class needs more weapon types

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Dindin.2378


really anet?

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


We have kits which effectively act like weapons.
Most engineers will run at least one kit.
You have more effective skill combinations than you would if you had more weapon choices and no kits.

Now, if for some reason you don’t like kits. . . . .then this class is going to feel very restricted.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Two rifle modes would be awesome. Our current mode isn’t a rifle at all- it’s a shotgun. So give us shotgun mode and rifle mode, rifle mode focusing less on damage and spread and more on single target, ranged damage. Shoulder shooting and all that. That would keep us lore friendly, keep us ranged , but allow us at least 1 more option.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Korilla.9614


As much as I hate such unthoughtful posts, I do wish we had a nice melee weapon. I believe we have all the range we need with grenade and elixir kits, but having a hammer with a bit of control and utility would be nice. A stun, aoe, and some melee pwnage would be a nice addition to the play style. Not that we really need it, but it would add a new level of excitement to playing the class up close and personal.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: locoman.1974


I support hammer on engineers, just because I have this one in the bank that would fit my engineer perfectly:

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


New weapon: Off Hand Rifle for Engineer.

skill 4: Rifle Barrage- Stand still to Fire an automatic volley of rounds in a cone in front of you dealing extra damage near the end of the channel. Each attack causes Cripple.

Skill 5: Nerve Gas- Fire a canister of Toxic Nerve Gas that shrouds an area inflicting Torment every second foes remain within the Gas, foes who stay within the Gas on the final tick will receive a 1 second Fear.

I have taken a little break from Guild Wars 2 recently and clearly I don’t fully understand the principle of a break. But Here’s a concept.. Heh

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


We have kits which effectively act like weapons.
Most engineers will run at least one kit.
You have more effective skill combinations than you would if you had more weapon choices and no kits.

Now, if for some reason you don’t like kits. . . . .then this class is going to feel very restricted.

For the most part I completely agree with you. What I have a problem with, is that in order to have a weapons swap IE kits, we lose a slot in which the other professions can have a stun breaker, or to me, more personally, a condition cleanse that cleanses us. In general, I enjoy the function of kits and how they play. In the case of the elixir gun, we gain the stun breaker on the tool belt skill. that is a additional function I can appreciate with that kit. This still leaves the lingering problem of condition cleansing. Transmute is only one condition and on a bit of a cool down. Super Elixir requires you swap kits, then ground target a skill. Cleansing formula requires a 20 point trait investment, and an investment in non-kit utility choices. Healing turret, as the others, requires multiple actions, for a limited condition removal. This leaves elixir C as the only true cleanse. That is a very limiting amount of choices. Personally, I would like to see a cleanse of some significance on another kit. Preferably other then the elixir gun. Just something beyond elixir C, that does not require multiple actions to be performed.

In my eyes, this would help to relieve some of the desire for more weapons choices. As has been discussed many times before, the extreme limitations of our actual weapons, causes part of the issue. Even if we do acquire some new weapons choices, we end up with the same problem. The only swap we will have are kits, and they will still take up a slot that others can use for cleansing or a stun breaker choice.

The problem goes further, because in the vast majority of builds, it is all but a requirement to have a kit, due to the weapons limitations. This disallows us to build for full gadgets, or turrets(which are a whole other conversation in themselves).

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


i’d be down for hammer or mace or both

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


It is a tradeoff and I do see the point.

I do concur that engineers often feel they need an “extra” kit for secondary healing and cleansing.
I guess, having played a ranger, that was like needing a signal for speed boost in your utility bar.

My issue is what weapon really wouldn’t look silly on an engineer the way they are set up currently as “tinkerers”? Sword and Greatsword would be odd. Bows. . .even worse.

That leaves hammer, axe and mace. Mace just looks wrong in my opinion for an engineer. I always think of their weapons being more like work tools.

A one handed hammer would be perfect but I doubt there will be new weapons. I guess that leaves the 2 handed hammer and the axe. I could live with those.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


I would love to see different weapon skill swaps between main hand weapons for all classes as for engineer why not give us two different set of skills a long range weapon skill set and a close range.

