automated response change

automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: RaynStargaze.6510


copied from the patch notes….

“Automated Response trait: Grants immunity to conditions when the inflictor has over 100% duration.”

the tooltip for automated response is still the same and the patch notes make no sense whatsoever.


automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I believe it was a bug fix of some sort. As in, previously the trait would not work if your opponent had a high enough condition duration bonus.

automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: daydream.2938


its a bug fix.

lets say your at 15% life , no more conditions should be able to be applied to you , since your below 25%. ( conditions placed on you before being under 25% will still tick/effect you, just you cant recieve additional conditions till you are above 25% again).

This was accomplished by conditions getting 100% duration debuffed when applied to you.
Now, lets say a necro has 133% condition duration because of how hes speced /traited. He could still apply conditions to you, albiet for a shorter time, meaning you are not truly immune to conditons. This change means you now are.

TL:DR A bug fix that amounts to a buff that comes up rarely.

automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Still a lackluster trait, in a trait line where you have a better conditions removal for 20 points.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: fishybill.6908


I think it means that if the enemy has over 100% duration stacked with traits, sigils, you are immune to conditions from that enemy.

If however the enemy has only 100% condition duration or say 99% you are not – that’s how it reads?

Used to read “Automated Response: Become immune to conditions when health is below 25%”

Either way its a nerf I think?

Anyone else?

automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952



Daydream is right, it’s a bug fix, not a change. more then 100% duration enemy used to go tru your immunity.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: Moddo.7105


Yea they fix a bug on what I assume is a little used trait. They probably thought from all the data mining “oh people don’t use this let’s fix bugg” and since no dev actually plays a Eng enough to understand no one takes this trait due to Formula 409 being 20pt trait.

automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: fishybill.6908


Ahh my bad, good spot

automated response change

in Engineer

Posted by: Cube.1758


so does this also stop cc? slows, immobilization, fear, etc?