please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: achmed.6542


  • Pry bar! an excelent skill, pretty much damage and the confusion it adds is just awesome.
    *The snare/bleed is nice. cripples and bleed targets, what’s better for running away ?
  • the shield … cant say how many times this thing saved my butt.
  • the magnet … well i havent realy found use for it yet considering the low range, but it seems to knock people down, so its fine with me.
  • but the base attack feels so god dam underpowered it makes me want to cry.

seriously, it’s a point blank 90° aoe cone weapon. but compared to bombs the damage of the base attack just sucks. can we please have a fix or a trait for this?

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: Candiru.5279


you forgot..

- skill 2 and 5 need faster cast time
- juggernaut trait should affect tool kit too
- remove root on skill 1 before 3 hit

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: tjeb.6503


I have and use this only for the shield, and really only to get into a keep or tower that is under siege in WvW.

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: Choxie.9438


I’ve been in love with it ever since I tried it out. It’s great for PvP and WvW. Reasons being:
1 – Causes vulnerability and does ALOT of damage, combined with glue shot or tacks, it’s really easy to land a couple 3-hit combos, just takes a good hand.
2 – Spread out tacks to cause bleeding and cripple, great in combination with 1, great to just throw out in a mob of people, and great for escapes
3 – Deals about the same if not, more damage than the 3rd hit from the 1 combo. And confuses opponent with 3 stacks. This will cause even more damage to opponents you’re fighting or even trying to run away, it just increases dps.
4 – A block, what other engi skill can block for 2 seconds aside from having a shield? I just LOVE this skill to swap to when I get hundred bladed or getting beatdown by a thief. Also, to run into castles in WvW with a big mob at the entrance.
5 – Pulls the opponent towards you and interrupts. One of my FAVORITE SKILLS OF ALL TIME. Use it on someone healing or channeling, save an ally from getting a flag in their chest. Grab someone trying to escape, keep the fight to YOU.
Utility skill – Throws your wrench like a boomerang, does a feasible amount of damage and does damage on the way out and back. Nothing CRAZY about this, but it’s a nice dps boost.
Definitely a must have in my book, well, for my build <3
Oh, and I don’t build toughness either, just quite abit of vit (26k HP lol)

I admit, it does need a few tweaks, but I make it work quite well for where it’s at now

Mina Sekurai – Asura Necromancer (Blackgate)

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


The thing is. Lets say your in melee with tool kit against another melee. A warrior or thief or even a ranger. They are going to be do doing 1.5-2x your damage on each hit. I hit the warrior for 1.5k, he hits me for 3k, I hit him for 3k, he hits me for 6k. Even another engi with bomb kit has me beat.

The problem with tool is the 1 ability is a bit weak but okay for a 1 ability. The 3 ability is nice. But we lack that strong burst of a 4 or 5 ability the other melee’s get. That 5-6k burst to chain after a strong 3rd hit from 1 or ability #3.

With tool you always have to swap back to rifle, and the 600 range on the pull is just to short to be effective.

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: Timeslice.9027


The problem with the Tool Kit (and the Flamethrower kit too) is that it’s damage really only comes from two skills. Meanwhile the Tool Kit 2 is really only useful for kiting (I have found it useful is certain situations though), while the 5 skill is completely and utterly useless: its cast time is way too long and it only will work on things that are already close range.

As someone mentioned, Tool Kit is really only useful for the 4 skill, and for the ‘fun factor’ of pry bar. Using it as a real weapon is fun but definitely not effective in PVE or PVP.

My proposed changes would be:

- 2 Skill cast time significantly reduced.
- 5 Skill range increased to ~900, or cast time significantly reduced.
- 5 Skill causes damage to all enemies pulled.

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


The problem with the Tool Kit (and the Flamethrower kit too) is that it’s damage really only comes from two skills. Meanwhile the Tool Kit 2 is really only useful for kiting (I have found it useful is certain situations though), while the 5 skill is completely and utterly useless: its cast time is way too long and it only will work on things that are already close range.

As someone mentioned, Tool Kit is really only useful for the 4 skill, and for the ‘fun factor’ of pry bar. Using it as a real weapon is fun but definitely not effective in PVE or PVP.

My proposed changes would be:

- 2 Skill cast time significantly reduced.
- 5 Skill range increased to ~900, or cast time significantly reduced.
- 5 Skill causes damage to all enemies pulled.

The old flamethrower pull from early beta is a good example of what the 5 could be. It’s ranger wasn’t much better 700~ I think. But It had a 5s burn, that went to 7s with condition duration. So in condition spec’s it’d easily do 6-7k damage.

To be honest I could easily lose magnet in place of a stronger 5 ability. I’ve always kind of felt that engineers are lacking if the fact that we do not have any reflect walls or immunity shields.

Another options could be an air combo field like a static field or electromagnetic field.

They could also have some kind of deploy-able barricade. Think the #5 ability from the harpoon-gun but on land.

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


I think the block could be spiced up.

Maybe make it cause bleeding/damage when it blocks melee attacks?

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: achmed.6542


nah, block itself is fine. the nails pretty much do the same.
it’s more a matter of either increase base damage,
reduce casting times
or add a trait to add dmg/reduce cooldowns somewhere.

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: Grakor.3450


There already IS a trait that reduces cooldowns to the toolkit. It’s in Tools. It even makes the 1 cripple with every hit, so it’s not a weak trait at all.

Problems with the actual kit aside, one thing that I was struggling with when trying to think of a viable way to use the toolkit is how to spend traits. The big problem here is that there’s no intuitive way to build a toolkit build, unlike flamethrower and elixir gun. If you go those two, firearms/alchemy is all but a given and has plenty of useful traits for the style. Toolkit…not so much.

The logical set-up for a toolkit, trait-wise, would be Tools/Inventions. The problem is that the Inventions grandmaster traits are overly specific, which limits your build options immensely. Turrets are kind of “eh” with the toolkit as it is, and the kit itself replaces a slot that could have another turret. Having two utility turrets means that you have no stun break, which isn’t absolutely mandatory, but rather annoying in certain formats. The other trait, sadly, only affects the bomb kit.

Having Juggernaut affect the toolkit would be nice, I suppose, though it’d feel rather awkward to go down the Firearms for it when using a wrench. Especially considering there are very few traits that would benefit you in that line. Honestly, I think a better solution would be to change Elixir-Infused Bombs to be changed to also allow certain toolkit abilities to give off healing pulses as well, and have the toolkit be the defensive, supporting close-range option while the flamethrower is the offensive one.

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: achmed.6542


omg “power wrench”!!!! either they updated it since Beta weekends or i just stopped reading at “heal turrets” XD

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: achmed.6542


ok just tried it in the mists testing area and … the perk doest realy help at all.
best option for close combat is still, greanades or bombs

please toolkit, become usefull *cry*

in Engineer

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


Tool Kit would be okay if 1 was the speed of a sword, not the speed of a hammer (to say nothing of how slow Thwack is, slower than a hammer). I wanted to like toolkit, with its traited cripple on 1, its confusion, its magnet, and its shield.

But the slow speed of 1-attacks is worthless, and magnet has far too little range to be useful. Combined with a general lack of survivability skills (no aoe blinds or snares like bomb kit or grenade kit, no knockbacks) toolkit engineers just die in melee.

Even if they don’t die, they do miniscule damage, and have limited cc.