a Fissure Of Woe player that has no home.
difference between mortar kit - bombs
a Fissure Of Woe player that has no home.
Because bombs also pulse explosion while mortar pulse only simple effects.
This one was easy, what did I won ?
Yeah, if you give mortar or grenades the same pulse value as bombs, then there is less benefits to running bomb kit. I suspect that is part of the reason they removed fields from grenades and nerfed the direct damage of mortar.
If they want more people running Bomb Kit, they should make the Smoke Bomb field pulse every second instead of every two, like Flash Shell.
But that might make the combination of both kits too good against melee encounters \o/
try jebro celestial build with rifle , bombs , elixir S and Slick shoes …. it is really strong now . You find it on his channel ( for pvp ) . Bombs are not weak now … try it and see. People does not try thing and they often think it does not work . I thought bombs were bad. I tried his build and it is really strong .
Bombs are the new nades to deal mixed damages, since burning is the new bleeding to take profit of conditions damages, and since bombs provide a short CD aoe burning + also confusion + some good controls