the Nerf hasnt happened yet...
You know retaliation is a good source of damage for some engi builds? (5 in Alchemy + Elixir B and for the rare people using Armor Mods)
It’s time for a Med Kit version of the P/P builds.
You know retaliation is a good source of damage for some engi builds? (5 in Alchemy + Elixir B and for the rare people using Armor Mods)
I find retal to be strong on group fights but on 1v1, if your gettin hit enough for retal to make significant damage, that means you’re dead and they are just trashing your body :[
I agree with developers Grenade Kit needs to be nerfed.
409 gets a cooldown :/ Every skill of the engineer will have a cooldown I can’t see. It is like our random skills. Pressing the button and pray for the effect you are looking for.
- Retal damage is being toned down on WvW! Grande and FT users should be happy!
- For the first time Anet has merged and created new traits!!!!!!!! this opens up great possibilities if anet decides to work on some of our useless traits (we got alot of those)
The only real nerf so far is confusion nerf for WvW players. other than that, they said granades will not be nerfed this patch.
I can agree on not being overly pessimistic and negative.
But please: it’s just as silly to be overly confident and positive.
These aren’t such wonderfull things to be jumping for joy for…
First of: incendiary power got a LOT less uptime now, which tends to hurt a lot of Flamethrower builds.
That burn went from 66% almost to 40% baseline.
Givers weapons, runes, traits…made that burning often 100%
As for the excuse of opening new builds: it did NOT open up new builds since it still works on crit!
Let it work on base hit, and than we’re talking. THAT would be a buff to other build options!
On the second point of the traits:
this is as much bad news as it is hopefull…
Yes, they did merge traits and create new traits. But NO: they didn’t think engineers were worthy of such changes.
This is a clear sign, they didn’t even MENTION engineer traits to ever be changed for the better.
We got incendiary power nerfed, that’s our trait change.
When I heard they were redesigining traits I was happy and hopefull.
Till I saw they weren’t bothering for engineers…
If they don’t think we need those new traits now, why would they do it later?
And when is ‘later’ anyhow? Next patch will be bugfixes and asuch… so at least no new traits for 2 months.
If they wanted to do it for engineers, they would have. Now.
(edited by Kimbald.2697)
I don’t think 409 will be nerfed because it’s not like you can pop off 3 elixirs and tosses in a second (which the ele could do with their skills that were instant cast).
I’ve fought quite a few HGH engies with my build and they aren’t as immune to condis as Eles were before this nerf.
I can agree on not being overly pessimistic and negative.
But please: it’s just as silly to be overly confident and positive.
These aren’t such wonderfull things to be jumping for joy for…First of: incendiary power got a LOT less uptime now, which tends to hurt a lot of Flamethrower builds.
FT has burning on last hit of auto-attack, so this trait change doesn’t affect it all that much. In fact, the 4 seconds with a 100% chance on crit and 10s recharge alongside FT is almost perma burn.
On the second point of the traits:
this is as much bad news as it is hopefull…
Yes, they did merge traits and create new traits. But NO: they didn’t think engineers were worthy of such changes.
This is a clear sign, they didn’t even MENTION engineer traits to ever be changed for the better.
We got incendiary power nerfed, that’s our trait change.When I heard they were redesigining traits I was happy and hopefull.
Till I saw they weren’t bothering for engineers…
If they don’t think we need those new traits now, why would they do it later?
Because they iterate? They didn’t change Warrior traits before but they did them now. Seriously, you made no point here.
I don’t think 409 will be nerfed because it’s not like you can pop off 3 elixirs and tosses in a second (which the ele could do with their skills that were instant cast).
I’ve fought quite a few HGH engies with my build and they aren’t as immune to condis as Eles were before this nerf.
The problem is at the moment we have very limited possibilities to remove condtions.
Based on the track record from beta 1 on, the engineer nerfs will be brutal, the buffs will be minor or irrelevant, bugs will be mostly ignored. Stronger more versatile build on apex classes will be untouched or buffed.
Engineers are concerned because 90% of patches prove that concern is justified. If we find just one weird thing that works it will be taken away next patch in a way that seems very different to more popular classes, where things are only taken away after there are viable things to replace that builds role.
