on crit to remove a condition, can’t remeber the name) and Knight’s Jewel (got two ring’s with soldier stat’s to).
The theory behind Grenth and Hydromancy was to bring as AoE Freeze for more defence and slow, as I could combo it with the rest of condtion’s, it helpt me kite easier, and gave protection indirect to Markus (by giving them longer cool down duration)! 1x Giver’s gun and 1x Giver’s Shield
In a few of the fight’s in Markus footage (from friday) I tried this setup:
Where I ran with the Toughness/Condition/Precesion gear, and Coral Jewel’s, 4x Rune of Lich and 2x Rune of Lyssa. 2x Giver’s Gun. It gave a lot better damage, and worked great in 2vs2 and 2vs3, but when they started to get more I simply died to easy, cause everyone went on me (they couldn’t see Markus half the time)…
WvW Roaming movies!
@KirinDave: I did no damage to the Guardien mostly cause he removed condition’s all the time with his setup, which hurt’s my confusion damage a lot, and he knew when not to attack when I had many stack’s. Also, the Necromancer put a lot of pressure on me to begin with (This setup can have problem’s with conditions), so in that fight I was a lot more focused on just staying alive and avoid that big hammer hehe, I’m afraid of the Red Guard!! ^^
And I’m not the one supposed to deal the damage alone anyway, it’s a team effort when we take people down, I’m there to soak up the damage! and heck, I love being the side kick, so much more fun then playing the Theif atleast!
Also special kudos to that guardien from Red Guard, he played really good
WvW Roaming movies!
Thanks for sharing your builds. I’m going to try some adjustments to my build so the pistol is a little better. I feel like the direct damage from my pistol is a 275 point per second DOT.
I am solo most of the time so defense is certainly important but I find my biggest issue is some people are able to get away from me if magnet is on cooldown. Which leaves me chasing them using pistol which finishes them off sometimes but other times they are able to get away or make it in a keep before I can finish them off due to the low damage from the pistol. Seemed like your shots were hitting in the 600 range towards the end of the video. I’ll have to experiment some to see what I can settle on.
Thank you again and I’m a fan of your work!
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW
You have problem with people getting away? hmm… Well It really ain’t a problem for me in either of these setup up, and the more tanky one make’s me a kiting, chasing and escaping beast! The only thing that got away from me was a D/D elementalist that used everything she had to flee, and most of the time it’s my job to chase down people (Markus setup have problems with that)
The first setup got Magnet, Trow wrench that give cripple, 2x Freeze, where the one triggering at the use of a healing skills is very easy to time, Glue bomb, Box of nails, and Toolkit auto attack and a knock back if timed right, pretty much gave me all the control chasing people!
The trick’s I used was Magnet into glue bomb, following up wih box of nail’s, trying to stay on them, or In front of them If I could see where they where going (like a keep or zerg ect.), you have so much slow most people simply give up trying to escape you, and while fleeing Box of Nail’s truly shine in combo with 2x block’s, perma swiftness and vigor!
But in particular Tool Kit really shine in everything it do, as Markus noted for me, 2x of the skills is way stronger versions of two Theif Utility’s ^^ (Scorpion Wire = Magnet (shorter CD), Box of Nails=Caltrops (a lot shorter CD)…. So atm I’m working on using it with a sturdy CC rifle build for our next for fun Cowboy themed movie, where he will be going classic Gunslinger on the Theif!! =)
WvW Roaming movies!
@KirinDave: I did no damage to the Guardien mostly cause he removed condition’s all the time with his setup, which hurt’s my confusion damage a lot, and he knew when not to attack when I had many stack’s.
Yeah, people with experience in WvW realize how dangerous confusion can be and treat it like a daze.
I think it’s more that Engineer condition damage is sort of mediocre if you can’t keep firing, and when you start getting chased it’s hard to keep them up. I think the design intent was that Engineer conditions are harder to remove because they’re short duration and constant application; and when they aren’t being chased it actually works acceptably well.
Also, the Necromancer put a lot of pressure on me to begin with (This setup can have problem’s with conditions), so in that fight I was a lot more focused on just staying alive and avoid that big hammer hehe, I’m afraid of the Red Guard!! ^^
Yeah I noticed this too. Don’t feel alone though, Engineers have a lot of problems against good condition builds. Nice work staying alive, you’re 2x better than everyone else in the video at least.
If you could get another geared character of a class in less disarray, you’d be a monster. Are you working on any alts?
I’m there to soak up the damage! and heck, I love being the side kick, so much more fun then playing the Theif atleast!
I am glad I am at least not alone in saying that the Wild Bill playstyle is super boring.
Hehe ty Kirin! I agree it can be very hard to keep up conditions as a Engineer (I hate the slow firing rate of the pistol, and the way to short bleeding duration), which is why I focus on burning damage when I use a condition damage build, which out damage this setup by far (guess I will make a video of that when I got the time). Tho, bomb/grenade kit and toolkit really helps out a lot with a pistol setup while being chased, for having stuff to trow behind you
But yeah, I hate condition’s in particular as Engineer, mostly because they are no problem at all when I run my elixir build’s, but it seem’s like everything that can remove condition’s is put away in elixir’s and alchemy tree (and the buggy healing turrent overload <.<)., where I often lock myself away for the easy solution, and it get’s dull to use the same stuff all the time!
Well, I gotta admit I’m sloooooowly leveling my mesmer at the moment, which actually was meant to be my main (also the one I named Amadeus, which is my usual game tag) and the class i played during all beta weekend’s, but I just kinda fell in love with the Engineer when I made it the last day in the third beta weekend!
But I ain’t gonna do much on the mesmer beside siege work when my guild is missing one for portals and AoE haste for ze golem army!
WvW Roaming movies!
Well, I gotta admit I’m sloooooowly leveling my mesmer at the moment, which actually was meant to be my main (also the one I named Amadeus, which is my usual game tag) and the class i played during all beta weekend’s, but I just kinda fell in love with the Engineer when I made it the last day in the third beta weekend!
But I ain’t gonna do much on the mesmer beside siege work when my guild is missing one for portals and AoE haste for ze golem army!
I’m working on Mesmer and Necro myself. Both are very fun.
I’m working on Mesmer and Necro myself. Both are very fun.
I like the necro a lot and it was my first class to 80 but since running with a zerg isn’t much fun to me I prefer the engineer for solo and small group work. Although I have trouble killing the good necros solo they don’t get me either with 409 traited.
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW
@Eviator Well I gotta say, soaking damage up, kiting people and in general create chaos around myself is some of the most fun I have in WvsW! A lot more buttons to click on then a glass cannon Theif, and with the general simply minded player type in WvsW most people (as you see) will target you all the time, making everything a paradise for your buddies! atleast, it’s worth to try out and see if it’s fun to you!
One thing that worries me about trying it is that the thief/ves are likely going to be getting far more loot bag and badge drops than the engineer, simply because the engineer isn’t doing as much damage. And while most of my enjoyment of the game comes from the experience of it, and not the rewards, it would be nice to be appropriately rewarded for the value I would bring.
Be honest now, is this something you noticed?
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
I got the exact same amount of loot bag’s as Markus when we do these “attacks”, I allways hit everything, mostly cause I trow so much AoE around me, and I actually get more loot when we joined zergs, because I had far more AoE from my bomb kit then that AoE poor Theif! So you shouldn’t be afraid of trying the setup because of loot lag, that wasn’t a problem at all!
WvW Roaming movies!