condi help

condi help

in Engineer

Posted by: UKADAM.3910


looking for a viable p/p condi build for open world pve, I know to use rabid/sinister stats but from there im lost lol
i like the feel of p/p or even p/s.
kits arent my thing but im willing to use 1 lol
any help would be great thanks

condi help

in Engineer

Posted by: Slalom.3174


After reading posts here, this is what I am running in Silverwastes. The trinkets are not right yet and the sigils are not what I want, but this is PvE afterall. I will get the right stuff when I can afford them.;4cPVv026oRFx0;9;4jkm;0038157137;4VN1;3jxqQjxqQW0kjxQ0;48999A9B9C9De010J-2H1;3R7YBok2C;9;9;9;9;8V6s5j

I hope this will help you get moving in a useful direction.

Note: I toggle Flamethrower to engage swiftness via Streamlined Kits. It is also useful when surrounded by mobs as pistols don’t have much AOE.

“Please accept my text in the jovial, friendly manner that it is intended.”

(edited by Slalom.3174)

condi help

in Engineer

Posted by: UKADAM.3910


hey, thank for the reply , this really helps alot
il have to tweak it slightly but your right it works amazing so far