Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
turrets - yes another thread
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
the problem is they remain HARdCORE on the “Same balance” philosophy. Sooo if we let turrets crit/scale even more pvp tears will come, and moving, same, more pvp tears, if we ever make them viable in pve, the pvp tears will be so big that it will get reverted right away.
so don’t allow it to crit / scale in spvp
only allow it to move in PVE also. and use stationary for spvp
problem solved instantly
its time mmos split up pve and pvp properly and not merge it in a semi crap way
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
so don’t allow it to crit / scale in spvp
only allow it to move in PVE also. and use stationary for spvp
problem solved instantly
its time mmos split up pve and pvp properly and not merge it in a semi crap way
For some reason despite GW1 doing waht you just said its time for, GW2 and ANET dont wanna do that. Soooo we are kittened until they change this mindset.
I don’t mind turrets being separated from other minions by being unable to move. If they followed you, they would be subject to getting blasted by any AoE you’re standing near/in. Their health, as it currently is, would cause them to die very, very fast. Increasing their health too much might make them OP, since they are immune to conditions, and then players who use condis (WvW/PvP) may be unable to kill them. Being immobile, conversely, you can deploy the turrets in a safer area without fear that they will stupidly walk into AoEs and die.
I would rather see turret cooldowns reduced, especially when the turret is picked up, rather than mobile turrets.
Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)
they would not be changed for SPVP
in pve how ever a game where the vast % of players are is a different story.
for PVE DUNGEONS / FRACTALS ONLY READ IT give them aoe immunity
WvW is all about zerg play and if u are running about WvW alone u will be mown down by roamers and deserve to die. also MMO pvp is never designed for 1v1 its designed for group play so having turrets scale would be nice and wont be OP.
the only OP turret would be the net turret so don’t give that aoe immunity. and u would have to spec into invention to even have a remotely usefull very short reflect for a turret,
as it is right now
lol the engineer poped a turret. random no skill aoe placed over turret. turret dies 5 seconds later and the player is still focused on the engineer.
this is just an example as to show u how useless they can be.
now a pve example
I place a turret in a “safe spot” but it counts on the boss threat list. what is this red circle of doom over my turret that gets 1 shot ??
whats this random stupid person runs into my turret and it dies from the aoe focused on them ?
whats this rocket turret no logner causes burn and is now 1000 base line range has 4 sec fire rate and hits for around 800 dmg but its aoe
whats this rifle turret only this for 500 dmg per shot and forces you to bug over charge to have a 1 sec fire rate to make it even worth using. yet its tool belt ability can crit and scales with power and has a 6 sec cd and can be fired at any direction even when stunned !
whats this full zerk build with 0 points in invention is the fav build for DPS engie even if speced in full inventions does less dps then current meta.
whats this ppl only use the inventions reflect for wvw to protect build sites bu using 3 turrets 1 after each other then a supply crate ? after that the turrets die a painfull death from the aoe zerg that follows
for WvW it would atleast force players to make a choice go for the engie or go for the turret.
atm its just LOL turret random faceroll no skill aoe and focus on engine while the turret dies.
most ppl have no idea what they talk about and just spew out crap.
WoW had this issue with hunter pets and shaman class that uses totem that work exactly like turrets do. both of which was solved by giving them aoe protection.
the pets take 95% less dmg from aoe and have their base hp.
the totem have 5 health but immune to all forms of aoe. and only need a single direct dmg attack to destroy them.
give turrets in PVE DUNGEONS / FRACTALS aoe protection and do not add it to SPVP and make turrets mobile on mini tank treds like bomb disposal robots IRL. but again not work in SPVP
WVW is not real pvp its just big zerg vs bigger zerg with stupid ppl running about alone asking to be killed by a thief. any decent WvW player is with a group being usefull .
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
Was wondering when this would start.
See many of these suggestions were offered by myself and many others long ago because we’d already seen improvements in pet classes like this in other titles long before this one.
