who is Vee Wee?
All you need to know about veewee:
1. She’s has better taste in music than you
2. She’s a better engi than you
3. She’s worlds first rank 80well thats not being really frandly!
its the trademark oe kittenwad attitude
im impressed he complimented her actuallyif it’s the truth, is it being a kittenwad?
the 2 arent really related
for example you could compliment her without backhanding everyone else
but that just wouldnt be you would it
Oh well, I don’t think Ostricheggs meant those things as an insult or anything similar. It was just a joke.
People like Vee Wee actually turned me away from the Engineer class all together, unfortunately. :-\
My favorite build in this class is Turret, straight up. Played it from day 1 of headstart until about 6 months ago (when I had to take a break from the game). When I returned, I stopped by engie forums to see what had changed, and saw nothing but hate for turret players.
Now, I can handle "Turrets are bad, and only bad players use them." That’s pretty much how it’s always been, and I actually like that; it gives me far more satisfaction beating players in 1v1, or even 1v2, knowing that the build I’m running is kitten .
The problem is that Vee Wee, and players like him, perpetuate on top of that idea that even though turrets are bad, anyone who runs them and wins is just using them as crutch, and is just a bad player trying to make up for being bad by using AI.
In a nutshell? If you play turrets and lose, it’s because you ran a bad build. If you play turrets and win, it’s because you’re a bad player who needed turrets to win. No matter what- you suck. While I do play the game for my own enjoyment, there’s a lot to be said about not being looked down on when I PvP regardless of whether I win or not.
All together... the type of Engineer Vee Wee pushes onto other people is not the Engineer class I love. The actual class is versatile (moreso than any other in the game), and all around fun. But Vee Wee’s engineer? It’s rigid, more than even a necro or guardian. And the rallying of other players following his view of the class just makes the entire class simply unappealing to me. :-\
tl;dr- Vee Wee doesn’t come across as a nice person, and makes the communities of other classes far more appealing.
I don’t recall EVER reading a post of Vee Wee where she says that people with turret builds wouldn’t be able to win without their turrets. All she said is, that turret builds are generally at a disadvantage against skilled opponents. She also said multiple times that everyone should play what he/she finds fun to play. Therefore you can’t blame Vee Wee for turning you away from the Engineer class. Maybe some *insertworddescribingpersonwithlowintelligencehere* in PvP-mapchat or so. But not Vee Wee. At least not here in the forums.
I don’t recall EVER reading a post of Vee Wee where she says that people with turret builds wouldn’t be able to win without their turrets. All she said is, that turret builds are generally at a disadvantage against skilled opponents. She also said multiple times that everyone should play what he/she finds fun to play. Therefore you can’t blame Vee Wee for turning you away from the Engineer class. Maybe some insertworddescribingpersonwithlowintelligencehere in PvP-mapchat or so. But not Vee Wee. At least not here in the forums.
Tolmos is correct. I know because I chided vee wee for what was said in 2 threads. I will not repeat what was said, but several of vee wees post were deleted by the moderators. Which would explain why you may have missed them.
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Vee Wee never said anything that Tolmos thinks Vee Wee said! dancingmonkey doesn’t like Vee Wee and has made up thilly lies about Vee Wee so his response is no surprise! Vee Wee would never say something like “if turret Engis win it’s because of turrets”! That would imply that turret Engis win and Vee Wee would never say something as ridiculous as that!
As for the rigid Engineer conspiracy theory, well that’s just thilly! If you read any thread Vee Wee is always advocating playing how you like! Vee Wee plays all kinds of builds and has even shared some with everyone! Please stop making up lies about poor ole Vee Wee!
Remember! Vee Wee loves you all!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
VeeWee is the reason this forum needs a block function, or if there is one make it easier to find.
hey, there is nothing wrong with veewee attitude. I bet she is inviting us to make some interesting jokes.
Some say she refreshes herself with elixir X after a day on forum. Later, she sent a repair bill to anet for damages on the clocktower. All we know, she is VeeWee. world first rank 80
(edited by loseridoit.2756)
While I don’t like some of the things Vee Wee does, I agree that Tolmos wasn’t completely right. Vee Wee does promote the “play how you want” attitude, and isn’t rigid. Vee Wee made sure you understand that your spec matters in PvP, though. This isn’t rigid.
So what’s the problem? The problem is that, like many “play how you want players”, Vee Wee isn’t tolerant as you (or he/she) would like you to think. In PvE specs matter greatly because of various reasons, among them the average skill level, serious time restrictions (real life comes first), trying to carry PuGs (so new players succeed), and the fact many have fun min-maxing. Vee Wee started calling names (nerd, nerdo, elitists) when someone didn’t share the same values he/she does. This rude and intolerant.
Here’s my proof:
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
It’s a thilly thing to call someone a bad Engi for running what they enjoy playing in a game mode where you can literally run the worst build and still succeed! You can run 0 traits and still succeed! The pretentiousness is palpable! Someone actually called Vee Wee an intolerant elitist for disagreeing with “if you run ft u bad engi”! Crazy!
As for PvP, the FT still does pretty terrible damage! It’s also buggy with the camera and terrain and really weak to retaliation! In Vee Wee’s opinion, Juggernaut’s might stacking capability is more useful roaming from place to place and having a few stacks ready for a fight than actually sitting in Flamethrower during a fight! If you were to use Flamethrower, Vee Wee believes the ideal way to use it is to swap to it, maybe blast your fire field, use your knockback and then swap out to something else!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
If you like your reputation you might want to actually tell the truth. The truth is that you tagged min-maxers as nerds, and more. Here’s the proof (can we see yours?):
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Vee Wee agrees with you! But decent time is possible without going full minmax nerd mode! Vee Wee once did a Fractals 50 using a wrench build! Vee Wee completed this run in under an hour but most of all Vee Wee had fun! Or at least Vee Wee had the most amount of fun one can have playing the same instance that Vee Wee has already done over a 100 times before! Vee Wee advocates playing what you enjoy playing in a game mode where you can literally succeed playing the worst builds!
Vee Wee does not want to turn this into a PvP vs PvE but you have to admit PvE is really lackluster! It’s a shame because Vee Wee is not just a PvPer! Vee Wee likes to play all aspects of the game! But when high end PvE-ers resort to soloing the hardest dungeons for a challenge, then you know PvE difficulty is just pathetic and Anet needs to work harder to make it better goshdarn it! More dungeons! Maybe dungeons that require 10 people! Maybe hard mode versions of dungeons like in Guild Warts 1!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Tagging people as “nerds” (“nerd mode”) because they don’t share the same values you do is rude and intolerant. Few people say each and every player must conform to the meta, no matter when and where. Meta teams expect this conformation in their teams, just like they need to conform when those Meta players join another team. Their team, their rules.
