how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Perfecthair.4190


I want your opinion on engieers for their viability for world vs world. If you guys think they are good or bad give me your opinions. I want to play something fun and unique and different that is also strong. I appreciate your feed back in advance. thankyou

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


In WvW I like to play more of a control engineer with rifle, slick shoes, rocket boots and the elixir gun

I feel I do extremely well. I use glass cannon gear alot with pow/prec/crit %. Or I go straight condition damage P/S, but in WvW I tend to favor the rifle, control, glass connan type build. But thats just me.

Sometime I like to build pure tanky builds and use elixir infused bombs and use the smoke bomb and BoB and go invisible and rush the zerge. The invis tends to double or triple alot for you because of the culling issues, and it is fun to reak havoc on the zerg for a time while unseen.

Hopefully in the next two updates they will fix some of the issues the engie has, such as ridiculously long cool downs on the battering ram in comparison to equivalent skills on other classes, and some of the skills and abilities that do not work properly.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Gurt.9368


I would say that the engineer is “ehhhh” in WvW right now. There’s a lot of fun to be had, but any time spent with other classes will illustrate that the engineer is noticeably weaker. While a few tweaks and bug fixes would go a long way to helping the class, many believe that there are some serious underlying issues that will need to be solved before the engineer begins to resemble something that’s considered good.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Ejiofor.4801


I would say that the engineer is “ehhhh” in WvW right now. There’s a lot of fun to be had, but any time spent with other classes will illustrate that the engineer is noticeably weaker. While a few tweaks and bug fixes would go a long way to helping the class, many believe that there are some serious underlying issues that will need to be solved before the engineer begins to resemble something that’s considered good.

While I have fun blasting away with my Rifle, running into mobs and dropping a crapton of Bombs, I have to agree there are some serious underlying issues with Engineer.

I took a break from my Engineer in WvW, and played my Thief(who just got to 80). He has some level 74-76 exotics with Rare weapons and Jewelry around lvl 65.

Racked up 34 badges in about 2 hours.

And no. I don’t run with Shadow Refuge. D/P and D/D. Signet of Shadows, Signet of Infiltration, and Roll for Initiative with Thieves Guild as the Elite Skill.


Thief is EASY MODE compared to the skill level required to play an Engineer.

Mind you, I’m not griping, or whining. This is a comparison only.

I love my Engineer. I love messing with a small group of people. I love the fact that I have sparked so much fury that at one point no less than 10 enemies chased my from Gods to Arah’s…NO LIE. I love it when a Thief tries to do a sneak attack and winds up with a Prybar to the face. I love it when a D/D Ele begins their ‘Churn’, only to have me drop a concussion bomb and a Big Ol’ Bomb right on them before dodging away.
I love it when Warriors do their WTFROFLCOPTER Hundred Blades thingamabob only to hit a Static Shield and a Static Shot that Confuses and stuns them. I love drinking Elixir X and turning into a Tornado, knocking people down, or outright knocking them off a cliff.

Just my two cents.

Gearstrip Jones, Engineer, Borlis Pass, [KPUP]
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Dyroth.5063


I would say the engineer is like icing in WvW. Alone you have to be good or being ate by fat people out of the jar (people with less than par skill level) to really stand out. You go with cake (zerg) with a flamethrower build, grenades, tank cat builds. Cinnamon buns (siege) goes well too with our skill set. You can go with doughnuts (havoc squads) and do fine as long as you are the right kind. You really add to a group and help make it better if you are playing right, but you need to work on making your niche and do it well. Also sometimes you are like icing on a bagel and don’t really belong to well, usually in PvE, but I find this pretty rare and enjoy playing and being with engis most of the time.

I would also say that some work on the class by the devs would be welcomed as turrets and meh and I would love if we could have 1 kit as a weapon slot to free up my utility bar more.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: blurps.2340


Pretty much the same as in all the other game modes. Spend twice the effort everyone else does and you can do ok, but not great. The actual impact of most of the tools in the Engineer’s arsenal is just too low.

