11/15 Patch Predictions???

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: DarkHeart.1760


I’m looking forward to the patch tomorrow (promise of big fixes/changes), so I thought it’d be interesting to see what everyone is either hoping for or worried about. I’ll start – I’d love to see our ranged issues get a “fix”. Either speed up the tennis balls or increase the range on the staff.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Danicco.3568


I’m guessing only the technical stuff are fixed, all bugs and such are fixed.
No balancing at all, if there were they’d done it before.
No gameplay changes at all, so no ranged improvement.

It would be nice if there were, though.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: DarkHeart.1760


Yeah, maybe. But just fixing some of the bugs would be huge. I was teleported INSIDE a crystal containing a Sentinel yesterday instead of flashing to the crystal to release the Sentinel. At least I was able to destroy the crystal from the inside and escape. Another time I ended up behind some wall/barrier and had to wait wait to be out of combat before I could map travel to a waypoint to be free. Not cool…

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I’m not one for speculation on this area.
I expect some bug-fixes and maybe an ability or two that gets minor tweaks. And whatever you personally think, don’t expect too much, so you won’t get disappointed. I don’t want to spend my weekend telling people they should calm down.

I’m especially interested in tweaks and changes (however little), because they give a glimpse on what Arenanet thinks about our profession and what direction they want to take it.

“Come on, hit me!”

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


Wild baseless guessing time? I am in! These are just things I think might happened: not necessarily ones that I want to see.

1. Tennis balls speed increase from 1.2 Wakefield to 1.2 Buerhle
2. Fix ground-casting consecration problems underwater (possibly auto-disabling ground casting under water, or improve the usability for targeting)
3. Jumping through wards no longer possible, dodging still works
4. Staff Symbol now stacks swiftness with other sources
5. No longer able to proc retaliation multiple times from healing breeze with the healer’s retribution trait (has this been removed already?)
6. Reduction on Wall of Reflection duration
7. Blocking from mace skill #3 no longer also consumes other blocking sources such as aegis.
8. Some buffs to spirit weapons, possibly through streamlining the traitlines.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Silver.8023


My predictions are that I’ll get all excited about some up coming Guardian changes only to find scepter and sword behave in the same manner they always have.
I’m still looking forward to it but I’m not getting my hopes up. Hopefully I get surprised.

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Mimmik.2651


Whats wrong with sword??

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: valdamus.6289


What I want to happen

buff gs
faster scepter atk speed
sanctuary now blocks all attacks and aoes
20% hp pool increase.
faster animations
new skills
new range weapon?

what will happen

Every single retaliation skill nerf to the ground to appease the qq masses.
thats it.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Kasei.8726


  • Greatsword skills re-arranged: Whirling Wrath now has a 20s cooldown
  • Ring of Warding is now a utility skill, and Symbol of Protection from the hammer’s third skill chain takes its place
  • Mighty Blow’s vertical leap has been extended to 600, is now a leap combo finisher
  • Zealot’s Defense can now be used while moving, and its damage reduced by 30%
  • Shield of Absorption now lasts 10 seconds, but can only absorb 5,000 damage at level 80
  • Wall of Reflection now reflects siege weapon projectiles
  • Smite condition now removes all conditions, and cooldown increased to 60s
  • Altruistic Healing now has an internal cooldown of 2s
  • Protector’s Strike now knocks down attacking foes within 400
  • “Retreat!” has been renamed to “Run away! Run away!” and now grants swiftness and fear to allies

These are the best patch notes I could think of. /s

Now for a real post. I expect a few bug fixes, and I expect more nerfs. I would like to see some clearly under powered and under utilized skills addressed, but I really don’t think that will happen. I expect a minor nerf to burst builds for sPvP, but I seriously doubt that guardian will be affected by that. I have a feeling the magic tennis ball won’t be touched at all.

(edited by Kasei.8726)

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

I will take an AH nerf or even another GS nerf if they fix some of our crappy/placeholder traits and give us real stuff to work with. This is what I would like to see (not exclusively, or all together, just whatever):

1) AH heal per tick doubled. Now only triggers once per application of boons, no matter how many allies its applied to or how many boons, i.e. symbol ticking on 5 targets still only gives one tick of AH per tick.

2) Focused Mind now also incorporates Meditation Mastery.