The average Joe has only average skill level, which makes the spec even more important. Some players are also not so skilled, making their spec even more important than before. Even when skilled, spec has it’s impact. Spec and skill are apples and oranges anyway. The fact skill matters doesn’t, by any mean, negate the fact that spec matters too.
The average Joe has limited time, and clearing time are greatly influenced by specs, especially on an average (or lower) skill level. People have jobs, lives, or want to help others as much as they can. For many players it’s even more fun like that. They’re anything but nerds for those reasons. This name calling only reflects on the person who’s doing that.
(edited by Darius.4710)
and this:
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Vee Wee doesn’t understand! Didn’t Vee Wee say Vee Wee advocates playing what you enjoy playing! How is that being intolerant! We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad just because you’ll take 2 minutes longer to clear a dungeon if you run that build! And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is! Anyway again Vee Wee thinks people should play PvE how they want to play it! Whether it’s a thuper fun build like Flamethrower or some finely crafted build with the highest damage possible, play what you enjoy my frands!
Wahoo! Bye frands!"
You can easily see the terms “elitists” and “nerdo”, which is exactly what name calling is. All that was just because someone didn’t share the same values you do.
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
First of all my frand there’s no need to stalk every thread that Vee Wee posts in just so you can copy and paste a 5 paragraph essay! We get it! You are a min max PvE player! That’s ok! Enjoy the game! When Vee Wee plays PvEsports, Vee Wee welcomes your kind! It makes the run faster if you aren’t terrible!
Secondly, Vee Wee was replying to someone who said “If you run Flamethrower in PvE you are a bad Engi!” What kind of elitist nerdy statement is that! Crazy! Of course Vee Wee is going to disagree with that! Are you saying you agree with that! And you are the one calling Vee Wee the intolerant elitist! Well that’s just plain insane in the membrane! If you got offended by that when Vee Wee wasn’t even talking to you… well Vee Wee recommends getting thicker skin! This is the internet after all!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
#1 Frandliest person NA!
http://www.twitch.tv/Livskis <-It’s back!
Veewee is the reason I volunteer at the homeless shelter. Veewee helps me be a better person.
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
First of all my frand there’s no need to stalk every thread that Vee Wee posts in just so you can copy and paste a 5 paragraph essay! We get it! You are a min max PvE player! That’s ok! Enjoy the game! When Vee Wee plays PvEsports, Vee Wee welcomes your kind! It makes the run faster if you aren’t terrible!
Secondly, Vee Wee was replying to someone who said “If you run Flamethrower in PvE you are a bad Engi!” What kind of elitist nerdy statement is that! Crazy! Of course Vee Wee is going to disagree with that! Are you saying you agree with that! And you are the one calling Vee Wee the intolerant elitist! Well that’s just plain insane in the membrane! If you got offended by that when Vee Wee wasn’t even talking to you… well Vee Wee recommends getting thicker skin! This is the internet after all!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Are you seriously calling that stalking? You’ve taken part in way more threads than the 3 we’ve met in. In addition, if you stop being busy with the negative parts, you’d see that I actually started my last post defending you. You were being accused of things you haven’t done and I made sure people knew the truth. I also never supported the one saying that you’re automatically bad for using this spec, or that. Context matters greatly. Open world? PvP? Dungeons? etc.
As for what I said about you, I was saying that name calling, due to value differences, is an elitist behavior. It’s rude and intolerant, that’s what I said. Why do I keep quoting that long part? Well, I happened to be a supporter of backing one’s claims with proof, instead of thin air…
Ehh, if “elitist” is name calling then you’re guilty of it too by saying it is elitist behavior. But it seems to me that Veewee wasn’t simply calling somebody names just because they disagreed. Calling people ‘bad engi’ simply for not being a min/maxer in pve is an attack. it’s the type of an attack an elitist might use. Coming to someone’s defense in a situation like that is more noble than what you describe. Describing it as ‘calling somebody names simply because they don’t share the same values’ is as disingenuous as describing death row as murder simply because the violent offenders don’t share the same values as the rest of society. It’s intentionally misleading.
If English isn’t your first language I can see where your misinterpretation came from. Saying a certain behavior is elitist isn’t nearly the same as saying someone’s an elitist.
When your little girl was naughty and you told her what she did is bad it isn’t nearly the same as telling her she’s a bad girl. It’s that simple, whether you like it or not.. That said, I’m not guilty of name calling, even if you’d like me to be.
Have I been supporting the one saying an Engineer is automatically bad because of his spec, no matter what? Actually, in my last post I said I didn’t. I proved Vee Wee was calling min-maxers names for value differences. This is intolerant, rude and elitist (do you want more proof?). This is a fact until you prove otherwise.
The next time you say someone is being disingenuous, you might want to get your facts straight…
(edited by Darius.4710)
If English isn’t your first language I can see where your misinterpretation came from. Saying a certain behavior is elitist isn’t nearly the same as saying someone’s an elitist.
Tagging people as “nerds” (“nerd mode”)
When your little girl was naughty and you told her what she did is bad it isn’t nearly the same as telling her she’s a bad girl. It’s that simple, whether you like it or not.. That said, I’m not guilty of name calling, even if you’d like me to be.
“Tagging people as “nerds” (“nerd mode”)"
Have I been supporting the one saying an Engineer is automatically bad because of his spec, no matter what? Actually, in my last post I said I didn’t. I proved Vee Wee was calling min-maxers names for value differences. This is intolerant, rude and elitist (do you want more proof?). This is a fact until you prove otherwise.
The next time you say someone is being disingenuous, you might want to get your facts straight…
You don’t need to be the one to say it. That’s a strawman. What you did is call a teacher a bully for saying that people who bully others are bullies. And then go on to say that because they don’t stand idle while bullying happens that they are intolerant and rude. Those are the facts. It’s disingenuous and pretty ridiculous.
Tagging a behavior isn’t nearly the same as tagging the person. Tagging the person implies this person is doing it on a regular basis. If you can’t tell the difference, well, then it’s your comprehension that’s at fault. Your comprehension has no bearing on facts. The facts will stay just as they are, regardless of what Dustfinger makes of them.
(edited by Darius.4710)
Tagging a behavior isn’t nearly the same as tagging the person. Tagging the person implies this person is doing it on a regular basis. If you can’t tell the difference, well, then it’s your comprehension that’s at fault. Your comprehension has no bearing on facts. The facts will stay just as they are, regardless of what Dustfinger makes of them.
