

in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


Dear all, please keep this clean no flaming thank you very much

1. motar – increase the range to 2000 and lower the cooldown or maybe ZERO cooldown because i hardly see anyone use this during PvE including myself, I only use it in WvW. Firstly this is not a imbalance skill the damage is not that high and it’s much more like a support tool, increasing the range would make it much more attractive to use it as grenade with trait range is 1500, secondly with lower cooldown engineers can run around deploying attacks in WvW

2. Cannon Kit – skill 1 similar with elementalist’s Fireball, skill 2 rifle net shot, skill 3 similar with acid bomb but you jump forward not backwards , skill 4 Ranger’s Longbow Barrage but the cannon only fires 5 shots in the air and when the cannon land it create five 120 radius explosion randomly within 240 Radius, the skill 5 oh well haven’t think of it


in Engineer

Posted by: Elshagan.6342


Mortar I can agree with cause atm unless you’re trying to let friendlies without significant range (Necro/Guardian???) you’re wasting an Elite with a sub ranged weapon that also has a minimum range which kinda negates it’s usefulness in PvE

Currently if I’m not mistaken the trait that actually is supposed to increase the range of Mortar is bugged which again makes it a wasted Elite Slot. Having a base range of 1500-1800 sounds like a good thing and having the trait increase that to around 2000-2300.

I still use it during Keep Defenses cause it does hit hard main problem being projectile speed though. Currently if you were to pit Grenades vs Mortar…. Grenades would win constantly cause of faster projectile speed.

The speed might not sound relative but it is when you’re shooting and people have ages to move out of the target zone when you’re using mortar.

1: Sniper Kit
2: Shotgun
3: Turret Kit (Cause atm you can only take 2 turrets if you’re planning on actually repairing them with Toolkit)
4: Dagger Offhand (Who haven’t used a knife of any kind as an diy screwdriver?)

Other than that it’s mostly bug fixes in my opinion.

Ezrael Curzeblood: 80 Necro
Januk Monkeydoodle: 80 Engi
Knowledge is your friend: 1 of every class for sPvP except Ele.


in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


1. Fix Kits to not be bundles.

2. Buff Mortar- Much more damage, scales with stats, 2000 range

3. Redesign Elixir X- 8s quickness, 8s stability, 8s Fury, 3 stacks of might for 8s and 8s swiftness.

Pure offensive boon goodness.

180s cooldown, affected by all elixir traits.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara


in Engineer

Posted by: faileon.4381


1. Put back Juggernaut trait, or give us a guaranteed stability skill.
2. Mooore weapons. Shotgun pls?
3. Sigils on Kits & improve kits in general. Right now only useful one seems to be Bomb kit for debuffs/CC in tournies and FT for knockback.
4. Pistols skills needs to be faster. Just comparing with ranger, shortbow feels so smooth and fast, and pistols are sokittenslow (Autoattack / Poison Valley e.g.)

(edited by faileon.4381)


in Engineer

Posted by: Warmage Timeraider.5861

Warmage Timeraider.5861

1. Fix the elixer cooldown reduction to also work on toss elixers.

2. Maybe some turrets need a bit more armor or faster attack-rate (slight loss of dmg per hit ofc.) … and mortar might need to have another look

thats about it, if that happens im quite happy

Timeraider- 80 Norn Elementalist – 80 Norn Engineer


in Engineer

Posted by: hueyman.7194


1. Like everyone’s wish, fix Mortar. 2000 range, faster attack animation make it standout from grenade kit.

2. Tank kit, seriously. Like the Charr engines of destruction. I’d like to be an engineer who deals with actual engines.


in Engineer

Posted by: Assassinin.4963


Agreed … Mortar range should be increased. This is to offset the liability that you are immobile when using Mortar. In PvP or WvW, you are basically a sitting duck and therefore you need some distance to take evasive retreat when enemies charge at you.

Secondly, if thief can repeat fire with 2 pistols, I don’t see why Engineer cannot have machine gun. Let have machine gun in the same elite skill category as a Mortar.


in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


For me its the already suggested mortar changes.

