(edited by Wuffles.5319)
Your thoughts on an all Engineer Guild name!!
Some ACME suggestions:
- Always Creating More Explosions
- A Combat Machine Enterprise
- All Creations Made to Explode
- AlChemy Mad Engineers
- Assocn of Chem Mech Experts
- Assocn of Chemically Motivated Engs
[ACME] is a good guild tag, I like it. Was wondering: Are you trying to use the letters to make a name? Like what Zenguy posted? I’m a fan of guild tags that represent what the name is. i.e. I have a guild called Rock Em Sock Em, and the guild tag is [ROBO]. I would maybe look into that.
I also thought about maybe using one of the Iconic Box titles from the cartoon series itself. Could be fun.
Some Suggestions:
- Do It Yourself [ACME]
- Do It Yourself Tornado Kit [ACME]
- Quality is our #1 Dream [ACME] (Not sure if you can use the “#” tag)
- Jim Dandy Wagon [ACME] (I really like this one for some reason)
- Handle With Care [ACME]
- Ultimatum Dispatcher [ACME]
- Genius [ACME]
- Rocket Powered Unicycle [ACME]
- ACME [CORP] (For Acme corporation, just a thought)
Officer of Bloodwork [RED] http://bloodwork.boards.net/thread/145/interested-joining-red
Steamwheel Abscissa MKII (SAII)
Another ACME one:
- Attack Control Mine Explore [ACME]
Without the acronym:
- ACME Engineering
- ACME Industries
- ACME Security
- ACME Pest Control
And a more conventional one for Engineers:
- 1st Sapper Regiment [SAPR]
As a guild leader of NERF, I would like to clarify a rumor about Fort Engineer [NERF]. We have always been a cross-server guild. We have members across multiple servers, including Crystal Desert, and we are always looking for members on other servers who are interested in building up their server chapters. The Fort Aspenwood chapter will help provide resources to do that.
Good luck with your new guild! We know how much fun all-engineer teams are.
Hi, I’m on EU and would love to join an all engineer guild for PVE purposes but times are very different. Have you heard of any EU engineer guilds?
Moreover, EU and NA players cannot guest over. :/
There’s some NERF members on EU servers. I can put you into contact with them.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
[ACME] is a good guild tag, I like it. Was wondering: Are you trying to use the letters to make a name? Like what Zenguy posted? I’m a fan of guild tags that represent what the name is. i.e. I have a guild called Rock Em Sock Em, and the guild tag is [ROBO]. I would maybe look into that.
I also thought about maybe using one of the Iconic Box titles from the cartoon series itself. Could be fun.
Some Suggestions:
- Do It Yourself [ACME]
- Do It Yourself Tornado Kit [ACME]
- Quality is our #1 Dream [ACME] (Not sure if you can use the “#” tag)
- Jim Dandy Wagon [ACME] (I really like this one for some reason)
- Handle With Care [ACME]
- Ultimatum Dispatcher [ACME]
- Genius [ACME]
- Rocket Powered Unicycle [ACME]
- ACME [CORP] (For Acme corporation, just a thought)
I like these suggestions alot thanks for stickin to the topic btw ! It doesn’t have to be an acronym seeing as in the looney tunes, ACME wasn’t an acronym at all, if you do some reading on it. I like the do it yourself idea’s. Someone gave me a good idea for “Don’t try this at home” [ACME] which I thought was sort of funny. Or maybe Contents Under Pressure, or Caution Contents Flammable.
I like “Handle with care” alot too. What is the Jim Dandy Wagon from?
Another ACME one:
- Attack Control Mine Explore [ACME]
Without the acronym:
- ACME Engineering
- ACME Industries
- ACME Security
- ACME Pest Control
And a more conventional one for Engineers:
- 1st Sapper Regiment [SAPR]
I actually like all of these. I wonder though, I would hate to put ACME in the actual guild name because it will be written like “Acme” seeing as you can’t put capital letters next to eachother =/. Maybe just the word then ACME as the tag? hmmm…
(edited by Wuffles.5319)
Bob the Guilder
Widgits 80 Asura Engineer
@ Wuffles: Jim Dandy Wagon is from a Willie Coyote and Road Runner episode, its just one of the Acme boxes you see. I’m not really sure why I like it but I do. “Don’t Try This at Home” is a good one too.