You said the term ‘nerd mode’ was equal to tagging people as nerds. Nerd mode is a behavior. But…….. you equate it to tagging the person. I guess the facts change with darius’ point.
edit: Tagging a murderer who only murdered one person as a murderer doesn’t imply they regularly murder people. If you can’t grasp that concept, well, then it’s your comprehension that’s at fault. Your comprehension has no bearing on facts.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
everyone after they found out veewee was a girl
If you take this chunk of your time to argue, why didn’t you do the same preparing? Here are a few parts off Vee Wee’s posts:
“The pretentiousness is palpable! Someone actually called Vee Wee an intolerant elitist for disagreeing with “if you run ft u bad engi”! Crazy!”
This is a false accusation until proved otherwise. Saying the other person was pretentious, regarding this (and other quotes) is also hypocritic…
“minmax nerd mode”
The min-maxing attitude was directly linked to the tag (nerd).
" We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad"
Saying a build is bad could be true and it doesn’t make one an elitist. Elitism has to do with being better than someone else. Saying a build is bad for a said purpose isn’t elitism.
“And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is!”
Proving which build is better is min-max nerdo? really? Especially when people often ask for proof? Please note how the tag (nerdo) is linked to the min-maxing attitude. Yes, again. Then Vee Wee claims this is what’s intolerant… good lord…
Dustfinger isn’t time you get your facts straight. You keep failing for this reason.
edit: Tagging a murderer who only murdered one person as a murderer doesn’t imply they regularly murder people. If you can’t grasp that concept, well, then it’s your comprehension that’s at fault. Your comprehension has no bearing on facts.
A murderer is someone who murdered a person. Even if just one. Telling someone he’s bad just because he was acting bad once isn’t right. Get your facts straight. Your comprehension has no bearing on facts. No bearing whatsoever.
(edited by Darius.4710)
None of that abolishes the fact that you equated “nerd mode” to “nerd”.
edit: And it all comes back to the shot of calling someone who isn’t a min/maxer a bad engi simply for using FT.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
The nerd mode, when connected directly to the min-maxing attitude, and as part of the above context, has everything to do with intolerance and rudeness.
The nerd mode, when connected directly to the min-maxing attitude, and as part of the above context, has everything to do with intolerance and rudeness.
The above context was connected directly to the idea that they are “bad engi’s” for not being min/maxers. And the terms “elitists” and “nerds” was directly related to that attitude behind that “bad engi’s” comment. If we’re going to take things in context let’s take it all in context.
If you want to have any success, you need to follow two steps: Read carefully, and stop trying to defend Vee Wee at all cost.
The term elitist was directly related to builds, not the player playing them. Get your facts straight. Here it is again, just for you:
" We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad"
Saying a build is bad could be true and it doesn’t make one an elitist. Elitism has to do with being better than someone else. Saying a build is bad for a said purpose isn’t elitism.
“And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is!”
Proving which build is better is min-max nerdo? really? Especially when people often ask for proof? Please note how the tag (nerdo) is linked to the min-maxing attitude. Yes, again. Then Vee Wee claims this is what’s intolerant… good lord…
If you want to have any success, you need to follow two steps: Read carefully, and stop trying to defend Vee Wee at all cost.
The term elitist was directly related to builds, not the player playing them. Get your facts straight. Here it is again, just for you:
" We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad"
Saying a build is bad could be true and it doesn’t make one an elitist. Elitism has to do with being better than someone else. Saying a build is bad for a said purpose isn’t elitism.
“And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is!”
Proving which build is better is min-max nerdo? really? Especially when people often ask for proof? Please note how the tag (nerdo) is linked to the min-maxing attitude. Yes, again. Then Vee Wee claims this is what’s intolerant… good lord…
Your sensitivity blinds you to the fact that there was a conversation going on before you got there. Here’s a snippet of the very first response:
Still useless in PvE
Saying a build is useless simply because it’s not min/max is ridiculous.
edit: According to what you quoted, Veewee never says that saying a said build is bad for a said purpose is elitism. Veewee says saying a said build is bad…… is elitism. And there are elitists who simply disreguard any build that isn’t min/max as bad. Notice, veewee said "" We have some PvE elitists saying…" That doesn’t equate to all min/maxers.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
If you want to have any success, you need to follow two steps: Read carefully, and stop trying to defend Vee Wee at all cost.
The term elitist was directly related to builds, not the player playing them. Get your facts straight. Here it is again, just for you:
" We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad"
Saying a build is bad could be true and it doesn’t make one an elitist. Elitism has to do with being better than someone else. Saying a build is bad for a said purpose isn’t elitism.
“And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is!”
Proving which build is better is min-max nerdo? really? Especially when people often ask for proof? Please note how the tag (nerdo) is linked to the min-maxing attitude. Yes, again. Then Vee Wee claims this is what’s intolerant… good lord…
Your sensitivity blinds you to the fact that there was a conversation going on before you got there. Here’s a snippet of the very first response:
Still useless in PvE
Saying a build is useless simply because it’s not min/max is ridiculous.
Actually it’s your sensitivity that blinds you, and not the other way around. I specifically said I wasn’t supporting such claims. Now, follow 2 steps to help yourself: Read carefully, and stop defending Vee Wee at all cost.
(edited by Darius.4710)
Actually it’s your sensitivity that blinds you, and not the other way around. I specifically said I wasn’t supporting such claims. Now, follow 2 steps to help yourself: Read carefully, and stop defending Vee Wee at all cost.
I’ve read and dissected it for you. So……… yeah. No one said you were supporting such claims. That’s the strawman I mentioned earlier. I guess your still stuck on step #1?
edit: I notice you ignore the possibility that Veewee was specifically addressing that attitude that it is just plain useless in pve..
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
Actually it’s your sensitivity that blinds you, and not the other way around. I specifically said I wasn’t supporting such claims. Now, follow 2 steps to help yourself: Read carefully, and stop defending Vee Wee at all cost.
I’ve read and dissected it for you. So……… yeah. No one said you were supporting such claims. That’s the strawman I mentioned earlier. I guess your still stuck on step #1?
Until you get your facts straight you’re still the one stuck at step #1. Check this out:
edit: According to what you quoted, Veewee never says that saying a said build is bad for a said purpose is elitism. Veewee says saying a said build is bad…… is elitism. And there are elitists who simply disreguard any build that isn’t min/max as bad. Notice, veewee said "" We have some PvE elitists saying…" That doesn’t equate to all min/maxers.
Gotta love gut feelings. Something told me to check again.