Close range weapon skill set

  1. shot gun style auto attack small aoe cleave damage at 200 or less 900 damage above 200-400 750 (just examples)Applies vulnerability 4 sec
  2. Grapeshot: 600 range 400 damage 3 sec of cripple 1 sec of weakness cd 12 sec
    #3Blunderbuss: same as always
  3. Grinder(no idea for name): range 400 fire a hail of shrapnel rounds #of attacks 5 damage 1900 cd 20 sec
  4. keep jumpshot: easy into combat and range ability

just some ideas on that long range set ill post later when i think of ideas as for other weapons hammer is a must imo

Ideas for a pistol style dualist kinda theme

  1. increase the damage of normal pistol by 25% no explosion nothing special just damage range 900
  2. Lead farmer: Fire multiple shot into your foe (animation will be both pistols if dual wielding them) #of attacks 6 damage 800 or so cast time 1 sec maby longer idk range 900 cd 10 sec
  3. Bullseye: damage 950 under or at 50% 1150 applies vulnerability 5 stacks for 4 sec cast time 1 ½ sec cd 15 sec
    secondary pistol abilities
  4. Russian roulette: damage 400 applies a 2 stacks of a random condition (bleeding,torment,confusion) and grants you 2 random boons (protection,vigor,swiftness,regeneration) cd 20 sec 3/4 cast time range 900
  5. ? : Launch back into the air firing from both pistols players hit by the explosive rounds are inflicted with burning for 1 sec radius of explosions 180 1 sec cast range 900 cd 25 sec
    just ideas guys feel free to hate or like i think something like this gives us an option between power weapon skills and condi for the pistol while opening tons of new builds

(edited by Frightlight.3796)

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


I’d take an ammo toggle over the current blunderbuss… slugs for long range piercing line attack as per current, and shells for short range cone AoE.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


What if the weapon swap was a Weapon specific Tool Belt ability?

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


I think the real issue is that I just can’t see there putting new weapons in the game (that would be huge work). A new kit would be easier.

BUT. . . you could get access to a current weapon (and they just need to make skills for the weapon). So which one? I’m left thinking only hammer and axe really fit. Again, the skills could be quite unlike they are for the current classes who use the weapons.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolf.5816


I saw your more in depth post pertaining to hammer and axe, and I like/agree with the concept. Although I would love the ability to use a Dagger or Torch as an Engineer simply to see the innovative weapon skills and unorthodox mechanics that would most likely accompany them. Perhaps the dagger would act more like a Taser and the Torch could be anything, perhaps a medium range Molotov kittentail.

At any rate, it’s fun to dream.

Veteran of The Mists & Professional Engineer
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


The trouble is you have to take the skins of the weapons as they are. They won’t get redesigned really. You will just get access.

The dagger just looks like a “poke you in the back in the middle of the night” weapon.
The torch actually works very well. The whole idea of an engineer being at the forge melding crafting with a bit of new technology wouldn’t make the skins look silly.

So I could see axe, torch, hammer. We all would love a one handed hammer, but it doesn’t exist and the mace would be a weird looking round peg for a square hole.
Trying to add a weapon into the game is a huge task as you need skins, new loot charts, items for all sorts of levels etc.

Actually, axe/torch seems far more sensible than a 2 handed hammer but I could go either way on the later.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Aram.5496


I think the weapons work just fine. I would love an addition to change ammotypes if anything would be changed – i know its dreamworld but like:
1. Piercing
Rifle turns sniper, pistols to barrage w/o conditions

2. Pestilence
Pistol stays the way it is now, rifle turns into condition slinging midrange weapon

3. Buckshot
Rifle as it is now, pistol as semi-melee with up to 300 range

We could have those instead of weaponchanges and it cant be changed during battles. It would be awesome ( even though it never will happen ).

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Royale.5863


I’m pretty easy, i’d simply like to be able to swap into a kit (i.e Elixir Gun or FT) using the weapon swap button.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


I like that idea Royale a lot.
Trouble with having your weapons modify is what tell would there be for an opponent in terms of which rifle you were packing?

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


I’m pretty easy, i’d simply like to be able to swap into a kit (i.e Elixir Gun or FT) using the weapon swap button.

they should designate the third utility with that function. put any kit as your 3rd utility and be able to swap to it using your weapon swap hotkey.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: icewyrm.5038


You could just bind the ’ key to your utility slot… although it would mess with you on your other characters.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


I thought what Royale was saying is that we should have the ability to take e-gun or flamethrower as a unique weapon and still have 3 utility slots.

Considering you are giving up the rifle or giving up a pistol/shield combo that might not be OP at all.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Rynn.1324


  1. ? : Launch back into the air firing from both pistols players hit by the explosive rounds are inflicted with burning for 1 sec radius of explosions 180 1 sec cast range 900 cd 25 sec
    just ideas guys feel free to hate or like i think something like this gives us an option between power weapon skills and condi for the pistol while opening tons of new builds

I dub thee, ‘Bullet Time.’

