beginner guess at rifle build
thats pretty much a Static Discharge Meta Build. Very viable and tons of fun, but you have to know, how to dodge properly
i would only switch one gadget to toolkit because
- the toolbelt skill hits very hard with short cooldown
- another source of vigor and swiftness in combat beside medkit (you can’t dps if you switch to medkit infight)
- toolkit block (great for defence)
- prybar hits like a truck and some added confusion for free
It’s my favorite Engi-Powerbuild.
Yeah, the toolkit syncs very well with a rifle/power build
I tend to favor precise shots, though, because that’s one less button you gotta push for vulnerability
Maybe try using the Rifle Turret in your 7 slot – not for the Turret itself, but for the tool belt “Suprise Shot”. This is a fast cool down (I think 7 seconds) and coupled with Static Discharge, does decent damage.
blutstein is right that you are headed in the direction of what know as a Static Discharge build – but a true static discharge build relies on ranged damage delivered from the tool belt. The Took Kit’s tool belt (Throw Wrench) also works with a SD build.
If you want to take the SD to the next level, consider using Bersker armor and not Knights.
Maybe try using the Rifle Turret in your 7 slot – not for the Turret itself, but for the tool belt “Suprise Shot”. This is a fast cool down (I think 7 seconds) and coupled with Static Discharge, does decent damage.
blutstein is right that you are headed in the direction of what know as a Static Discharge build – but a true static discharge build relies on ranged damage delivered from the tool belt. The Took Kit’s tool belt (Throw Wrench) also works with a SD build.
If you want to take the SD to the next level, consider using Bersker armor and not Knights.
not true, you could take the tool kit, but the build works very well with gadgets to.
A Static Discharge Build relies on strong toolbelt abilities
But youre right, mostly rifle turret, toolkit and a stunbreaker.