Your build for spvp only?

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Since spvp has no communication it seems, and since it lacks all basis of co-ordinating, I would like to know what you build for this.

There is no concept of defending in spvp, not from my experience.
You can’t defend against a zerg of 3 or 4 so you just run of to the next point each time (different in 5v5 tpvp).
So I doubt bunker engineers work.

Does a zerg really need your support build?
Could be, but I somehow doubt they wouldn’t kill that outnumbered enemy without your support.

I hardly see engineers in spvp, mostly thiefs, warriors, mesmers and a few rangers specced for bursting.

So I ask: strictly spvp, what is your preferred build?

(mine is an odd mixture of several kits, but still looking, hence the topic)

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


I use:

Rifle+Sigil of Air
Rune of Eagle
Knights Amulet
30- Incendiary Powder, Explosive powder, Grenadier
20- Hair Trigger, Rifle Mod
20- Fast Acting Elixirs, Cleaning formula

Its all about grenade and rifle doing lots of crits and lots of damage.
Lots of condition removal as well. They kitten me off a lot in PvP.
Elixir H, Grenade Kit, Elixir B, Elixir C

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


I use a few builds but i do use one that is a glass cannon build that works incredibly well in spvp.

Rifle-Sigil of Air
Rune of Divinity
Beserkers amulet
10-incendiary powder
30 – hair trigger, rifle mod, go for the eyes(sometimes swapped out for increased range depending on map and situation)
30 – speedy kits (for infinite swiftness when doing roamer), Static discharge (massive burst from this), Adrenal rush. (replace speedy kits with speedy gadgets if not roaming)

My abilitys switch depending on situation..but generally i go utility goggles, elixer U, elixer S, Supply drop.

I will swap out elixer U sometimes for battering ram or tool kit occasionally it really just depends on the situation.

Youll get jump shot landings that crit between 5-6k on average with a blunderbuss that hits around 4-5k.

i use med kit to use the swiftness for roaming. But when i am not and i just want more burst i will go healing turret. Because with healing turret when i land on em, i can click healing mist (free nuke sometimes 1700 damage from static), creat my healing turret..overcharge my healing turret…destroy my healing turret (another 1700 damage nuke from static) and ae heal from combo finisher from blowing up my turret in my combo field from using the toolbelt heal on it earlier….you gotta dot his all VERY quickly but you just got a big heal and 2 free nukes and a combo finisher AND a condition removal. I could go into greater depth of why i use the abilitys i use and what strats i use….but it’d be a really long post. also elixer S toolbelt …toss it on yourself and with 4 second of invis or stability “either or” you can finished down people without being interrupted. Which is huge in spvp.

I share this build because i know most people are just looking for a way to blow people up quickly in random server spvp matches.
I’m also really fond of a point holding build for tournys, and a condition build that is in some ways stronger (makes theifs your kitten if your having trouble) but i’m holding this one close to heart for the moment. ^^

(edited by Zinwrath.2049)

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dabu.1258


Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Higgns.6537


He clearly didn’t read the post.
On topic: Having much fun with this Static Discharge build
Makes suff happen like “From XXXX: where the kitten did that lightning stuff come from, kitten ”

(edited by Higgns.6537)

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


Defensive Condition Master

I run a Condition\Condition Removal Defensive build. I use it mainly to defend points as long as I can while calling my team to help and for roaming 1v1ing. I find it to be very strong as I rarely lose a 1v1 against any class. TL:DR Built to last, not to kill fast

Defensive Skills:

Static Shield : If fighting Melee I like to bait them into hitting me while I have this up so I can stun them. When going against ranged it is good for blocking some of their attacks before throwing it for a double daze.

Magnetic Shield : Good for knocking back Melee, and reflecting bursty attacks like “unload” from a thief. I also tend to use this to knock back ranged as well because knocking them back effectively acts like a stun, allowing me to apply conditions while they are down.

Air Blast : (Flamethrower skill) great knockback ability. This paired with Magnetic shield knockback can be very annoying and keep an enemy down a lot.

Elixir S : Pretty obvious, makes you invulnerable for a short time. During this time you can use your heal and also use the flamethrower kit. This skill is also great for finishing off downed enemies because nothing can touch you.

Throw Elixir S : A lot of people hate the randomness of thrown elixir abilities but I love them. Every buff that is possible is beneficial to you, for this one you can either get stability or invisibility. No matter who you are fighting these can both be beneficial. Stability will prevent you from being knocked down, and invisibility is just great for breaking the flow of combat and confusing your enemy.