Engineers fear patch day with VERY good reasons. (Apart from the few engineers who want the class to be bad to fuel their underdog egos)
It’s not being overly confident and positive, terrible things are gonna happen, we all know that and even expect them, it’s just that they didn’t mention anything terribly bad on the SoTG and still people are overreacting. let’s just wait until patch day and see what happens.
oh and i know trait won’t happen on the next patch, or prob anytime look, specially since all our traits look good when you read them off the wiki. but since they already done it once, it open the possibility to happen again on the future, and about incendiary powder.. for someone like me who normally runs burst power builds, seems more attractive with a 4s duration which further increased, i think potentially it could be inceased to 60% uptime on 100% chance on crits
Something is different now tho! people are crying we’re OP :] OP classes don’t tend to get 6-10 months too late, and this patch will prove this either right or wrong, also i’ve been fighting devs and most of them have been plying engineers, and they are not half bad, specially power on hgh, he’s pretty scary if he gets up close. also the community has grown, engi’s everywhere now..
I’m very excited about the fact that they’re actually demonstrating that yes – they can and will change traits when necessary. I honestly was beginning to wonder if they possessed the ability to do so…
I agree with developers Grenade Kit needs to be nerfed.
Er… from what I saw, they stated that they wanted to bring other options up to par, not bring existing options down. (Words which I’ll take with a grain of salt)
For the toast!
I have nothing to be happy about.
Warriors will never use that boon hate nonsense. It’s 30 points deep in a glass cannon spec that focuses on burst skills. Who, in their right mind, would give up the other master trait, which focuses on making burst skills awesome, for the sake of doing 10% more damage to guardians?
It’s pointless drivel, that they can point to when warriors complain about how hard it is to kill a guardian. It’s the dev’s way of telling the player base to STFU, and it will have no real impact on the game.
The confusion nerf is no big deal, you could see that coming from a mile away, and why it didn’t happen sooner is beyond me.
The healing turret buff is lipstick on a pig.
This class is still dead. Any attempts to breath new life into it have failed.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.
0:47:30 Rough transcode.
Symbolic: Is there any chance of slightly buffing bombs in the future..ughhhh. like making them unblockable or bugging the power damage or something like that.. cuz the bomb(?) grenade outshine bombs. They win everywhere.(?)
Jon Peters: The thing right there, I think you hit it in the head is that grenades are really powerful compared to everything else. It is almost like you have to bring Grenades for most builds for an engi. umm… we also seen stuff like if your playing kylo the stuff that engi can do like against enemy targets..up on a.. if you jump on a wall you can just throw..lob over grenades to deal with a target without ever having to commit to a fight so it’s just really strong. so i thinks it’s more of engi grenade kit might need to be looked at instead of everything else getting buffed maybe that need to come down a little bit…(heavy sigh typing )but like there is a lot of skill to the grenade kit, if you guys have played it, you need to think ahead of where you need to be for where the grenade that’s something we need to be looking at….blah blah blah
Seems to me Jon Peters wants to nerf Grenade Kit. I tend to agree with him.
The only thing that needs to be nerfed about grenade kit is the freeze grenade. If it is going to do that much damage, it needs less chill time, or less damage and keep the chill.
Fully traited, buffed, sigil-ed and rune-d I can chill for about 14+ seconds in WvW, and this increases the likelihood of my other grenades hitting.
As to “not committing” to a fight, that’s bullkitten, if I could land everything I tossed at max range, then I might consider some other type of nerf to be justified.
There’s some Warrior in another thread talking about his 19.5k Kill Shot, and any ranger with a SB will tell you, they would NEVER be able to land these skills if they had to manually target them at max range.
Nerf grenades… pfff, I don’t know what yours are hitting for, but I have to go to extravagant lengths to see 3k total on a 3 second skill shot (on GK2 – I have never seen GK1 hit 3k btw). Just watch the engie forums for all the QQ about how hard it is without an auto attack, or flight times, or reflects, or retaliation.
It’s a skill with a payoff if you play it well. Period.
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD
If you really think the class is dead, that means you stopped playing the game a while ago.