3) Mace of Justice is now -20% CD for maces and incorporates Strength in Numbers, Zealous Blade is now a master trait and gives -20% CD for greatswords, etc. for all weapon traits that are currently useless.

4) Writ of Exaltation now incorporates Writ of Persistence. Symbol size boost decreased by about 50% and duration boost decreased by 50% (so only adds 1s instead of 2).

5) Smite is now a symbol that grants might per tick. Total base damage is decreased by about 50%, and now lasts the standard 4s.

6) Protector’s Strike is now the priority block, over Aegis and Shield of Wrath.

7) Slightly reduced cast time on Shield of Absorption.

8) Spirit weapons now recharge their cooldowns while active. Cooldowns adjusted to match.

9) Mighty Blow now does… something else and is skill 3 on auto-attack chain, while Symbol of Protection is skill 2 with proper symbol duration, etc.

10) Orb of Light is now the auto-attack. Damage reduced by about 20%. The orb no longer explodes, but damages enemies and heals allies it passes through. Wave of Wrath gets a significant damage boost as skill 2 and applies a large stack of vulnerability.

11) Symbol of Wrath CD reduced to 18s.

I think that’s about it. Honestly I don’t think the guardian is in need of any buffs but some kitteneriously needs to be fixed. Placeholder traits in particular.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


If they change AH to what you’re suggesting, it’ll be completely worthless and we’ll have to revert back to Monk’s focus which provides no support to your team.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


Merciful Intervention now heals for 8000 and prioritises gatherables and bunnies?

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: seithan.4823


GS is already 3 times less damage than Warrior’s GS damage. Nerf it again and nerf it more and my options for semi-viable DPS suddenly dissapear.

There are many things to fix and many things to tweek. Survivability and damage is not one of em. Probably damage need a boost upwards.

Rig#1: i2500k@4Ghz/ 8GB Ram @ 1600/ Asus GTX580 CU
Rig#2: Core2duo@3Ghz/ 4GB DDR2/ 9800gtx+

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

If they change AH to what you’re suggesting, it’ll be completely worthless and we’ll have to revert back to Monk’s focus which provides no support to your team.

It’s not as bad as you think. You’d still get plenty of AH procs from everything, between vigor and might on crits, symbols, etc., and in fact it’d be stronger since I’m suggesting that they increase the healing per tick. In return shouts, etc. which affect multiple party members at once won’t give you multiple ticks of AH, but rather a single tick. In other words, an AOE boon application is worth the same as a single boon application.

GS is already 3 times less damage than Warrior’s GS damage. Nerf it again and nerf it more and my options for semi-viable DPS suddenly dissapear.

There are many things to fix and many things to tweek. Survivability and damage is not one of em. Probably damage need a boost upwards.

It’s not 3x less lol. Warrior GS DPS is about 33% more than guardian GS, give or take a few, based on my numbers.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


True but the AoE applications provide about 1k heal on say your Virtue of justice proc, with that change you’d only get 71. (this being without any Healing power)

AH isn’t even that great unless you’re with a party whereas if you’re an elementalist, it doesn’t matter if your party is near or not, you get the same healing.

I think we should leave it alone…8)

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


I agree with Guanglai Kangyi on this one, not so much in pvp but in pve AH is just absurd. If you know what you are doing we are talking about over 2k heals per hammer chain.

This go to go because it makes us maintanks and i was promised by Arenanet that i wouldnt be labeled in pve.

But my solution would be somewhat different:

1. make AH a fixed number, lets say 300 which equals to 4 proccs (you and 3 teammates.) and only make it proc once per application and not based on numbr of boons. So each tick from empower on the staff would give you 300 instead of +1k.

Each vigorous precision would give you 300 instead of +70 and so on.

It would be a boost to the single player capability and a nerf to wvw/dungeons. A much needed one.

2. Make the symbol on the hammer just tick once for damage and give you one boon with 1.5s protection and 2 s combofield.

3. Reduce animationtime to about 2.2 s on the chain

4. Add 1s protection to mighty blow on impact and one tick of symbol damage but no symbol.

This would leave us with 80% uptime on protection, as it is today.

2-4 would also make 2h mastery worth investing in in pve, it would increase dps in both pve and pvp.

If you invest in symbol duration one more damage tick is added to the hammer symbol and 0,5 sec protection. In combination with mighty blow we would thenhave 100% protection uptime, with fewer proccs and more usability and traits would be more worth.