Saying a build is bad has nothing to do with the player playing them. Elitism is about someone who thinks he’s better than someone else, many times due to value differences. You can be the best player but you’ll be playing a bad build in the open world soloing, or in a team that allows all kinds of builds. So, no, saying a build is bad doesn’t imply the player is bad too. This isn’t elitism. That said, calling them elitists is both out of line and false. This is intolerant and rude.
edit: I notice you ignore the possibility that Veewee was specifically addressing that attitude that it is just plain useless in pve..
Read carefully once more:
" We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad"
Saying a build is bad could be true and it doesn’t make one an elitist. Elitism has to do with being better than someone else. Saying a build is bad for a said purpose isn’t elitism.
“And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is!”
Proving which build is better is min-max nerdo? really? Especially when people often ask for proof? Please note how the tag (nerdo) is linked to the min-maxing attitude. Yes, again. Then Vee Wee claims this is what’s intolerant… good lord…
It’s not about saying a build is useless. It’s not about saying a player is bad for using a bad build. Get your facts straight. You seem so intent on not doing it…
So, yeah, it’s step #1 for you
(edited by Darius.4710)
Actually it’s your sensitivity that blinds you, and not the other way around. I specifically said I wasn’t supporting such claims. Now, follow 2 steps to help yourself: Read carefully, and stop defending Vee Wee at all cost.
I’ve read and dissected it for you. So……… yeah. No one said you were supporting such claims. That’s the strawman I mentioned earlier. I guess your still stuck on step #1?
Until you get your facts straight you’re still the one stuck at step #1. Check this out:
edit: According to what you quoted, Veewee never says that saying a said build is bad for a said purpose is elitism. Veewee says saying a said build is bad…… is elitism. And there are elitists who simply disreguard any build that isn’t min/max as bad. Notice, veewee said "" We have some PvE elitists saying…" That doesn’t equate to all min/maxers.
Gotta love gut feelings. Something told me to check again.
Saying a build is bad has nothing to do with the player playing them. Elitism is about someone who thinks he’s better than someone else, many times due to value differences. You can be the best player but you’ll be playing a bad build in the open world soloing, or in a team that allows all kinds of builds. So, no, saying a build is bad doesn’t imply the player is bad too. This isn’t elitism. That said, calling them elitists is both out of line and false. This is intolerant and rude.
Nice attempt at sleight of hand. You are still trying to equate saying a build is bad at a specific purpose with saying a build is bad.
It’s not about saying a build is useless. It’s not about saying a player is bad for using a bad build. Get your facts straight. You seem so intent on not doing it…
The words that you quoted Veewee saying are " We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad"
Nothing there has anything to do with a player saying a build is bad at a specific purpose. The only thing that even comes close is a player other than Veewee saying the build is useless for pve.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
Please do yourself a favor and read it again. Not only a person isn’t an elitist for saying a build is bad, but also it matters not if it’s for any specific purpose or not. Check out my last post’s edit too.
Naughty naughty. I took your advice and read it again. Seems you are pulling from two different threads. So here’s what I found.
if you use FT as main source of dps you are bad engi:-)
It’s a thilly thing to call someone a bad Engi for running what they enjoy playing in a game mode where you can literally run the worst build and still succeed!
If you like your reputation you might want to actually tell the truth. The truth is that you tagged min-maxers as nerds, and more. Here’s the proof (can we see yours?):
Then your “proof” goes on to quote veewee in the page where the very first response is that FT is useless in pve.
So, now my facts are straight and your are still extremely disingenuous. Same shame shame.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
No, your facts are anything but straight, but I honestly admire your efforts.
Let’s start by saying it matters not if someone said, somewhere in a thread, that the player is the bad one, or if a build is useless. It matters not if the discussion evolved and Vee Wee wasn’t responding to that directly, which was the case in link #3. You also missed (on purpose, or not), the following part from that link:
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Vee Wee doesn’t understand! Didn’t Vee Wee say Vee Wee advocates playing what you enjoy playing! How is that being intolerant! We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad just because you’ll take 2 minutes longer to clear a dungeon if you run that build! And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is! Anyway again Vee Wee thinks people should play PvE how they want to play it! Whether it’s a thuper fun build like Flamethrower or some finely crafted build with the highest damage possible, play what you enjoy my frands!
Wahoo! Bye frands!"You can easily see the terms “elitists” and “nerdo”, which is exactly what name calling is. All that was just because someone didn’t share the same values you do.
The first two links have to do with something that’s entirely different. I haven’t seen a lot of support for the quote from link #1. I have also seen no one accusing Vee Wee of anything regarding link #2. In short, it’s a strawman argument. Way to go?
See? Here’s your problem. You’re trying to defend Vee Wee at all cost. I also defended Vee Wee myself with my first post in this thread. As opposed to you, I don’t try to cover for one’s wrong-doings.
By the way, the last part of your post shamed you, not me, because you only proved how wrong you are. If you weren’t in such a hurry to declare yourself as the victor, you’d look allright. Now? Well, shame indeed. Shame…
(edited by Darius.4710)
If you want to have any success, you need to follow two steps: Read carefully, and stop trying to defend Vee Wee at all cost.
If you want to have any success, you need to follow two steps: Read carefully, and stop trying to attack Vee Wee at all cost.
Seriously. Calling “this and that is elitist behaviour” and “that and this is nerd-mode” offensive and rude, while apparently thinking “only bad engis play this spec” is okay…
You’d have much much much more reasons to quote a couple of other people here and call THEM rude and offensive. But it ain’t fun if it isn’t Vee Wee, isn’t_it. ^^ (no dear filter, I’m NOT talking about the female chest…)
(edited by Saturn.6591)
If you want to have any success, you need to follow two steps: Read carefully, and stop trying to defend Vee Wee at all cost.
If you want to have any success, you need to follow two steps: Read carefully, and stop trying to attack Vee Wee at all cost.
Seriously. Calling “this and that is elitist behaviour” and “that and this is nerd-mode” offensive and rude, while apparently thinking “only bad engis play this spec” is okay…
You’d have much much much more reasons to quote a couple of other people here and call THEM rude and offensive. But it ain’t fun if it isn’t Vee Wee, isn’t_it. ^^ (no dear filter, I’m NOT talking about the female chest…)
The next time you accuse someone for the opposite of what he actually did, do your homework. I specifically said that “only bad engis play this spec” doesn’t get any support from me or from most people. Now, are you finished being rude and offensive yourself?
By the way, even if I was in the wrong, which I’m not, it doesn’t make Vee Wee any less wrong. So you’re even more wrong than I originally thought you are. Follow the two steps and you’ll do fine.