And patch hasn’t come out yet, calm you kitten down and just wait and read the patch notes off the wiki or something, for once i’m kinda exited about the healing turret’s water field, if they make it something like 5s engineer will be loved by every team (same as they love the ranger’s healing spring)
They said they wouldn’t nerf it on this patch, but if they do plan on nerfing on the future. they have to come up to something to balance more engineer’s role on WvW. without grandes we would be stuck on rifle’s auto attack while trying to cap anything
(edited by google.3709)
Well Jon Peters basically said be wants the grenade kit nerfed so now that they have been targeted I see grenades inevitably getting one of either two treatments in upcoming patches:
1. A second 30% damage reduction
2. The kr teatment, turning damaging grenades into more utility based skills. Probably like turning shrapnel and poison grenade into knockback and heal grenades.
I dig #2 a knockback and heal grande sound awesome.
I dont think it is the role of Grenade kit that will change. It will be the amount of damage they do and the inherit advantage you get from taking them.
Somethings that come to mind 25 stacks of Vulnerability and 25 stacks of bleeding. This is especially true in WvW and PVE where you can use food to maintain those stacks without even trying. If built correctly Grenade Kit can be the highest AOE Range DPS skill in the game. On paper, they have the potential to out damage every skill in the game. Something like 6k DPS. In a PvP scenario they dont quite as much damage but they are still quite powerful even with the 100 nades nerf.
There is the whole AOE vs Single taget argument and the range versus melee arguement. Both of which grenades break. It does more damage in aoe then the single target stuff. It does more damage from range then the melee stuff. Even bombs dont start dealing more damage until you abuse the vulnerability stacking of Grenade first.
The reasons I believe Grenade Kit is too strong is because of its interaction with Steel packed Powder and Sharpnel. The nature of Grenades in that they throw 3 grenades per 1 second. Gives them an advantage when it comes to procing traits such as Incendary powder, Precise Sights and many others including the ones mentioned prior.
I still think the Grenades should still have some perks compared to other kits. Although those perks shouldnt be so strong that they outclass all the other kits strengths.
This is a discussion that needs to be had. If I was you guys you should embrace the changes Anet plans to do. Get ahead of the game. Voice your concerns. Give feedback. It is important to do this in a constructive way.
Not to hijack the thread but there needs to be a discussion about balancing Grenade kit for all situations. Maybe someone can create a thread about it.
Something i heard on some other thread but is 100% true. if a person lets himself be slapped with 25 vul and 25 bleeds from range, he deserves to die.
the only possible nerf, which would be kinda fair is if they reduced the bleeding duration.
and it doesn’t cost money to make a thread, you should start it :]
Very true if you get 25 stacks of Vulnerability and bleeding then you do deserve to die. Although that doesn’t address whether such a thing should be possible in the first place. Also with food+Giver this issue becomes exponentially worse.
One of the reasons 100 nades and Grenade kit in general is so strong is because of the multiple Grenades per second. Each Grenade toss is 3 Vulnerability stacks. Grenade Barrage has 8. The old 100 nades did more then just 26k damage or w/e crazy number they quoted. It also applies Vulnerability stacks which means if you didn’t one shot them the first time. The next skills coming up will hit even harder. This is compounded by the fact that Vulnerability increases the damage received by the target from all sources not just you. Add on the fact that each one of those explosions have a 15% chance to apply Bleed for 12 seconds. Once you add in Condition duration of which you get 30% from explosive tree, it gets even more out of balance.
The problem I have with they way they are nerfing things. They are ignoring the root of the problem which is Grenade Kit. Steel packed powder, Sharpnel and Incendiary Powder are all not over the top in other kits.
Although I realize and maybe even the developers do too. If they do in fact nerf Grenade Kit then the flaws of the engineer begin to show. Grenade Kit is what is keeping us viable for the most part. There are a few Condition bomb/pistol builds but they are no where near as strong as Grenade Kit builds. Also there is play when fighting against those builds. Grenade Kit builds, you either don’t get yourself into a situation where you are on the other end of that barrage or your dead. Opportunity cost argument is not very strong when you can spam Grenades every 1 second and make use of our numerous CC options.
