

in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

Wiki maybe 12 years ago weren’t accurate, but now the articles are written by experts that are even better than encyclopedia

Grats. Here’s your cookie.

What did the wikipedia say about plasma cannons and asuran warp gates again?

Now, I still want my sniper kit <3

If you guys really want superb range damage why not play a ranger instead?


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Actually, the first sniper rifles were used by the aliens that came to earth and evolved a primate into the first human. And that was like 50,000 years ago so…….you guys are both wrong.

But I think they pronounced it Sneeper Rifles!

How many times do I have to tell you, they were not aliens, they were slightly less evolved Asurans.

Geez, they teach this in the basic day 1 coarse at the Asuran Church of the Cube.

If you guys really want superb range damage why not play a ranger instead?

Well ummm, because it is a “wish list” and sometimes an engineer wish’s they could hit a ranger with his rifle as soon as the ranger is close enough to hit them with his long bow.

A lot of that idea-ology comes from the fact that it seems backwards to the average mind that a bow is easily out ranging a gun. Fantasy game or other wise. Right, wrong, or indifferent, that is just how it strikes the average person, and with good reason.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)


in Engineer

Posted by: Strifer.3507


Wiki maybe 12 years ago weren’t accurate, but now the articles are written by experts that are even better than encyclopedia

Grats. Here’s your cookie.

What did the wikipedia say about plasma cannons and asuran warp gates again?

Now, I still want my sniper kit <3

If you guys really want superb range damage why not play a ranger instead?

Because rangers don’t have snipers…. or even rifles to begin with.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

If you guys really want superb range damage why not play a ranger instead?

Well ummm, because it is a “wish list” and sometimes an engineer wish’s they could hit a ranger with his rifle as soon as the ranger is close enough to hit them with his long bow.

A lot of that idea-ology comes from the fact that it seems backwards to the average mind that a bow is easily out ranging a gun. Fantasy game or other wise. Right, wrong, or indifferent, that is just how it strikes the average person, and with good reason.

This is where I think it makes engineers OP, they have range that is superior to rangers but have powerful CQB ablities at the same time.


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


This is where I think it makes engineers OP, they have range that is superior to rangers but have powerful CQB ablities at the same time.

Are you suggesting rangers do not have strong close quarters combat ability?


Not to mention the devourers and spiders with a plethora of ranged attacks and control.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

This is where I think it makes engineers OP, they have range that is superior to rangers but have powerful CQB ablities at the same time.

Are you suggesting rangers do not have strong close quarters combat ability?


Not to mention the devourers and spiders with a plethora of ranged attacks and control.

Umm, those are melee, not CQB.


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Unless your using CQB as something other then the standard close quarters battle, it is one in the same with melee range.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

Unless your using CQB as something other then the standard close quarters battle, they are one in the same.

Do you even know what is close quarter battle? It’s a type of tactical manuvere use by SWATs in raids, consider as close/mid range strategy.


in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Unless your using CQB as something other then the standard close quarters battle, they are one in the same.

Do you even know what is close quarter battle? It’s a type of tactical manuvere use by SWATs in raids, consider as close/mid range strategy.

Yes I do know, thanks for asking.
Here is a excerpt from the first line of the “wiki” on it, since you hold the wiki as the all mighty power.

“engage the enemy with personal weapons at very short range, potentially to the point of hand-to-hand combat or fighting with hand weapons such as swords or knives”

In the context of this game and your reference to rangers, it seems that my previous post of close quarters ranger weapons is pretty applicable.


So I am unclear as to what your misunderstanding.

It all boils down to either a ranged attack or a melee attack as far as the general game terminology is concerned. Every class has both, even if some are to more limited extent then others. From the list of obvious close quarters as listed above

to the :
Long Bow
Short Bow

That rangers have a strong sense of both, they are quit diverse, especially with pets that specialize per situation a well.

We have the same maximum range on select attacks as rangers do. A few here are suggesting a similar effect on a rifle or equivalent, without having to use a kit. Which I feel is reasonable for a “wishlist” titled thread.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)


in Engineer

Posted by: BakBakaa.2453


There are long range rifles in the game. The charr from the order of whispers uses one. There is also a rifle with the words “sniper” actually in it’s name. Don’t believe me? Go to the Heart of Mists and look at the second to last rifle in the locker.

That being said:

Wow this got out of hand quickly. . . IT was a suggestion. Leave it at that and please get back to the original point of the thread. If you want to debate classes differences there is a thread for that (if not make one :P .


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

Unless your using CQB as something other then the standard close quarters battle, they are one in the same.

Do you even know what is close quarter battle? It’s a type of tactical manuvere use by SWATs in raids, consider as close/mid range strategy.

Yes I do know, thanks for asking.
Here is a excerpt from the first line of the “wiki” on it, since you hold the wiki as the all mighty power.

