just started playing engi

just started playing engi

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


In what manner do you suck at it? What build are you using? I need some information to offer you any guidance. Also, do the world a favor and stop using numbers in replace od actually words. If you want assistance, do not force those looking to assist you, to have it translate your post as if it is a dense preteens giddy text message please.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

just started playing engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Kirill.4876


I don’t really understand are you asking a question or giving assistance, and if so why?

just started playing engi

in Engineer

Posted by: petertje.7261


its a question its just that i dont do any damage at all i used the cofusion build and condision build bombs and nades

just started playing engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Kirill.4876


I personally run power, vitality and toughness armour with pistol/shield with medkit, elixir B, wrench kit and supply crate. It’s a build that’s meant to survive more than dish out damage but still does a surprisingly high amount.

That being said a confusion/bomb or grenade build should do a lot more than I can as long as you wear an appropriate armour set. Power works great on bombs/grenades and condition damage/power with perplexity runes (though kinda deemed cheap by the community :P) works amazing on a confusion build.

I’d be able to help better if I knew your play style and traits (: