sPvP Engi Video - Requested
I choose not to share my traits because as I said it’s my own custom build and I don’t want people to be exactly how I am. I share my skills with you though for more of a guide line for anyone who wants to roll a condition/buff build. And options aren’t always bad.. Maybe someone will discover an even better build than I currently use. But for your question on runes, sigils, and necklace I will answer those.
Runes: 2 runes of Lyssa for the 10% condition duration & 4 runes of the Nightmare for condition damage and 10% more condition duration (20% more duration). Sigils I use superior Earth and minor corruption but this is very optional. Necklace and gear outside of the Mists is all Rabid or you can mix and match but I enjoy rabid because it’s precision, toughness, and condition damage.
Again, sorry I’m not sharing traits but the main point of my video was not to give you guys a build but to show you that the engineer isn’t an underpowered class like everyone says it is.
Thanks for the info. I think the Engineer is fun and competitive, glad to see someone else does too.
This looks like a non-toolkit version of Teldo’s main build… kind of hard to tell, I can’t really tell what’s going on in the video very easily, it jumps several frames. I can’t complain, my vids are really low rez, but I can’t really see anything you’re doing, honestly.
Change the quality. Sorry for that but I think your over exaggerating just a bit lol…
Yeah, your video skips — extremely hard to watch. Thanks though.
I watched the video. I appreciate what you’re attempting to do—I really do—but you have to realize that a video showing eight fights total—against five unique people— carried out under absolutely ideal circumstances does not do much to “shut some whiney little kids up” about anything.
I’ve played well over three hundred sPvP matches as an Engineer. During that time I’ve tested nearly a dozen unique builds, some with multiple minor variations. Some builds were awful, always. Other builds would feel quite potent until I ran up against players that clearly knew what they were doing. That’s why so many experienced Engineers consider the profession underpowered; he’s not weak, in the sense that he can’t accomplish anything. He’s underpowered because side-by-side with a class built for the same role, the Engineer falls short.
As I’ve said before, the Engineer has to dedicate 100% of his resources—traits, gear, skills, runes, and sigils—to filling his or her chosen role. Many other classes can reach the same level of ability by investing, say, 75% of their resources into one role (e.g., damage), and still have 25% of those resources to bolster another attribute (such as defense, mobility, or support). If, instead, one of those other classes invests 100% of those resources into a single role most of them will easily outshine us.
Again, I appreciate the attempt to elevate the tone of the Engineer forum. The complaints are rampant and, for the most part, far from constructive. But taking a head-in-the-sand approach to the problem by flat out denying it isn’t constructive either.
I’d love to see more discussion about builds; several people have shared builds without fear of being copied because, as they say, a rising tide lifts all boats. However, it’s easy to understand why there are so few discussions about builds, when there are only so many variations possible, most of them have been run, and few of them measure up in any meaningful way when held up to the other professions.
Tarnished Coast
Panic Time!
There are some differences: sigils and maybe firearms traits, but I dare say this is pretty much it.
Oh, and I didn’t see guys trying to cc you, or people cleansing your dots.
And it’s easy when you pop your elite all the time.
This is something really similar to the build you are using.
I must say I consider elixir builds MUCH more boring than kit builds.
But yeah, is solid and pretty straightforward.
And… no. It’s not original. 50% of the engineers I meet in spvp run this build. I ran that too: it’s the easiest to play.
because he doesn’t know it himself
This ele didnt even hit a single combo, I could kill him using elixir gun autoattack.
Do i agree engi’s are underplayed and underestimated? Yes
Do i agree that your a good engineer and you totally kick kitten No
Clicking abilities/Not using elite to stun/Not using Healing skill for any apparent reason/some of the people you 1v1 were just lol.
As to keeping your “custom” build top secret, its been done to death and is no secret to anyone.
+1 for engi’s
-1 for you
Warrior – Teined
Guardian – Nomoreroomformyname
OP says this is a might stacking build but he doesn’t stack might properly (see the runes he uses) you can go 60% might from runes (2 x Hoelbrak 20% Might / 2 x Strength 20% Might / 2 x Fire 20% Might). Would give you far more.
