engineer any good?

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylent.3165


Was thinking about making one for solo open world pve. But looking through the skills seems they have some awful damage?

Wanted to go pistol shield. What kind of builds do i use to get the higher end dmg? Looks like ranger even hits higher. Any tips here?

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


yep engi is really good

go rifle, bomb kit, and rocket boots… with whatever matching traits and speedy kits.

pistol scales poorly with power except in awkward situations with coated bullets. and power is king in open world pve where you can blunderbuss / jump shot and walk away from a dead trash mob. …and then nade barrage the next one for another kill.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: ejax.5170


Rifle and pistols by themselves on engineers are indeed not so great. Our kits deal the bulk of our damage. Rifle skills #3 and #5 offer some nice bursts, but as soon as those skills are on cd you’ll want to switch to a kit. Pistols are really only useful with condition builds, but an offhand shield does provide some nice extra utility (a blastfinisher and block). Our highest dps kits are the bomb and grenade kit. The flamethrower works well, too, just not as potent as BK and GK (although, FT will be buffed with tomorrow’s patch).

Engineers have a very high dps potential holding the place of 3rd highest dps profession (really only relevant to dungeons), but this is extremely build dependent and most players cannot perform to this degree.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylent.3165


So would i want something like a 2/6/6/0/0? Or something else. Thinking this would help with condition damage. Grenade kit looks like fun to.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dice Dragon.4326

Dice Dragon.4326

So would i want something like a 2/6/6/0/0? Or something else. Thinking this would help with condition damage. Grenade kit looks like fun to.

You will prolly want a 6/6/0/0/2 build with bombkit/nadekit/rocketboots and healingturret with rifle.

Rifle does ok damage on its own by my standards, its just bomb kit is way better for autoing then rifle.

If you dont wanna juggle kits, you can go for a SD build which is generally 2/6/0/0/6

Avoid inventions line honestly and you will be fine. The inventions line is really bad for anything other then turrets imo.

Alchemy HGH rifle is a viable build in open world too. But SD/Bomb build is generally best.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


So would i want something like a 2/6/6/0/0? Or something else. Thinking this would help with condition damage. Grenade kit looks like fun to.

If you want to run grenade kit then you really need to put 6 points in explosive line for grenadier trait. Most people that are focused solely on dps will run 6/6/0/0/2 or 6/6/0/2/0 if they want to set it up for more vigor in combat for more dodges at the loss of a little potential dps. One popular setup would be rifle, gk, bk, and then the third utility is usually either elixir gun or throw mine. Use zerker gear and accessories with runes of strength (to make your might stacks last longer and a nice 5% damage bonus) then a sigil of strength and probably force or possibly a sigil of perception to get your crit rate up some. The suggestions for the runeset and sigils are based primarily on a solo experience, where you are less likely to have a organized team around you since there are better alternatives to use in dungeons or fractals with a team you are used to playing with.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Sylent.3165


Bomb kit though is basically melee though right?

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: knifejaw.6407


Bomb kit though is basically melee though right?

Bomb kit is usually treated as “melee” in a dungeon group, but I’d say it’s more AOE damage. Every skill on the kit has 360 degree blast radios where as a melee weapon usually hits whatever is in front of the character with a few exceptions like the Warrior’s axe 5 skill.

That and bombs have a small delay that allows the engineer to move out of melee range while the bomb explodes. Excellent for kiting. I’d say the Wrench is the only true melee for this class, but because of how high the grenade and bomb kit’s DPS are while traited they make better “melee” weapons.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Yeah engineers are really good, in any game mode. You just need to look how others play it in their respective game modes, fight against them, learn what they do and any tricks to their skills. It’s a very strong class atm when you get their rotations down, power or condition or bunker or support, or w/e you like.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Miffinator.3046


No. This class is pretty hard to learn how-to-play. Like hard to the point it can drive players away from the game hard. The class is very twitchy, you really don’t excel at anything, and most other classes do things better than you can.