Fixes for broken traits. ((Elite Supplies, Scope, Rifled Barrels, Deploy-able Turrets))

Buff kitten traits. (Armor Mods, Shrapnel, Packaged Stimulants, Acidic Coating, Protective Shield)

To many traits are overshadowed or rendered obsolete but other traits such as Protective Shield vs Protection Injection. Protective Shield isn’t bad, it’s pretty much on par with other 10 point traits you see on the other professions. But Protection Injection is fantastic since it is pretty much perma protection up time in group pvp / wvw / pve due to the large amounts of CC flying around.

Turret stat sharing and fixed targeting

Rocket Turret Rockets to count as explosives

Rifle Turret Shots to pierce like hipshot

Rocket Launcher Kit

Steam Orge summon-able elite!


in Engineer

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


For the mortar I wish we could take them down that put it into a 20-39 second cool down. I hate deploying it just to have the battle move on so now it sit there doing nothing, all alone. I feel sorry for the mortar.


in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


someone already suggested teleport but i prefer it JETPACK
range 1000 basically the same as elementalist’s teleport

teleportation device same as mesmer’s portal


in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


well after fighting claw of jormag, there was the charrzooka if that would be engineer kit it wont be nice

with long firing rate is okay as the range makes it up


in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


What if all kits have passive buff ?

for example:

elixir gun at level 80 gives 50 healing and 50 condition damage
flamethrower 50 power 50 condition damage
bomb kit 50 vit 50 toughness
grenade kit 50 crit damage 50 Precision
med kit +20% resurrection speed +50 healing


in Engineer

Posted by: Candiru.5279


What if all kits have passive buff ?

for example:

elixir gun at level 80 gives 50 healing and 50 condition damage
flamethrower 50 power 50 condition damage
bomb kit 50 vit 50 toughness
grenade kit 50 crit damage 50 Precision
med kit +20% resurrection speed +50 healing

passive effects would fit better to gadgets since they are very …meh


in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


rocket boots with +10% movement speed
or maybe slick shoes allows you to skite the ground +15% speed ?


in Engineer

Posted by: Sanguis Rex.5134

Sanguis Rex.5134

1) Increase attack speed or Increase Bleed to 4s on skill #1
2) Change #2 from cone to single target

1) Smooth out animation of #5

1) Add sigils/stats while using kits
2) Fix less useful kits (IE. flamethrower 1 and 2; toolkit)

1) Change turrets to improve scaling slightly, perhaps tied to stats or just a general improvement.
I’d like to see turrets hit hard (not too hard) but slow, thus they are useful, but can be dodged. This will make them useful in PvE, yet predictable enough in PvP.

1) Replace elixir X with something useful, or change it to be useful
2) Mortar change (More or less to some extent what is already mentioned)

Goes without saying, we have alot of bugs that need to be addressed.
Frankly I think once the list of bugs gets shorter, quality of life will be much better.

Also, like Karast, I would like to see some of the less useful traits fixed and/or improved.

That about sums it up for me


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


What if all kits have passive buff ?

for example:

elixir gun at level 80 gives 50 healing and 50 condition damage
flamethrower 50 power 50 condition damage
bomb kit 50 vit 50 toughness
grenade kit 50 crit damage 50 Precision
med kit +20% resurrection speed +50 healing

Well you can get a trait Juggernaut that gives a passive buff for the flame thrower.
(You gain 200 toughness while wielding a flamethrower. In addition, gain might for 15 seconds every 3 seconds, as long as you remain in this weapon kit.)

Perhaps a trait similar to that for each one might be a interesting idea. Obviously they would have to vary to be more applicable stats that are customized specifically for each trait.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.


in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

More steam punk looking armor, as well as class armors. I shouldn’t be forced to look like a ranger and thief.


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


When I dont have a kit slotted in utility my secondary weapon slot opens up so I can have P/S (P/P) – Rifle with turrets/elixirs/gadgets as my 3 utilities.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

Where does it say this in the wiki? What post did the devs suggest this in?

Weird……I cannot find one fact to support this anywhere on the entire internet. I guess that would make it untrue then…..

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

Where does it say this in the wiki? What post did the devs suggest this in?

Weird……I cannot find one fact to support this anywhere on the entire internet. I guess that would make it untrue then…..

The devs never mentioned it, but it’s only my opinion.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

(edited by Magic Night.1308)


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


I think it fits into the RP of gw2, putting a scope on your rifle seems like a pretty engineery (sc) thing to do. That one charr seems to even be holding a sniper rifle.