Condition Removal doesn’t hurt Grenade Kit since the time it takes u to remove the condition the next barrage is on its way. Biggest offender of Grenade Kit’s raw damage is Sharpnel Grenade and Freeze Grenade. Grenade 1 used to be good until they nerfed it. Funny the Biggest direct damage skills are also the ones that apply some of the strongest conditions.
Yeah, I think I will make that thread once I get enough time to really break down the Grenade Kit.
Altho i agree with some points, i personally believe the reason grande kit is currently strong is because of the long duration of the conditions, specially bleeds which also happen to have a short cool-down. if they get tone down. It would balance the kit out. without so much condition pressure, mostly stupid people would die to granades.
also, about that vulnerability.. I’ve been playing Mesmer on tPvP, (the place where they base balance), with their staff #5 _"Chaos Storm", i will often stack 25 stacks vulnerability on its own. so is not like the engineers are the only one able to do it. and unlike engineer mesmer also happen to have some strong hitting skills. the #3 Warlock normally deals around 6k + 10% for every unique condition. I’ve been able to deal12k crits.
1 thing that’s keeping me positive about this patch, is seeing all these engineers whining and how ridiculous they look. oh wait… it’s the ele’s! LOL… hopefully that is not how our community sounds like every month!!
Petition to boycot Anet because using RoTL as it is intended is class breaking! and if they do that, the eles should be deleted from the game LOL
what’s sad is that Ele’s will most likely get their way like thief did, and get RoTL 2,000 5s cd after Anets gets tired of their whining, but we’ll never ever see KT again :[ R.I.P
(edited by google.3709)
Just took 19k instant dmg from a Thief using Steal+C&D+Backstab.
Good thing they are nerfing them so that will only do around 17k dmg.
Confusion 50% nerf though.
I am now confused.
I don’t see what there is to be optimistic about.
Even the Devs arent excited about the profession.
Just look at their tone when they get to the Engineer section on the list in SoTG.
They all but huffed and rolled their eyes.
“uhhh the Engineer”
(edited by CriSPeH.8512)
Jon Peters: … we also seen stuff like if your playing kylo the stuff that engi can do like against enemy targets..up on a.. if you jump on a wall you can just throw..lob over grenades to deal with a target without ever having to commit to a fight so it’s just really strong. so i thinks it’s more of engi grenade kit might need to be looked at instead of everything else getting buffed maybe that need to come down a little bit…
How it that any different than any other class with 1500 range?
You really can’t justify that complaint being Engineer specific other than the Dev’s simply hating Engineers for what ever reason.
LOL i hate those, specially with the D/P build where most times they won’t even unstealth, and i’m not that glassy xP.
@Mif.3471 They were talking about an specific PvP Map where Engineers arcing throw to reach the enemy’s treb while standing from the wall, they fail to mention to that, it takes 5s for enemies to reach you.. and if it is a thief, most of the time is GG
@Mif.3471* They were talking about an specific PvP Map where Engineers arcing throw to reach the enemy’s treb while standing from the wall, they fail to mention to that, it takes 5s for enemies to reach you.. and if it is a thief, most of the time is GG
Well then that’s a map design issue, not an Engineer issue.
So instead of fixing one sPvP map, they’re going to nerf grenades for every Engineer in every discipline in the game. Unbelievable….
Altho i agree with some points, i personally believe the reason grande kit is currently strong is because of the long duration of the conditions, specially bleeds which also happen to have a short cool-down. if they get tone down. It would balance the kit out. without so much condition pressure, mostly stupid people would die to granades.
Sharpnel Grenade and Sharpnel Trait are the ones you are refering too. I was messing around in WvW got 97% condition duration. Pretty fun with Grenades and confusion. 6 second net turret etc. 117% in PVE which apparently is capped at 100%. I wanted to look at the extremes to see how effective the trait and Sharpnel Grenade are. Needless to say good thing this game isnt balanced around PVE stats or there would be some serious QQ going on. Hurling Grenades into Zergs is fun though.