Engi is a situational character. He’s not really suited to be the best in anything. The skills are bunk. As you’ll be forced to either use bombs or nades. Most good players will either dodge your grenades or out-range your bombs. This class really isn’t worth playing.

I started as a Engi from launch. Most on this forum will say we’re really good. Let me tell you something. How come if this class is so good, how come you never see many Engis running around? The answer is quite simple. If you’re good at this class, chances are you can be better at another. Engis make you work hard for minimal reward whereas other classes are far more forgiving, and sought after.

If you plan on doing WvW you’ll be running a Condi build. Good luck purging condis on yourself. They claim you get perma swiftness, but it doesn’t stack. Have to let the buff run out then reapply. They say you’re good at roaming. Again if that’s the case why are there more Thieves running around than you. Also there’s more Rangers than Engis.

Look this class is not easy. In my opinion it’s the hardest class in the game to play. It doesn’t offer any type of special rewarding ability nor do you have a special place to fill in PvE, or WvW. I think this class sucks.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: ejax.5170


No. This class is pretty hard to learn how-to-play. Like hard to the point it can drive players away from the game hard. The class is very twitchy, you really don’t excel at anything, and most other classes do things better than you can.

Yes, it’s one of the more challenging professions. How does it “drive players away from the game”? Twitchy? I suppose. Engineers don’t excel past other professions at specific things, but they are moderately good at most things.

Although, engineers are extraordinarily good at soloing a lot of this game’s PvE content: champs, WvW camps and towers, and more experienced engineers can solo keep lords without much trouble. Is this perk at all that useful? Not really, unless this is your intention while playing this profession.

Additionally, an engineer is actually a very useful member in dungeon PUGs (assuming that engineer is using the appropriate build and knows how to play effectively). No thief/need 15 secs of stealth? Done. Not stacking enough might? Here is 6-12 stacks. Can use more vulnerability? Look at all of these vuln stacking explosions. Need to reflect/negate some projectiles? It’s not much but I can toss in this elixir u. Want to hold that mob/boss in place? No problem. All of this while having a place among the top tier dps. I can only assume that one who states that this profession plainly sucks is very ignorant.

Engineers are an all-around good profession (as long as you don’t mind their aesthetics), and amazing in the right hands.

(edited by ejax.5170)

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: ejax.5170


One more thing. Popularity does not equate to how good a profession actually is. Believing that engineers are bad simply because they’re not popular is faulty reasoning. There are quite a few other factors that could also influence why this is not a popular profession. To most, engineers are simply unattractive (them hobosacks). Engineers play very differently than every other profession making them feel awkward. Engineers have no reasonable access to melee weapon (toolkit whacking… yeah, no.). And, this uninformed conception that engineers are “bad” or “suck” also deters people from playing them.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Miffinator.3046


One more thing. Popularity does not equate to how good a profession actually is. Believing that engineers are bad simply because they’re not popular is faulty reasoning. There are quite a few other factors that could also influence why this is not a popular profession. To most, engineers are simply unattractive (them hobosacks). Engineers play very differently than every other profession making them feel awkward. Engineers have no reasonable access to melee weapon (toolkit whacking… yeah, no.). And, this uninformed conception that engineers are “bad” or “suck” also deters people from playing them.

This is just untrue. This is a game—players often play the class that’s easiest to play for the greatest reward. Arguing that a silly back pack is the reason players don’t play as an engi is dumb. It really is. Players don’t play as engis because the simple truth is you have to work hard at an engi just to be as good as decent Guard, Warrior, or Thief.

Look want to know what the Engis have to deal with in order to play (granted I only do WvW so I really can only speak from that):

Everyone has 5 basic wep skills, a heal, 3 utility, and a elite. Engis in WvW usually have to use kits in order to compete and be able to use Cond damage. So from the current meta you have to either use Nades or Bombs. They give you 5 skills.