“engage the enemy with personal weapons at very short range, potentially to the point of hand-to-hand combat or fighting with hand weapons such as swords or knives”

In the context of this game and your reference to rangers, it seems that my previous post of close quarters ranger weapons is pretty applicable.


So I am unclear as to what your misunderstanding.

It all boils down to either a ranged attack or a melee attack as far as the general game terminology is concerned. Every class has both, even if some are to more limited extent then others. From the list of obvious close quarters as listed above

to the :
Long Bow
Short Bow

That rangers have a strong sense of both, they are quit diverse, especially with pets that specialize per situation a well.

Lol you’ve said wiki was inaccurate and now you’re using it, BTW I was refering to SWAT type CQB which guns are used in combat, just PM me now before we both derail this thread any further.


in Engineer

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


To Magic night and anyone else argueing about whether or not sniper rifles should/could exist in the game. I’d like to point out they already do…there is already a rifle that is called “sniper rifle” that you can earn in pvp/pve. Also this game has magical teleporters laser rifles and tanks AND helicopters…. So the whole arguement is sorta pointless dribble that i’m not sure why anyone would make or argue but whatever.

End point, sniper rifles already exist in the game “the whisper rifle skin has a laser scope as well, beleive the legendary has a scope too” so….its obviously an option. I see no problem with putting it in, to say it would be over powered is to suggest arenanet wouldnt balance it….not that the weopon itself is op. What if the toolkit used a chainsaw….would that make it over powered? no it would be a different animation. So stop with the pointless dribble lol.


in Engineer

Posted by: Strifer.3507


To Magic night and anyone else argueing about whether or not sniper rifles should/could exist in the game. I’d like to point out they already do…there is already a rifle that is called “sniper rifle” that you can earn in pvp/pve. Also this game has magical teleporters laser rifles and tanks AND helicopters…. So the whole arguement is sorta pointless dribble that i’m not sure why anyone would make or argue but whatever.

End point, sniper rifles already exist in the game “the whisper rifle skin has a laser scope as well, beleive the legendary has a scope too” so….its obviously an option. I see no problem with putting it in, to say it would be over powered is to suggest arenanet wouldnt balance it….not that the weopon itself is op. What if the toolkit used a chainsaw….would that make it over powered? no it would be a different animation. So stop with the pointless dribble lol.

Thank you so much for putting a stop to all these Magic Night nonsense.

And now the ridiculous CQB definition argument too which our ‘friend’ here has got out of hand (again, sigh) where the original argument was that a long range prowess for engineer will make them OP since we already have strong “CQB”.

Pretty obvious he haven’t really played a ranger before… or a warrior or elementalist…


in Engineer

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


to be honest i wish they give us a Utility skill like Big Ol’ Bomb but this time is somethin g that you can throw at but it has a timer in it and it’s call the “atomic bomb”

1.5 times more damage then Big Ol’ Bomb
500 Radius
with the cool down of 20 sec
hahahahaha this is not a joke i mean serious every well probably because when i saw some warrior charge in and do that AOE stomp knockback felt like of kitten since engineer invent stuff mind as well invent something that is throwable and yet having a timer for it


in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


Yep, there are sniper rifles in game.
I ran into a few around Plains of Ashford while getting 100% map completion.
They were on bipods and they acted like i’d expect. Single target, long range, high damage.
Forgot to mention, i’m almost certain they were labelled “Sniper Rifle”


in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

To Magic night and anyone else argueing about whether or not sniper rifles should/could exist in the game. I’d like to point out they already do…there is already a rifle that is called “sniper rifle” that you can earn in pvp/pve. Also this game has magical teleporters laser rifles and tanks AND helicopters…. So the whole arguement is sorta pointless dribble that i’m not sure why anyone would make or argue but whatever.

End point, sniper rifles already exist in the game “the whisper rifle skin has a laser scope as well, beleive the legendary has a scope too” so….its obviously an option. I see no problem with putting it in, to say it would be over powered is to suggest arenanet wouldnt balance it….not that the weopon itself is op. What if the toolkit used a chainsaw….would that make it over powered? no it would be a different animation. So stop with the pointless dribble lol.

Thank you so much for putting a stop to all these Magic Night nonsense.

And now the ridiculous CQB definition argument too which our ‘friend’ here has got out of hand (again, sigh) where the original argument was that a long range prowess for engineer will make them OP since we already have strong “CQB”.

Pretty obvious he haven’t really played a ranger before… or a warrior or elementalist…

/sigh You and coglin are just bitter at me b/c my opnions stand against the idea of having a sniper rifle in the game. BTW I have also play a ranger and I know what they’re like, but I’d say when it comes to close mid range combat a engineer, stuff like net turrents, and other turrets, our rifle’s net and grenades would give us a pretty good advantage against most other classes.

(edited by Magic Night.1308)