All the gimmicky stuff works best for roaming, when you have more space to kite and a larger time window. In Zerg vs Zerg situations you can add some buffs ( mostly fire fields for might stacking ), but all the damage options are poor even in glass cannon builds.

The core problem really is that most of the kits and weapon sets are almost completely useless without speccing and equipping heavily for them, while the devs don’t want you to stay in one kit, but expect you to swap between kits and weapons constantly. Maybe somebody needs to tell them Engineers don’t get any more trait points than other classes…

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Apparently Engies work well in WvW, they excel at having multiple builds available in WvW when Pve suffers so if this is your goal, I’d stick with WvW. Weakness in the dps builds however is very noticeable when you play other classes and then try and engineer the difference becomes very clear so while it has more options it still is weaker. Anyone who argues otherwise doesn’t know what they are talking about sadly or they have an ulterior motive for arguing “no everything’s fine, nothing to see here, move along”.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


What I have yet to grasp is ANets concept of creating a profession that is almost, but not quite, the king of versatility (i.e. the jester of versatility), make it ‘hard’ for the player to play efficiently, and then, instead of rewarding the player for handling his character well, you get to suffer the ‘costs’ of versatility.

Shouldn’t it be like:
Versatile, hard to play class gets mastered by the player = reward in terms of damage output (=bags).
Instead it is:
Versatile, hard to play class gets mastered by the player = punishment in terms of damage output.

Not talking about the ‘clever use of game mechanics’ builds here of course.
Personally, I played an affliction warlock in WoW, when that class was hard to play.
But if you mastered it, you got the reward in terms of effectiveness (damage output).

Even with Engis bugs (maybe) ironed out (in the future), I don’t understand ANets concept, really.

Red Guard

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


On one hand, you’ll get people like Tigirius saying engineer is the worst thing in existence right now. I partially agree, as the only feasible build eats up all your utility slots and removes any option for elixirs or turrets (well, rifle turret goes well with static discharge, but that’s not my point).

On the other hand, the only 1v1’s I lose in WvW are to mesmers. People say engineer is hard to play, but then again they also say pistol is feasible (protip: it’s not). If you want to gank someone, pull out toolkit, push 5, and if it lands, they should die unless they have an invuln ability, which 90% of people you pull will not be expecting it, and will promptly be obliterated. You swap to net shot and hit 2 before they recover, then hit grenade barrage, blunderbuss, jump shot, and they are dead. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, they are very likely dead. You can repeat this gank combo every 20 seconds with proper traiting. And this is purely from a roaming perspective.

From a siege/defense perspective, you have your grenades. They got gimped last patch, yeah, won’t deny that. They’re still useable though, it’s just landing an auto attack doesn’t carry the same oomph it used to, while landing a shrapnel or freeze grenade does.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


On the other hand, the only 1v1’s I lose in WvW are to mesmers. People say engineer is hard to play, but then again they also say pistol is feasible (protip: it’s not).

I run a p/p build and I beat mesmers without any problems, and anything else too. your protip lacks the pro part.

anyway, most engineers are very bad in wvw but the few good ones top anything other classes can do, no doubt in my mind about that.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


I run a p/p build and I beat mesmers without any problems, and anything else too. your protip lacks the pro part.

Not hard to beat a bad mesmer. I’ve done more than enough sPvP to learn how to counter anything viable, but a good mesmer will trounce the best engineer. We take too long to kill the phantasms at range now (unless we waste shrapnel and freeze), and the ability to instagib at melee range also deters an engineer from getting close (since that’s where most of their power lies).