So Engis have to use a minimum of 10 wep skills while sacrificing a utility spot. In any build. Not to mention with each utility spot you get a tool belt and you get 4 of those (Including the heal spot). Arguably engis on any given day have about 27 different skills. Which sounds nice. But it isn’t. The kits are a joke. They’re flimsy and they really do force Engis to really think about what they can do.

You’d think with the massive amounts of skills this class gets we’d be pretty decent well played class. But we’re not. Lets not forget this is an MMO. Players are limited to what the purpose of the game allows. Imagine this Engis can fit any role. I agree with that statement. However they can fit all roles but when compared to other classes who are limited to say performing 1-3 roles exceptionally well the Engineer falls out because ultimately you’re going to want to do a set function really well.

Why roll an Engi for roaming when Thieves are unquestioned in that role? Why roll an engi when for Zergs guardians and warriors perform much better? Why roll an engi when a d/d ele is essentially the same thing just with bigger numbers and more survivability.

This class is a joke. That’s my opinion. The question was are they any good? I am saying no. The Engi community has maybe 4-5 player vids we can cite to follow. Compare that to the dozens for every other class. And numbers do matter in MMOs because players always go the path of least resistance to the top. Engis don’t come anywhere near the top (at least in WvW). If you’re looking for a good solid class I’d recommend Guardian, Thief, or Warrior. They’re forgiving, solid, and much more desirable than engineers are.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


If we define ‘good’ as ‘easiest learning curve’ then engineer isn’t good. if we define it as versatile and effective then it is definitely good even with the moderately higher learning curve. people tend to choose the easiest classes but I wouldn’t call them the best classes because I just can’t get into them.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Miffinator.3046


We should define good as what is required to be top-end in this game. Unfortunately Engineers aren’t on that list. This is a systemic problem the class has had since launch. Look even go back a year ago to a thread about worst class and Engis clock in near or at the bottom of the list.

Versatility doesn’t mean you have the upper-hand. I’d rather be really good at something and be really good than be mediocre at many things. That’s why this class is a fail. It doesn’t have a direction. It feels slapped together and just doesn’t flow.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: ejax.5170


As dumb as it may sound, the back pack is a real deterrent. Maybe not so much for the hardcore, but casual players coming into this game can easily be turned off by running around with these ridiculous sacks on their backs. These sort of players don’t care so much about min/maxing and using the “best” profession, they just want to enjoy the game, and the aesthetics of running around with these kit backpacks can be a turn off. As Gw2 is considered to be a casual-oriented MMO, you have to wonder how many of these players running around are just casual players. Admittedly, there is a minority that actually like kit backpacks.

Additionally, there is a whole thread full of discussion and complaints about hobosacks. It is a real contributing factor.

I suppose we are looking at this from different angles. You are mainly concerned with WvW, and I am more interested in PvE. Although, in regards to roaming I still have hard time understanding why you think they don’t cut it. WvW zerging I can understand; engineers have no designated role in zergs.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gibbilo.3270


One more thing. Popularity does not equate to how good a profession actually is. Believing that engineers are bad simply because they’re not popular is faulty reasoning. There are quite a few other factors that could also influence why this is not a popular profession. To most, engineers are simply unattractive (them hobosacks). Engineers play very differently than every other profession making them feel awkward. Engineers have no reasonable access to melee weapon (toolkit whacking… yeah, no.). And, this uninformed conception that engineers are “bad” or “suck” also deters people from playing them.

This is just untrue. This is a game—players often play the class that’s easiest to play for the greatest reward. Arguing that a silly back pack is the reason players don’t play as an engi is dumb. It really is. Players don’t play as engis because the simple truth is you have to work hard at an engi just to be as good as decent Guard, Warrior, or Thief.

