Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)
Not going to lie, I honestly think we’re going extinct. I never see engineers anymore and when I WvW there are so many people that must have forgotten how to counter us because I see them make stupid mistakes.
For the love up Pete don’t let us be forgotten…..
I see way more engineers in PvP than I did a couple months ago. Times were I could play an entire evening without ever seeing another engineer. I still think we’re probably one of the least-played professions (maybe THE least) but it used to be five times worse.
I see way more engineers in PvP than I did a couple months ago. .
Op was referring to engies in WvWvW
And I agree with the OP, engies are rarer than seeing a player with an LGM.
they dont know. what engineer can do. they know only turret
Rare in WvW? I’d say they’re pretty rare in dungeons. I’m the only engineer in my guild that even tries dungeon runs (theres 3 of us) and I’m the only lvl 80 engi in any party I’ve been. It’s pretty bad because I’m not the best so I feel like I give us a bad rep
I have no doubt that Engineer is the least played profession, with Necro being the 2nd least played profession.
Hardly a shock really. It was already a poorly represented profession, and with ANet neglecting its many flaws for so long, a large portion of the people that did play one has already rerolled and realized how much better any other profession infact is.
You have to look at it from different perspective. We are higly specialized group of people playing very skilled profession and we don’t want anyone to reveal our secrets to outsiders, therefore we don’t let much people to get in. We are secret society, we are Engineers!
I always liked playing less played professions, people don’t know them so much so if you sux, they say whole profession sux, but you eventualy learn your stuff and after that, they usualy go like, oh, I didn’t know.. And thats the best part
You have to look at it from different perspective. We are higly specialized group of people playing very skilled profession and we don’t want anyone to reveal our secrets to outsiders, therefore we don’t let much people to get in. We are secret society, we are Engineers!
I always liked playing less played professions, people don’t know them so much so if you sux, they say whole profession sux, but you eventualy learn your stuff and after that, they usualy go like, oh, I didn’t know.. And thats the best part
I must agree:-) That surprised thieves in WvW when you burst them before they even use stealth are priceless:-P
Engineers played near the skill cap are a very strong 1vs1 class, so I guess you could be quite effective as a roamer on an empty server where you can actually find duels more than once in a blue moon. The class’ impact in mass battles is on the very low end of the spectrum though.
It’s hardly surprising you don’t see many of them in WvW.
a large portion of the people that did play one has already rerolled and realized how much better any other profession infact is.
Count me as one of them. I was one of the original engineers, creating it as my main character within the first seconds of early start release.
I rarely touch my engineer now.
I think I’ve figured what the problem is. I’ve found that an engineer is as capable as any other class to PvE, Dungeon, sPvP and WvW, 1v1, etc, if you build it correctly. The big big problem is that, in order to perform successfully, you need to puch more buttons and be more skillful player than with any other profession. Yes, it’s quite versatile, but also demands a lot of skill from the player is playing it, that’s why I still feel engineer needs to be more polished.
I can tell you, I personally feel like a successful engineer, cause I can do great in anything, and contrary to what ppl may think, I play skillfully cause I use an Xbox 360 controller, wich allows me to move, switch kits, and shoot much easier than with mouse and keyboard. The problem is that this game is supposed to be played with mouse and keyboard, so the devs are kinda missing that point.
Anyway, I’m still hoping devs polish more this fantastic profession.
Wow lol! Didn’t know we could play this game on a Xbox controller!
That’s a feat I think.
But I have question for you!
- How do you aim grenade ? or Any AoE targetted?
- How do you switch target vs a mesmer? With so many clone you must tab a lot!
My engineer is my first char since release, and I still play it. Took some break, but still It’s my favorite class. Just because we are so much more complex (when suing class) then other classes (except Elem, they are in the same boat then us).
I feel like the skill cap is higher on Engineer, so I can still get better and better and find new rotation.
on the topic, in s/tPvP we see a lot more engineer then before. Prolly caused by the HGH and 100nade build becoming popular.