I agree that a sniper could be out of place for an engineer if it is too damage focused but if it had the same control focused ablities our other weapons have than i think it could work as a range option that wouldnt out-due rangers.

I would say scrap the mortar elite and make the sniper a deployable gun on bi-pods that worked more like a ballista with a lower range. So slow firing and non moveable.

But thats just my wish (right below Emma Stone and Diane Kruger in my bedroom)


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

I think it fits into the RP of gw2, putting a scope on your rifle seems like a pretty engineery (sc) thing to do. That one charr seems to even be holding a sniper rifle.

I agree that a sniper could be out of place for an engineer if it is too damage focused but if it had the same control focused ablities our other weapons have than i think it could work as a range option that wouldnt out-due rangers.

I would say scrap the mortar elite and make the sniper a deployable gun on bi-pods that worked more like a ballista with a lower range. So slow firing and non moveable.

But thats just my wish (right below Emma Stone and Diane Kruger in my bedroom)

Lol obviously it’s not RP at all, there’s no such thing as scope back in the old days, it’s all iron sight and flintlock muskets use by English and American gunman shoot only less than 100 meters, while long bow archers can reach slightly over 400 meters.


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Where did you heard this from snipers have existed since the invention of firearms? Do you even know who invented the gun?

And I’m not fool of it, seriously calm down about this, like I’ve said you guys can put it on the wishlist but it’s up to the devs to decide.


in Engineer

Posted by: Strifer.3507


A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Where did you heard this from snipers have existed since the invention of firearms? Do you even know who invented the gun?

And I’m not fool of it, seriously calm down about this, like I’ve said you guys can put it on the wishlist but it’s up to the devs to decide.

In history, there is no charr, asura, sylvari, norn, magics, focus. I also don’t recall grenades in the form we have in the game now being invented. People don’t even realistically fight a war with a scepter other than being a symbolic icon.

So, yes to sniper kit <3


in Engineer

Posted by: Atmaweapon.7345


Power Tools kit:
Bioblaster (actually, we already have elixir gun for that)
Grappling Hook

Sniper Kit

Bazooka Kit. More explosions, less burning (as opposed to Charrzooka)

Lighning Rod Kit, set up lightning coils that arc electricity between them to control a field. 5th ability is a taser that paralyzes an opponent by causing daze and immobilize.

A more indepth and radical change would be:

Clear distinction and change between armed kits and unarmed kits

Armed Kits: Any kit that serves multiple functions with a variety of uses (Flamethrower, Elixir Gun, Tool kit)

Unarmed Kits: kits that are one-dimensional in use, but serve a variety of effects (Grenades, Bombs, Med kit)

Armed kits are created using two weapons and equipped into the off-hand slot. For example, Flamethrower is Pistol + Torch, Elixir gun is Pistol + focus, Tool kit is Mace + shield. Incompatible or incomplete weapons result in no weapon at all.

3 new armed kits to go with this system:
Powertools (chainsaw kit)= Offensive melee condition-based kit.
Bazooka= AoE explosion based kit centered around direct damage and Bleed/Burn.
Sniper= Single target long range direct damage kit.

Armed kit comes free of a utility slot, but you can only equip one. Armed kits still count as kits and swapping between weapon and armed kit will only trigger a 1 second cooldown. Armed kits no longer have a toolbelt (the only useful one was Throw Wrench anyways. And that was only with a specific trait to cause cripple.)

Armed kits are essentially weapons that count as kits for the purposes of Engineer abilities.

3 new Unarmed kits or utilities to fill in the gap left by the armed kit change.

(edited by Atmaweapon.7345)


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Where did you heard this from snipers have existed since the invention of firearms? Do you even know who invented the gun?

And I’m not fool of it, seriously calm down about this, like I’ve said you guys can put it on the wishlist but it’s up to the devs to decide.

Umm, I deduced it with basic logic. The second a ranged weapon was invented to do harm from the safety of a distance, the next immediate step is to extend that range as much as possible. But hey what do I know, the last sniper training I has was in the early 90’s.

As far as your question if I know who invented the gun, well no I do not, because no one knows, but I am quit certain you didn’t know that when you typed it either. Although most historians believe it was invented by the Chinese about 1400-1600 years ago.