How would you address changing Sharpnel Trait. If they add another internal cooldown it would fix the problem but I hate ICD as it takes some of the skill out of the skills. Also when you nerf Sharpnel Trait you nerf it for Bombs and Mines too. Sharpnel Grenade nerf would only effect that Grenade but if you take off half the duration you just make people want to get more duration. You punish the people who aren’t stacking duration. Doesnt really address the problem. If you increase the Cooldown on Sharpnel you make it more important of a skill to land as you cant spam it as much. Nothing really changes, you are just doing less damage with Grenade kit. It doesn’t promote build variety.
also, about that vulnerability.. I’ve been playing Mesmer on tPvP, (the place where they base balance), with their staff #5 _"Chaos Storm", i will often stack 25 stacks vulnerability on its own. so is not like the engineers are the only one able to do it. and unlike engineer mesmer also happen to have some strong hitting skills. the #3 Warlock normally deals around 6k + 10% for every unique condition. I’ve been able to deal12k crits.
Yeah, I dont think the Vulnerability stacks themselves are the problem. It is the frequency at which you can stack them. Which speaks to the way Grenade Kit works with the whole 3 grenades per 1 second thing. Chaos Storm you need the trait for Vulnerability on Daze and you need to keep the enemy in the circle. Where as Grenades are as effective as you can aim them. There is very little opportunity cost involved. If you miss you can cast another within the next second.
How it that any different than any other class with 1500 range?
You really can’t justify that complaint being Engineer specific other than the Dev’s simply hating Engineers for what ever reason.
Granted Grenade Kit is the strongest AOE Ranged damaging skill.. Fun Fact each Grenade has its own 5 target limit thing. So up to 15 targets. Some true AOE there. Also 1500 range so you can stay relatively safe.
So I think it is justified to discuss it at the very least. This type of Grenade Barraging occurs in WvW too at a more prevalent rate.
yes google, the engie forum sounds like the ele forum, every kitten day.
it is our small victory I suppose, since misery loves company.
grenades need balancing. period. (both for <ie travel time> and against <ie excessive proc opportunity>).
you may now resume your regularly scheduled mewling.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
yes google, the engie forum sounds like the ele forum, every kitten day.
it is our small victory I suppose, since misery loves company.
grenades need balancing. period. (both for <ie travel time> and against <ie excessive proc opportunity>).
you may now resume your regularly scheduled mewling.
At least there’s a few more reasonable people over here. Over there the percentages are a little more in favor of the QQrs.
In any case, I wouldn’t mind grenades being balanced in WvW. I just don’t wan’t to have to lob hundreds more per dungeon run again. It was hard enough adjusting after the first nerf. I like this new idea of keeping thing separate, lets ride it out.
Actually i was referring to the Shrapnel Grenade, I’ve noticed its one of the most deadlier one and if you land a couple normally is gg for the other person. Freeze Grenade is strong as well, it sets up for more once the Engi decides to make it rain. and about fixing it idk, but if Anet decide to make a change, the most logical decision would seem to split the skill between PvP and PvE. but who knows, it up to them how to deal with it but it prob won’t be nerfed for a couple of months. and hopefully by that time we a lot more going on.
and you’re right about the memer thing, i just threw a couple of traits together and made a build which turned out pretty decent but never really went through anything really, 3 vul if you rupt and 5 if you daze. pretty decent for pvp and easy to root with ileap
oh .. fancy to see you here, i thought you cellphone broke and couldn’t get on forums anymore. hopefully Anet comes out with a smart phone gw2 app so you can logg on once in a while. But until them continue arguing and contradicting everyone as a way to get attention! btw FT is still gamebreaking OP!!!!! Meow!
(edited by google.3709)
very bad SOTG… Anet had no clue whats ticking. “umm yea we aimin turret builds” pfft. Last patch they gave us 5 confusion on prypar as we needed. then they nerf all around confusion because mesmer can spamm it. Elxirir S nerf where it came from? more nerfs on flamer. Ive never seen working flamer build in action. alchemy build gettin targeted?
Every other profession when gets nerfed they give something back. Anet just had a laugh how bad engineer gadgets are and moved on.
oh .. fancy to see you here, i thought you cellphone broke and couldn’t get on forums anymore. hopefully Anet comes out with a smart phone gw2 app so you can logg on once in a while. But until them continue arguing and contradicting everyone as a way to get attention! btw FT is still gamebreaking OP!!!!! Meow!
anything useful to add, or are you still playing go fish with the troll bait?