In WvW tho it still a rare sight.
If I see one, I go for him directly. Competition! :P
Joined a random party for AC last night. There were 3 of us engineers there! Amazing.
Engineers played near the skill cap are a very strong 1vs1 class, so I guess you could be quite effective as a roamer on an empty server where you can actually find duels more than once in a blue moon. The class’ impact in mass battles is on the very low end of the spectrum though.
It’s hardly surprising you don’t see many of them in WvW.
(i use this quote not to reply at this user,but just to point out some personal opinion)
To be honest in WvW all you see at moment are 3 classes : elementalist with D/D ,thieves with culling abuse in any spec(not hard for them put down enemy with permastealth) , and mesmers.
A bad designed(spammable hide skill with only 4 sec revealed CD)/unbalanced(super regen ability,super mobility ele / or super bursty/cond mesmer + hide ability)/bugged(culling) thing…it’s bad…ofc all play this 3 immortal classes.
I played thief,mesmer,ele…all fantastic but boring after a while if you don’t like easy wins that don’t require any effort.
Actually i don’t even log anymore WvW…i just get roflstomped by thieves or mesmers (if i don’t use a 100 nades or bunker or P/Pcond build) it’s not fun.
WvW support is not useless,it’s a great role for a engi…i think no one can give regen/buffs like a specialized support engi.
Even a Guardian would be far from you if you go for full support.
-sPvP :
it’s another story….you stay in one place,and the enemy is forced to come on you to cap or defend a point…i see where anet fails in the balance if they only work on sPvP dinamics to balance stuff.
I hardly see a “skill capped” engineer .. all i see is some bunker with bombs or “100 nades”/static discharge or some condition P/P elixier engi.
That doesn’t mean be skilled…that means know how to play easy builds,because…they are not that hard to play to involve a “skillcap” factor (with all the respect for all the engi who play these builds).
I can say an Engi is skillcapped,when he is able to do something with ALL the aviable builds.
Let me see some engi using rifle + 4 kit(and still survive without any stun breaker) ,or rifle + 1 kit+1 potion + 1 gadget , or anything else different from the easy build we have.
And let me see this engi go around in 1 vs 1 killing stuff ,not like the other builds can do, but involving some real effort.
Then i will see a SKILLCAPPED engineer for real.
Sorry for my english.
(edited by Nirvana.8659)
I don’t understand the part about easy build? HGH and 100nade are easy build?
I won’t talk about HGH since I’m no expert, but 100nade skillcap is very very high, I played a lot of class in tPvP and the amount of skills/low hp and armor of the build make it very hard to play.
Sure, any newb can train the combo for 10 min and land it in sPvP. I concure. Someone posted a video of him magnetic pulling people and comboing them without any effort.
But that doesn’t work vs good player.
In a good fight, every dodge, every skills is important. If I miss an overcharged shot, I’M in trouble. You can’t miss, you have to time everything, know when your skills are gonna be up.
I can use up to 20 and more different skills during a fights. Each one I have to remember when they could finish their cooldown, because If I switch to a specific kit, I need the skills to be up.
You can’t directly use the 100 nade combo during a fight, you have to bait the ennemy. A fight again a 100blade warrior is like a chess match. The first to make a mistake will die.
I love the deep of the 100nade, and it doesn’t feel right to read from someone else that 100nade is skill capped.
You say Engi using 4 kit + rifle, but 100nade is the still 3 kit + rifle. And sorry but I don’t see a GC engin play without a stun breaker.
I will use 4 kit when I will have a stun breaker on one of my kit!
Have a good day!