And pistols are plain bad, the only time they become remotely viable is if you manage to stick your target at 900/1050 range away on a constant basis for double taps via coated bullets. Anyone who’s done their homework and/or actually tested it in game will agree.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


I guess every single mesmer I fight is bad then. It’s been months since one beat me. I’m more afraid of good necros tbh.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: MrSilver.5269


But I’m trying, Ringo. I’m trying real hard to be the shepherd.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sungak Alkandenes.1369

Sungak Alkandenes.1369

If you have RSI or other hand/wrist pain issues, than I would suggest not trying an Engineer in WvW or t/sPvP at this time. The builds discussed today almost always include grenades or bombs, and those do not have an autoattack on #1. I’ve had to shelve mine until they can make other non-kit builds viable (such as turret-based or Rifle/Elixir, which is what I did to level).

Mind you, this goes for most classes anyway. I had to delete a Thief after L11, even more painful then the Engi was – re-built as a Warrior and she was L12 in four hours with almost no pain afterward. I just completed taking a Guardian to 80 as well (a HealWay variant) and has been great fun getting there.

If this is not a problem, go for it. It can be extremely rewarding and fun, as others above state. I’d love to join them, but can’t yet. :-(

“The Meta Game does not stop at the game. Ever.” — Me
I like to view MMOs through the lazy eye of a Systems Admin, and the critical eye of a
Project Manager. You’ve been warned. ;-)

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Its WvW. 1v1 doesnt matter so much. 1v1 wont win a match, it wont even win points. WvW isnt about dueling.

What you want from a profession in WvW is its addition to a fight. Zerg on Zerg, defending a tower/keep, sieging a tower/keep, scouting, supplycapping team, escorting dollies. This is stuff that makes a difference.

And in these things, Engineers are not very good. Mediocre at best. Least played profession in WvW, no doubt.
Anything you want from an Engineer you can get, but more, from an Elementalist. Look into those.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kyon.9735


Anything you can do, others can do better. But still, playing underdog is fun. Not for most people though. And I think most engineers are already tired of playing underdogs.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


What you want from a profession in WvW is its addition to a fight. Zerg on Zerg, defending a tower/keep, sieging a tower/keep, scouting, supplycapping team, escorting dollies. This is stuff that makes a difference.

Again, I’m not saying engineer is in an ideal state yet, but he does bring a great deal more than other classes (necro, ranger, warrior relative to sieges, thief relative to sieges). I’ll admit sharing boons is a bit awkward (HERE LEMME RUN IN FRONT OF OUR DOLYAK AND DROP A STIMPACK), but between 1500 range damage spam and the ability to both pull (which leads to a kill, which is one less defender to fret about), and shield out of danger through one utility skill (Toolkit, kotyay), not to mention guaranteeing a downed non-ele will die the moment they hit the ground (unless some Shield of Absorption effect goes off), engineer is most certainly one of the better WvW professions to have around. Elementalists are only considered for their siege-tastic abilities, and swapping to a d/d setup for skirmishes, and both are going to be nerfed in time. Rangers are positively worthless, given they’re only useful for single target damage, and even then you can strafe those 1500 range arrows like you’re breakdancing. Necromancers have marks, wells for defending a door, but past that they’re fairly pfffbt. Guardians are pretty great – but not in the way most people realize. The most obnoxious (and obvious) usage is to drop the greatsword’s retaliation mark on a door they’re assaulting, and in turn VIOLENTLY punish anyone trying to AoE the assault mob down. Another is tricks like wall of reflection, shield of absorption, etcetera. The thing that irritates me is that the people in this forum will gladly overlook the 4k AoE heal over 10 seconds that dual super elixirs bring (yes, I realize other skills have more HPS, but we have a 50% uptime on ours, and it is certainly a welcome sight when sieges are afoot). And even better – if Anet would stop screwing around, we’d have an operating healing turret with non-detrimental regeneration that we could pop every 20 seconds for a ~7k heal (no healing points), and some regeneration to boot!

tl;dr engineers are great in WvW. They don’t siege as hard as an ele, but they siege more consistently, while having a bevvy of tricks to dish out, and not being useless while the staff is out for actually finishing off a given player (let’s face facts, staff ele is only annoying for the lightning field, meteor shower, and lava font if you’re unfortunate enough to somehow get stuck in one).