Combat balance is not so different between mmo’s it’s long been established that the same concepts are true under the hood in every mmo that uses standard combat techniques. Pets are one of those concepts and turrets are pets. The only thing I disagree with is that they only need that AOE immunity in dungeons, they need it globally because no pet in any game should be the target in PVP much less in PVE simply because in builds that are pet heavy the class relies on those pets heavily and should not have to worry about an uneven ability of other classes to destroy said pets in 2 seconds with an AOE, the same goes for splash damage in PVE, pet heavy builds should never have to worry about that.
They do need to be mobile, perhaps in one of the lines like the tools line they could make turrets mobile with a trait just as long as it’s not a XII trait.
BTW I have to correct some people who have posted here. At no time does hardcore mean inequality, hardcore means that the design is supposed to be diverse, well balanced, and setup to be a challenge of wits but never imbalanced. Using that as an argument against a complete combat overhaul, or against an actual balance of the game’s classes including taking Engineers out of the beta phase of development at long last is neither logical nor is it sequitur. There’s a large number of things that have been left broken on this class for over two years, it’s time to fix it.
The lack of diversity in builds in PVE (multiple zerker builds do not make diversity, and because only certain things work now no pet builds to speak of because of the weakness of turrets), the lack of actual burst options that sister classes enjoy in traits, the lack of real damage bonuses to weapons for example (outside of the traits for kits btw), the serious problem of the AOE range nerf to bombs/mines compared to other classes, the long delay between bombs, the extreme nature of preventing individual stacking of condition damage, the problem where conditions don’t crit properly, the lack of scaling in healing, turret damage output, crits on DoTs, the class being too reliant on things that have been long broken in the game as a whole like CC, Condition damage even in burst builds, Healing that doesn’t scale worth a darn.
I agree but turrets are just the tip of the iceberg and I think they’ll most likely start losing people when these other games become more appealing due to these problems. they simply waited too long.
Also let me add, that I noticed there are some real electrical options for the class in that game. I’m hoping that if they do add new weapons to GW2 engineers, that a staff will be one of them with electrical abilities outside of the trait to add those abilities to the Fkey skills.
When they said turrets when i started the game 2 years ago, I expected nothing less that the turrets I’ve found in every other title like those of the early Torchlight title or even the Torchlight II title.
they would not be changed for SPVP
in pve how ever a game where the vast % of players are is a different story.
for PVE DUNGEONS / FRACTALS ONLY READ IT give them aoe immunity
WvW is all about zerg play and if u are running about WvW alone u will be mown down by roamers and deserve to die. also MMO pvp is never designed for 1v1 its designed for group play so having turrets scale would be nice and wont be OP.the only OP turret would be the net turret so don’t give that aoe immunity. and u would have to spec into invention to even have a remotely usefull very short reflect for a turret,
as it is right now
lol the engineer poped a turret. random no skill aoe placed over turret. turret dies 5 seconds later and the player is still focused on the engineer.
this is just an example as to show u how useless they can be.
now a pve example
I place a turret in a “safe spot” but it counts on the boss threat list. what is this red circle of doom over my turret that gets 1 shot ??
whats this random stupid person runs into my turret and it dies from the aoe focused on them ?
whats this rocket turret no logner causes burn and is now 1000 base line range has 4 sec fire rate and hits for around 800 dmg but its aoe
whats this rifle turret only this for 500 dmg per shot and forces you to bug over charge to have a 1 sec fire rate to make it even worth using. yet its tool belt ability can crit and scales with power and has a 6 sec cd and can be fired at any direction even when stunned !whats this full zerk build with 0 points in invention is the fav build for DPS engie even if speced in full inventions does less dps then current meta.
whats this ppl only use the inventions reflect for wvw to protect build sites bu using 3 turrets 1 after each other then a supply crate ? after that the turrets die a painfull death from the aoe zerg that follows
for WvW it would atleast force players to make a choice go for the engie or go for the turret.
atm its just LOL turret random faceroll no skill aoe and focus on engine while the turret dies.
most ppl have no idea what they talk about and just spew out crap.