Any other matters I can help to educate you on?

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Where did you heard this from snipers have existed since the invention of firearms? Do you even know who invented the gun?

And I’m not fool of it, seriously calm down about this, like I’ve said you guys can put it on the wishlist but it’s up to the devs to decide.

Umm, I deduced it with basic logic. The second a ranged weapon was invented to do harm from the safety of a distance, the next immediate step is to extend that range as much as possible. But hey what do I know, the last sniper training I has was in the early 90’s.

As far as your question if I know who invented the gun, well no I do not, because no one knows, but I am quit certain you didn’t know that when you typed it either. Although most historians believe it was invented by the Chinese about 1400-1600 years ago.

Any other matters I can help to educate you on?

Seriously calm down man, you didn’t deduce anything with basic logic, nor you’re making any sense about what you’ve just said. BTW I have a own sniper rifle and I know they never existed his old historal times until the American civil war, doubt you even know how to use one.

Of course I know who invented the gun, you said snipers existed since the invention of fire arms, that’s why I ask you that question to prove you don’t know anything about history. It’s ironic I’m the one that is educating you.

(edited by Magic Night.1308)


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Where did you heard this from snipers have existed since the invention of firearms? Do you even know who invented the gun?

And I’m not fool of it, seriously calm down about this, like I’ve said you guys can put it on the wishlist but it’s up to the devs to decide.

In history, there is no charr, asura, sylvari, norn, magics, focus. I also don’t recall grenades in the form we have in the game now being invented. People don’t even realistically fight a war with a scepter other than being a symbolic icon.

So, yes to sniper kit <3

Race and magic are fantasy in game, and they use the modern grenade apperanace just to not confuse it with the bomb kit, but sniper rifles are modern weapons, this is the conflict I’m trying to say in RPing. Might as well let engineers summon a M1A2 tank.


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Where did you heard this from snipers have existed since the invention of firearms? Do you even know who invented the gun?

And I’m not fool of it, seriously calm down about this, like I’ve said you guys can put it on the wishlist but it’s up to the devs to decide.

In history, there is no charr, asura, sylvari, norn, magics, focus. I also don’t recall grenades in the form we have in the game now being invented. People don’t even realistically fight a war with a scepter other than being a symbolic icon.

So, yes to sniper kit <3

Race and magic are fantasy in game, and they use the modern grenade apperanace just to not confuse it with the bomb kit, but sniper rifles are modern weapons, this is the conflict I’m trying to say in RPing. Might as well let engineers summon a M1A2 tank.

There are tanks in the game, along with robots and powersuits.
Engineers even carry a wrench and pry bar tht look like the kind I use in the motor pool.
Also the Flamethrower, although shooting flames was invented quite a while ago, (as cog stated it was prolly by the chinese, if not then the greeks) but the whole flamethrower backpack screams WWII, in which there were snipers.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Where did you heard this from snipers have existed since the invention of firearms? Do you even know who invented the gun?

And I’m not fool of it, seriously calm down about this, like I’ve said you guys can put it on the wishlist but it’s up to the devs to decide.

In history, there is no charr, asura, sylvari, norn, magics, focus. I also don’t recall grenades in the form we have in the game now being invented. People don’t even realistically fight a war with a scepter other than being a symbolic icon.

So, yes to sniper kit <3

Race and magic are fantasy in game, and they use the modern grenade apperanace just to not confuse it with the bomb kit, but sniper rifles are modern weapons, this is the conflict I’m trying to say in RPing. Might as well let engineers summon a M1A2 tank.

There are tanks in the game, along with robots and powersuits.
Engineers even carry a wrench and pry bar tht look like the kind I use in the motor pool.
Also the Flamethrower, although shooting flames was invented quite a while ago, (as cog stated it was prolly by the chinese, if not then the greeks) but the whole flamethrower backpack screams WWII, in which there were snipers.

Both Chinese and the Greeks invented flame throwers in ancient times, they made the tool appearance or flamethrower backpacks like modern ones just for fun like the grenade appearance, but these stuff did existed in old historical times.


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Both Chinese and the Greeks invented flame throwers in ancient times, they made the tool appearance or flamethrower backpacks like modern ones just for fun like the grenade appearance, but these stuff did existed in old historical times.

