elixir wvw roaming videos and gear guide

elixir wvw roaming videos and gear guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Hello all

I recently restarted recording and I got a couple of vids done.

first one is mostly solo stuff, 1v2s and so on with a couple of engie/engie duo vs many fights.

second one is small group stuff, including a couple of 3vs8+. our trio was engie/engie/mesm

each video was recorded on a single separate morning, in something like a 1h window, so don’t expect anything spectacular and flawless gameplay, there’s plenty of mistakes on my part and less than skillful opponents, but should still fun to watch.

this is my current updated build and gear:

spin offs:

vs condition overload:

vs stunlock:


there’s more variants, the gear and trait choice is what I found worked better for me and for what I like to do in wvw. other gear and trait set ups work just as well, they all have their pros and cons.

previous stuff:

-on these 2 new vids there’s a couple of engies with me. one is mirifrost and his build is alot of fun. he checks the forum so you can ask him for his build, its something like rifle, medkit, toolkit, rocket boots, slick shoes, elixir X , with both protection traits and automated response.
the other engie is dangerdoom (speller) and he is using a modified version of carpboys medic engineer ( https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/Medic-Engineer-solo-roaming-WvW)

there might be some mistakes on the builds I posted, let me know so I can fix it.


Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

elixir wvw roaming videos and gear guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


reserved for some answers, if questions happen to appear. :p

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

elixir wvw roaming videos and gear guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Drake.4182


It’s awesome!!!!
I follow your vedio about 10 months.
Love your team work

And I use your build to roaming in the wvw for a week.
Just wondering why you don’t use Apothecary or Dire gear?
It’s maybe increase your survivability?

Love you ^^

elixir wvw roaming videos and gear guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


thanks :p

apothecary wouldn’t realy work with this, not enough healing skills.
dire does work, you gain alot of survivability, you will just lack the direct damage.

yesterday we had a few 4v5 fights against a very good group of 3 guardians, 1 ele and 1 mesmer. the condition removal they had was so insanely high and trivial the last fight must have taken around 15-20 mins with a number of random adds on both sides arriving and dieing meanwhile. if I had dire there I’d be totally useless and have close to 0 damage.

there are, ofc, situations where dire is better, in the very same fight if I had dire I wouldn’t feel as much pressure from their damage as I was feeling.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos