[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Samug.6512


After HoT was introduced and reflections/projectile nullification rocketed up to the sky, Toss Elixir skills are getting less and less reliable in a battle, since they are a projectile. If I fight a druid and my tossed elixir happen to pass through his wall that turns projectiles into healing, not only I’m suddenly left without stealth, or stability, but the skill goes to full recharge and my enemy gets healed.
Can we get it fixed already?

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

That is not being ‘fixed’. Projectiles are meant to be blocked/reflected. What you’re asking for is that they be made unblockable or trigger on block/reflect. Which would be a nice little touch.

The only thing that needs fixed is they don’t give any boons to the enemy when reflected.

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Samug.6512


I’m asking for making Toss Elixir not a projectile.

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


It’s not a fix because it’s not a bug. It’s working as intended.

But it’s a stupid intention and I think it should be changed. The amount of projectile hate has grown since release and these mechanics are outdated. It’s just dumb that your buffs can fail and benefit the enemy. Change it to a spray!

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[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


While I cannot deny the technical fact that exlixiers are intended to be projectiles, I don’t think that’s something neccessary to call them balanced. Making them unblockable would already fix the “issue”. That is – if ANet agrees with the op. I personally can understand both designs. It’s clearly cooler to have counterplay to specific skills.

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[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Vagrant.7206


Yeah, I’ve noticed this as well.

It’s not technically a bug because thrown elixirs are indeed projectiles. The problem is that most thrown elixirs are intended to be buffs… not attacks (with the exception of elixir X), and the point of reflects is to stop attacks. ANet should probably change thrown elixirs to be slightly different — either not considered projectiles, or something like a spray as suggested.

The great god Lagki demands sacrifice.

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lord Aargadon.4135

Lord Aargadon.4135

There’s nothing technical about it, a projectile acts and reacts like a normal projectile unless otherwise noted(usually). I’d support a colored elixir mist spray for them over the current state, at least I’d know who I’m getting with it, since the start of the game the toss has been a terrible way to share boons. Sometimes you’d completely miss and no one would get it :|

If anyone wants to, I’d advise starting a(nother, sigh) suggestion thread for this, as this is not the place to talk about it for dev support as the title and original post is incorrect as far as clear intentions and truth.

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: hornswroggle.8023


I’d say leave it as is for all offensive throws, like X and U (Moa and Random Wall) so you can have the strategic element to blocking them, but make the pure supportive ones, like H,B and S unblockable.
Plus the projectile speed is extremely slow (yes I have outrun my own elixirs..)
I think having them not ground targeted but rather as a self centered PBAoE (basically like throwing it always directly at your feet.) would already be enough.

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


the other way to balance this is to make reflects less common and more strategic, thereby undoing the power creep HoT gave us.

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[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: hornswroggle.8023


the other way to balance this is to make reflects less common and more strategic, thereby undoing the power creep HoT gave us.

That’s impossible without basically re-implementing the entire expansion. And you know that.

[bug]Can we get Toss Elixir skills fixed?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ivantreil.3092


Make them unblockable (except Toss Elixir X)

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