WoW had this issue with hunter pets and shaman class that uses totem that work exactly like turrets do. both of which was solved by giving them aoe protection.
the pets take 95% less dmg from aoe and have their base hp.
the totem have 5 health but immune to all forms of aoe. and only need a single direct dmg attack to destroy them.
give turrets in PVE DUNGEONS / FRACTALS aoe protection and do not add it to SPVP and make turrets mobile on mini tank treds like bomb disposal robots IRL. but again not work in SPVP
WVW is not real pvp its just big zerg vs bigger zerg with stupid ppl running about alone asking to be killed by a thief. any decent WvW player is with a group being usefull .
You make a sad (but true) point about rifle turret toolbelt doing more damage than the turret itself, it is kind of silly.
I personally agree with Anet’s stance on the specific issue of PvE/WvW/PvP skill balancing in that they don’t want to drastically change skills effects between game modes, though tweaking numbers when warranted is okay. However, this is only my opinion, and it is reasonable if you disagree. That’s why I personally do not support mobile turrets in PvE only, for example.
But I can see a few options for reducing the turret mobility problem:
1) make turrets mobile by default – I do not support this method since I like placing turrets in hard-to-reach areas. Even if they got AoE invulnerability, mobile turrets would remove the capacity to strategically place turrets.
2) provide a trait which makes turrets mobile – I think this is an okay option. However, unlike the Ranger trait which makes Spirits mobile, this trait may not be good in all cases (e.g. with deployable turrets, the turret could be placed strategically at range…but then it would immediately run up to you and follow you around? How would this work?). I can also imagine trying to whack one of your turrets with a wrench to heal it and it runs away from you to maintain a specified distance from you…that would be really annoying.
3) Reduce turret cooldowns, especially when picked up. This is the option I support most strongly. For example, if all turrets were given a very short cooldown (e.g. 0-10 seconds) when picked up, they would essentially be mobile(ish) without us joining the ranks of Ranger and Necro walking petting zoos or removing the capacity for strategic turret placement.
Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)
just a updated info, krixis:
the mayority of all players spends their time in wvw, followed by pvp and pve on roughly the same amount of game-time spent (source: ready up / dunno which episode).
So, since you only play pve you hardly represent 1/3 of the playerbase of gw2, given that they would actually share your opinion. Most actually do not, even if you just take engineer-pve’ers into account. so thats less than one third -optimistically- of 1/8 of the overall playerbase that could “possibly” demand this change.
Also, since a-net only balances the mathematical stats of a skill -not its actual mechanic- in pvp, having mobile turrets for pve would mean mobile turrets for the rest of the game as well. Shouting to stop speaking about pvp in that topic is simply useless since such a dramatic change in their mechanic necessarily would impact other, more popular areas of the game as well.
If you still insist on ignoring these game modes in this topics, then please understand that we’ll ignore you.
We had this discussion already. Gw2 =/= other mmo’s so finally stop comparing them. If you like engineers in other mmo’s (lets say wildstar since the vid is topic-relevant) more, then please play them there.
Apart from ignoring the fact that diversity is the preferable state, why would you constantly complain about something that you can’t change anyways, that no one but you and people like “that” would profit from?
And before you ask, by “that” I’m referring to people who rather complain and whine instead of investing their time to train with their class and improving their skills.
The engineer is – and will always stay – the jack of all trades. While we can fulfill every job to good – or even awesome – degrees, this class is not meant for receiving speed-run records in arah. We are not wildstar engis, we are not Torchlight engis (tough I liked to play torchlight 2 engis myself), we are gw2 engis. If you don’t like our incarnation here, the logout button is on the top right of this page.
Complain about bugs, but please not about mechanics that exactly work like intended. Rather learn to work with them.
(edited by Arantheal.7396)
No moving turrets.
Yes to mathematical changes to turrets, small bump in traits increases in pve, and give them 50% more hp in pve. necro minions have +70% hp I believe in pve areas, so why the heck not turrets?and I think that the main problem with turrets, is the fact that they are so bad when untraited, the traits they have are really strong in theory, but when they are so weak to begin with…. When you are specced down both defensive lines, you get aoe boon turrets that have +15% damage and +50% range, that heal over time, have essentially perma protection, and they are STILL poor choices to do damage with. you trade all your utility slots, for subpar dps, and the boons in a solo setting dont even help you. Since unlike other summons, turrets are not creatures but actually structures. They cant be crit, cant crit, cant be statused, but in turn, you cant give them might to buff them.