(edited by Kardiamond.6952)
It’s my firm belief that our beloved profession is the hardest to play. As a few have pointed out, we have to press multiple keys to do what another class can do with 1. But I see a lot of you guys consistently post on the Engi forums, which leads me to believe that you’re all in the same mindset I am. Do we have to play near perfect to down some other professions/builds? Absolutely. Some of our builds leave little room for error, but for me, that’s part of the appeal of the prof. I like running through multiple kits, and multiple skills to set up a kill, as opposed to spam clones/shatter or steal/CnD/BS. It’s just infinitely more satisfying to me. Even our supposedly ‘cake’ 100 nades build (which anyone who’s played it in higher rank tPvP will tell is not always an easy task) turns every fight into a little game of chess. Poking and prodding with my rifle, setting up fake immobilizes to get them to dodge or blow a stun breaker until I get the perfect time to catch them with the nade combo is just so friggin satisfying! I’ve played all the profs, tourney’d with the majority of them, there’s nothing like engineer. Those of us who’ve been here since the beginning haven’t been here because it’s OP or perfect for all situations all of the time. We’re still here because there’s nothing else that compares to how fun it is. Maybe one of these days the rest of the community will catch on to what they’re missing
For a time, nobody thought anything of the Engineer because it was fine in anything it did, then… It changed.
I am an Engineer, a WvW roamer, often solo, in a world full of killhungry Thieves, Mesmers, and Elementalists who won’t hesitate to try to use me as food for their next super-ownage PvP video nobody will ever care about. I always start happy, because we are well equipped to fight anything, then end up being jaded because unless dueling until death, these opponents will often escape me with ease. I can’t do much about it, it’s the roaming meta. I’m probably one amongst the very few of my kind, to the point that the people I kill often have no clue of what trick I could possibly pull.
In very high level fractals, I tend to struggle to find / form teams that will accept/prefer me instead of some other warrior mindlessly spinning his greatsword for great justice.
Thing is… I don’t feel useless, never did, always something to do, or to bring. Eng is the first class I’ve ever played, out of some strange bet I’ve made with a friend and… I don’t want to play or be identified as any other class.
@Kardiamond :
First of all…ahah no one have the patience to read my crappy english..if u have done it u deserve a special achievement in GW2 .
On topic : May be my answer sound a bit rude.Let me edit some word to explain better my my self:
My words with some add : "That doesn’t mean be skilled…that means KNOW HOW TO PLAY easy builds " (where easy builds is meanted to be a zerker/tank heavy condition) " , because…they are not that hard to play to involve a “skillcap” factor " .
100 nades build :
I can give you that : yes,your effort is all in survive waiting the false step of your enemy,it’s not an easy task with 2200 armor.
Follow me : by the way it’s a glassy build you don’t put in more effort compared to any other glassy build of every other class (thieves apart.).
Play a glass cannon ranger,necro,or even a glassy elementalist (may be a warrior too?i don’t know) full berserker and full offensive traits.
After u tested all this 4 class with a glass cannon build,tell me if for real engi requires MORE effort of the other 4 class in zerker.
That’s it….the zerker risk,it’s a challange for every one.( i see by your signature you have both ranger and necro…do you want to tell me they are not hard to play in zerker as an engi?IMO a necro would dream our burst in zerker…and they both with ranger actually are in a worst situation than engineer in terms of balance , they are the 2 class that actually require a real effort).
About P/P cond dmg elixier : i used to play this build since september it’s different in some trait/gear from the one you see in the videos around this forum,but it works in the same way.It’s not in our discussion so useless to speak about it.
About the 4 kit or other combinations :
May be i’m a fool , i’m running around every single day testing things…i get frustrated after a while so i just farm gold without take part to any competitive aspect of the game till i find the forces to test things again.
But,i’m bored of the same 3 build of the engi.
There must be a solution,another hide build that allow me to do something .
I doubt we will ever have a stun breakers on kits…i generally doubt about any near future decent game balance/build update , despite their online teaser interviews….i mean if they think a trap cond dmg ranger is OP…what kind of improvement do you expect???
Sorry for my english.