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
not sure where the troll bait came from, but i guess it worked.. i caught the biggest N troll. now I just lock it up or toss it in a hole with a Big ol’ Bomb just to be sure it never bothers anyone again. (sadly that’s only wishful thinking since the thirst for attention can overcome anything…)
Edit: forgot the Meow
(edited by google.3709)
I’ll have to wait to see the numbers but it feels like healing turret will be nerfed for me instead of buffed. I use it for the initial heal and water field burst heal… I don’t leave it up as it sucks, dies fast or battle moves away from it. Guess I’ll have to use 25sec elixer heal
The healing reduction won’t be too drastic i think.. -800 maybe, but for what i understand the overcharged will drop a water field (grants regeneration with projectiles and heals with leap/blast), if it is the case and the water field last a few seconds. it could be a positive improvement.
I have no sixes, go fish.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
lol no way.. I might catch another troll if only it would stay hidden under its bridge instead of trying soo hard.
but anyways, unless you have something constructive to say/discuss. please don’t say it, thank you bye bye
(edited by google.3709)
aww, gee, I do have a three.
have you any nines?
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
LOL you try so hard, that’s so cute
no jacks here, any aces?
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
Just jackaces. ._.
Red Guard
For wvw, the elixir S nerf basically condemns me to commanding on my guardian again. It would still be viable if the associated tool belt skill just gave you stability straight up instead of just letting you die for no reason half the time. Elixir S was basically the only thing we had that was stability like.
In the process of nerfing grenades they’ve made every other kit useless as well.
Just remove grenades if you hate them so much. They didn’t work out. Oh well. Don’t murder the class over it.
The healing reduction won’t be too drastic i think.. -800 maybe, but for what i understand the overcharged will drop a water field (grants regeneration with projectiles and heals with leap/blast), if it is the case and the water field last a few seconds. it could be a positive improvement.
It leaves a water field for 1 sec currently and the tool belt ability is a 1 sec water field. The overcharge increases the reuse time from 20 sec (nice for heals) to 60 sec (worthless for heals) but maybe they will change that… Will have to wait and see, but my guess is that my heal will be worse for me
If I had to wait for the overcharge I think I’d continue to rely on rangers and elementalists for my waterfields; otherwise a healing turret is just a big sign showing that your group is about to heal but hasn’t actually done so yet and will remain in place for a moment.
-Healing Turret skill:
Reduced the deployed heal by 50%.
Healing range is now 2520-3270.
No longer applies 2 stacks of regeneration every time the turret fires. Now applies 3 seconds of regeneration every 3 seconds.
No longer passively creates a water field.
Normalized the ranges of all aspects to 480 (previously 240, 360, or 480).1/2 the heal and no water field…. they killed it
forced to use elixer heal now… WHY!?! lol god they make it hard to keep playing this prof
You cut off the changes to its overcharge ability…makes a huge difference and opens up more to do with it. Actually provides a 5 second water field.
-Healing Turret skill:
Reduced the deployed heal by 50%.
Healing range is now 2520-3270.
No longer applies 2 stacks of regeneration every time the turret fires. Now applies 3 seconds of regeneration every 3 seconds.
No longer passively creates a water field.
Normalized the ranges of all aspects to 480 (previously 240, 360, or 480).1/2 the heal and no water field…. they killed it
forced to use elixer heal now… WHY!?! lol god they make it hard to keep playing this prof
the trick is that the overcharge now has a 15 second cooldown.
And that overcharge gives the same heal, a regen and a 5 sec waterfield.
So: deploy (20 sec cd) > overcharge (15 sec cd so can always be done when deployed) > detonate as soon as the regen and water field kick in.
the only thing that bothered me about the interview is that they said they would leave the values for PVE retal and confus exactly as they are, this is a bad move because they already nerfed them once just after launch and they need to return to the original values for PVE because that was one of the best maneuvers for PVE healer specced engis was to use bombs to both heal and retal/confus interchangeably to make the enemies die quicker. It was a solid build for the first month then they nerfed it for pvp (possibly WvW). So it’s really not what it should be.
I do hope they see that and go thru all of the PVE changes over the past year to the engi class and restore much of the damage they’ve caused to PVE for the sake of PVP balance.