Okay I really dont want to sound like I am ragging on you, but I don’t think historical when I play GW2, I really don’t think fantasy when I think of GW2 maybe sci-fi fantasy.

With all the golems, ray guns and computer consoles I have come across while playing, not to mention floating cities and airships, the concept of an engineer using his wrench to attach a “looking glass” to the top of his rifle doesnt seem far fetched or out of place at all.


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


oh another one

Golem Kit

A kit with 5 deployable mini golems

  1. - Suicide Golem
  2. - Annoying Child Golem (runs and holds onto the enemies leg when they are trying to get away)
  3. - Magnetic Golem (pulls all attacks to itself for 2sec)
  4. - Elderly Assist Golem (follows you around granting stability for 3sec)
  5. - TLC Golem (grants regen while out, activate again to get sprayed with a healing golem goo & create combo field)

heh heh


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Where did you heard this from snipers have existed since the invention of firearms? Do you even know who invented the gun?

And I’m not fool of it, seriously calm down about this, like I’ve said you guys can put it on the wishlist but it’s up to the devs to decide.

Umm, I deduced it with basic logic. The second a ranged weapon was invented to do harm from the safety of a distance, the next immediate step is to extend that range as much as possible. But hey what do I know, the last sniper training I has was in the early 90’s.

As far as your question if I know who invented the gun, well no I do not, because no one knows, but I am quit certain you didn’t know that when you typed it either. Although most historians believe it was invented by the Chinese about 1400-1600 years ago.

Any other matters I can help to educate you on?

Seriously calm down man, you didn’t deduce anything with basic logic, nor you’re making any sense about what you’ve just said. BTW I have a own sniper rifle and I know they never existed his old historal times until the American civil war, doubt you even know how to use one.

Of course I know who invented the gun, you said snipers existed since the invention of fire arms, that’s why I ask you that question to prove you don’t know anything about history. It’s ironic I’m the one that is educating you.

Right……..I love the “yeah I knew, I was just testing you” line.

Secondly, Perhaps you may want of learn a little on the facts before you falsely claim someone is wrong.

Accurized firearms, with elongated barrels, and “peep sights” Are believed to have existed a immediately after the “firearm” left China. So yes, quit literally, historians do say that sniper rifles exist as soon as the “Chinese fire stick” left China.

Last I checked, the general consensus is that 600 AD is not what most folks refer to as “Modern” times.

Do you even know what it takes to constitute a rifle as being a “sniper” rifle?
The answer is nothing, nada, zilch. There is no classification of what makes a rifle a sniper rifle. It is not a definitive term.

Your full of smoke if your claiming they never existed before the civil war.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

Both Chinese and the Greeks invented flame throwers in ancient times, they made the tool appearance or flamethrower backpacks like modern ones just for fun like the grenade appearance, but these stuff did existed in old historical times.

Okay I really dont want to sound like I am ragging on you, but I don’t think historical when I play GW2, I really don’t think fantasy when I think of GW2 maybe sci-fi fantasy.

With all the golems, ray guns and computer consoles I have come across while playing, not to mention floating cities and airships, the concept of an engineer using his wrench to attach a “looking glass” to the top of his rifle doesnt seem far fetched or out of place at all.

I know what you mean, but all the golems and azura stuff are just magic fantasy, the engineer in GW2 as mentioned in the lore is supposed to based is based upon the “early era” of gunman, while sniping is already considered as an advance/late era technology in gun warfare.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

A direct high powered damage long range kit, or in other words a sniper rifle kit.

Giving engineers sniper like range attack kit would over power our class, considering rangers should be the master of long range dmg.

I thought we were the jack of all trades type class!?
I also thought tht no single profession would really be the Master of something!?
That sounds more like a class thing.

As you’ve said it already, if we’re a jack of all trades, while no profession are a master of something then engineers would be OP.

Im sure he doesnt mean a sniper kit that trumps a rangers bow. Being OP is a balance issue and everything can be balanced.

Its also a wishlist.

You guys can put it on the wishlist but I don’t find it really RP, snipers are a modern profession when it comes to gunmans. The only superb range damage class in history were long bow archers that can shoot some where close to 500meters, just like why guardians (knights) don’t use bows in the game, in history knights have to get off their horses and take off their armors to use bows. I guess this is up to the devs to decide.