Officer of Bloodwork [RED] http://bloodwork.boards.net/thread/145/interested-joining-red
Gearilla <———
“Don’t Try This at Home” is great – love it!
“Don’t Try This at Home” is great – love it!
I am going to third “Don’t Try This At Home [ACME]”
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
my thoughts on an all engineer guild name?
out of luck [ily]
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
“Don’t Try This At Home” Is already taken so, any other ideas that are similar?
Unless someone on here stole it. Then screwyou.
Or how about TNT? maybe its taken =/ “Dont try this at home kids” ? ugh
Or just Acme Supplies? “I meant to do that” ?
(edited by Wuffles.5319)
Grind My Gears
15 chars
Still the best one, anyone interested in starting an EU engineer guild??
If you’re going to try to make an EU engi guild, that’s great, do it as soon as you can.
I’m still trying to figure out a name.
(edited by Wuffles.5319)
I’m the guildleader of Acme.Co [acme] a pikken square/ruins of sumaria EU engineer guild but atm we’re not open for recruitment RuBarBz.
Just thought id let you know other engineer guilds exist with the tag [acme] (we originally started on WoW as goblin engineers)
I’m the guildleader of Acme.Co [acme] a pikken square/ruins of sumaria EU engineer guild but atm we’re not open for recruitment RuBarBz.
Just thought id let you know other engineer guilds exist with the tag [acme] (we originally started on WoW as goblin engineers)Regards
Eh, I didn’t know that. Oh well, seeing as you’re EU I’m still jacking that tag lol
Why on earth would an all engi guild not be open for recruitment? that sounds so weird to me, unless you’re actually full. Which is hard to believe.
It would probably be something less than serious.
I stopped bothering with guilds and made my own, being Jar, the tag for ’I’ve got a jar of dirt’.
You could also go for Random Number Generation Corp.
I just settled on my name I just have to wait a bit and I’ll be able to make it and start actually doing stuff. I love your Jar of Dirt guild name, awesome XD
I’m tired of playing so solo these days, I need like minded people to go do some looney stuff!
I’m the guildleader of Acme.Co [acme] a pikken square/ruins of sumaria EU engineer guild but atm we’re not open for recruitment RuBarBz.
Just thought id let you know other engineer guilds exist with the tag [acme] (we originally started on WoW as goblin engineers)Regards
dam, not only am I a Piken Square engineer, I even was a WoW engineer (albeit it not a silly rodent one but an actual missplaced night elf raised by some crazy gadget dwarf…)
I’m the guildleader of Acme.Co [acme] a pikken square/ruins of sumaria EU engineer guild but atm we’re not open for recruitment RuBarBz.
Just thought id let you know other engineer guilds exist with the tag [acme] (we originally started on WoW as goblin engineers)Regards
Eh, I didn’t know that. Oh well, seeing as you’re EU I’m still jacking that tag
Why on earth would an all engi guild not be open for recruitment? that sounds so weird to me, unless you’re actually full. Which is hard to believe.
Nothing weird about it really we’re just a guild of RL family and friends
^ that was us on Wow
And don’t worry about jacking our tag, there’s always been cheap rip off copies in engineering
(jk but couldn’t resist)
If it’s family and friends irl i understand that. I guess I’m reaching out to a much larger group for my server to raise the spirits of fellow engineers so we can stop being so angry all the time. Make videos, have some fun, kick some butt, be a huge influence you know.
The actual name isn’t going to be the tag, so that’s fine i suppose.
With our “traveling junk show”1, broken glass bottles from elixirs and dirty bandages all over the floor, Litterbugs seems appropriate.
1: I love that!
With our “traveling junk show”1, broken glass bottles from elixirs and dirty bandages all over the floor, Litterbugs seems appropriate.
1: I love that!
Travelling Junk Show’ in itself is a great name!
Guild Tag: [DYS]
Guild name: Functional
[DYS] can stand for:
Draw your shield (Tankcat build)
Drink your syrup (Elixir build)
Drop your soap (bomb/turret build)
Discharge your static ( SD build)
(edited by morokris.8462)
I’ve told people recently about my Amazing Travelling Junk Show…
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
The Phlogiston Society.