Look want to know what the Engis have to deal with in order to play (granted I only do WvW so I really can only speak from that):

Everyone has 5 basic wep skills, a heal, 3 utility, and a elite. Engis in WvW usually have to use kits in order to compete and be able to use Cond damage. So from the current meta you have to either use Nades or Bombs. They give you 5 skills.

So Engis have to use a minimum of 10 wep skills while sacrificing a utility spot. In any build. Not to mention with each utility spot you get a tool belt and you get 4 of those (Including the heal spot). Arguably engis on any given day have about 27 different skills. Which sounds nice. But it isn’t. The kits are a joke. They’re flimsy and they really do force Engis to really think about what they can do.

You’d think with the massive amounts of skills this class gets we’d be pretty decent well played class. But we’re not. Lets not forget this is an MMO. Players are limited to what the purpose of the game allows. Imagine this Engis can fit any role. I agree with that statement. However they can fit all roles but when compared to other classes who are limited to say performing 1-3 roles exceptionally well the Engineer falls out because ultimately you’re going to want to do a set function really well.

Why roll an Engi for roaming when Thieves are unquestioned in that role? Why roll an engi when for Zergs guardians and warriors perform much better? Why roll an engi when a d/d ele is essentially the same thing just with bigger numbers and more survivability.

This class is a joke. That’s my opinion. The question was are they any good? I am saying no. The Engi community has maybe 4-5 player vids we can cite to follow. Compare that to the dozens for every other class. And numbers do matter in MMOs because players always go the path of least resistance to the top. Engis don’t come anywhere near the top (at least in WvW). If you’re looking for a good solid class I’d recommend Guardian, Thief, or Warrior. They’re forgiving, solid, and much more desirable than engineers are.

There is no way d/d ele has bigger numbers AND more survivability than an engineer. I can see one or the other. Not both. That’s just exaggeration to make the class look bad.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: ejax.5170


There is no way d/d ele has bigger numbers AND more survivability than an engineer. I can see one or the other. Not both. That’s just exaggeration to make the class look bad.

Bigger numbers no, but d/d eles do arguably have better survivability if you consider their superior condi removal.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

engineer any good?


engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: nihasa.5067


Bigger numbers no, but d/d eles do arguably have better survivability if you consider their superior condi removal.

Tell that to the d/d ele that took a camp while I was pushing condis on him (koroshi’s build).

Nihasa The Engineer [WvW] Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


We should define good as what is required to be top-end in this game. Unfortunately Engineers aren’t on that list. This is a systemic problem the class has had since launch. Look even go back a year ago to a thread about worst class and Engis clock in near or at the bottom of the list.

Versatility doesn’t mean you have the upper-hand. I’d rather be really good at something and be really good than be mediocre at many things. That’s why this class is a fail. It doesn’t have a direction. It feels slapped together and just doesn’t flow.

personally, I prefer it. I don’t want to be locked into any one purpose. I prefer my options.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297


Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!

Don’t listen to the crybabies and whiners! Engineers are extremely powerful in all game modes! They are esports!

Wahoo! Bye frands!

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: nihasa.5067


I don’t want you to get me wrong. Engineers are quite potent in everything they do, but other classes can do it better. But you don’t play 1000+ hours a class because it is the best. You play it because it is fun and engineers are fun! Extremely fun. So fun that I could not play seriously any other class after I started my engineer in early access.

Nihasa The Engineer [WvW] Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


I don’t want you to get me wrong. Engineers are quite potent in everything they do, but other classes can do it better. But you don’t play 1000+ hours a class because it is the best. You play it because it is fun and engineers are fun! Extremely fun. So fun that I could not play seriously any other class after I started my engineer in early access.

This. I tend toward the class with options. (Feral Drood/Engineer/Squig herder). Everything else ends up feeling like an incomplete class.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


Bigger numbers no, but d/d eles do arguably have better survivability if you consider their superior condi removal.