GW2 is not a 1v1 game and any kind of demonstration where it’s just 1v1 is invalid because the “balance” people look for is not based in 1v1.
Lastly the build is very obvious as it’ll be 30 / 30 / 10. Personally I like Knee Shot for the extra 5 second cripple.
Aye, but trying to get the third tick from bleed autoattack should be important, too.
because he doesn’t know it himself
You got to understand something.
If you come on the forum, post a video of your engineer winning 1vs1 in SPVP saying :
The main point for this video was to shut some whiney little kids up about how the engineer is an underpowered class.
You are asking to be flamed. We have a hard time getting in the paid tpvp meta, and you come here and call everyone whiney littl kids and prove it to us with poor spvp hot join fights?
Man, I can make a video of me kicking butt in sPvp hotjoin with a 4 turret build (I actually did it yesterday, man it was bad) and it still wouldn’t prove anything. It’s Hotjoin, anyone can kill anyone, with any build.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
(edited by Kardiamond.6952)
Just remember that there are many that enjoyed your video regardless of what is said here. I do believe the response was due to that line Kardiamond mentioned though. It reads as condescending, and then gets people off on the wrong foot when they watch the video.
Tirydia – Scrapper
Thank you! Next time I will try to make a better video but it’s hard to fulfill everyone’s needs.
It’s Hotjoin, anyone can kill anyone, with any build.
Unfortunately, this is absolutely true. I do appreciate the things that show the engineer excelling at a chosen role, though.
I ran a similar build in WvW this week with the exception being I swap Elixir C for Elixir U.
I’m not sure why you bother carrying Elixir C unless it is for the toolbelt, because you never popped it when you had conditions on you.
The setup (for me anyway) was great for solo roaming and solo camp flipping due to high DPS. Burns really do a ton of damage. My problems came in bigger groups as the survivability is terrible. I was constantly having to jump out and heal up. I may find a mix that works for me eventually, but I’ve switched back to P/S Power/Tough/Vit Juggernaut for the time being.
@NevirSayDie I appreciate that. I try my best to make the class as efficient as possible. And yes anyone can kill anyone with any build, but it’s how you build it that makes the differences.
@Tyaen Yeah I’ll look into exchanging C for U, but I find it hard to pay attentions to all my elements while in a fight, such as my conditions, health, endurance, ect. But yes your very right if I use elixir C I should USE it, lol. But I do use the tool belt skill more than the actually one for a matter of fact. I have a problem with big groups sometimes as well but I just try my best to kite back and let the soldier classes do front lines, but when I do have big groups on me I really try to maximize my use in skills 3 and 5. How are P/S builds? Never tried it.
Main difference between P/S and P/P is Offense vs. Defense. Burning is a healthy chunk of damage, but the Shield has great control.
Tirydia – Scrapper
Oh ok yeah, I never ran shield because I don’t take any class that isn’t heavy armor seriously when they try to tank lol. But I’ll look into that, thanks.
I personally would not look into Shield with this build, as without any access to Burning you would drop severely in damage. Heck I love dual pistols, and even with the Bomb Kit I still desire Blowtorch for the Burning damage.
Tirydia – Scrapper
I only run WvW and the occasional Fractal so keep that in mind.
I prefer to run tanky in WvW so as not to rally downed players. P/S is great for a couple of reasons. Blast finisher on magnetic inversion (not to mention reflection on range, and the push back to knock people off cliffs). The #5 skill is amazing though. Block, get hit and stun the opponent, or block don’t get hit and throw the shield for a dmage dealing daze on the way out, and on the way back.
P/P engineer is definitely fun though if trait-ed to properly stack burns and duration’s. Once I figure out how to make that build more survivable I’ll go back to it.
If you are trait-ing for bleed stacking, a shield would probably still work, but if you are a burn build you have to go P/P.
The Wiki does a great job of explaining some interesting effect the reflect can have.