It would be a nerf to pve due to fewer AH proccs thru less crits and and a boost to pvp because it would be easier to apply protection to your team.

Other then that i hope they fix zelous blade and glacial heart and both boost them and make them work for all 2h weapons.

(edited by Brutaly.6257)

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

I agree with Guanglai Kangyi on this one, not so much in pvp but in pve AH is just absurd. If you know what you are doing we are talking about over 2k heals per hammer chain.

This go to go because it makes us maintanks and i was promised by Arenanet that i wouldnt be labeled in pve.

But my solution would be somewhat different:

1. make AH a fixed number, lets say 300 which equals to 4 proccs (you and 3 teammates.) and only make it proc once per application and not based on numbr of boons. So each tick from empower on the staff would give you 300 instead of +1k.

Each vigorous precision would give you 300 instead of +70 and so on.

It would be a boost to the single player capability and a nerf to wvw/dungeons. A much needed one.

2. Make the symbol on the hammer just tick once for damage and give you one boon with 1.5s protection and 2 s combofield.

3. Reduce animationtime to about 2.2 s on the chain

4. Add 1s protection to mighty blow on impact and one tick of symbol damage but no symbol.

This would leave us with 80% uptime on protection, as it is today.

2-4 would also make 2h mastery worth investing in in pve, it would increase dps in both pve and pvp.

If you invest in symbol duration one more damage tick is added to the hammer symbol and 0,5 sec protection. In combination with mighty blow we would thenhave 100% protection uptime, with fewer proccs and more usability and traits would be more worth.

It would be a nerf to pve due to fewer AH proccs thru less crits and and a boost to pvp because it would be easier to apply protection to your team.

Other then that i hope they fix zelous blade and glacial heart and both boost them and make them work for all 2h weapons.

300 AH ticks is ludicrously high. “Base” crit rate with non-Rampager’s precision armor (i.e. Berserkers or Knights) is around 36%. Let’s just be generous and say 33%. That means you get 300 health on a third of all your hits, plus 300 every time you apply a boon. If you were to go Mace/GS with Writ of Persistence you could do Faith > Wrath > Whirl, which would be 23 hits and 14 guaranteed procs of boon application, plus 8 crits. That would give you 22 ticks of AH. In a team that’s not that much but solo you’re hitting 6.6k heal on a 20s rotation, just from your initial opening burst. My usual rotation is Wrath > Whirl > swap > Faith > auto > Faith which gives you 31 ticks. That’s 9.3k just from AH alone. Factoring in 7s of regen per Faith symbol and Resolve regen, you’re getting almost 14k health every 20 seconds, and that’s solo. You could easily tank in a dungeon with that, AH nonwithstanding. In fact, you’d probably tank better, since you usually don’t hit four allies with a symbol when you drop it, plus your vigor crits now give the same healing as Empowering Might, without the internal CD.

I’d say 125-150, tops, would be a good number for AH using the single-tick scheme that we agree would be a good compromise.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


300 AH ticks is ludicrously high. "

It was an example, hence i used the word “lets say”, used to illustrate a thought.

Its to high, just as 66% procc chance on crit on omnomberry pie stacked with 30% proccchance on sigil of blood. Which pretty much proccs 340 hp per crit.

My point was that the mechanics should be altered so AH its buffed in soloplay and nerfed in groupplay.

I let anet worry about the actual numbers.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Vigil.3408


Just as long as there isn’t another nerf or skill re-shuffle, I’ll be happy.

I’ll admit that the lack of any real ranged weapon sucks, but I’m really tired of ANet subtly nerfing us.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: redknight.8036


Would really love to see non Altruistic Healing builds being more viable.
But heh… I am more or less resigned to just PVEing with this guy.
It’s not worth gearing over World v World. It’s the wrong profession to take.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: seithan.4823


GS is already 3 times less damage than Warrior’s GS damage. Nerf it again and nerf it more and my options for semi-viable DPS suddenly dissapear.

There are many things to fix and many things to tweek. Survivability and damage is not one of em. Probably damage need a boost upwards.

It’s not 3x less lol. Warrior GS DPS is about 33% more than guardian GS, give or take a few, based on my numbers.

When my Warrior does 15k damage with 100b, with defence talents and same stats as Guardian, yes, its 3x times more damage (and more).