Tell that to the d/d ele that took a camp while I was pushing condis on him (koroshi’s build).

you are doing something wrong if you cant kill a person who is attempting to solo a camp. either your gear sucks, your build sucks, your food sucks, or you arent properly playing the piano.

this applies to any class, not just engi.

soloing a camp quickly is a big risk and you either need to know what youre doing better than the back of your hand or keep a really powerful disengage handy.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirtyrascal.1023


I enjoy playing my engineer – because it can do some fun stuff. However I think that people saying that it’s so versatile is a bit misleading and should certainly come with a bit of a disclaimer: yes it is versatile BUT it cannot take advantage of that versatility seamlessly ‘on-the-fly’.

Engi has access to a whole plethora of abilities and toys but you can’t just switch them in and you’re good to go. To be effective your entire build needs to support the Kits and Abilites you choose to run with… So if ‘versatility’ is it’s thing well to be honest you could just log out to the character select screen and log back in on another toon to experience what is probably more convenient ‘versatility’ in a lot of situations… rather than completely respeccing your engineer.

I’m not criticising engies – just for the record adding that it’s so called versatility that people are always talking about is not exactly baked in to the class to be used adhoc.

Yes an engie can bunker but if you’ve got it specced to roam, you’re gonna be more effective/quicker just logging in on a guardian in a lot of situations etc…

I think the main reason to play an engie is ‘BECAUSE YOU LIKE PLAYING AN ENGIE’. (which I do… so.. .. ..)

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


An engineer is only as good as the person playing it.

Solo open world pve, you’ll be fine.
The typical zerk 6/6/0/0/2 HT/bomb/grenade/whatever build will work throughout pretty much all of open world pve.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Miffinator.3046


An engineer is only as good as the person playing it.

Solo open world pve, you’ll be fine.
The typical zerk 6/6/0/0/2 HT/bomb/grenade/whatever build will work throughout pretty much all of open world pve.

This is about as non-answer as you can get in almost any game. I’ll be blunt here the numbers don’t lie. There is a reason why people don’t play Engineer often. It’s a hard class to learn, and becoming good at it doesn’t yield the same reward as becoming good at Thief, Warrior, or Guardian.

Players will religiously defend this class and pat themselves on the back for being “better” than Warriors, or Guardians. Just look at the responses. But in the end the sad truth is there’s no thought behind this class outside “Lets give them a ton of skills”. At the end of the day Versatility doesn’t build a sound class in MMOs but sound class mechanics build a good class. That’s something this class lacks, and this class deserves a rework.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Players will religiously defend this class and pat themselves on the back for being “better” than Warriors, or Guardians. Just look at the responses. But in the end the sad truth is there’s no thought behind this class outside “Lets give them a ton of skills”. At the end of the day Versatility doesn’t build a sound class in MMOs but sound class mechanics build a good class. That’s something this class lacks, and this class deserves a rework.

You must not be familiar with MMOs because versatility makes the engineer and ele great in this one. It made the Bards great in all the EQ series. Makes the Soulsong, Honor guard and other songcraft derivatives great in archage. (see what I did there. I stated my opinion as a definitive fact, same as you, only I reinforced with reasonably accurate information)

The only thing the profession is a bit lacking on is condition cleanses.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Miffinator.3046


You must not be familiar with MMOs because versatility makes the engineer and ele great in this one. It made the Bards great in all the EQ series. Makes the Soulsong, Honor guard and other songcraft derivatives great in archage. (see what I did there. I stated my opinion as a definitive fact, same as you, only I reinforced with reasonably accurate information)

The only thing the profession is a bit lacking on is condition cleanses.

You picked a bad class from EQ to compare to my friend. Bards had the best Movement speed, Pre-Yeksha Best AOE kiting skills, and could wear certain platemail for higher AC boosts. The only downside was that they had to diversify stat allocation. Point being is if you have to compare the Bard to the Engi in terms of versatility the Bard had a huge significant advantage over the Engi. Verant made sure the Bard dominated in on-the-fly actions.

They tried to do that here with the Engi. I openly admitted they tried to give the Engi versatility. But instead of genuine combination versatility, meaning that we can do something in a way that no other class can do or repeat, they just gave us slapstick remodels of the other classes.

Case in point is that for all the versatility that the Engi brings, the other classes can perform the same feats in a much more powerful, and controlled manner that renders the Engineer class trivial. Again you work hard to get good at this class for what reward? What advantage does the Engi bring? Any advantages the Engi may have are performed better and easier within other classes.

Also side note: I’ve received PMs about this thread from players stating that they agree with me on this class. Guys I’m not arguing against you personally. I just think that this class needs a rework and honestly the Dev team should sit down and ask what Role does the Engineer bring to the game, or what style do they bring? As of right now the Engi plays like a MMO class that has 10+hotbars filled with skills that are purely meta speculation of what you might run into. I think it’s not very well thought through.

(edited by Miffinator.3046)

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: oxtred.7658


tl;dr: engineers are average-good in pvp, good in roaming, great in group roaming, underwhelming in zergs, great in pve.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Also side note: I’ve received PMs about this thread from players stating that they agree with me on this class.

See, I almost thought you knew what you were saying right up till here. Well that and your lack of understanding of EQs bars……………And your mis stating of what some engineers skils do……………and your lack and complete avoidence of going into any specific of the profession.

By the way, how many hours do you have on the engineer in PvP and WvW?

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gibbilo.3270


Players will religiously defend this class and pat themselves on the back for being “better” than Warriors, or Guardians. Just look at the responses. But in the end the sad truth is there’s no thought behind this class outside “Lets give them a ton of skills”. At the end of the day Versatility doesn’t build a sound class in MMOs but sound class mechanics build a good class. That’s something this class lacks, and this class deserves a rework.

You must not be familiar with MMOs because versatility makes the engineer and ele great in this one. It made the Bards great in all the EQ series. Makes the Soulsong, Honor guard and other songcraft derivatives great in archage. (see what I did there. I stated my opinion as a definitive fact, same as you, only I reinforced with reasonably accurate information)

The only thing the profession is a bit lacking on is condition cleanses.

LoL. Well said Dancingmonkey. QFT

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Miffinator.3046


I still can’t understand you’re persistance and need to attack me personally because I disagree with you. Look this class is a fail all the way around. It’s essentially operating on a 15 skill condi combo if you’re running 2 kit set+rocket boots. The managing of these skills requires immense focus, and when compared to the relative ease of fighting that other classes have to do the Engineer falls short.

Also I’m not sure where you could assume that I didn’t understand the Bard from EQ. Bards had the fastest movement speed song. Pre Yeksha they could AoE kite better than anyone because they weren’t limited to 4 targets. Bards were given a set role in EQ which focused heavily around the group. But at the same time could perform certain functions that other classes could, but they were given one or two areas where they were the dominant I.E. Movement Speed.

I know many players first reaction to any type of criticism against something they like/enjoy/play as is to attack the person criticizing. However I’m objectively looking at this class. It lacks Condi removal, Engi is shoe-horned into Condi builds, and the Engi is sub-par in terms of effectiveness and ease of class. Again I think a rework is in order. But like always people will ignore that there’s a lack of Engis running around. They’ll just happily accept that Anet openly buffs Guardians, Warriors, Thieves, and Mesmers all the while giving Engis small buffs here and there.

This class needs more love. I will say this after the patch today I have seen more engis than I ever had. However I bet once the Tournament starts up those Engis will be put away for Guards, Warriors, Mesmers, Eles, and Thieves. Leaving the Necro, Engi, and Ranger to go to the wayside. Nothing really has changed here. But keep your head down and keep moving.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: oxtred.7658


You’re only focusing on one aspect; they aren’t forced into condi in pve, and they excel in that game mode.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


I still can’t understand you’re persistance and need to attack me personally because I disagree with you. Look this class is a fail all the way around. It’s essentially operating on a 15 skill condi combo if you’re running 2 kit set+rocket boots. The managing of these skills requires immense focus, and when compared to the relative ease of fighting that other classes have to do the Engineer falls short.

