[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: skeppi.4856


Update – The runes do work just they aren’t appearing on character sheet or skills but do appear on damage. Video explanation

Hello everyone,

My first character was an Engineer and shelved it due to lack of decent builds and constant disabling/nerfing Anet seems to do. I have an 80 in every class except Guardian/Necro and with every new character I kept feeling how lacking my engi was. So I decided to dust off the engi and make a new build because I truly wanted to play this class since beta. It took me a little while to save up the karma & gold for gear but I am really impressed with this build and actually enjoy playing my engi again. So I decided to share it


My playstyle is more ranged but when melee happens I concus bomb and/or Tk3 then big bomb then get back to ranged. I don’t provide much if any support on this character.

My Skill slots are Med Kit(lone cond removal), Bomb Kit(confusion although I sometimes swap for asuran racial), Tool Kit(confusion & cripple), Elixir S(Saves your butt lol).

As you can see its a high crit condition built with long condition durations;

  1. 90%- Confusion/Poison/Burns
  2. 105% Bleeds(4.1s important since it ticks once a second so you want to hit higher even number)

With the high crit and traited into incendiary powder I find my burns are up 100% of the time on target(708tick) . Bleed stacks average low 6 usual 8-9 high 12-14 on target(118 Tick). Poison (234tick). I know the ticks aren’t maxed out as there are higher condition builds but I went with longer conditions. Confusion lasts 4 1/2 on p3, 7 1/2 on Tk3 and 7 1/2 Bk3(or 7 1/2 on both asuran racials but they are on 30s/45s CD but do have 360 range vs 180 range with bomb) and I have seen 4365ticks (12stack). Pistol autoshot crits are 264-290dmg 1/2s recharge & explodes and hits multi(Yes your little sister probably hits harder).

Why no Napalm Specialist for burn duration to 110% vs 90%? I found I was keeping burns on target constantly without it so longer range was a better option for this setup. (Same reason I don’t run with flamethrower or Rocket Boots etc for extra burns) Remember burns don’t stack intensity they just stack duration.

Why bomb kit? Cause when they get close big ol bomb & concussion comb.

Why the hell haven’t I taken 10 out of firearms and put it into explosives for larger radius and shorter recharge? Because I like ranged gameplay which is why I went high crit for Incendiary Powder to keep up 100% burn uptime. I also like piercing shot vs zergs since I target someone in mid vs front so shot damages more people & applies mode bleed stacks. (If you like to be in the thick of things I’ll add a different build link at end you may prefer.)

Why not rifle?

  1. With dual pistol you can apply bleeds/poison/confusion/burn/cripple/immobilize/blindnes vs Bleed/vulnerability/immobilize with rifle. Remember long ago(can’t remember patch) they made changes to some condition removers instead of remove all they remove one only.
  2. When you siege and there are defenders on the wall you get an annoying LoS unless they are standing ontop ledge. With a pistol you don’t have that problem as the explosive shot will explode and hit the defender behind the ledge.

PS. If I am at all inaccurate with duration times let me know but everything was added up via increase from trait/runes/weapons/food.

Now for that optional build

For those who prefer to be in the thick of things. If I were to change into that style it’d be something like this.


I’d swap from Rabid to Carrion on armor & trinkets. Runes I’d change to 2xS.Monk 2xS.Water 2xM.Sanctuary Giving you 90% boon duration and 80% poison/confusion/poison/bleed duration + lots of vitality. Sigils Corruption & Energy.

Faster & bigger bombs, Faster & longer durations on boons, 2 Blocks, 2 knockbacks! Also for your up&close fighting this build has retaliation which pairs nicely with the +power on Carrion gear.

Why longer boons instead of max condition duration? Higher boon duration since they are 5s/10s/30s/ and 90% would make 9.5s/19s/57s(not sure max duration for might?). With this build you gave up incendiary powder so you aren’t doing 100% uptime on burn anyway.. Yes bleed could have still been 4ticks(4.1s) vs 3ticks(3.6s) but you are gaining so much more with the boons imo.

I apologize if build is a copy of someone else on forum but I haven’t kept up on this forum since Big Fancy Ben released his awesome ZerkerNade Static Discharge build in Sept.

The Balance [TB]
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard

(edited by skeppi.4856)

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Hey there m8!! Another build playing around with allthe confusion and burning we got, which is great, and for sure something that works in Wvw! It remind me a lot of some of the stuff I run around and do (Tho i prefer to be up close or in medium range, so I go for largr radius and bombs)! So decent build for sure!

The sad part is, you have been thinking the same as me – Condition duration is BAUSE on Engineer’s, and they sure are! The thing is, all Giver’s weapon are bugged, and have been so since release, and since last path all runes with condition duration in them is bugged and not working either!

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Welcome in the confusion train mate

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: skeppi.4856


I’ve been having fun with the build albeit I haven’t played much this past week so I haven’t noticed the broken runes.

I watched a Interview recently where they seemed concerned with “bandwidth” from conditions so I’m going to guess this won’t be on their priority to fix.. Imagine the uproar and promptness of their fix if crit/power were broken! lol

The Balance [TB]
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


Don’t worry, I never capped the condition stack of confusion, so you can sleep in peace about it.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: skeppi.4856


@Amadeus So runes are broken for cond duration, happen to know about boon duration?

The Balance [TB]
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


boon duration runes work fine

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9NnXVfY4vRU1F-X7b1Oorw/videos

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: skeppi.4856


Thanks Maskaganda.

The Balance [TB]
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Goloith.6349


I actually run with a 110% duration burn as well as the 105% bleed because I’ve been running into a lot of Condition removal so getting that burn replied after blowtorch was cleansed is pretty nice. Yes higher condition damage is better in high condition removal environments, but if your burn procs
its now 4 seconds which isn’t long if your blowtorch got removed.

As far as Givers weapons, the condition duration has yet to be fixed since its release.

One its fixed all engineers condition durations should double.
It will also allow the engineer to run 20/20/00/30/00 and will probably be the best small gang WvW build out there.

i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: skeppi.4856


Ok so after a little digging I found a video showing duration runes are working just aren’t appearing on character sheet nor character skills. Video can be seen at top of build.

The Balance [TB]
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Ok so after a little digging I found a video showing duration runes are working just aren’t appearing on character sheet nor character skills. Video can be seen at top of build.

That’s bleeding damage duration runes, these do work just fine! It’s the one with Conditon duration, that don’t work, I have tested myself and so have Itkoviana, and they do not work! (Nice video of that warrior, never seen a Bleeding warrior in action)

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: skeppi.4856


Yeah those bleed warriors can be nasty!

PS as for the runes/givers not working there is a mod post on the subject MOD posting

The Balance [TB]
80 Engi / 2×80 Ranger / 80 War / 2×80 Mesmer / 80 Necro / 80 Thief / 80 Ele / 80 Guard

[wvw] Serj Condition Engi

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Wow that’s awesome news Serjical, thanks for sharing! I was about to replace my entire runeset haha! Now I will wait!