Engis can’t really play fun bursty builds anymore. We are stuck with support tanky role. Our burst leaves much to be desired. But instead of whining I suggest that we try to imagine what it should be like.
My ideas:
Tools traitline
“Excessive Energy” gives a 10 percent dmg increase when endurance is NOT full instead of the opposite. We saw similar change with thieves’ initiative trait and I think it would make it much better for pvp
Static discharge- 20 percent dmg increase. This trait should be combined with Power wrecnch and become a master trait.
Adrenal implant – should give you some endurance back after using tool belt skills to make the playstyle more fun. Passive grandmaster traits are not exiting.
Takedown Round – the delay should be half of a second
Turrets always knock back foes without any traits. This skill type is too weak and not used in any game type. Needs some love.
Siege rounds – the trait is too weak for a grandmaster. The projectile velocity increase would make it playable not only in wvw but in pvp too. The tool belt cast time is too long.
Thermobaric Detonation – you cause damage and knock back your foes at the end of the dodge every 10 seconds. The other details remain the same(25 dmg increase and its a blast finisher.)
Rocket – the projectile velocity is increased by 15 percent.
Skilled Marksman is no longer a trait but a permanent characteristic available without firearms because the trait line doesn’t fit power builds. The rifle damage is increased by 10%.
Over shield now gives you protection when the skill ends. You don’t want to waste your protection when you are blocking or reflecting.
Advanced Turrets – the reflective shields are now spawn without a delay.
Throw wrench – the range is increased to 1200.
Surprise shot – 1200 range.
Rocket boots are now a stun breaker.
Stimulant supplier now gives 10 seconds of fury.
Applied force – get a 1,5 second of quickness after using a tool belt skill.
Blast gyro tag – the gyro now has a superspeed.
Shredder gyro – pulls enemies to the gyro within 450 range.
Some other skills changes
Net shot now works like the hip shot(chases enemies a little bit). The same with glob shot
Overcharged shot gives you 3 seconds of stability after knocking you back.
A.E.D – now has 1/2 cast time and the cooldown of 30 seconds.
Mine field now has half a second cast time.
Elixir X now gives you rampage if you have a tool equipped and tornado if you don’t(we all hate rng, right?)
Supply crate – the cd is reduced by 20 percent. The cast time is 1/2 sec.
Self-regulating defenses – the cooldown is 80 seconds.
Protection injection – the cooldown is 10 seconds.
Some players might think that is makes engi op. But it doesn’t. The current engi is using completely different trait lines. If they are dropped, they lose all the sustain. So you sacrifice one thing to get the other.
You are welcome to give your ideas about engis’s dps role.