(edited by Nirvana.8659)
Disclaimer: I don’t do hardly any tPvP (don’t have a group)
In my experience with sPvP, on any class, play what’s enjoyable. For a warrior, I love HB. It’s cheap, simple, and overused, but it’s hilarious. For engineer, I can’t stand hundred ‘nades. It’s not much more difficult to land in spvp than HB, and it does comparable damage, but there’s something about it that seems wrong on an engy…
On the other hand, I love the tankcat. Modified slightly, it’s so much fun to just run around and laugh as people fail at killing me. I’ve had games where my entire purpose was run up to an enemy point, say hi (literally type out “Hi”), and then walk (not run, WALK) away. Best part is, as long as I kept 2-3 people distracted off points with this, I was still contributing (technically).
Another build I ran for awhile was turret-rifle build. This was a looong time ago, but it was great when I could get myself an my turrets up out of the way, then rain bullets and rockets down upon the simpletons trying to steal my point (I think I had the mortar on this build, can’t recall).
Point is, play what’s fun. Don’t try to be that hipster guy who hates mainstream builds, but do try to make kitten up on your own. Or don’t, if a cookie cutter build is fun for you and you can get plenty out of it. Remember, it’s a game, we’re engineers, kitten kitten up. (first word started with an f, second an s)
Being an avid WvW player myself, I will easily agree that we are the least popular class on the battlefield. I’m glad too, because I tend to enjoy being the guy who’s “different” in these kinds of games. It also appears to make the engineer community closer. In those rare moments where I party with another engie, we often share builds and learn new tricks.
Speaking of builds, I always feel like so many more build options are available, and I always have a cool new idea to test out. In fact, I recently discovered that activating Slick Shoes as you pull a target with Magnet has lethal effectiveness, especially in WvW. The engineer feels so unique, that I find it hard not to find any other class boring in comparison.
I’ve stopped playing for a while – I’m just tired of the slow rate of fixes, the reluctance to buff, and the developer’s internally-dissonant ‘Class Balance Philosophy.’ Maybe the patch on the 26th will have something to bring me back. Maybe it won’t.
Hell, if they actually fix the issues I have with things, I might make another Engineer and level him entirely off of crafting (using bought gems to do it).
Wow lol! Didn’t know we could play this game on a Xbox controller!
That’s a feat I think.
But I have question for you!
- How do you aim grenade ? or Any AoE targetted?
- How do you switch target vs a mesmer? With so many clone you must tab a lot!
Oh it’s quite simple.
How to use targetted AoE skills: My left trigger releases my mouse pointer so it moves normally, that’s how I can target while moving. If the target is close enough I dont even need to worry about targeting, cause my pointer is always in the middle of the screen, a bit in front of my toon, co I can even evade, turn or w/e and drop granades to enemies in front of me with no problem. If they’re farther away I just release the mouse pointer and aim while moving.
How to aim the right mesmer: When I press and hold my right bumper, it locks a target (it’s faster than you think), so I lock lock lock and when I lock the right mesmer I mark it. If I ever lose the lock, I can always lock it back again easily cause it’s been marked.
And it’s fun =D I use PGP for that btw.
Wow lol! Didn’t know we could play this game on a Xbox controller!
That’s a feat I think.
But I have question for you!
- How do you aim grenade ? or Any AoE targetted?
- How do you switch target vs a mesmer? With so many clone you must tab a lot!I
Oh it’s quite simple.
How to use targetted AoE skills: My left trigger releases my mouse pointer so it moves normally, that’s how I can target while moving. If the target is close enough I dont even need to worry about targeting, cause my pointer is always in the middle of the screen, a bit in front of my toon, co I can even evade, turn or w/e and drop granades to enemies in front of me with no problem. If they’re farther away I just release the mouse pointer and aim while moving.
How to aim the right mesmer: When I press and hold my right bumper, it locks a target (it’s faster than you think), so I lock lock lock and when I lock the right mesmer I mark it. If I ever lose the lock, I can always lock it back again easily cause it’s been marked.