Smoke Vent : (Flamethrower skill) Not the greatest defensive ability, only applies 1 blind and it isn’t a combo field. But it can be used while stunned or knocked down so it’s good in a pinch.

Abilities that will remove conditions

Elixir H, Elixir B, Elixir S, Throw Elixir H, Throw Elixir B, Throw Elixir S

That is effectively 6 skills that will remove 1 condition each.

Because of the trait Cleansing Formula 409, any elixir or thrown elixir I use will remove conditions. This makes me incredibly effective against people who use conditions a lot. I can remove them while buffing me.

Basic Strategy

Every enemy is different, but in general I like to keep an enemy knocked down while keeping my conditions up. I use Magnetic Shield and Air blast a lot, I also set down Napalm with my flamethrower and try to use my Magnetic shield with it to both knock back and gain 3 might from the combo. Also, I tend to remove conditions as fast as soon as my enemy is done applying stacks by using Throw Elixir H, Throw Elixir B, and Elixir B. I save Throw Elixir S for mid-fight stealth, Elixir H for heals, and Elixir S for “oh kitten” moments.

In the middle of the fight I like to use Throw Elixir S to hopefully gain stealth, this can be very confusing for your enemy and allow you to recoup and heal or get a clear shot on them.

(edited by Sladeakakevin.4162)

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Cody.5241


A lot of very good and interesting stuff

This is great — but what do you do when not in a 1v1 situation, and are faced against a 1v3 or worse? Which is kind of more (I imagine) what the original poster was asking about, re: zerging in sPvP…

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


the original poster is mostly wondering if there is such a thing as ‘defending’ in spvp?


I’m a very defensive player by nature, I always go for versatility and survival while slowly grinding my opponent down.
Being able to react to a douzen different situations is what makes it fun for me.
The engineer is truly the class that shines for that.

This said: I don’t see much defending being usefull in spvp, not beyond ‘defending yourself from a burst’.

So I wondered what people were running, I expect mostly rifle-grenade builds, or bombs if the targeting proves to give issues, and maybe a few condition daamge builds.

I’m a bit surprised to see the replies on the defensive builds for spvp, but to be honest: all the more happy if people can make themselves usefull in spvp with a defensive build!
That(s what I try to do in the end… (not full bunker, just defensive-versatile)

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sladeakakevin.4162


A lot of very good and interesting stuff

This is great — but what do you do when not in a 1v1 situation, and are faced against a 1v3 or worse? Which is kind of more (I imagine) what the original poster was asking about, re: zerging in sPvP…

While I agree it is hard for anyone to successfully defend a point 1v3, I think the important part is being able to hold out while calling for help. With my build I have 2 AoE knockbacks, 1 AoE blind, 1 invulnerability CD, and 1 AoE Stun (supply crate). I’ve easily been able to hold off 3 people from capping a point while calling for reinforcements to come help me out. I find it possible to 1v2 on occasion , although it isn’t easy.

Your build for spvp only?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


I actually use the same build in tPvP, since I function as a roamer for the team that can deal with bunkers and synergize with Epidemic. However, I honestly can’t play a build without high uptime Swiftness in open sPvP anymore, as mobility is what directly equates to glory in that environment.

I run a 30/10/0/30/0 build with Duel Pistols, Elixir H, Grenade Kit, Bomb Kit, Elixir B, and Supply Crate. Grenadier (XI), Short Fuse (VII), Forcefull Explosions (III), Hair Trigger (VI), Cleaning Formula 409 (X), Potent Elixirs (VIII), and Fast-Acting Elixirs (II) for traits. Carrion Amulet and Jewel, Runes of the Earth, and Sigil of Earth and Corruption for equipment.

First thing to be aware of, is it lacks a stun break. However, I can survive any stun into burst chains via Protection and 25k Health even if I’m caught completely unaware. Then again, I rarely ever get into these situations due to the 3 Blind abilities I have on rather short cooldowns. A little foresight, and you take almost no damage. The condition damage you deal is incredible, and in an AoE. You have a decent, not amazing, but decent amount of direct damage as well. Tons of damage that is hybridized into AoE, single, conditions, and direct coupled with high mobility and survivability. Great team fighter, great at killing objects, great at killing the lord (killing Kyhlo objectives can be problematic though, as your best spike is around 2k-3k damage and is delayed), and great at dueling. Pretty much my dream build. I can’t burst people down like people seem to enjoy, but I’ve pulled off with more frequency 1v2 fights as this Engineer build then I ever had as a Warrior or Mesmer.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper