engineerish looking armor????
I think the inquest light armor has some gears on it, tho the inquest medium armor looks like ninja gear.
There just isnt any engineer themed armor in the game.
As an asura maybe you should check out some of your cultural armor. It might not look steampunk or clockwork styled like engineer stuff is, but it still looks good.
Be happy you didnt pick Charr like I did, the Charr cultural leather armor looks tribal, and one even has a luchador mask. I think im more kitten on how stupid they look rather than how ugly they look.
"Robotic" isn’t a fitting descriptor for engineers... err more toward steampunk.
With that in mind, steampunk attire would be more along the lines of combat boots, a trench coat, and a top hat/goggles... So the head slot is really the only lacking element.
Alchemist, engineering robotics, gears, wheels, gizmos, science. These are all things I think of when I think of engineer. Currently the dredge mask is an option for more of the gas mask look. There is also the rascal coat which looks more like a heavy trench coat. There are a few armors I have picked up on my asura that when paired with goggles looks very mad scientist inventor like when the coat is dyed white like a lab voat. Just make a style based on your character concept. There are options it just takes some mix and match to get. I have use a ton of transmutation stones :-)
I suggest the rugged set from sPvP
It’s not steampunk, but is western-style and fits better with a technological class:
because he doesn’t know it himself
The karma lv80 stuff in Orr looks very neat. iirc thats the armor shown as a preview on the profession-selection screen when you make a new character.
The headpiece is very bad however. But for that you can pick the Dredge helmet (looks a bit like a gasmask/power armor headpiece) or the Nobles headpiece which is essentially the goggle covering 1 eye.
Looks pretty solid.
IMO there are 6 armor sets which fit the profession engineer very well. Unfortunately half of them is light stuff:
- Crucible of Eternity exotic dungeon set - head and hand pieces look nice
- Sorrow’s Embrace exotic dungeon set - awesome gas mask (we are the ones throwing smoke/poison grenades
- Human Light Cultural Tier One aka Researcher’s Armor - Goggles seem to be the engineer starter goggles; there is a TOOL BELT with ELIXIRS (Are you serious Anet?)
- Asura Medium Cultural Tier Two aka Auxillary Powered Armor - head piece fits engineer and the whole armor does not glow like the cultural light armor sets
- Asura Medium Cultural Tier Three aka Prototype Armor - just like the T2 Armor, but less steampunk and more Asura technology
- Leatherworker’s “Leather” Armor - fits as a whole the typical tinkering and turret repairing engineer
(edited by MyR.5028)
All you need are the Eagle Eye Goggles to look like an engineer.
But i suppose if you want to go the extra step, pick up the Orr karma gear. I think it suits a gun weilding profession.
Speaking of that, is there a way to obtain the goggles/monicle/backpack outside of character creation?
...I might have done something stupid with mine
i just wich we can use the light dredge armor with a pistol and shield , nice
Leatherworker can make a monacle. And you can buy guild based back packs for like 5g for the best ones.
I like trench coats personally, i felt like they were the engineer orientated armors based on character creation screens HOWEVER my Charr engineer is more of a soldier then some wacky scientist so i seem to have differing opinions to a lot of people because i focus on the guns and explosives more then mixing reagents and building monstrosities.
Though think about it, if you were working with corrosive materials, fire, or anything dangerous, you would want to wear something pretty overall protective, a trench coat is thick and protective, and does not have gaps in the armor for that acid to run down., also won’t soak up the acid.
Also, the Charr racial Tier 1 medium set looks good but its basic, i decline to bring head pieces into this because i hate helmets anyway, no matter what race.
Tier 2 and 3 look more tribal and even for ranger and thief its still stupid IMO, but Tier 1 looks kind of light but covering, so you don’t sweat too much maintaining the turrets in humid Ascalon.
I just look at the Sorrows Embrace armor set and think “Omg… i need that for my eng…”
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Jade Quarry Crusader
rock the elixirs.
i want that helm to bad i cant use it anet should change it to medium it fit more
Though think about it, if you were working with corrosive materials, fire, or anything dangerous, you would want to wear something pretty overall protective, a trench coat is thick and protective, and does not have gaps in the armor for that acid to run down., also won’t soak up the acid.
The very last thing you do when you work around heavy machinery, revolving turrets, flamable liquids and things that might require you run away like the wind before something explodes, is exactly, precisely… wearing a trench coat
People wearing flared long sleeves around exposed gears don’t keep their hands for long, thos wearing long coat tails of sturdy materials usually aren’t around to tell the tale at all (most of them die the first time they turn around suddenly by said gears).
That said, I don’t care, the engineer is clearly meant more as a gunslinger with kits in AN’s art direction than anything else,I agree with you there and I like that, and Orr’s karma gear looks the part. Now on to farm me 250k and spare change of it -_-
I think being naked looks very engineerish.
@esrever lol that comment make my day hahah
Speaking of that, is there a way to obtain the goggles/monicle/backpack outside of character creation?
…I might have done something stupid with mine
seconding this question
I believe the noble headgear (should be plenty in the TP) has the same style as the eagle eye goggles.
I don’t think the monacles and the backpack are obtainable again.
OK. The goggles, as noted above, are tier 1 human light armor. Asurans get ideal engie headgear in light armor as well (sigh). There are a couple of different “mono-goggles,” it seems. Right about the noble headgear, thanks.