And it’s fun =D I use PGP for that btw.
I am so trying this later.
Wow lol! Didn’t know we could play this game on a Xbox controller!
That’s a feat I think.
But I have question for you!
- How do you aim grenade ? or Any AoE targetted?
- How do you switch target vs a mesmer? With so many clone you must tab a lot!Oh it’s quite simple.
How to use targetted AoE skills: My left trigger releases my mouse pointer so it moves normally, that’s how I can target while moving. If the target is close enough I dont even need to worry about targeting, cause my pointer is always in the middle of the screen, a bit in front of my toon, co I can even evade, turn or w/e and drop granades to enemies in front of me with no problem. If they’re farther away I just release the mouse pointer and aim while moving.
How to aim the right mesmer: When I press and hold my right bumper, it locks a target (it’s faster than you think), so I lock lock lock and when I lock the right mesmer I mark it. If I ever lose the lock, I can always lock it back again easily cause it’s been marked.
And it’s fun =D I use PGP for that btw.
I use a 360 controller as well, nice to see someone else rocking it.
…mindlessly spinning his greatsword for great justice.
I laughed so hard I almost choked.
Seriously though, until ANET looks at the amount of time played by each profession, I don’t think they are going to see any kind of disconnect, that would warrant them fixing our class. What do I mean by fixing our class? The skill cap for our class is too kitten high, can you really argue against that? The reason the skill cap is so high is because we have too much versatility. Since we have so much versatility we lack balance. I would rather have the devs limit us to 1 or 2 kits, and increase our overall dps; than for us to remain as we are. It would only make sense, since most professions only have access to two weapon sets. Just have those kits be our second “weapon.”
engi still is the best class for perma tutorial =P
Not going to lie, I honestly think we’re going extinct. I never see engineers anymore and when I WvW there are so many people that must have forgotten how to counter us because I see them make stupid mistakes.
For the love up Pete don’t let us be forgotten…..
The absolute only way I can get thru the day of doing a daily on my account with my engineer without cussing is to use a rifle discharge condition build. That’s the only way. Seriously. And I can’t even build might because my toughness is too high for regular mobs to hit me hard enough to get an Elixir B boon series (I use that to fight champions./vets so I can test to see what they drop if anything.) and when I use Elixirs the lightning goes flying off somewhere other then what I am targeting. Still no ETA on that I’m sure. :/
The balance of the classes on this game is so anti-reality it’s no wonder there’s problems in paradise. When a warrior can use a magical fairy signet and do more damage then all the 20th century weapons of war up front and in 1 shot you know there’s an issue.
Oh and MrSilver’s signature REALLY? They closed that down? WOW just wow!
We are the least played profession, for sure. And because we are the least played, Anet doesn’t devote a lot of resources to engineer bugs and balance. And because they don’t devote a lot of resources and the bugs and balance are what they are, we are the least played profession. Ad infinitum.
That being said, I am an engineer and loving every minute of it.
Wow lol! Didn’t know we could play this game on a Xbox controller!
That’s a feat I think.
But I have question for you!
- How do you aim grenade ? or Any AoE targetted?
- How do you switch target vs a mesmer? With so many clone you must tab a lot!Oh it’s quite simple.
How to use targetted AoE skills: My left trigger releases my mouse pointer so it moves normally, that’s how I can target while moving. If the target is close enough I dont even need to worry about targeting, cause my pointer is always in the middle of the screen, a bit in front of my toon, co I can even evade, turn or w/e and drop granades to enemies in front of me with no problem. If they’re farther away I just release the mouse pointer and aim while moving.
How to aim the right mesmer: When I press and hold my right bumper, it locks a target (it’s faster than you think), so I lock lock lock and when I lock the right mesmer I mark it. If I ever lose the lock, I can always lock it back again easily cause it’s been marked.