No, your facts are anything but straight, but I honestly admire your efforts.
Let’s start by saying it matters not if someone said, somewhere in a thread, that the player is the bad one, or if a build is useless. It matters not if the discussion evolved and Vee Wee wasn’t responding to that directly, which was the case in link #3. You also missed (on purpose, or not), the following part from that link:
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Vee Wee doesn’t understand! Didn’t Vee Wee say Vee Wee advocates playing what you enjoy playing! How is that being intolerant! We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad just because you’ll take 2 minutes longer to clear a dungeon if you run that build! And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is! Anyway again Vee Wee thinks people should play PvE how they want to play it! Whether it’s a thuper fun build like Flamethrower or some finely crafted build with the highest damage possible, play what you enjoy my frands!
Wahoo! Bye frands!"You can easily see the terms “elitists” and “nerdo”, which is exactly what name calling is. All that was just because someone didn’t share the same values you do.
The first two links have to do with something that’s entirely different. I haven’t seen a lot of support for the quote from link #1. I have also seen no one accusing Vee Wee of anything regarding link #2. In short, it’s a strawman argument. Way to go?
See? Here’s your problem. You’re trying to defend Vee Wee at all cost. I also defended Vee Wee myself with my first post in this thread. As opposed to you, I don’t try to cover for one’s wrong-doings.
By the way, the last part of your post shamed you, not me, because you only proved how wrong you are. If you weren’t in such a hurry to declare yourself as the victor, you’d look allright. Now? Well, shame indeed. Shame…
Umm…… The second link from veewee immediately follows the first link from Rozbuska and specifically addresses the wording of Rozuska’s post. (Like what I’m doing here responding to your post). The third link from you specifically quotes the second link from veewee and uses the fourth link as “proof”. Anyone can confirm this. that’s why I post links.
You see, all that bolded actually does matter. It applies to the context of what was typed. Curious how earlier you were an advocate for context and now none of it matters. So me sticking to the context that you championed earlier suddenly becomes my strawman. Clearly you have no compunctions trying to cover for yourself. The secret to my success here is that I don’t need to cover for Veewee. History has been recorded here in black and white. it’s easily verifiable.
But now that I provide the link to that history, suddenly you don’t want context to matter for much. Even in a discussion about how disingenuous and intentionally misleading someone can be. ………Amazing.
(edited by Dustfinger.9510)
No, your facts are anything but straight, but I honestly admire your efforts.
Let’s start by saying it matters not if someone said, somewhere in a thread, that the player is the bad one, or if a build is useless. It matters not if the discussion evolved and Vee Wee wasn’t responding to that directly, which was the case in link #3. You also missed (on purpose, or not), the following part from that link:
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Vee Wee doesn’t understand! Didn’t Vee Wee say Vee Wee advocates playing what you enjoy playing! How is that being intolerant! We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad just because you’ll take 2 minutes longer to clear a dungeon if you run that build! And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is! Anyway again Vee Wee thinks people should play PvE how they want to play it! Whether it’s a thuper fun build like Flamethrower or some finely crafted build with the highest damage possible, play what you enjoy my frands!
Wahoo! Bye frands!"You can easily see the terms “elitists” and “nerdo”, which is exactly what name calling is. All that was just because someone didn’t share the same values you do.
The first two links have to do with something that’s entirely different. I haven’t seen a lot of support for the quote from link #1. I have also seen no one accusing Vee Wee of anything regarding link #2. In short, it’s a strawman argument. Way to go?
See? Here’s your problem. You’re trying to defend Vee Wee at all cost. I also defended Vee Wee myself with my first post in this thread. As opposed to you, I don’t try to cover for one’s wrong-doings.
By the way, the last part of your post shamed you, not me, because you only proved how wrong you are. If you weren’t in such a hurry to declare yourself as the victor, you’d look allright. Now? Well, shame indeed. Shame…
Umm…… The second link from veewee immediately follows the first link from Rozbuska and specifically addresses the wording of Rozuska’s post. (Like what I’m doing here responding to your post). The third link from you specifically quotes the second link from veewee and uses the fourth link as “proof”. Anyone can confirm this. that’s why I post links.
You see, all that bolded actually does matter. It applies to the context of what was typed. Curious how earlier you were an advocate for context and now none of it matters. So me sticking to the context that you championed earlier suddenly becomes my strawman. Clearly you have no compunctions trying to cover for yourself. The secret to my success here is that I don’t need to cover for Veewee. History has been recorded here in black and white. it’s easily verifiable.
But now that I provide the link to that history, suddenly you don’t want context to matter for much. Even in a discussion about how disingenuous and intentionally misleading someone can be. ………Amazing.
This is funny. Just because I quoted the entire post never implied I was refering to each and every part of it. Have you seriously seen no case in which a post is quoted but the reply refers just to parts of it? Seriously?
Vee Wee said that someone called her names, and that was the part I replied to. Vee Wee was talking about me specifically, whether you were aware of it or not. It had everything to do with the “burn baby burn” thread. Some of the discussion isn’t there anymore. You weren’t aware of it and this is anything but my fault.
You have yet to refute the proof I provided which proved Vee Wee called names due to value differences. That said, my facts are the ones remaining straight. Yours, on the other hand…
Another funny part is that you’re saying I haven’t discussed the context in my last post which is wrong. Plain and simple. II said you’re trying to imply that a part of the thread was the one Vee Wee replied to, when it was actually far back (nor was it quoted by Vee Wee)…
You’re way too emotionally involved and keep declaring yourself as the victor, or as someone who proved I avoid context (etc.). Please don’t shame yourself. This is the second time you’re trying to make fun of someone else only to be found the one in shame.
No, your facts are anything but straight, but I honestly admire your efforts.
Let’s start by saying it matters not if someone said, somewhere in a thread, that the player is the bad one, or if a build is useless. It matters not if the discussion evolved and Vee Wee wasn’t responding to that directly, which was the case in link #3. You also missed (on purpose, or not), the following part from that link:
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Vee Wee doesn’t understand! Didn’t Vee Wee say Vee Wee advocates playing what you enjoy playing! How is that being intolerant! We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad just because you’ll take 2 minutes longer to clear a dungeon if you run that build! And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is! Anyway again Vee Wee thinks people should play PvE how they want to play it! Whether it’s a thuper fun build like Flamethrower or some finely crafted build with the highest damage possible, play what you enjoy my frands!
Wahoo! Bye frands!"You can easily see the terms “elitists” and “nerdo”, which is exactly what name calling is. All that was just because someone didn’t share the same values you do.