EDIT: And sadly, experimental turrets is weak, cause there is much better boon givers out there, perma 3 might/fury? A ele can give you 15 might, 50 seconds of fury, AND do dps without it being attached to fragile summons…
As weak as guardian spirit weapons are, you can still staff 4 to give them might.
Buff turrets base damage, and you would be surprised how much they might make a come back.(this is in pve of course.) and all of these changes are all math based, and dont change functions. They simply make them more robust in pve, which is where they need it.
Rangers have a trait to make their spirits mobile, why can’t we have a trait to put our turrets on wheels?
Berserker = Skilled
Never forget –
You make a sad (but true) point about rifle turret toolbelt doing more damage than the turret itself, it is kind of silly.
I personally agree with Anet’s stance on the specific issue of PvE/WvW/PvP skill balancing in that they don’t want to drastically change skills effects between game modes, though tweaking numbers when warranted is okay.
That’s actually a false statement right there. If that were truly their philosophy we would not have seen the complete destruction of the usefulness and effectiveness of Kit Refinement. What they replaced that with when there was only 1 count them 1 skill that was an issue in tPVP is unforgiveable. It shows just how biased they have been when it comes to nerfs, this class is the single most nerfed, most beta’d class in the history of this title thus far and kit refinement is the perfect example of how they don’t really care about balance so long as they keep the status quo happy in PVP alone.
All of those other useful skills could have stayed on Kit Refinement, heck even the extra heal could have stayed for the purpose of removing conditions a bit longer which might have offset the interval condition removal that we see other classes use easily and without using a skill, but no the entire thing just had to go thanks to the PVP crowd.
What gets me is people actually think that it helped, it didn’t, it made things worse especially for PVE. It amazes me that people think everything is perfectly fine.
err, actually the case “kit-refinement” supports his argument.
It was too over-powered in pvp and wvw since you were spaming the skills like a mad man, so the mechanic got changed – for all game-modes.
sPvP is not a seperate mode of the game, it just represents a mathematically even, competitive PvP mode, that correctly gives access to the classes’ complete mechanics, even if you just have rolled for a new character. Its popular since most go there for the challenge to be the best, while others take it as the perfect training ground for wvw roaming, and overall build-testing, including dungeon- or zerg-builds.
If a mechanic is too overpowered, it gets nerfed. Same happened to Hammer-Warris and perma-stealth thieves in wvw, along with many other overpowered builds across all classes. And while hambows are still pretty powerful, they seriously have a hard time now to survive or act that effective anymore. Still they get buffs on other fronts to accommodate for their now existing incapabilities. Giving one class an unfair advantage over the the other is where the devs step in to correct their mistake (that it was from the beginning – nobodys’ perfect) by nerfing the trait/skill. And in this case, kit refinement gave us an unfair advantage.
So, why would we now suddenly get mobile and aoe-immune turrets while most people already cry OP, even tho thats just a result of unawareness of the obvious weaknesses of these builds. I guess time will change that since the whining already gets quieter.
Back to the kit-refinement: You still can achieve the same effectiveness (if not even better) by going down other routes, tough you have to sacrifice more to achieve this spamieness now, but sitting there and stating “everything is in beta-state because my exploit does not work anymore” is nothing but immature and -if you ask me- pretty hilarious.
Rangers have a trait to make their spirits mobile, why can’t we have a trait to put our turrets on wheels?
Because we have other traits that let us abuse certain aspects of turrets, like someone has said before, how would it work with throw turret trait? that skills entire function is on the idea that turrets stay put.
tbh id take “Throw spirits” over “follow me” spirits in alot of cases, I could just toss my frost spirit up a cliff or behind some cover to protect it. You can do this with turrets quite well, ESPECIALLY ones that dont need line of sight to work, Thumper/Healing.
Healing turret works behind walls, up cliffs, etc. its amazing.