And it’s fun =D I use PGP for that btw.
I use a 360 controller as well, nice to see someone else rocking it.
I use one too. After I got the hang of AoE skills, I turned the fast casting and bang, it’s easy and fast. Of course the gamepad has limitations, such as chat and UI messing (cursor movement with the analog stick is meh), but everything else seems to be made for it, it’s intuitive and confortable. All you ever need is a bit of patience to fine tune the keybindings (like xpadder) and something to keep the right mouse button down and centralized (like combat mode).
EDIT: Now looking at the PGP features, I think I can ditch the ahk script to center the cursor. I’ll try this tonight.
(edited by Tyk.6715)
@Kardiamond :
First of all…ahah no one have the patience to read my crappy english..if u have done it u deserve a special achievement in GW2
On topic : May be my answer sound a bit rude.Let me edit some word to explain better my my self:
My words with some add : "That doesn’t mean be skilled…that means KNOW HOW TO PLAY easy builds " (where easy builds is meanted to be a zerker/tank heavy condition) " , because…they are not that hard to play to involve a “skillcap” factor " .
100 nades build :
I can give you that : yes,your effort is all in survive waiting the false step of your enemy,it’s not an easy task with 2200 armor.Follow me : by the way it’s a glassy build you don’t put in more effort compared to any other glassy build of every other class (thieves apart.).
Play a glass cannon ranger,necro,or even a glassy elementalist (may be a warrior too?i don’t know) full berserker and full offensive traits.
After u tested all this 4 class with a glass cannon build,tell me if for real engi requires MORE effort of the other 4 class in zerker.
That’s it….the zerker risk,it’s a challange for every one.( i see by your signature you have both ranger and necro…do you want to tell me they are not hard to play in zerker as an engi?IMO a necro would dream our burst in zerker…and they both with ranger actually are in a worst situation than engineer in terms of balance , they are the 2 class that actually require a real effort).About P/P cond dmg elixier : i used to play this build since september it’s different in some trait/gear from the one you see in the videos around this forum,but it works in the same way.It’s not in our discussion so useless to speak about it.
About the 4 kit or other combinations :
May be i’m a fool , i’m running around every single day testing things…i get frustrated after a while so i just farm gold without take part to any competitive aspect of the game till i find the forces to test things again.
But,i’m bored of the same 3 build of the engi.
There must be a solution,another hide build that allow me to do something .I doubt we will ever have a stun breakers on kits…i generally doubt about any near future decent game balance/build update , despite their online teaser interviews….i mean if they think a trap cond dmg ranger is OP…what kind of improvement do you expect???
Sorry for my english.
I will disagree with you right there.
Yep I played both necromancer and ranger. But I also played every other class in the game in spvp.
No one, except Elementaliste, come close to Engineer skill cap.
How is playing a ranger hard? Tanky BM build? Dodge dodge auto attack dodge dodge auto attack.
Traps? Use traps and auto attack with your short bow. Seriously, you auto attack so much with this class I get bored really fast.
On my engineer, I rarely ever auto attack. I always have a skill that is up to use.
Same thing with necromancer. When I return on my necro, I feel limited because I use 1-5 skills, and I,m stuck with everything on cooldown. Too much auto attack and spamming.
I’M not saying they are really as simple as I say, but they don’t have the micro management of skills like Engineer.
And by the way, a berserker necro isn’t the same as an engineer necro. Sure they don’t have the burst. But they can kit and support damage like no one else. They also can soak a lot more damage then us, with Death shroud and Base HP.
Oh and right now, BM tank ranger and Traps Ranger are amoung to best 1vs1 class. The meta changed a lot since Ranger were the worse class. Especially since they made Pet AI better, that helped them a lot!
I respect your opinion, but as I play with others class a lot, I find my 100nade build to need a lot more effort to play then my others. Except if I fight a clueless player and he permit me to just magnetic pull combo him.
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