any other goggles?

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: shahryar.8437


at the beginning I chose the back pack but kind of miss not having goggles

are there any goggles for head gear that you can get later on?

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


I haven’t come across any goggles, but there are a few monocles.

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Whelm.9072


The Asura cultural head armor has some monocle/goggle graphics and the town clothes aviator goggles I guess (shrug)

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Davi.4920


Could you not make another engineer, pick the goggle option, transmute it onto a white item and make it account bound?

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591



For the last time PLEASE stop saying things that have been removed like 3 months ago, haven’t you transmuted anything since that patch? EVERY transmuted item IS soulbound, stop sharing wrong information.

(account-bound-transmutation was considered uninteded as those character creation items are unique and meant to be solely for your character)

Back to topic: there are 2 goggles, well monocles actually, Noble Mask and Leather Mask, just search’em through black lion, though if you are Asura then you have access to 2 extra goggles (actual and pretty cool goggles on top of it) from their cultural tier2 and tier3 armors.

Weirdly enough, engineer character creation goggles share the same skin with Human’s cultural tier1 LIGHT armor (yes I freaked out too).

If it helps in any way I find charrs the best looking race with character creation goggles anyway, backpack kinda looks bad to me, also you got kits that hide it, and the third character creation item is the Noble Mask, you can thus get it later on anyway.

(edited by Rfreak.6591)

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shifu.4321


You can still do the transmute thingy. I just did it right now.

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Evenhand.1549


Same here. (We’re engineers – why are we talking about something when we can test it?) The transmute screen warns you that transmuting items makes them soulbound, but it actually makes them account-bound, so now my human engineer can wear goggles that clip like crazy in his forehead. Yay.

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vekthor.8914


Also did the trasnmute thing yesterday. It works and is fine.
Just make the engineer with the goggles in your own account. Put it in bank and you are done. Nothing wrong with that. I’ve heard of Necromancers with 2 of each initial mask.

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: Faction.4013


You can still do the transmute thingy. I just did it right now.

I’d be careful with that…if anyone consideres that an “exploit”, they can ban you.

Just like the Snowflake thing….

any other goggles?

in Engineer

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


You can still do the transmute thingy. I just did it right now.

I’d be careful with that…if anyone consideres that an “exploit”, they can ban you.

Just like the Snowflake thing….

They won’t ban you for something that’s purely cosmetic and affects absolutely no one but yourself.
The snowflake exploit flooded the market with ectos and spiked the price of mithril and moved a ton of money to people who were using what was plainly an exploit.