Well for one, you never once said anything about “opinion”. You state it definitively. Therefore I simply refuted you definitively. Take this paragraph for example. You state it as if it is indisputable fact. It isn’t.

Also I’m not sure where you could assume that I didn’t understand the Bard from EQ. Bards had the fastest movement speed song. Pre Yeksha they could AoE kite better than anyone because they weren’t limited to 4 targets. Bards were given a set role in EQ which focused heavily around the group. But at the same time could perform certain functions that other classes could, but they were given one or two areas where they were the dominant I.E. Movement Speed.

I said EQ series, not EQ. That encompasses EQOA, EQ, and EQII. The fact of the matter is that the engineer is as divers and useful as the bard in all 3 games.

I know many players first reaction to any type of criticism against something they like/enjoy/play as is to attack the person criticizing. However I’m objectively looking at this class. It lacks Condi removal, Engi is shoe-horned into Condi builds, and the Engi is sub-par in terms of effectiveness and ease of class. Again I think a rework is in order. But like always people will ignore that there’s a lack of Engis running around. They’ll just happily accept that Anet openly buffs Guardians, Warriors, Thieves, and Mesmers all the while giving Engis small buffs here and there.

You are inaccurately claiming the are “shoe horned” into conditions. That is factually false. I have leveled all 8 professions between PvP and WvW.

You see there are 17 threads today of warriors complaining about their nerfs, all the while your claiming they got openly buffed. That doesn’t seem conducive with actual game knowledge.

This class needs more love. I will say this after the patch today I have seen more engis than I ever had. However I bet once the Tournament starts up those Engis will be put away for Guards, Warriors, Mesmers, Eles, and Thieves. Leaving the Necro, Engi, and Ranger to go to the wayside. Nothing really has changed here. But keep your head down and keep moving.

Do you even know how many engies were in the last 2 ToL’s? I do. I suspect you do not.

They were the 4th most played profession. You do not have to like the profession. But I will argue with anyone who makes such definitive statements and acts as if their opinion is fact.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Any indication of being shoehorned into condi builds is mostly a factor of wvw roaming , and that’s actually more broken due to +/- condi duration food and ferocity nerfs, not a problem with the engineer themselves— condi bunkers are often pushed for most classes. In larger groups, for example, condis are not dominant. In PvE they are useless. And not to mention wvw roaming is not balanced at all and should not mean anything in the context of proper game design.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: jknrich.1549


I still can’t understand you’re persistance and need to attack me personally because I disagree with you. Look this class is a fail all the way around. It’s essentially operating on a 15 skill condi combo if you’re running 2 kit set+rocket boots. The managing of these skills requires immense focus, and when compared to the relative ease of fighting that other classes have to do the Engineer falls short.

Also I’m not sure where you could assume that I didn’t understand the Bard from EQ. Bards had the fastest movement speed song. Pre Yeksha they could AoE kite better than anyone because they weren’t limited to 4 targets. Bards were given a set role in EQ which focused heavily around the group. But at the same time could perform certain functions that other classes could, but they were given one or two areas where they were the dominant I.E. Movement Speed.

I know many players first reaction to any type of criticism against something they like/enjoy/play as is to attack the person criticizing. However I’m objectively looking at this class. It lacks Condi removal, Engi is shoe-horned into Condi builds, and the Engi is sub-par in terms of effectiveness and ease of class. Again I think a rework is in order. But like always people will ignore that there’s a lack of Engis running around. They’ll just happily accept that Anet openly buffs Guardians, Warriors, Thieves, and Mesmers all the while giving Engis small buffs here and there.