(edited by Tyaen.5148)
I don’t think an Engineer should focus on Bleed stacking or Burn stacking specifically, when they can both at the same time incredibly effectively. The +50% cutoff for Bleed is probably the most important for the extra tick, but beyond that I wouldn’t specialize in anything. Condition damage works on all conditions, and the choice of sigils/traits that would be seen as focusing on bleeding are still just as good in one that theoretically focuses on burning.
Heck personally I have +50% to all condition duration, which makes all my conditions violent. It’s the sheer overload of every damage condition out there that makes the Engineer condition builds effective in my eyes. We can’t stack enough intensity on Bleeds no matter what we do, and Burning can’t do the damage alone. It’s everything at once that the trick.
Tirydia – Scrapper
Thanks for all the replies guys and I’ll look into each one. Personally I like burning and stun locking the most and my traits are made for condition damage/duration and burning.
I don’t think an Engineer should focus on Bleed stacking or Burn stacking specifically, when they can both at the same time incredibly effectively. The +50% cutoff for Bleed is probably the most important for the extra tick, but beyond that I wouldn’t specialize in anything. Condition damage works on all conditions, and the choice of sigils/traits that would be seen as focusing on bleeding are still just as good in one that theoretically focuses on burning.
Heck personally I have +50% to all condition duration, which makes all my conditions violent. It’s the sheer overload of every damage condition out there that makes the Engineer condition builds effective in my eyes. We can’t stack enough intensity on Bleeds no matter what we do, and Burning can’t do the damage alone. It’s everything at once that the trick.
I don’t disagree, I just prefer to trait for burn duration and damage, as burn does higher base damage.
How are P/S builds? Never tried it.
Magnetic Shield is both defensive and offensive. It takes practice, but being able to react quickly enough to reflect attacks such as a Ranger’s Rapid Fire or a Thief’s Unload will turn tides. This gives you some unexpected offensive power.
Magnetic Inversion is a great for getting some distance on a foe, but it’s also a fantastic support ability as it can interrupt multiple foes (up to 5) trying to stomp a teammate and put people out of position or knock them off of edges. It’s also a Blast finisher.
Static Shield can be channeled while moving giving you the ability to get to cover unscathed or safely close in on a foe that is trying to keep you at long range. While Static Shield’s effect ends when you get hit with a melee attack it can block any number of ranged attacks for its duration. One of my favorite techniques with Static Shield is to use it to advance on someone who is out ranging me, then just before the channel is over I activate Throw Shield to daze them. Throw Shield is also a Projectile finisher.
I still think I’ll stick with P/P for now. Seems to work out in tPvP and WvW as well, as I have been trying them out since reading all the comments and I seem to be just as good in tPvP than I am i sPvP. Maybe I’ll give shield a go in the future but for now I’m having fun with an off hand pistol
For your build you should really stay with the P/P, lacking the torch burn would hurt your dps.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Yeah that’s what I’m thinking. My traits are pretty well off at this point though but I can mix and match for more burn damage and uptime which I might try looking into.
This is a really poor demonstration of how to play Engineer.
Firstly, you say that you didn’t lose to any of the people you fought against in the video. That’s great, and I’m not going to argue that those players (or you) are bad or good because it’s irrelevant. However, it seems like you’re ignoring the fact that the build has huge weaknesses and even trying to hide them (your opening comments about ‘kids’ on the forums being too negative suggests that this was intentional and that you just want to argue for the sake of argument).
Secondly, the quality of your video is fine, but you recorded it with very low FPS which makes it incredibly difficult to follow and therefore not useful for trying to teach people how to play. Imagine you were taking a test in school, but the instructor only instructed you using material from every other chapter of a text book; you’d be missing some very important information.
Finally, if you’re not willing to accept criticism, just don’t share your videos or comments.
(edited by gkaare.8576)
I take criticism fine… There’s a difference in people being kitten and giving helpful criticism. You sir, are being a kitten therefore I don’t care about you or what you have to say or what you think you know. kthx <3
I’m sorry. The first line in my previous post probably came off as condescending and rude and you must have stopped reading there. Please go ahead and read the rest of my post and I will edit out the first line.
