dealing with stealth.

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: mzt.3270


Hi everyone.
Just coming off another forum post, I thought I would stick it here. There is a differing point of view that ranged classes need a target to lock onto for a hit. The example being – can a stealthed thief be hit by a ranged weapon while in steath. Some others are saying they can be hit regardless of having a target or not. Who is correct here and if stealthed thieves can be hit… what if any is the best way to deal with them ? thanks muchly

Happiness is finding an Omnomberry in your Grumble Cake

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


If your attack intersects with them, they take damage, seems like. This is, at least, the case with Skelks – which don’t really teleport or shadowstep, instead going Stealth and blitzing.

So. Options for dealing with them: Off-Hand Pistol (Glue Shot can, if you’re lucky and they don’t dodge, waste some of their stealth, while Blowtorch, if you catch them with it, will roast their hide, stealth or no), Shield (Inversion knocks them back when they get close, Static Shield stops their burst), Flamethrower (pretty much every skill of the FT has some amount of effect if it’s at least pointed in the right direction), Grenade Kit (if you start dropping ‘nades on yourself, you might hit them, after all), Bomb Kit (same reason, essentially), and probably a few others…basically, just anything that hits an area, can be focused on the user’s location, and I’d probably favor anything that inflicts a condition, especially Confusion, due to the touch-and-go nature of fighting what you can’t see.

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


you can still hit stealthed targets with projectiles or any ability for that matter when they are stealthed, it is just a bit more trickey to hit them.

the best method is not to use the auto shot and to mannualy trigger for 1 skills. Even if a theif goes stealth you still keep shooting, with the auto hit it stops when the target drops. Manually triggering it is over 1-2 more hits on a target even after it’s stealthed.

Ground aoe like box of nails, frost grenade, glue bomb, glue shot, acid bomb, and a few others work well since even if a thief goes invisible they will be in the aoe and take either cripples, immobilizes, or chills to help slow them down.

Using a wide frontal AoE as an enemy pops into stealth can work, abilities like flame fet, flame blast, blunderbuss, fumigate, throw wrench, and a few others are also fairly good.

If a theif gets away a good way to deal with them is to drop bombs from bomb kit or more ground target aoe, many will miss judge the range of BoB, or move strait onto a smoke field.

Or if you use turrets to stand on top of thumper or net turret and have them overcharged. As soon as they attack they’ll come out of stealth and get CC’d by the turrets.

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: mzt.3270


I will have fun this weekend in trying out some of those tricks. Well awesome thank for the tips

Happiness is finding an Omnomberry in your Grumble Cake

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: Punkins.2087


Flamethrower. Case closed

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: ukuni.8745


like karast said if you tap the #1 skill it will follow them for a short time into invis, however if you use the pistol skill poison volley instead of your auto it will keep on target the entire time its channeling so your nearly able to track them threw there entire stealth then burst on the point the last dart hits, i haven’t tested it very much but it can also work with toolkit’s magnet skill which works great on shadow refuge, just pull the thief out the moment you notice him go invis in refuge, other channeling skills id say would work but there might be a trick to using them

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dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: JuniorSB.7089


Also, when thieves pop Shadow Refuge, I like to dodge in there really quickly and use the #4 shield ability to instantly pop them right out and make them lose their stealth from it.

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Don’t forget that the eventual Net Shots (from your Turret or Rifle, or Tool Belt) that suddenly stop traveling do mean that they’ve caught something, which means you can just go there and spam your attacks to your heart’s content while checking the damage logs. I’ve been making Condition Duration builds coupled with the use of Net Turret, 5s per Immobilize, they are especially painful for stealth users to deal with.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: kokocabana.8153


When they shadow refuge, you can drop a supply crate on them or knock them out of it by detonating a healing turret traited with acelerant packed turret. I sometimes use my personal battering ram but it’s a hit or miss because of the close range.

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: Soon.5240


Use the magnet…. I gotta try that!

dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


When they shadow refuge, you can drop a supply crate on them or knock them out of it by detonating a healing turret traited with acelerant packed turret. I sometimes use my personal battering ram but it’s a hit or miss because of the close range.

I don’t PVP but it seems to me that bombs might work well especially when they like to do that port thingy. Not sure since they did something to confuse and retaliate in PVP tho.

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dealing with stealth.

in Engineer

Posted by: xmtrcv.5236


Stealthed Thieves absolutely take damage while in stealth. If they have at least 10 points in Shadow Arts, then they can choose Shadow’s Embrace (Remove one condition every 3 seconds while in stealth.).

To follow up on channeled spells, those also track and hit stealth targets for the duration if started and a Thief enters stealth.

Source: I am a Thief that takes damage in stealth. AMA xD

Damage Dolly
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