Rig#1: i2500k@4Ghz/ 8GB Ram @ 1600/ Asus GTX580 CU
Rig#2: Core2duo@3Ghz/ 4GB DDR2/ 9800gtx+

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Kurty.3067


I agree with Guanglai Kangyi on this one, not so much in pvp but in pve AH is just absurd. If you know what you are doing we are talking about over 2k heals per hammer chain.

This go to go because it makes us maintanks and i was promised by Arenanet that i wouldnt be labeled in pve.

For the beginning, youre labeled Main Tank in PVE cause you can really survive. Which btw is in itselve totally wrong, cause there is no real Tank in this game – you cant control aggro.
Anyway a shout-survive build Warrior can withstand equally with a Guardian. The only difference is, Warrior can be high Dmg Classes, if they choose they can do real Ranged Damage (the further away, the less aggro you get).

From my perspective, the worst thing that could happen, if they now destroy the survival builds of guardians and warriors. What is missing, that other classes could do the same job.
Thiefs, Rangers,.. can be close combat classes, but they rarely do in Dungeons, cause they cant survive that.

Right now, close combat means, you get a lot more dmg then being ranged – Guardian doesnt have any real ranged build that doesnt suck, so we cant be squishy.
Thats the real reason why more and more Guardians spec towards survival.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Brutaly.6257


I agree with Guanglai Kangyi on this one, not so much in pvp but in pve AH is just absurd. If you know what you are doing we are talking about over 2k heals per hammer chain.

This go to go because it makes us maintanks and i was promised by Arenanet that i wouldnt be labeled in pve.

For the beginning, youre labeled Main Tank in PVE cause you can really survive. Which btw is in itselve totally wrong, cause there is no real Tank in this game – you cant control aggro.
Anyway a shout-survive build Warrior can withstand equally with a Guardian. The only difference is, Warrior can be high Dmg Classes, if they choose they can do real Ranged Damage (the further away, the less aggro you get).

From my perspective, the worst thing that could happen, if they now destroy the survival builds of guardians and warriors. What is missing, that other classes could do the same job.
Thiefs, Rangers,.. can be close combat classes, but they rarely do in Dungeons, cause they cant survive that.

Right now, close combat means, you get a lot more dmg then being ranged – Guardian doesnt have any real ranged build that doesnt suck, so we cant be squishy.
Thats the real reason why more and more Guardians spec towards survival.

Well a survival tank build in pvp is very different from a max survivalbuild in pve, in pve its about maxing critchance/ah and crit damage, the first one thru gear and the second thru traits to get AH.

In pve you have to give up very little dps, if any, to be that pvetank. in pvp you do have to give up dps.

An no a survival warrior isnt as sturdy as a guardian, i know, its the profession i played second most after my guardian. Nothing i can do on my warrior beats my knights/AH setup and dps wise im not even close to performing as i do with my guardian with a tank warrior. If there was a parser i think i would hit close to, or over, 1k hps on my guard with a decent party and 3300 armor to back it up with.

And you can actually aggro swap, not thkittenlls/abilities , thru positioning, range and damage. Infact most mobs clearly follow a pattern and when you got that down you can swap. Personally i would like anet to clarify the mecanics behinds aggro and swapping because there are underlying mechanics and its not random. Personally i never loose aggro it seems and to me mitigating damage is tanking not the ability to swap on call. there are games out there where swapping isnt a single click on an ability, GW2 isnt the first game with this kind of aggro model.

Frankly the scepter is alright as a ranged option in pve, decent damage and most attacks hit if you position properly, in pvp its kind of bad at distance but i never feel kittened in dungeons when i use my scepter, its one of the best dps tools we have in pve, but thats me.

Buffing all the other professions (7 of them) just has to be:

A. More resource consuming then adjusting guardians
B. Make pve content even less demanding then its today. And it is silly easy atm.

It might be the way to do it but frankly it seems backwards to have 8 maintanks with no risk what so ever in pve. Personally i would like to have 8 professions that has to learn how to swap and balance aggro then one that has it 90% of the encounter.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Kurty.3067


Buffing all the other professions (7 of them) just has to be:

A. More resource consuming then adjusting guardians
B. Make pve content even less demanding then its today. And it is silly easy atm.

It might be the way to do it but frankly it seems backwards to have 8 maintanks with no risk what so ever in pve. Personally i would like to have 8 professions that has to learn how to swap and balance aggro then one that has it 90% of the encounter.

