ranged Scrapper attacks

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Will there be builds in pvp, where you have descent ranged dmg output on top of your melee hammer stuff as Scrapper?

I had kinda hoped that the hammer would be a mix of melee and ranged, but its all melee.

It would be nice imo if Electro whirl and Shock shield, would be given an additional ranged component to give this mix of melee and ranged, while keeping all the melee stuff it currently has.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: lorddarkflare.9186


I respectfully disagree. We have plenty of ranged options as is.

I much prefer kitting up to ranged rather than diluting our best pure melee option.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Will there be builds in pvp, where you have descent ranged dmg output on top of your melee hammer stuff as Scrapper?

From kits yes.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: Nieguen.6235


The 3rd attack gives 3 leaps at range 1000
The 5th gives a 240m AOE + a lightning field at range 1200

So it’s already a combination of melee/distance.
And as said by morrolan you have the kits.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: archmagus.7249


Will there be builds in pvp, where you have descent ranged dmg output on top of your melee hammer stuff as Scrapper?

From kits yes.

Mortar kit or grenade kit comes to mind

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: Bomboed.5697


Will there be builds in pvp, where you have descent ranged dmg output on top of your melee hammer stuff as Scrapper?

From kits yes.

Mortar kit or grenade kit comes to mind

And both are ground-target. We have no real long range weapon like ranger`s longbow or mesmer`s greatsword, all of ours weapons and kits work well only in close or mid range.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: Kronos.2560


Grenades work plenty well, heck you can throw them further then you can shoot a rifle.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: dancingmonkey.4902


Grenades work plenty well, heck you can throw them further then you can shoot a rifle.

Grenades have a 900 range. Rifle can fire to 1200.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Well. let’s be honest, your Rifle is already a mix of Melee and Range despite being the weapon with the second highest range in our armory. The hammer puts the accent on the melee part.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: Ardid.7203


Grenades are also slower.

The only places I have felt the need of a true ranged weapon were Megadestroyer and Golem Mark II. And even then, only because nades were too boring…

I feel the mid range is perfect for engie, and for me. I wouldn’t know what to do with range.

“Only problem with the Engineer is
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


Well. let’s be honest, your Rifle is already a mix of Melee and Range despite being the weapon with the second highest range in our armory. The hammer puts the accent on the melee part.

The problem is you can’t switch between them.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: Adamantium.3682


Well. let’s be honest, your Rifle is already a mix of Melee and Range despite being the weapon with the second highest range in our armory. The hammer puts the accent on the melee part.

The problem is you can’t switch between them.

I think the point was that the one of the other weapon choices we have also works best in close range, though it has some skills to use at further range.

Similar also to pistols. PDV is best the closer you get, and obviously you want to be in melee when you use Blowtorch.

Hammer is more on the melee end of the spectrum than either of those, but it’s not as if this is uncharted territory for an Engi weapon. You always use Engi weapons in mid to close range.

Plus, of course, kits.

[TNO] Gizmo Gigawatt (Engineer)
Jade Quarry

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: Mercurias.1826


My plan was to use the hammer, tool kit, and bomb kit for melee in order to have a good mix of options and sustainability while using the thumper turret (great for blast finishers and cripple, plus the hilarious knock back on its overcharge they people don’t expect it) if I’ll not need ranged or grenades if I will. Mortar turret for elite because of its variety of combo fields and blast finisher.

Hammer, healing turret, bombs, tool kit, thumper, and mortar with tools, inventions, and scrapper traits seem like they can make for a fun melee-centric engie with high mobility, high support, and moderate damage. Three water fields, I think six potential blast finishers, blinds, blocks, all but I think one type of combo field (with streamlined kits), and if needed, drop thumper for elixir gun condi cleansing, grenades for extra ranged damage, or rocket boots for literally having rockets in your boots I mean come on.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: shion.2084


yeah I’’m really hoping there’s some good bomb and scrapper synergy that can be put to use so that I can actually survive when using bombs and have those bombs actually do something while I do.

I sorta like to pair rifle with bombs though to give me the midrange and CC aspects of the weapon, not sure I want to give that up for the hammer.

ranged Scrapper attacks

in Engineer

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


The 3rd attack gives 3 leaps at range 1000
The 5th gives a 240m AOE + a lightning field at range 1200

So it’s already a combination of melee/distance.
And as said by morrolan you have the kits.

What you say is not really true.
The hammer is not a real mix of melee and ranged.

The leap brings you in melee and the 5th has a 25 sec or so cd.
So its basically near completely a melee weapon.

All our other weapons have a focus on melee too.
Less, so than the hammer, but a focus on melee none the less.
Focus on melee, as in, their strongest attacks are melee.

For example eventhough our rifle is not a melee weapon, as in swinging a sword or so, it is a melee weapon in the range that is ideal to fight in.
The #1 is a ranged autoattack that wont make you really kill stuff.
The #2 is a root. The #3 is best to use in melee. The #4 is a cc+dmg on medium range with 15 sec cd.
The #5 brings you into melee range.

Real ranged weapons.
Ranger longbow is ranged.
Mesmer 2h sword is ranged.
Ele staff is ranged.

Engineer doesnt have…
The engineer does not have a weapon, which is a mix of melee and ranged BUT,
where the ranged part is dominant. Where you have a few low cd strong ranged attacks.

All mix weapons that we have are melee dominant.

So getting another weapon, Hammer, which is 99% melee, is disappointing to me, because we already have almost only melee dominant weapons.
Yet we lack a ranged dominant one or a ranged weapon in general.

So it seems fair that some of us have a wish for a weapon which has strong ranged attacks.

A modefication to the hammer could make it so, that melee lovers can still love every part of it, but that it gives some to ranged lovers too.

By making the following two changes:

Electro whirl #3.
On second press on this ability, it shoots a ranged lightning whirl attack at your target.
Around 600-900 range.

Shockshield #4.
On second press on this ability, you will throw a piece of shocking scrap metal.
If you have not blocked attacks, it reduces the cd by half on second press.
Around 600-900 range.

A second press. Similar to other abilities who do a different thing on second press.
The ranger 2h sword cancels his block for example and throws the weapon.

This idea for the #3 and #4 could be changed, but a second press to allow for a ranged function is kinda what I want to propose.

You could still use it in meleee the same way as it is now, but it enables some ranged options to the weapons, to give some to the ranged wishes too.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)