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


For damage or soloing? Not so much. Don’t expect to run around and be able to solo duel roamers.

I find the engineer is zerg support.

Toolkit; Magnet. Range 1200, every 25 seconds (20 traited) you can pull somebody from the enemy zerg, a runner, or if they are on the edge of a wall, and have your guys unload on them. That’s almost role enough. I don’t really get kills so much as abundant assist credit for pulling and disabling targets.

I build a bunker + cripple duration build on my engineer to really trip up the enemy. If the enemy can’t go anywhere, they’re as good as dead, and it isn’t too bad for escaping either.

Power Wrench trait + Superior Sigil of Hobbling (Trades at vendor price) + Pizza stacks cripples for years.

Don’t let the other classes know.

Also there’s grenades if you trait for them. Those are always decent for WvW.

Edit: No matter what you think about engineers in WvW, know that at least we’re better than hunters, HA!

(edited by Chickenshoes.6250)

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kyon.9735


For damage or soloing? Not so much. Don’t expect to run around and be able to solo duel roamers.

I find the engineer is zerg support.

Toolkit; Magnet. Range 1200, every 25 seconds (20 traited) you can pull somebody from the enemy zerg, a runner, or if they are on the edge of a wall, and have your guys unload on them. That’s almost role enough. I don’t really get kills so much as abundant assist credit for pulling and disabling targets.

I build a bunker + cripple duration build on my engineer to really trip up the enemy. If the enemy can’t go anywhere, they’re as good as dead, and it isn’t too bad for escaping either.

Power Wrench trait + Superior Sigil of Hobbling (Trades at vendor price) + Pizza stacks cripples for years.

Don’t let the other classes know.

Also there’s grenades if you trait for them. Those are always decent for WvW.

Edit: No matter what you think about engineers in WvW, know that at least we’re better than hunters, HA!

Engineers are great solo players/duelers when traited Glass + Static Discharge.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Chickenshoes.6250


In bunker I’ve been able to solo some people, But it was mostly because they were stupid and burst me down when I had retaliation. People just don’t want to stop DPSing even if they kill themselves.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358



Sorry, but you say Ranger are worthless and Necro’s are “Ffffbbt”?

Are we even playing the same game? What you might see the ranger and necro’s do is, what alot of people in this thread are talking about, build for a glorified dueler.

When they actually build for WvW these two professions are very valueable. Sadly, most people that did roll one, and brings it into WvW, plays it like a pve scrub.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


Sorry, but you say Ranger are worthless and Necro’s are “Ffffbbt”?

Rangers bring some of the most gimped utility in the game. Spirits are a colossal, neutered joke of their GW1 incarnations, and traps are fairly god-awful for anything useable beyond a fire field every 15s in melee. The one thing a ranger can do that is genuinely useful is Barrage, as an area-wide cripple is pretty annoying. Healing Spring is outstanding, but only because it’s a 15s water field. If they fixed Healing Turret, every 20s I’d be making a water blast finisher purely off my own skill.

Necros have marks, and single target bleeds. Epidemic is pretty outstanding if you can properly land it, but consider how often a zerg is clustered up versus how often it’s flattened around a keep / tower’s defenses, peppering all spots to keep players away. Their minions are useless (Golem might be useful on a one-in-a-million shot where it blows back an entire column of invaders), their only decent utility (bar wells, which for WvW purposes are still mediocre, and barely useable with the ground-targeting trait) is spectral grasp, which, guess what? Engineer has that on a 25/20s cooldown, with 5 other skills attached (one of the few cases engineer gets the best version, along with the best 3s block in the game).

