difficulty of class!looking for information

difficulty of class!looking for information

in Engineer

Posted by: TheRatso.2956


i have convinced a friend to buy guild wars 2 pretty much on the idea that there are turrets,grenades,pistols and rifles present in it,he researched the game and decided he wanted to play engineer,he is completely new to rpgs and mmos ,is this actually a very hard class to play effectively in any situation(i would like info from all areas of the game)

Also what class synergises well with an engineer,i play necromancer and ranger would either of these have good combos with each other

Thanks in advance for whatever input you have

difficulty of class!looking for information

in Engineer

Posted by: Monadproxy.3489


I main engi and I can say that compared to other classes, we have the steepest learning curve. We shine in pvp because of all the cc we can offer and that most people don’t encounter engis enough to know how to counter them. In pve we can offer decent support but have to trait heavily into it and will seem to be out shined by any other class. however, we seem to have more viable builds than most classes and will find that most engies don’t use the same builds.
Engies can also be paired with any class (imo) as they have tools to help most.

difficulty of class!looking for information

in Engineer

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I’d start him with bombs and grenades and see how he does. I don’t think it matters too much what profession you choose. I would level a new one with him, since your high level professions will blow starter level stuff in a couple hits.

difficulty of class!looking for information

in Engineer

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


i have convinced a friend to buy guild wars 2 pretty much on the idea that there are turrets,grenades,pistols and rifles present in it,he researched the game and decided he wanted to play engineer,he is completely new to rpgs and mmos ,is this actually a very hard class to play effectively in any situation(i would like info from all areas of the game)

Also what class synergises well with an engineer,i play necromancer and ranger would either of these have good combos with each other

Thanks in advance for whatever input you have

The class has the highest learning curve but is also THE most fun and versatile at early level.

I pulled grenade kit as my first utility running pistol/pistol and betweeen kiting and blinding pretty much nothing could hit me. (about 50% kiting, 50% blinding).

with the exception of champion mobs with unshakeable (due to blindness reduction of that buff) the ONLY limit to what I could kill was whether my conditions could hit. (you go high enough over your level and they start to show “immune” to your conditions)

engineers excel at control. as you get higher up in levels you get access to more chills and cripples.

The only problems I have are with ranged champions with shots that hit like trucks, but only mesmer and guardian are really good with those types of mobs.

I remember one time swearing at how much damage I was taking on my eng, then realizing the mob was 25% higher level than my toon and laughing, because I was still killing it with minimal danger. (this is unheard of with many other profs, like warrior)

The only other profession I consider as engaging is elementalist, and while I like ele for different reasons, ele takes until at least 35 to feel “complete”, while eng gets some really cool toys baseline. (eng’s problem is scaling in endgame, but the idea they’ll continue to suck in this dept as the game goes on is ludicrous. getting in on the ground floor and waiting for the buffs is a good idea)

(edited by plasmacutter.2709)

difficulty of class!looking for information

in Engineer

Posted by: TheRatso.2956


Thanks everyone, I was planning on engineer, I know all about listening to complaints I play two of the most hated classes out there. I’m actually planning on starting an elementalistnfor this

difficulty of class!looking for information

in Engineer

Posted by: Foosnark.1784


I think Elementalist may actually be a little harder than Engineer.

With Engineer, you tend to wind up in a build where you’re using, say, your weapon and a kit, or two kits. You tend to use whatever skill makes the most sense at the time from a control/range perspective — for instance, with Rifle you use 2 to keep your enemy at range, 3 and 5 when they get close and 4 to gain distance or interrupt.

With Ele, autoattacks are pretty much terrible and you need to memorize strings of long skill rotations across multiple attunements to pull off combos. Your effectiveness can vary widely depending on whether you get it right — from “two wolves just facerolled me” to “I just wasted five ettins and a moa that wandered into range.”

difficulty of class!looking for information

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


I think Elementalist may actually be a little harder than Engineer.

With Engineer, you tend to wind up in a build where you’re using, say, your weapon and a kit, or two kits. You tend to use whatever skill makes the most sense at the time from a control/range perspective — for instance, with Rifle you use 2 to keep your enemy at range, 3 and 5 when they get close and 4 to gain distance or interrupt.

With Ele, autoattacks are pretty much terrible and you need to memorize strings of long skill rotations across multiple attunements to pull off combos. Your effectiveness can vary widely depending on whether you get it right — from “two wolves just facerolled me” to “I just wasted five ettins and a moa that wandered into range.”

you’s playing it wrong. if you focus on Auto attack use Air or fire attunement.need defense swap to earth. need cleansing and heals swap to water . cant compare somethingthat simple vs engineer’s orchestra session playstyle .

difficulty of class!looking for information

in Engineer

Posted by: Foosnark.1784


you’s playing it wrong. if you focus on Auto attack use Air or fire attunement.need defense swap to earth. need cleansing and heals swap to water . cant compare somethingthat simple vs engineer’s orchestra session playstyle .

I disagree that elementalist auto attack with any of their weapons is worth sitting on for any length of time at all. If you’re not burning through cooldowns and building up Might, you’re not doing it right. (At least with S/D. D/D never felt right at all to be honest, and staff feels pretty weak for leveling except in a few situations.)

To bring this back to Engineers, part of why I find them easier — once you unlock enough stuff anyway — is that kit swap is 0-1 seconds, instead of the long cooldown Eles are stuck with. They’re not simpler necessarily, but I find tactical flow easier.

Engis also have a lot more control than Eles, and that helps too.