pve grenade dps

pve grenade dps

in Engineer

Posted by: Joystick.4103


I was wondering, how does the engineer fall in terms of damage with the grenades in his current state? i havent played for about 2/3 months and i really like the engineer but im sooner or later drawn to the dps classes and i dont want to drop him. its mostly for pve.

pve grenade dps

in Engineer

Posted by: Stice.5204


The direct damage is on the low end compared to the max DPS builds of other classes. However, it pulls up to about average if nobody else in the group is applying a lot of bleeds so you can use most of the 25 allowed stack slots.

Grenade engineers are well above average at stacking both might and vulnerability, though, which are always desirable in groups.

Guardian, Engineer
[SIC] Strident Iconoclast – BP

pve grenade dps

in Engineer

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


Run Static Discharge alongside Grenades for a good damage increase. Also, if you’re adding 10 to 20 stack of vulnerability you can take credit for the % increase of 4 other people

“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”

pve grenade dps

in Engineer

Posted by: krixis.9538


full zerk grenades 30/10/0/0/30

used right it is high dmg output and is onpar with most other classes.

its just warriors who do stupidly high dmg and needs to be nerfed down to every 1 elses lvl. then u will see more class mix in dungeons.

every 1 compares dps to warriors sadly so when they say grenades is “low” end dmg they are just comparing it to warriors 40k + hundred baldes every 6 seconds in a full warrior party stacking in a corner.

in fractals how ever at 48+ where u cant just stack on a boss and nuke like crazy grenades come into their own and lets u nuke and move while avoiding attacks, alot of bosses in fractals such as

mossman, ascalon fractal, fire shaman, dredge, bloomhunger and others can make melee life hell if u stay there for more then a few seconds. so ranged has big advantages in fractals.

also in wvw u can spam grenades on walls. and u watch how fast u make ppl run away when there hp just drops.

once you get over the fact that warriors are only the highest dps for stand still and nuke faceroll content you will see how powerfull grenade engies are.

its just about build awareness for engies. once ppl learn how effective grenades are engies will be more widely accepted.

i still do get ppl ask me why im using zerk gear with grenades. once i explain how well they scale with power and crit dmg they are happy and no more fuss is made.

unless they are 13 year olds playing 4 warrior party who have no idea of what any other class is able to do and think there lvl "10"engie makes them understand the class better then you.

also if you form your own party chances are ppl who join knowing there is an engie wont cause u any problems for being an engie.

i am an engineer and proud

Desolation EU
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR

pve grenade dps

in Engineer

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


A Grenade Kit Engineer deals only about half to two-thirds direct damage as the direct damage build of other classes; if you add the damage from the conditions it’s about equal, though. If you want to deal as much direct damage as possible use the Bomb Kit.
However what a Grenade Kit Engineer excels at is support; the ability to constantly apply more than 20 stacks of Vulnerability is especially useful against bosses with Unshakable, and depending on your other skills you can buff your allies with Might, have AoE condition remove, and bring a lot of soft CC.