I don’t know where you get your information about the majority of the player do wvw over pve but that information is as accurate as a speech from michele Bachmann.
The fact is pve has been the majority of player in any MMO-RPG. I would say that the population for real hard core pvp players is only about 40% the rest only do pvp for kitten and giggles when they are bored with pve . After all MMO-RPG started as pve with no pvp in it and was just added slowly into the game for kitten and giggles
Dunno where you got your info from (other than guessing), but It was stated by the devs on ready up. Ofc this is only accurate for gw2, which is the population that matters in that case.
(edited by Arantheal.7396)
I need don’t to get information on actual fact, if you been playing MMO-RPG as long as I have ( over 15years now ) you would know that the main core of the game is pve , that’s how the original games start it as with 0 pvp in it , I am guessing you first game wow.
Also Dev from anets never stated such a ridiculous thing, So you getting your information outside the actual game and like I say there information is as accurate as michele Bachmann and she is a dumb btch incase you don’t know who she is
gw2 is out since “almost” 2 years…
I mean, congratulation that you avoided a social life for 15 years now, but even that timespan does not qualify your argument in the slightest for an authoritarian fallacy, since gw2 (and also gw 1) did not follow the traditional pve design. I thought that a playtime that long would be enough to notice that, but it seems that even “that” can’t help those who’ve thrown away the rest of their life as well.
Or to say it in short and simple words: thank you for the laugh. I’ve hardly ever read so much implicated bull in a single post.
gw2 is out since “almost” 2 years…
I mean, congratulation that you avoided a social life for 15 years now, but even that timespan does not qualify your argument in the slightest for an authoritarian fallacy, since gw2 (and also gw 1) did not follow the traditional pve design. I thought that a playtime that long would be enough to notice that, but it seems that even “that” can’t help those who’ve thrown away the rest of their life as well.
Or to say it in short and simple words: thank you for the laugh. I’ve hardly ever read so much implicated bull in a single post")))
Just b/c I have been playing video games before you knew it was out there doesn’t mean I been spending my time playing all my life , that’s to show how unrealistic you and your information is.
I am glad that your lack of information amuses you but ignorance is not something you should be happy about
(edited by Drakent.9605)
It would be nice if they could follow you but… I only ever use them in pvp (sans healing turret but you pretty much destroy that right away) and even then I don’t want them to move. Its nice to be able to put down a thumper on base and have to knock people off while you are somewhere else at the time.
If they did add movement into the game I wouldn’t mind something like the ritualist had in gw1 where they could summon the spirits (turrets) they currently had up to their current location. That way you still have to manage them and they arn’t running around all willy nilly.
The only way I see them adding that though is through a new elite skill.
Now I’d much rather see them try and work out a way to lower the CD even more if you pick up a turret instead of detonating it. That way you could place it and move it more often.
Weird, I could have swore I posted here…
Anyways, the problem is aoe, yes. One problem though is that your turrets can be picked off 1 by 1 from a safe distance while only dealing with one. If you get over there to stop it, you either lose your turret advantage or get hit and run’d. Unless you bunch them at the same spot, but again, aoe.
I don’t know where you get your information about the majority of the player do wvw over pve but that information is as accurate as a speech from michele Bachmann.
The fact is pve has been the majority of player in any MMO-RPG. I would say that the population for real hard core pvp players is only about 40% the rest only do pvp for kitten and giggles when they are bored with pve . After all MMO-RPG started as pve with no pvp in it and was just added slowly into the game for kitten and giggles
He typically doesn’t get his information from facts at all. The ability of Engineers to spam the extra heal with the EG and kit refinement could have been a simple fix in which the kit refinement version of the extra heal was reduced by half but instead they went out of their way to break the entire thing which drastically affected gameplay in WvW and PVE where there are the larger playerbase. People who walk around with blinders on simply aren’t worth my time apparently no one else plays the game save for Anth.