The first two links have to do with something that’s entirely different. I haven’t seen a lot of support for the quote from link #1. I have also seen no one accusing Vee Wee of anything regarding link #2. In short, it’s a strawman argument. Way to go?
See? Here’s your problem. You’re trying to defend Vee Wee at all cost. I also defended Vee Wee myself with my first post in this thread. As opposed to you, I don’t try to cover for one’s wrong-doings.
By the way, the last part of your post shamed you, not me, because you only proved how wrong you are. If you weren’t in such a hurry to declare yourself as the victor, you’d look allright. Now? Well, shame indeed. Shame…
Umm…… The second link from veewee immediately follows the first link from Rozbuska and specifically addresses the wording of Rozuska’s post. (Like what I’m doing here responding to your post). The third link from you specifically quotes the second link from veewee and uses the fourth link as “proof”. Anyone can confirm this. that’s why I post links.
You see, all that bolded actually does matter. It applies to the context of what was typed. Curious how earlier you were an advocate for context and now none of it matters. So me sticking to the context that you championed earlier suddenly becomes my strawman. Clearly you have no compunctions trying to cover for yourself. The secret to my success here is that I don’t need to cover for Veewee. History has been recorded here in black and white. it’s easily verifiable.
But now that I provide the link to that history, suddenly you don’t want context to matter for much. Even in a discussion about how disingenuous and intentionally misleading someone can be. ………Amazing.
This is funny. Just because I quoted the entire post never implied I was refering to each and every part of it. Have you seriously seen no case in which a post is quoted but the reply refers just to parts of it? Seriously?
Vee Wee said that someone called her names, and that was the part I replied to. Vee Wee was talking about me specifically, whether you were aware of it or not. It had everything to do with the “burn baby burn” thread. Some of the discussion isn’t there anymore. You weren’t aware of it and this is anything but my fault.
You have yet to refute the proof I provided which proved Vee Wee called names due to value differences. That said, my facts are the ones remaining straight. Yours, on the other hand…
Another funny part is that you’re saying I haven’t discussed the context in my last post which is wrong. Plain and simple. II said you’re trying to imply that a part of the thread was the one Vee Wee replied to, when it was actually far back (nor was it quoted by Vee Wee)…
You’re way too emotionally involved and keep declaring yourself as the victor, or as someone who proved I avoid context (etc.). Please don’t shame yourself. This is the second time you’re trying to make fun of someone else only to be found the one in shame.
Oooooohhhhhh!!! LOL!! I see where the misunderstanding was. The majority of this entire page that you have been making points and counter points to…. wasn’t actually part of your conversation, even though it was a huge part of your actual conversation. I get it now.
Oooooohhhhhh!!! LOL!! I see where the misunderstanding was. The majority of this entire page that you have been making points and counter points to…. wasn’t actually part of your conversation, even though it was a huge part of your actual conversation. I get it now.
Have you got completely insane by finding out you were wrong? You’re way way too emotionally involved. Take a step back and see how much it shows.
My first post in this thread quoted an entire post, and I replied to a part of it. It wouldn’t be the first time someone did that. In fact, it’s extremely common. You thought I was trying to say Vee Wee was wrong for going against someone who attacked the player himself (“bad engi”) instead of his build. I kept telling you it isn’t the case and most people won’t support the attacker.
My first post replied to the part of Vee Wee’s post which was talking about me (“burn baby burn” thread, some of it isn’t there anymore). and you weren’t aware of it. I proved Vee Wee was calling names due to value differences. I defended Vee Wee against the accusations regarding build rigidity.
I admired your efforts so I took my time now to show you what happened. Now take a step back, relax, you don’t have to openly admit you were wrong. It’s allright.
Tell me more of these mysterious missing posts. What did they entail? Where did they go? Is it too painful to talk about? Did the posts pack up and move out because of something you said in anger but later came to realize you never meant and if they would just answer your phone calls they’d see how much they need you just as you need them?
btw flamethrower auto attack is useless in pve
Tell me more of these mysterious missing posts. What did they entail? Where did they go? Is it too painful to talk about? Did the posts pack up and move out because of something you said in anger but later came to realize you never meant and if they would just answer your phone calls they’d see how much they need you just as you need them?
I tried respecting you, but you’re so emotionally involved that you can’t do the same. You let it get in your way. I guess that’s your way of making your exit when you’re wrong. Oh well.
As for the missing posts, let me tip you about moderation, since you don’t seem to know much about it. If you reply to a post they deleted, they delete your post as well.
Relax, being emotionally involved isn’t a good thing.
btw flamethrower auto attack is useless in pve
Setting aside what you were trying to do here, it belongs to a FT thread, not here. This is a Vee Wee thread.
(edited by Darius.4710)
Tell me more of these mysterious missing posts. What did they entail? Where did they go? Is it too painful to talk about? Did the posts pack up and move out because of something you said in anger but later came to realize you never meant and if they would just answer your phone calls they’d see how much they need you just as you need them?
I tried respecting you, but you’re so emotionally involved that you can’t do the same. You let it get in your way. I guess that’s your way of making your exit when you’re wrong. Oh well.
As for the missing posts, let me tip you about moderation, since you don’t seem to know much about it. If you reply to a post they deleted, they delete your post as well.
Relax, being emotionally involved isn’t a good thing.
The mystery posts that would tie it all together. Shame they ….. can’t ..be…found. And of course you weren’t emotionally tied to posts that were so bad that the mods stepped in. Even though you apparently continued to respond to them. Not to mention the fact that they weren’t mentioned until just recently, only after we had to go through all of this. Just to find out that most of what was discussed and responded to…….. and defended by you had nothing to do with your entire point. But, I’m happy to let the greater forum community decide what actually happened here, if you are. I can’t tell if this experience has brought us closer together of farther apart.
Veewee talk tai. Veewee talk tai, real good!!!
Tell me more of these mysterious missing posts. What did they entail? Where did they go? Is it too painful to talk about? Did the posts pack up and move out because of something you said in anger but later came to realize you never meant and if they would just answer your phone calls they’d see how much they need you just as you need them?
I tried respecting you, but you’re so emotionally involved that you can’t do the same. You let it get in your way. I guess that’s your way of making your exit when you’re wrong. Oh well.
As for the missing posts, let me tip you about moderation, since you don’t seem to know much about it. If you reply to a post they deleted, they delete your post as well.
Relax, being emotionally involved isn’t a good thing.