This class needs more love. I will say this after the patch today I have seen more engis than I ever had. However I bet once the Tournament starts up those Engis will be put away for Guards, Warriors, Mesmers, Eles, and Thieves. Leaving the Necro, Engi, and Ranger to go to the wayside. Nothing really has changed here. But keep your head down and keep moving.

Either your a ham/bow warrior moaning because a better player that’s plays engi beat you. Or you just can’t play engi.

Engi 2nd-3rd highest dps profession in game. Staff Ele is top but I believe a mesmer can beat this. But that has some stuff to do with clones. So engi 2nd highest dps profession in the game.

Dungeons my God great in a dungeon. Vun stacks, might stacks, stealth, party healing etc and more.

PvP some of the best games I have played Have been on my engi.

To me I hate easy I like high skill high reward.

Wake up and smell the coffee or go back being a keyboard warrior and play your easy win profession.

Simply to the OP. Start one. Play it. Don’t listen to the gates or the cries. Play it because you want to. Make your own choice. It’s your game.

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


You know, I’ve always thought the engi would eat a nerf on this patch. It’s a strong class and one of the few ones where I can just afford to run whatever the hell I want in terms of stats, utility skills, weapons and do okay/wreck stuff, and go HAM and succeed (not 100% of the time of course) with just the sheer power of kit juggling and whatnot and I love it. And that unpredictability makes it even harder for opponents. I definitely don’t say it deserves a nerf in general, but you very rarely meet an engineer and go like “Hee hee, free kill!”. Even in the eyes of a Hambow warrior.

So yeah, make one, test everything, every weapon, every trait, make a build on your own and enjoy.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

(edited by MrForz.1953)

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: Exeon.4358


PVE just go with kits and a load of power and you’ll be fine(not saying for dungeons)
In dungeons i generally go for debuffing and healing, it’s quite amazing the amount of healing you can do as an engineer

In PVP/WvW I’ve seen 2 different “good” builds IMO
The well known Condition damage engineer which is based on applying every condition besides fear on your opponent, while having quite some survivability to outlast opponents.
You also have a ton of mobility, infinite swiftness and it’s hard to both catch and escape an engineer.

The other build I’ve seen around is a heavy might stacked rifle build that will feature some heavy hitting crits, sacrifing survivability though and going with more of a zerker type of build

engineer any good?

in Engineer

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


PVE just go with kits and a load of power and you’ll be fine(not saying for dungeons)
In dungeons i generally go for debuffing and healing, it’s quite amazing the amount of healing you can do as an engineer

In PVP/WvW I’ve seen 2 different “good” builds IMO
The well known Condition damage engineer which is based on applying every condition besides fear on your opponent, while having quite some survivability to outlast opponents.
You also have a ton of mobility, infinite swiftness and it’s hard to both catch and escape an engineer.

The other build I’ve seen around is a heavy might stacked rifle build that will feature some heavy hitting crits, sacrifing survivability though and going with more of a zerker type of build

In regards to pve dungeons, it depends on the group. If everyone else is running full damage zerker specs you will be a bigger benefit to them also running the same thing. Zerker’s survive in dungeons by everyone bringing all the damage they can and dropping the baddies before they have the chance to drop you. Building towards healing in a zerker group is actually hurting them more than helping. If on the other hand it’s a unorganized group that is not familiar with a dungeon (or even just a group that decides to buck the zerker or gtfo meta), really building for healing can be a plus to allow the other members of the group a slightly larger margin of error.

I really don’t know how many people actually run rifle/hgh anymore but it seriously lacks the burst of going rifle/sd and pretty much the only thing you gain from using hgh over sd is a bit better condi removal from going down the alchemy line. At least with the common sd build you can magnet pull someone to you and drop them in 2 seconds flat. I feel like if you are gonna go squishy in any kind of pvp then you really want that ability to just destroy someone and get out of dodge before their buddies show up heh.

(edited by ShadowPuppet.3746)