[Tarnished Coast] Lizzibeth Huffles, Asuran Genius (Engineer) at Play

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


  1. ? : Launch back into the air firing from both pistols players hit by the explosive rounds are inflicted with burning for 1 sec radius of explosions 180 1 sec cast range 900 cd 25 sec
    just ideas guys feel free to hate or like i think something like this gives us an option between power weapon skills and condi for the pistol while opening tons of new builds

I dub thee, ‘Bullet Time.’

I think this would be a really could name and as for my post I feel like every weapon set should have the ability to used for burst,condi play dual pistols would be kinda cool i think even if the range wasnt so great

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Unhinged Carrot.3849

Unhinged Carrot.3849

My main gripe with kits is that we supposedly sacrificed weapon swap to gain access to them; but we also sacrificed a category of abilities for them. What this ultimately culminates in is a feeling of reduced options. Factor in the fact that few of our other three ability categories are remotely viable;

Turrets – doesn’t need extrapolating upon really, a complete joke as it stands. A small fraction of the damage of mesmer phantasms, for example, yet immobile, on long cooldowns, and easier to destroy. All traits pertaining to them are ineffective and broken.

Gadgets – Aside from slotting Rocket Boots, Utility Goggles in SD builds, and occasionally Slick Shoes into underwater set-ups to capitalise on the toolbelt speed-boost whilst escaping, nobody really uses them. It’s no wonder why. There are no traits to properly enhance them, and most applications for them are downright bad. And look at Personal Battering Ram. Target-based single target knockback on a 25-second cooldown with a useless toolbelt skill. Why wouldn’t I opt for Flamethrower and use Air Blast on a 15-second cooldown for a better ability (AoE, not target based, 15 second cooldown) and gain the extra burning application, fire field, and stomp-guarantee that comes with it?

Elixirs – Probably the best non-kit option we have right now, but still not particularly great bar certain niche applications which are becoming less and less viable (you don’t see much HGH anymore).

What you’re left with is a scenario where we’ve sacrificed so much for kits that nothing else is actually viable, leaving kits as our only truly viable option. It’s no surprise that nearly all competitive Engineer builds slot at least 2 kits.

I honestly feel that a weapon swap is really needed here. Gadgets, Turrets, and Elixirs are all hard to work with because most of our weapon abilities have high cooldowns (exceptionally so on pistol and shield) and we have no weapon swap. Very quickly we’re out of options in a fight. Sure, you can try and run one kit that fits into your build (assuming you can find the trait synergy), but you’re sacrificing a utility slot for that. Sure, you gain a toolbelt ability, but there’s no guarantee this will contribute anything to your build, and you’re still missing a Steal, or Virtues, or Shatters, or Adrenaline (you get the point). We’re making sacrifices just to try and break even, which isn’t really breaking even at all.

I can understand the necessity to restrict weapon options with the variety of kits we have, so perhaps an Engineer specific mechanic could help. Based on what’s already been suggested here, some sort of weapon firing-mode switching mechanic. For example, we still have just the one weapon slot, but with a Rifle equipped, pressing the Tilde (~) key which would normally engage a weapon swap, switches the firing mode of the Rifle, changing the weapon bar to a new 5 abilities on separate cooldowns and starting the usual weapon-swap cooldown (during which kits can still readily be swapped to).

Something like this would increase the viability of gadget and elixir based builds, as essentially these abilities exist to enhance what we’re doing with our weapons, but when we only have the one, that’s not really enough.

Zobb – Asura Engineer – Seafarer’s Rest

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


I think weapons are limited because given the kits and the double-skills from the tool belt, the class is quite complex enough to a newcomer already.

It is very much comparable to an Elementalist in that, with their 20 weapon skills. Again, intimidating class to a newcomer as is, and again, weapon selection was kept low to compensate.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


I think weapons are limited because given the kits and the double-skills from the tool belt, the class is quite complex enough to a newcomer already.

It is very much comparable to an Elementalist in that, with their 20 weapon skills. Again, intimidating class to a newcomer as is, and again, weapon selection was kept low to compensate.

Gotta remember kits are not our class mechanic plenty of people dont even like to play with kits giving us another weapon option or a choice between weapon skill sets we currently can use would open up plenty of good kitless builds i would think i would also think this change would go to every other class as well

class needs more weapon types

in Engineer

Posted by: Rynn.1324


I just want a melee weapon that doesn’t involve that wrench. I mean, have you SEEN an asura guardian with a hammer? It’s the best thing ever.

[Tarnished Coast] Lizzibeth Huffles, Asuran Genius (Engineer) at Play