juggernaut trait

juggernaut trait

in Engineer

Posted by: daolor.4071


hi, I love the flamethrower, so went all the way in firearms and got the juggernaut trait, I get the might boon, but not the 200 toughness, without the flamethrower I got 430 toughness in the current zone, with the flamethrower I got 548, so thats an extra 118 toughness I get, so my question is, is this trait bugged, or does it have something to do with my lvl (60), or that Im downlvld, that I dont get the full amount?

juggernaut trait

in Engineer

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


Simply put, you are down-leveled, and your stats have hit the ‘cap’ for that down-level.

To put this into a perspective of balance; having a +200 toughness trait on as a down-leveled, level 2 player in a starting area, would make you insanely OP. You should see +200 when you are at 80 for sure, maybe earlier if you are in areas where you aren’t down-leveled and have not exceeded the cap for the area as well.

juggernaut trait

in Engineer

Posted by: daolor.4071


ah ok, thougt so, but better to ask, then running around with a “broken” trait, since I know from my other chars that many are:P tnx:)