The mystery posts that would tie it all together. Shame they ….. can’t ..be…found. And of course you weren’t emotionally tied to posts that were so bad that the mods stepped in. Even though you apparently continued to respond to them. Not to mention the fact that they weren’t mentioned until just recently, only after we had to go through all of this. Just to find out that most of what was discussed and responded to…….. and defended by you had nothing to do with your entire point. But, I’m happy to let the greater forum community decide what actually happened here, if you are.
I can’t tell if this experience has brought us closer together of farther apart.
Veewee talk tai. Veewee talk tai, real good!!!
You know some of your posts could get the moderators attention, and you know exactly why. Now, if they’re deleted, so will my replies to you. According to you my posts were problematic in one way or another, right?
I only recently mentioned the fact I replied to a part of Vee Wee’s post, instead of the entire post. Since it was only mentioned recently I must had something to hide, according to you, right?
We get it, you were wrong. Now you’re trying to do your best efforts to make sure I’m in the wrong somehow. You know it’s also one of the signs telling how emotionally involved you are. Just like the ways you finish some of your posts. If I was so angry, or emotionally involved, why am I still trying to help you? Perhaps your efforts to demonize me were spend the wrong way?
Tell me more of these mysterious missing posts. What did they entail? Where did they go? Is it too painful to talk about? Did the posts pack up and move out because of something you said in anger but later came to realize you never meant and if they would just answer your phone calls they’d see how much they need you just as you need them?
I tried respecting you, but you’re so emotionally involved that you can’t do the same. You let it get in your way. I guess that’s your way of making your exit when you’re wrong. Oh well.
As for the missing posts, let me tip you about moderation, since you don’t seem to know much about it. If you reply to a post they deleted, they delete your post as well.
Relax, being emotionally involved isn’t a good thing.
The mystery posts that would tie it all together. Shame they ….. can’t ..be…found. And of course you weren’t emotionally tied to posts that were so bad that the mods stepped in. Even though you apparently continued to respond to them. Not to mention the fact that they weren’t mentioned until just recently, only after we had to go through all of this. Just to find out that most of what was discussed and responded to…….. and defended by you had nothing to do with your entire point. But, I’m happy to let the greater forum community decide what actually happened here, if you are.
I can’t tell if this experience has brought us closer together of farther apart.
Veewee talk tai. Veewee talk tai, real good!!!
You know some of your posts could get the moderators attention, and you know exactly why. Now, if they’re deleted, so will my replies to you. According to you my posts were problematic in one way or another, right?
I only recently mentioned the fact I replied to a part of Vee Wee’s post, instead of the entire post. Since it was only mentioned recently I must had something to hide, according to you, right?
We get it, you were wrong. Now you’re trying to do your best efforts to make sure I’m in the wrong somehow. You know it’s also one of the signs telling how emotionally involved you are. Just like the ways you finish some of your posts. By all means, go on, but don’t say I wasn’t trying to spare you the shame…
If mine get deleted yours will be for the same reason. But as I said, I’m happy to let the forum community decide. This is why I post links
In this thread: Darius accuses Dustfinger of being too emotionally involved. Yet, it’s Darius who feels that things are rude and offensive which apparently most other people don’t consider rude or offensive in any way.
Let’s just agree that you two disagree (with eachother). Wahoo!
Tell me more of these mysterious missing posts. What did they entail? Where did they go? Is it too painful to talk about? Did the posts pack up and move out because of something you said in anger but later came to realize you never meant and if they would just answer your phone calls they’d see how much they need you just as you need them?
I tried respecting you, but you’re so emotionally involved that you can’t do the same. You let it get in your way. I guess that’s your way of making your exit when you’re wrong. Oh well.
As for the missing posts, let me tip you about moderation, since you don’t seem to know much about it. If you reply to a post they deleted, they delete your post as well.
Relax, being emotionally involved isn’t a good thing.
The mystery posts that would tie it all together. Shame they ….. can’t ..be…found. And of course you weren’t emotionally tied to posts that were so bad that the mods stepped in. Even though you apparently continued to respond to them. Not to mention the fact that they weren’t mentioned until just recently, only after we had to go through all of this. Just to find out that most of what was discussed and responded to…….. and defended by you had nothing to do with your entire point. But, I’m happy to let the greater forum community decide what actually happened here, if you are.
I can’t tell if this experience has brought us closer together of farther apart.
Veewee talk tai. Veewee talk tai, real good!!!
You know some of your posts could get the moderators attention, and you know exactly why. Now, if they’re deleted, so will my replies to you. According to you my posts were problematic in one way or another, right?
I only recently mentioned the fact I replied to a part of Vee Wee’s post, instead of the entire post. Since it was only mentioned recently I must had something to hide, according to you, right?
We get it, you were wrong. Now you’re trying to do your best efforts to make sure I’m in the wrong somehow. You know it’s also one of the signs telling how emotionally involved you are. Just like the ways you finish some of your posts. By all means, go on, but don’t say I wasn’t trying to spare you the shame…
If mine get deleted yours will be for the same reason. But as I said, I’m happy to let the forum community decide. This is why I post links
I’d seriously like you to tell me why are my posts against the rules. I’m seriously asking you to do that, because if I violated the rules I’ll learn for the next time.
By the way, the reason I quote instead of sending links is because I want everyone to see. Now, the problem is that the posts in your links might be changed, but your quotes can’t. I took it to the next level before you found your “cool trick” to let everyone else see what really happened…
As I said, I’m a supporter of backing up one’s claims with proof rather than thin air.
In this thread: Darius accuses Dustfinger of being too emotionally involved. Yet, it’s Darius who feels that things are rude and offensive which apparently most other people don’t consider rude or offensive in any way.
Let’s just agree that you two disagree (with eachother). Wahoo!
Let’s see… calling people nerds or elitists due to value differences isn’t offensive, you say? Yeah right…
If a huge chunk of MMOs’ forum history wouldn’t blatantly prove you wrong, I’d actually take it seriously. There are more than enough threads, even over these boards only, that provoked quite a lot of flames for those exact reasons.
(edited by Darius.4710)
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Well golly gee willikers my frands! Vee Wee goes to work and comes back to see a novel written about pointless things! If Vee Wee has learned anything about the 4ums, it’s that people who don’t like you are relentless! You reply to them once, maybe twice, and then just stop! If you don’t, you’ll have the back and forth go on for hours! Geez louise!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Let’s see… calling people nerds or elitists due to value differences isn’t offensive, you say? Yeah right…
Nowhere did I read a sentence like “you’re an elitist!” or “you’re a nerd!”. All that I recall Vee Wee saying is, that some people show elitist and/or nerdish behaviour (which doesn’t mean they are elitists or nerds; just that they sometimes act like them). It’s just an observation. Also, while I can understand that someone MIGHT find “elitist” a bit insulting, I’ve never heard of anyone feeling that way for “nerd”. Some people even use it as a term of endearment, lol. I would totally understand that you’re making such a fuss over it if Vee Wee would have called people “holewherefoodexitsthebody” for acting in a certain way or so. But such a fuss because of words that wouldn’t even be insulting if they WOULD BE aimed at someone directly (which they weren’t)? I would ask if you’re maybe bored or so, but I guess you might think of that as an insult as well.