Anyways, Like I said above if that’s all that nerf was about was that single heal spam there were epic tons of smarter ways of handling it. Now outside of the all Elixir builds we have weakness when removing conditions in PVE, and we have weakness in healing skills (because they didn’t replace that loss with anything else) and we have a useless trait (yet another useless trait to add to the pile of growing useless traits in this class. It’s an example of the real philosophy behind the balance team, and they wonder why people in PVE and WvW who play engineers have been discriminated against this whole time. Duh.
Turrets really aren’t the only problem this class has, they seriously need a CDI, we need to bring these problems out in the open without having to resort to going to Reddit so we’ll be heard finally.
Dunno about you, but for the rest of the world the volume bull is spilled with does not increase its credibility.
Also, “He typically doesn’t get his information from facts at all.” is a pretty funny phrase for someone who bases all his arguments on generalization, while getting debunked by facts all the time.
I know, it must be a pretty heavy blast for your ego to hit this wall again and again and again, but if you had not started this whole CDI crying you would not constantly get exposed as the – welp – incapable player that you are.
And please go on and call me out for an ad hominem fallacy, while completely ignoring all the posts I’ve debunked you with reason and calmness. I’m just on the end of my patience with you.
I am pretty sure anet is aware how broken turrets are, the fact is that all personal npc ( Minions, pets, turret, spirits all that crap) where broken from the start of the game to the point it was useless to rely on them
i mean right now the only reliable personal npc are from ranger and it took them almost 1 year to get it right and it still need some minor fix and only reason they fix ranger was b/c players could not play around the issue like the other classes can
but atm necro, guardian and engineering personal npc are garbage in pve
Now the reason they still havent fix them is b/c is my believe that anet has a small team of ppl working for them, anet is not as huge or cant afford a large team like other company ( maybe is b/c there free to play game system) but they don’t have enough man power. most company have different teams for each department (bugs, updates , balancing the game etc) but i really think anet only has 1 team doing all this and i am pretty sure they jump around this issues base on which 1 need the more attention
I am pretty sure anet is aware how broken turrets are, the fact is that all personal npc ( Minions, pets, turret, spirits all that crap) where broken from the start of the game to the point it was useless to rely on them
i mean right now the only reliable personal npc are from ranger and it took them almost 1 year to get it right and it still need some minor fix and only reason they fix ranger was b/c players could not play around the issue like the other classes can
but atm necro, guardian and engineering personal npc are garbage in pveNow the reason they still havent fix them is b/c is my believe that anet has a small team of ppl working for them, anet is not as huge or cant afford a large team like other company ( maybe is b/c there free to play game system) but they don’t have enough man power. most company have different teams for each department (bugs, updates , balancing the game etc) but i really think anet only has 1 team doing all this and i am pretty sure they jump around this issues base on which 1 need the more attention
I play a ranger as well and unfortunately even those pets are weaksauce. The thing is we told them about this 2 years ago when the game started, they keep adding hitpoints but that’s not going to solve the overall issue with pets across the game. Like I’ve pointed out before this problem is affecting EVERY pet build in the game not just turrets. They need to bite the bullet since they haven’t come up with an alternative solution in a 2 year period they’ve worked on it and do what every major MMO has done in the past. Made pet’s have an automatic 90% immunity to AOE or Splash damage. That would give diversity back to the game players in PVE could play pet heavy classes and they’d all be useful once again.
While they’re under the hood they could also lower the cooldown on turret pickup times to match those of the Ranger Traps that way we’d actually have a fighting chance when all our turrets are destroyed to get them back up again at a key moment in PVE.
The problem with the pickup right now is that turrets “heal” (the turret is trashed, and a fresh turret is then deployed). This because a single engineer can, if the cooldowns are short, run around and reset his turrets while bunkering in SPVP.
It would also make the use of the toolkit for turret repair pointless (not that it is worth much right now either, as turrets go pop all too quickly).
If instead the current turret was the one being picked up (say by showing up as a icon alongside boons etc) and then redeployed upon use, things would become more interesting.
It could even allow some nifty traits, like having turret effects (non-overcharged variant) trigger from the engineer under certain conditions (while attacking, taking damage, etc), maybe have the turrets continue to self repair while carried, even have the turrets auto-deploy when downed (just downed that engineer? Now there is a thumper turret on top of him!).