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Shadow.3475


Engineer is Hard to play but fun, cant say it feels like i can kill any class fast but some can kill me fast, and as some wrote World vs World is not 1vs1 it is Zerg vs Zerg and there you can help your team some.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: ikiturso.4026


Engi can do stuff in WvW no doubt. We just are weakest profession groupwise in this game. (thought we were made out of versality) We dont give anything to the group. Not buffs or aid in battle. Eles aoes are must, mesmers ports are must, warriors buffs are great, thief stealth dps is must etc.. None of our skills/traits are usefull groupwise. Therefore im pure crit power prec zapper staying behind scenes. and only come in when somene is trying to finish off my ally and use rifles overcahrge shot to intervein. Thats about it.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: MikeT.9428


I run with the TANKCAT build, which is fun but against other tanky classes I have some stalemates while running solo. They can’t kill me but I can’t always seal the deal on them either.

I prefer to run with the Engi over the necro and mesmer 80’s I have. It’s just enjoy WvW with the engi more.

Jade Quarry
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358



Its not like aoe chill, cripple and immobilize is usefull in a fight. Or how Rangers bring more support then just spirits. Not to mention they are tied with Ele for the best profession to take out siege (pet guard on wall, barrage, hunters call). They can be build as one of the tankiest professions, if you know what you’re doing.

And necro’s, you didnt even mention wells. Well (lolpun), thats lame. AoE corrupting enemy boons, such as stability while aoe clearing conditions from your zerg is a turning point in a fight. Heck, the sheer condition/boon control in general. AoE cripples, weakness, chill, blind. On still a very tanky and durable character.
Not to mention the fantastic wallsuppression. Or giving the whole zerg Protection. Aswell as excelent Zerg-breakers.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Thiefz.3695


There are 2 engineer modes for WvW that I use. Anti zerg and Control.

1. Anti-Zerg
Anti-zerg consists of Pistols, grenades, and mortar for siege. Put 30 in firearms for coated bullets. Explosive shot (Pistol 1) is a spamable AoE. Also Explosive shot works through gates so when there is a zerg banging down a gate you just stand on the other side and spam it. Static shock and blowtorch are good for AoE and work through gates as well. I use them rather than grenades because I need to be mobile and they hit people without aiming where to throw. If you add the grenade kit then you get grenade barrage which is good for area damage on the fly. When I am up on walls, I use grenades and mortar. Mortar is nice for Concussion which is an area knock down. If you can put an enemy in a choke point then mortar shines.

2. Control
I switch out to rifle when I’m running around since net shot and overcharged are good for keeping people down. I normally set net turret for the additional net. Rifle is much better at yak killing than pistols. When I’m running, I will switch out mortar for supply crate. I use elixir b for the quickness when running around.

I’m sure there are other people better at WvW than me but thats what I use.

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kite.2510


I’ve heard that in the next update the Engineer’s main pistol skill will be replaced with a russian rulete, that has equall chance at shooting the enemy, as shooting the Engineer him self!

What is with all the randomness?!
And why dont half my skills scalle with my gear?!

…and don’t be toxic!

(edited by Kite.2510)

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Karbonatom.3016


I guess every single mesmer I fight is bad then. It’s been months since one beat me. I’m more afraid of good necros tbh.

What is your build? what equipment are you using?

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


I guess every single mesmer I fight is bad then. It’s been months since one beat me. I’m more afraid of good necros tbh.

What is your build? what equipment are you using?

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

how are engineers in wvw? I want to roll one.

in Engineer

Posted by: MikeT.9428


I guess every single mesmer I fight is bad then. It’s been months since one beat me. I’m more afraid of good necros tbh.

What is your build? what equipment are you using?

I was too slow…

He has mad skills. Elixir, pistol build.
I don’t lose often to solo mesmers either. Have to watch for the dodge rolls to find the real mesmer and be ready to dodge when you see all the clones / illusions coming your way to explode. I haven’t been able to kill some of the tanky ones but they aren’t a threat to me either. I do not run with his build though.

Jade Quarry
Never underestimate an engineer with a wrench
Exploding illusions FTW