Edit (in case someone wonders what I’ve edited): While reading my quote below, I’ve noticed a little typo. Fixed it with this edit cause I can’t stand having a typo in one of my posts. ^^
(edited by Saturn.6591)
Let’s see… calling people nerds or elitists due to value differences isn’t offensive, you say? Yeah right…
Nowhere die I read a sentence like “you’re an elitist!” or “you’re a nerd!”. All that I recall Vee Wee saying is, that some people show elitist and/or nerdish behaviour (which doesn’t mean they are elitists or nerds; just that they sometimes act like them). It’s just an observation. Also, while I can understand that someone MIGHT find “elitist” a bit insulting, I’ve never heard of anyone feeling that way for “nerd”. Some people even use it as a term of endearment, lol. I would totally understand that you’re making such a fuss over it if Vee Wee would have called people “holewherefoodexitsthebody” for acting in a certain way or so. But such a fuss because of words that wouldn’t even be insulting if they WOULD BE aimed at someone directly (which they weren’t)? I would ask if you’re maybe bored or so, but I guess you might think of that as an insult as well.
Let’s start by saying that there are quite a few who’d consider “nerd” an offensive term, especially when someone who disagrees with their values tags them this way. Tagging someone, or a group of people, as Elitist/s is clearly offensive. MMO (and forum) history proves this fact very well. The main reason for the large amount of posts in this thread (regarding this issue) has a lot to do with Dustfinger. He thought he’s right at first, so I actually admire his efforts.
Why am I not doing the same with every one-liner troll? Well, trolls are regarded as trolls as aren’t taken seriously in many cases. Vee Wee, on the other hand, isn’t regarded as a troll, but as a contributing member, which he/she is. However, when someone who keeps trying to come across as friendly (frandly), I have a good reason to show he/she isn’t always like that.
You were also probably looking for the following quote to see where the accusations came from, because you don’t seem to know what really happened:
" We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad"
Saying a build is bad could be true and it doesn’t make one an elitist. Elitism has to do with being better than someone else. Saying a build is bad for a said purpose isn’t elitism.
“And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is!”
Proving which build is better is min-max nerdo? really? Especially when people often ask for proof? Please note how the tag (nerdo) is linked to the min-maxing attitude. Yes, again. Then Vee Wee claims this is what’s intolerant… good lord…
Hello frands! Vee Wee here, #1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
Well golly gee willikers my frands! Vee Wee goes to work and comes back to see a novel written about pointless things! If Vee Wee has learned anything about the 4ums, it’s that people who don’t like you are relentless! You reply to them once, maybe twice, and then just stop! If you don’t, you’ll have the back and forth go on for hours! Geez louise!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
Let’s see… we’ve met on 3 different threads on the same sub-forum when you’ve taken part of so many more threads. At first you say it’s stalking, and now I’m called relentless for trying to respect Dustfinger (otherwise it would surely not be that long, and you know it).
Dustfinger thought he was right. He had good intentions, at least most of the time. Are you suggesting I ignore him instead of respecting him? Is this what you’re saying? If not, tell me. Perhaps it’s a misunderstanding on my part.
By the way, since you mentioned the term Relentless, what would you call someone who relentlessly keeps writing about his rank in each and every post he writes? The least you could tell about such a person is that he’s quite relentless. Not only that, but you’d also find it quite hypocritic when such a person tells another he’s being relentless for meeting you in 3 threads (same sub forum) out of the large amount of threads you took part of…
(edited by Darius.4710)
Gosh… okay; hold on:
" We have some PvE elitists saying a certain build is bad"
Saying a build is bad could be true and it doesn’t make one an elitist. Elitism has to do with being better than someone else. Saying a build is bad for a said purpose isn’t elitism.
I’m sure Vee Wee wasn’t refering to people calling builds bad that truly are bad… like, a PvE-build with a mix of apothecary and cavalier gear and traited for Static Discharge and Elixir Infused Bombs would be, for example. She was obviously refering to people who call other people and their builds bad just because they do not run the ultimate minmaxed meta-build, but another build that’s good but just not… well, not meta because it does a bit less dps or so. Which btw is exactly what “elitist” means, or at least that’s how the word is generally used in the GW2-forums.
“And then they back it up with talk of spreadsheets and dps calculators and etc! If that’s not a min max nerdo then Vee Wee doesn’t know what is! That is also where the true intolerance is!”
Proving which build is better is min-max nerdo? really? Especially when people often ask for proof? Please note how the tag (nerdo) is linked to the min-maxing attitude. Yes, again. Then Vee Wee claims this is what’s intolerant… good lord…
Again, Vee Wee was most likely refering to people who look down upon everyone who doesn’t use perfectly min-maxed meta-builds and throw spreadsheets at everyone who dares to say something like “But I’d prefer to play something that’s more fun to me and still does well, even if it’s not the absolutely most optimal build that currently exists.” And not to people who min-max because they like to do so but understand that not everyone likes to (nor has to) actually use exactly those builds.
By the way, since you mentioned the term Relentless, what would you call someone who relentlessly keeps writing about his rank in each and every post he writes? The least you could tell about such a person is that he’s quite relentless. Not only that, but you’d also find it quite hypocritic when such a person tells another he’s being relentless for meeting you in 3 threads (same sub forum) out of the large amount of threads you took part of…
“Relentless” was partly meant as a general statement. But of course it also was indirectly directed at you. But not because you’ve both posted in the same thread a couple of times, but because this silly discussion keeps going on like the future of the world would depend on it, instead of you two just “agreeing to disagree” like I’ve mentioned earlier. ^^
Oh, and mentioning that she’s world’s first rank 80 hasn’t anything to do with being relentless. Unless you mean “Vee Wee is shoving that into my face without mercy until I just can’t take it anymore! Please help me!”. Imo, that way of posting is just a quirk that she keeps up just for fun.
Everytime Veewee smiles, a flower blooms and a baby sneezes. …….Due to direct correlation. Not happenstance.
I can hardly keep track of what’s going on anymore.
I can hardly keep track of what’s going on anymore.
If you’re not in it for the lulz, you’ll only bring misery into your personal existence.