Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


What do you feel would be a balanced way to return Kit Refinement trait back to activating on each Kit swap?

I would love some incentive for mastering 3 different Kits. (4 if you take Healing Kit) Something that encourages darting from Kit to Kit creating environment specific combos on the fly. Waiting for an on swap effect is difficult enough not to mention now we have to wait to swap to a specific Kit to maximize the Kit Refinements effects and to justify using this specific trait. Which is counterproductive to the very Engineer Kit Profession mechanic, for its now risky to Kit swap in those tight situations because you may accidentally trigger (or waste) Kit Refinement in a poor time when simply trying to survive.

Some possible changes I have seen are:

-Make Kit Refinement grant quick Kit specific boons on swap.
-Make Kit Refinement simply reduce the global Cooldown of Kit Swapping by a mild amount.
-Make Kit Refinement grant a Kit Specific “Ammo” charge (similar to the Flamethrower Kits Tool Belt ability Incendiary Ammo) on each Kit Swap.
-Make Kit Refinement reduce the Cooldown on your Main Weapon Skills by 3% per swap.

Do you feel any of those are realistic or have any viable ideas? (Please keep in mind this is merely me wishing to hear others positive perspectives on this concept and in no way do I mean to take away development time from fixing bugs ect.)

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


Until Anet gets the stick out of their butts about moving traits around, KR’s probably going to stay in it’s Acidic-Elixirs-Tier slot. If they were willing to move it to grandmaster, we might see the old incarnation return. One can hope, anyway.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Super Riceman.8702

Super Riceman.8702

I would just remove the global cooldown and give each of the effects individual cooldowns

There is only one god and its name is nerf. There is only one thing we say to nerf, not today

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: lordbachus.6091


I would just remove the global cooldown and give each of the effects individual cooldowns

This… one… every individual kit a kit refinement downtime of 20 seconds. It would make the whole trait usefull again without overpowering it.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Make Kit Refinement buff the toolbelt skills of the related kits. After all, the trait is located in the toolbelt tree.
And by doing so, they could give some condition removal via toolbelt skills – with healing mist, for example.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


Change it back to the way it was before, but keep a few of the skills that actually got an improvement (for example: medkit)
Make it a master trait if it’s considered too powerful.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I would just remove the global cooldown and give each of the effects individual cooldowns

This would pretty much fix it yeah! Maybe a few of the ability’s should have the duration increased a bit, but that would for sure be the right start!

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


A new Master or Grandmaster trait with on swap kit specific effects similar to the kit itself and 20s individual cooldowns for each kit. To avoid effect spamming it would have a 1s global CD.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Kontrolle.3514


just change it back…..
Remove grenade barrage if you have to but give me back my e-gun/FT build that you destroyed.

I would even accept a grandmaster trait but just give me back the fun this class once was.

(edited by Kontrolle.3514)

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

If anything, I wouldn’t touch the new effects. Those are great, pretty much unexpected by your enemies and make sense regarding the kit. At least now it feels like “kit refinement” instead of a medkit blowing up in your face.

I actually like KR as it is now, but I realize many people don’t.
Maybe lowering the global cooldown with 5 seconds and placing the trait in a grandmaster slot could tempt more people into checking it out.

But the first thing I’d do is change those trait effects in the hud.
Whenever friendly players who want to buff me via traits show up, those multiple trait symbols become impossible to differentiate mid fight.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Mh, some of them don’t really make sense, though. I mean…glue from the elixir gun? A mine from the grenade kit? Super speed from the tool kit?
They made more sense before, imho. The only one that didn’t was the med kit and even the new one, while more useful, isn’t actually related to the kit.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: EroticAndHeretic.7398


I would just remove the global cooldown and give each of the effects individual cooldowns

I totally agree with this! It would not be hard to add some icons showing wich kit is active (icons like the signets, or the warrior banners)

As for today, I use 3 kits: Med kit, Grenade kit and Bomb kit. And the refelctive shield of the med kit already helped me in lots of situations! Yet it’s frustrating to leave a single mine on the ground, and have to wait 10 seconds for this.

The new effects dont really bother me, except the elixir gun one. As I am really close to ennemies, the grenade kit’s mine doesn’t bother me (I also play mines). The flamethrower one can be good, as it’s a mid/close range weapon. I can’t remember what the bomb kit did before.

Make Kit Refinement buff the toolbelt skills of the related kits. After all, the trait is located in the toolbelt tree.
And by doing so, they could give some condition removal via toolbelt skills – with healing mist, for example.

Or get rid of the grandmaster trait “Armor Mods” (which I find really useless, at least as a grand master trait) and make a trait that boost/change our toolbelt skills. By this, we would have the minor effects of the kit refinement and other effects from the tool belt.

For exemples: Add mines to the mine field tool belt skill and/or give them the same effects as the utility skill (knockback and/or blast finisher. I’m thinking that 5 blasts finishers in a row would be really overpowered after reflection.)

Incendiary ammo: More attacks (4 or 5) apply burning damage (thiefs have a grandmaster trait like this)

Bandage self: heal more or scatter 2 or 3 bandages around the player.

And healing mist: Also create a super elixir at the player location (like the kit refinement did before). The healing mist has a fairly high cooldown (40s without points, 28 with 30 points), but the super elixir healing power have been increasing twice, so it’s would not be a real problem, considering the duration of the AoE.

Those ideas are only some drafts, by the way.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Manuhell.2759


Uh, super elixir didn’t increase its healing a second time, despite what the patch notes said.
I wonder why they didn’t fix those notes, though.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: EroticAndHeretic.7398


Oh, I didn’t knew that.

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


I like giving each kit its own Cooldown, and reduce this cooldown.

but I would like (opinion) a balanced way to receive some kind of bonus when swapping to a Kit In general. As in, every time I change to a Kit I get rewarded but whatever this comes in the form of, it should only truly shine with the more Kits you are useing. So running one or two Kits wouldn’t be squeezing as much juice out of Kit Refinement as running 3 or 4.

I know there has been much debate on making Gadgets act as Signets, but perhaps Kit Refinement could grant Signet like effects when simply in your Utility/Healing UI. These effects could be Kit Specific buffs, perhaps even unique passive effects as apposed to simple and dull “+Vitality” ect.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

(edited by Wolf.5816)

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: EroticAndHeretic.7398


Wolf: That’s quite similar to the Juggernaut and Backpack Regenerator traits, but that’s a good idea!

Your ideas on a new Kit Refinement

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


It would also be interesting to allow Kit Refinement to give unique effects to each Kits “trademark” skills. This of course could be arguable which ability on each Kit is the trademark skill, and some specific skills are simply too powerful (HGH Grenades) to receive any more compounded abilities. That being said let me list some concepts:

Elixir Gun: Acid Bomb will now remove 1 boon every 2 seconds from foes within its effect range.
Bomb Kit: Fire Bomb now consumes 50% Endurance of foes caught in its initial blast.
Tool Kit: Succesful attacks with Pry Bar will grant you 2 seconds of Quickness. Alternatively, striking Turrets you control will grant them 2 seconds of Quickness.
Flamethrower Kit: Napalm now has a small chance of inflicting 2 seconds of fear on each application of its Burning.
Grenade Kit: When throwing Flash Grenade you also produce a small blinding flakitten your location blinding nearby targets for 3 seconds.
Med Kit: Med Kit skills have a small chance to not be consumed when aquired, and persist for an additional use.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

(edited by Wolf.5816)