working on flame engineer pvp build

working on flame engineer pvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: ZerotheFang.5890


so trying to make a full fire engineer build need some help see if anything need change:

Its kinda works not great but still may need 1/2 things changed but found useful against some classes may change turret for elixer gun not sure.

where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns.

working on flame engineer pvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: The Baws.5164

The Baws.5164


So, if you want to go full burning I’d use Rabid amulet first off. However, Flamethrower does provide alright power damage with Napalm Blast and rifle scales well with power so Celestial Amulet could work.

If you use Celestial Amulet though, to be powerful you need to utilise all of your skills – not just flamethrower.

Another thing (this is all assuming you’re set on using a full burning engineer build which doesn’t rly work that amazingly but ah well I guess it can be fun):

<> Swap out Empowering Adrenaline for Accelerant Packed Turrets,
<> Replace Sigil of Fire with Sigil of Torment,
<> Take Protection Injection instead of Blood Injection,
<> Swap Flame Turret for Tool Kit (for defense which is required),
<> Consider replacing Elixir C with Elixir S or Slick Shoes

Elixir C is situational – only being viable against a few builds (condi ranger, engi, necro which aren’t that common atm) whereas Elixir S gives you stealth to use your Tool Kit’s magnet pull, and Slick Shoes gives you some hard CC which you dont have that much of in this build.

Torment sigil is required for applying cover conditions – as you only apply burning and bleed, adding Torment will give you a chance of an enemy cleansing the torment instead of the burn.

Protection Injection for protection from chain CC burst or ganking thieves with Basilisk Venom.

Tool Kit provides blind cleanse (with the 2 which cleanses a blind per tick on an enemy), pry bar Confusion (more condi dmg), and the 4 for a block.

Accelerant Packed Turrets is really strong in PvP – you can detonate it whilst knocked down so if you think a Thief is about to blow you up or something, put your turret down, overcharge, get the detonate off with the thief in range, disrupting their burst and saving your kitten .

GL and have fun.

Immersed in Blood [TEA]
Drunken Alliance [DKAL]
Piken Square [EU]

working on flame engineer pvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


Torment sigil is pretty bad cover except for pistol condi builds.
Frailty is probably better.

working on flame engineer pvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: ZerotheFang.5890


ty for help going to give try.

where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns.

working on flame engineer pvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: Royale.5863


working on flame engineer pvp build

in Engineer

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


This is how i Play at the Moment

My Burning Duration is increased by 33% base and then another 95%.
My Crit Chance swings between 70% (Base) and 100% (Fury + Target below 50% Health). Burning ticks for around 600 Damage and is pretty easy to reapply so Condi Cleanse does not help that much.

What can i say? I love melting Mesmers and Thiefs with this build. They start aggressive but once they are lit on fire, they start getting defensive and lose the fight because of that.

(edited by NapTooN.6283)