I’ve settled on a name. but when i was going to sleep last night I was remembering how i made videos of me dancing like a lunatic to System of a Down’s B.Y.O.B
then I thought of the name “Bring Your Own Bombs” [BYOB] haha
anyway, thanks for helping everyone ^^
I’m the guildleader of Acme.Co [acme] a pikken square/ruins of sumaria EU engineer guild but atm we’re not open for recruitment RuBarBz.
Just thought id let you know other engineer guilds exist with the tag [acme] (we originally started on WoW as goblin engineers)Regards
That’s a bummer, I play on ruins of surmia.
What’s the point of having an all engineer guild that’s closed though?
I agree that is very unfortunate, EU shouldn’t be left out of this kind of fun I do hope you find something though!
I just created my Engi dominant guild / not limited to engis though. If you’re on Crystal Desert and would like to start having some interesting fun events happen, send me a PM in game or mail works too ^^/
I agree that is very unfortunate, EU shouldn’t be left out of this kind of fun
I do hope you find something though!
I just created my Engi dominant guild / not limited to engis though. If you’re on Crystal Desert and would like to start having some interesting fun events happen, send me a PM in game
or mail works too ^^/
Thanks bro! I might just make an engineering guild of my own if I find sufficient experienced engineers to share the lead with. No reason guilds can’t be connected anyways
I agree that is very unfortunate, EU shouldn’t be left out of this kind of fun
I do hope you find something though!
I just created my Engi dominant guild / not limited to engis though. If you’re on Crystal Desert and would like to start having some interesting fun events happen, send me a PM in game
or mail works too ^^/
Thanks bro! I might just make an engineering guild of my own if I find sufficient experienced engineers to share the lead with. No reason guilds can’t be connected anyways
Yeah, I wish they would come out with alliances or something. That worked very well with other mmo’s. no reason it couldn’t work out here. Then again, there is no reason whatsoever why NA can’t play with EU players. the servers aren’t even in different countries! It makes no sense.
I agree that is very unfortunate, EU shouldn’t be left out of this kind of fun
I do hope you find something though!
I just created my Engi dominant guild / not limited to engis though. If you’re on Crystal Desert and would like to start having some interesting fun events happen, send me a PM in game
or mail works too ^^/
Thanks bro! I might just make an engineering guild of my own if I find sufficient experienced engineers to share the lead with. No reason guilds can’t be connected anyways
Yeah, I wish they would come out with alliances or something. That worked very well with other mmo’s. no reason it couldn’t work out here. Then again, there is no reason whatsoever why NA can’t play with EU players. the servers aren’t even in different countries! It makes no sense.
Yes to alliances, they had them in GW1 with an alliance chat as well displaying guild tags. I’m not so much concerned about ping, more about timezones but I might as well join you guys anyways. The way I envision an engineer guild (as a PVE player): share and invent builds + try to clear high level content with engineer team
I love Mythbusters, so I’d go with: Failure is always an option [BOOM]
But a huge shout out to my fellow [NERF] members!!!!!
It’s [NERF] or nothing!
The Iron Price [TAKE]
Yes to alliances, they had them in GW1 with an alliance chat as well displaying guild tags. I’m not so much concerned about ping, more about timezones but I might as well join you guys anyways. The way I envision an engineer guild (as a PVE player): share and invent builds + try to clear high level content with engineer team
I have an EU’s schedule actually, so like… that stuff wouldn’t even be a problem for some people if they connected the two. ahhh yeah, i miss those kitten alliances. The whole reason behind my making the guild in the first places instead of joining a big guild was 1. I hate big guilds and the foul people that pollute them. 2. Playing alone is very..well… lonely with my schedule. 3. I have a friend who told me an all engi party couldn’t clear any content. Challenge accepted.
But I truly think if you want an all engi guild on Eu, make one. It doesnt seem like the other acme guild has a big influence at all. Go out there and MAKE an influence for us engineers!
The Iron Price [TAKE]
Blahblahblah Game of Thrones blahblahblah.
I love Mythbusters, so I’d go with: Failure is always an option [BOOM]
That happened in the next town over from where I live!
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
Turrets Syndrome …
Turrets Syndrome …
hahhahahahahahhaa thats good! XD
Master Exploders [BLAM]
(edited by Destroyer.1306)
Engineer is Credit to [TEAM]
Builder’s League United
Reliable Excavation Demolition