condition build? carrion or rabid

condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: JEFFARR.8163


i was wondering whats better forn my condition build carrion or rabid
i plan on using it for wvw

condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


I’d go rabid but mostly I’d say the gear should really come down to your build atm I’m using apothecary since I don’t rely on crit proc conditions and I find superior healing with toughness to be better then vitality, then again my condition pressure is a lot less then that of a full carrion/rabid build but allows me sit up front and in your face more easily when coupled with the right traits so thats how I maintain pressure, alternatively you could look at the new dire gear but I’m not sure on its potential over other gear you could take, either way it’s best to see what suits you based on the situations you find your self in

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condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: elithrar.7143



Vitality (Carrion) isn’t as useful to us as we have plenty of heals. It’s mitigation we need.

[TKG] Mollify

condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: Monadproxy.3489


Or you can go with dire. just throwing that out there

condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


a mix of both


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condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: Kai.3680


I use a mix of both. Typically I split between carrion and rabid so that I have the equivalent mixture of crit, health, armor, and cond damage that I am shooting for. Since the magic find change I am trying out the runes of the scavenger so I have built more heavily around carrion for the moment to get the most of the of the 6th rune and the vitality to cond damage trait. If I had to value one defensive trait over the other I would pick toughness though, just my opinion.

condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


I use Rabid, its been my experience that Toughness>Vitality in “most” situations.

The new gear has me thinking of some potently great builds the Dire armor could make for a great Condition bunker. I was thinking of using this for my necromancer but i felt like i was too dependent on “on crit” conditions to make the switch.

With Engineer im on the fence, on crit burning and the extra bleeds are nice. Also we shouldn’t scoff at out direct damage that does add up.

But the potential is there for some great new builds, even without crit we can still maintain perma burn, poison, cripple. We have access to a lot of blinds and chills and some confusion and we will still be able to have “some bleeding”

w/o the need for crit we can focus on Malice and condition duration and still pump some great damage while being super buff tanks.

Ill try this later and post the results

condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: Dasboba.1652


Rabid+Dire. I have all rabid and just made dire weapons. With a 30/10/0/20/10 spec, I now have ~20k hps, 2700 armor, 35% crit chance, 1500 base condition dmg (but usually have stacks of might/corruption and can easily push 2k condi dmg), and 70% condi duration.

condition build? carrion or rabid

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylentir.8913


For engineers, typically toughness > vitality and precision > power. There are edge cases, but normally there’s no reason for an engineer to opt for carrion over rabid.

Talia Gallowglass [Few] ~ Sylvari Engineer Main
Ferguson’s Crossing