how well rounded is this build?

how well rounded is this build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lamps.8014


(edited by Lamps.8014)

how well rounded is this build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lamps.8014


28 views and no feedback :c

how well rounded is this build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaith.8256


28 views and no feedback :c

Well rounded for what? I’m assuming WvW roaming & zerging, since you have it locked in that mode.

It seems like you sacrificed a lot of things that you didn’t need to, in order to make this a “well rounded build”.

6 Soldier items, 3 Berserker items, 2 Valkyrie items, 1 Cavalier, 1 Celestial. Your gems in your jewlery are spread out over: Power, Condition Damage, Toughness, Vitality, Critical Damage.

If you want to have balanced stats, which is very common for professions like Eles and Engies, Celestial gear in WvW/PvE is the only option. You will get 55% more stats from gear by just equipping Celestial instead of spreading the stats out using regular gear.

Celestial is well-balanced godly for Engineers that are able to run builds that deal hybrid damage, stack might, and scale with healing. Seriously, it’s amazing.

The build you’re running right now runs pretty light – 1217 Toughness, 22k HP, and 54 healing. So you’re obviously used to running a more squishy rifle build, good.

Try this out:

Celestial Head, Chest & Legs give more of an increase across the board compared to Berserker then, say, the Shoulders, Gloves, Boots. It’s strange.

Anyways, this build can swing around 20 stacks of might (I swapped out your Auto-bomb dispenser for Enhanced Performance)

Look at your new stats, and rejoice! When self buffed with 20 might, and 25 Bloodlust (defensive food):

Offensive Stats:
2748 power
35% Critical chance, no fury.
74% Critical damage.
1277 Condition Damage for your Incendiary Powder, Bombs & Prybar.

Defensive Stats:
1310 Toughness
22,722 Health
394 Healing

Obviously, you’ll have to step-up and get Ascended Celestial jewlery, and if you can’t get an Ascended/Legendary rifle for celestial stats, a Berserker/Assassin one will do.

But seriously, for a build that is ‘well rounded’ with some healing, that does hybrid, but mostly power damage (Bombs, Nades, Flamethrower, Toolkit, Elixir Gun), Celestial gear is so good. Simply stacking some might to recoup the power loss will make you hit as hard as a berserker, while having increased toughness, healing, vitality, and hybrid damage.

I didn’t change your utilities cause’ those really vary per person. My choice for this 30/0/0/30/10 Celestial/Zerker build is: Healing Turret, Grenade Kit, Elixir Gun, Toolkit.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

(edited by Chaith.8256)

how well rounded is this build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lamps.8014


the wiki isn’t being any help on how to get the celestial insignia in order to craft any of that armor

how well rounded is this build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lamps.8014


ok i lied i can friggen buy it lol

how well rounded is this build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lamps.8014


but this is now looking impossible to craft at all if u didn’t complete the meta ach from the four winds for the daily mining in home instance or grind it during dragon bash

how well rounded is this build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zach.7203


but this is now looking impossible to craft at all if u didn’t complete the meta ach from the four winds for the daily mining in home instance or grind it during dragon bash

Stacks of quartz can be had from the Trading Post for between ~3 and 4 gold per stack.

how well rounded is this build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lamps.8014


but this is now looking impossible to craft at all if u didn’t complete the meta ach from the four winds for the daily mining in home instance or grind it during dragon bash

Stacks of quartz can be had from the Trading Post for between ~3 and 4 gold per stack.