Ok now I appreciate that more. I wasn’t trying to hide anything, if it came off that way, I’m sorry but I didn’t have bad intentions. Like I said in a few previous replies, I made this video to just show that the engineer isn’t an underpowered class like people think, and I think I backed that idea up with this. And yes, Ik I didn’t film it in higher FPS, it was my first video on my new mac and I’m still getting use to it but I will definitely change the quality for my next go around so people actually know whats going on. Thanks for the feedback
I made this video to just show that the engineer isn’t an underpowered class like people think, and I think I backed that idea up with this.
If you really want to show people that their opinions are wrong about PvP and Engineer, I would suggest running this build in paid tournaments and making a video showing your results. Free tournaments would probably be fine, too.
Ok that sounds good! I’ll do that for my next video, (check out my new thread), I actually ran a tournament early with my team and we went undefeated in all 3 matches, shoulda been recording that hhahaha!
Tbh I don’t see how this proves anything since you’re just killing some baddies in spvp. Although with the recent advancement in meta (with builds like 100nades), engineers are a force to be reckoned with. Not sharing your traits is almost… Silly? Is that the right word? But it’s your build, so share it at your on will. It just seems like claiming engineers aren’t weak, but refusing to help the community is just ‘meh’ in my eyes. Decent video mate.
Yeah I see the 100 nade miht become part of the meta, not sure yet, since we also see a lot more of dual Elem, taking a spot in the team.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
What’s this 100 nades your talking about?
What’s this 100 nades your talking about?
The engineer community would tell you, but it’s a secret. See what I did there.
I kid.
On a more serious note. The defense, offense, and support you gain from using a shield, in my opinion, far outweighs the dps gained from Blowtorch due to it missing quite often. I’ve played P/P extensively and it has roughly a 30-40% miss chance on mobile targets.
Hahaha that was funny Grackle I don’t blame you for not sharing hahaha. But ok I’ll definitely try it out and tell you how it goes, thanks! I just don’t like the long cooldowns on shields for any class.
I’m too lazy to look for the build, but it’s easy to replicate.
The base is to get 30 points in explosif, like take the burn on crit, 10% explosion and the GM trait for grenade.
Now you also need kit refinement. A lot of people go 30 points in tools, so you have reduced cooldown on toolbelt skill, and bigger crit. Also, some people use Static discharge so using your toolbelt also throw a bolt of static. The rest are at your choice.
I use 30/0/0/10/30 with the 10 points for Elexirs S at 25% hp to counter burst.
Now this is the trickier part. Land the combo.
The combo isn’t as easy as thief.
You have to throw your Grenade barrage (Grenade kit toolbelt ability) and switch grenade at the same time. Kit refinement will cast another grenade barrage (tho a bit weaker, I think it doesn’t get the 2 extra grenade from traits) on switch. So you basicaly cast two grenade barrage at the same time. It can one shot some class, especially with burn and static discharge.
The trick is, if you don’t do it right, the grenade barrage will spread and do less damage. So you have to do it INSIDE the ennemy.
A way to achieve that is to use net shot, immobilizing someone. Then you jump shot right on their head, and as you are landing, you do your combo. All your grenade will explode right away, before spreading. It will do max damage.
This is tricky to do if you don’t take people by surprise. Most skilled player will use their defensive cooldown when you try to do it, because they know what you are up too.
The 100 nades is a lot more than that, but this is the basic.
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]
Hahaha that was funny Grackle
I don’t blame you for not sharing hahaha. But ok I’ll definitely try it out and tell you how it goes, thanks! I just don’t like the long cooldowns on shields for any class.
:) I would if I knew what 100nades was. I’m wondering just as much as you.
I share your dislike of the long cooldowns. I’m glad I could persuade you to give it a try.
Hahaha that was funny Grackle
I don’t blame you for not sharing hahaha. But ok I’ll definitely try it out and tell you how it goes, thanks! I just don’t like the long cooldowns on shields for any class.
:) I would if I knew what 100nades was. I’m wondering just as much as you.
I share your dislike of the long cooldowns. I’m glad I could persuade you to give it a try.
Check my previous post :P
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]