Firearms snipers have existed since the invention of firearms.

Secondly, your full of it, if your trying to tell folks they are wrong by basing historical fact to justify a fantasy games rules.

Where did you heard this from snipers have existed since the invention of firearms? Do you even know who invented the gun?

And I’m not fool of it, seriously calm down about this, like I’ve said you guys can put it on the wishlist but it’s up to the devs to decide.

Umm, I deduced it with basic logic. The second a ranged weapon was invented to do harm from the safety of a distance, the next immediate step is to extend that range as much as possible. But hey what do I know, the last sniper training I has was in the early 90’s.

As far as your question if I know who invented the gun, well no I do not, because no one knows, but I am quit certain you didn’t know that when you typed it either. Although most historians believe it was invented by the Chinese about 1400-1600 years ago.

Any other matters I can help to educate you on?

Seriously calm down man, you didn’t deduce anything with basic logic, nor you’re making any sense about what you’ve just said. BTW I have a own sniper rifle and I know they never existed his old historal times until the American civil war, doubt you even know how to use one.

Of course I know who invented the gun, you said snipers existed since the invention of fire arms, that’s why I ask you that question to prove you don’t know anything about history. It’s ironic I’m the one that is educating you.

Right……..I love the “yeah I knew, I was just testing you” line.

Secondly, Perhaps you may want of learn a little on the facts before you falsely claim someone is wrong.

Accurized firearms, with elongated barrels, and “peep sights” Are believed to have existed a immediately after the “firearm” left China. So yes, quit literally, historians do say that sniper rifles exist as soon as the “Chinese fire stick” left China.

Last I checked, the general consensus is that 600 AD is not what most folks refer to as “Modern” times.

DO you even know what it takes to constitute a rifle as being a “sniper” rifle?

Lol 600AD, guns weren’t even invented during that time.

Trust me you know only a tiny faction of what I know, guns in China were invented around after 700 AD, then they made portable flame throwers attached to their lance, but the sniper gun was first used by the British in the American civil war, before the guns were only flintlocks that can aim less than 100meters, and that’s no were nearly close to archer’s longbow range that can exceed 300meters.

Here learn something again


“In the American Civil War, Confederate troops equipped with barrel-length three power scopes mounted on the exceptionally accurate British Whitworth rifle had been known to kill Union officers at ranges of about 800 yards (731.5m), an unheard-of distance at that time.1234


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

The so called sniper rifle you’re talking about is basically the flintlock rifle our engineers are using in GW2.


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Thats nice. Yur using Wikipedia, a compilation of general populations posted assumption of facts.

I am using an encyclopedia, a compilation a proven, actual, and historical facts.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


How about this:

Long Rifle Kit

Tht should get around the technicality or terminology or w/e the issue is.

The fact is tht Engineers have a shotgun that is using the rifle skins since having a weapon that is exclusive to Engineers would be silly. It was a shotgun at one point.

So a long range option seems fine to me since in time everything can get balanced.


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512



Deployable Hologram.
Cloaking device.
Hammer kit for straight up melee.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

Thats nice. Yur using Wikipedia, a compilation of general populations posted assumption of facts.

I am using an encyclopedia, a compilation a proven, actual, and historical facts.

Lol wiki is more accurate, b/c what you’ve said about sniper rifles from encyclopedia existed in 600AD is already “wrong”, guns weren’t even invented during that time in China and another problem is you can’t read, encyclopedia never mentioned it was a sniper rifle, wiki already says the earliest sniper rifle were as late as the ACW.


in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


why not just CROSSBOW KIT something like van helsing’s crossbow in the movie LOL
you could have more choices such as exploding bolt


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

Wiki maybe 12 years ago weren’t accurate, but now the articles are written by experts that are even better than encyclopedia


in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Actually, the first sniper rifles were used by the aliens that came to earth and evolved a primate into the first human. And that was like 50,000 years ago so…….you guys are both wrong.

But I think they pronounced it Sneeper Rifles!


in Engineer

Posted by: Strifer.3507


Wiki maybe 12 years ago weren’t accurate, but now the articles are written by experts that are even better than encyclopedia

Grats. Here’s your cookie.

What did the wikipedia say about plasma cannons and asuran warp gates again?

Now, I still want my sniper kit <3