I can tell you one thing about the Aggro System here, it takes into account Heal/Dmg/Distance and has random or strange Resets, and starts caluclating all over again.
Last part just on some mobs. The entire System is build up to be chaotic, which a Heal Warrior/guardian break apart. This all follows the Design of not having a Tank, healer or real CC. Thus it follows the Rule each for himselve and god for us all.
In my eyes this is the most stupid Idea Anet had when designing GW2. This system demanded easy Dungeons and fights, and that a good group will easily break trough.

To be honest i still dont feel the Guardian to be too strong, oh heck yes he is tough, but hes far away from being a killer, and i think youre calculating far too much with a specific perfect situation which comes from a well suited group.

About the other classes, most of them are too squishy and thus have a really hard time to survive while the Support Builds have a good time. And in addition a max DPS build is in the Dungeons nearly irrelevant in this game. Thus the weak point of the Guardian is unimportant

Anyway, calling for a nerf of the Guardian before we have seen the “real difficulty” of the fractals System which is promised to be a challenge is far too early.

Btw i really think you maxed the possibilitys of the guardian with fleet fingers,….
Not even 0,1% of all Guardians will reach that point and thus youre numbers are far too good.
Ive reached that point in Lotro with my Guardianand Runekeeper and this made Dungeons a lot easier. But again this is rare.
In GW2 i will never reach that point, since im not fast enough for all time dodge, perfect timing etc.

And really Scepter ? the Weapon stinks compared to other classes :P
Especially the looks – Even if i could solo any champion out there with it, i would never run around as whitebubble sparkle lol
Luckily Mobs dont dodge

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


It’d be nice if they removed scepter from guardian weapons, and replaced it with a longbow. Guardian is still a soldier class, staff and focus are enough magical weapons for me, knocking around blue tennis balls with a scepter is too much and just doesn’t fit this heavy-armor profession. Scepter is just really, really bad, so there wouldn’t be a loss, and I think any player would prefer a longbow. Crossbows would suit better but we don’t have those (yet).

(edited by Zsymon.8457)

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


It’d be nice if they removed scepter from guardian weapons, and replaced it with a longbow.

Or, you know, just make the Scepter into a decent weapon.

“Come on, hit me!”

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: DarkHeart.1760


It’d be nice if they removed scepter from guardian weapons, and replaced it with a longbow.

Or, you know, just make the Scepter into a decent weapon.

YUP! Now when’s this beast of a patch gonna drop? I’m stuck at work, but I’d like to be able to analyze/obsess over the patch notes until I get off

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

GS is already 3 times less damage than Warrior’s GS damage. Nerf it again and nerf it more and my options for semi-viable DPS suddenly dissapear.

There are many things to fix and many things to tweek. Survivability and damage is not one of em. Probably damage need a boost upwards.

It’s not 3x less lol. Warrior GS DPS is about 33% more than guardian GS, give or take a few, based on my numbers.

When my Warrior does 15k damage with 100b, with defence talents and same stats as Guardian, yes, its 3x times more damage (and more).

HB hits about 15-20k and has an effective CD of about 9 seconds traited, which includes the actual cast time. Also keep in mind that the “actual” damage from Hundred Blades is the difference between the amount of damage the warrior could have done auto-attacking in the the same period of time, which is about 7-8k. By comparison a guardian can hit 7-8k on a Whirling Wrath, plus 4-5k on a Symbol, and 4-5k on Binding Blade. The difference isn’t as big as you think it is.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Soryuju.8164


Realistically, I’m expecting nerfs aimed at killing the bunker specs that are plaguing the PvP meta, which means that our sources of Protection, Retaliation, and healing are all prime candidates for changes. They promised lots of bug fixes, so I’m expecting a few of those for us, too. I’d really enjoy it if they cleaned up our traits, as others have discussed above, and I’ll probably be a little disappointed if we’ve still got tons of placeholders after this patch, three months after launch. It’d be nice if Zeal weren’t a joke, and there would be a lot more incentive to take the various weapon traits if they all offered the combination of a CD reduction and bonus effect. So that’s probably at the top of my wish list for this patch.

My fear is that in nerfing the Guardian’s defensive capabilities to deal with bunker Guardians, offensive and balanced Guardian builds are also going to suffer. These builds really aren’t prevalent in the competitive scene, but the style holds wide appeal, and it’d be a shame if they were made less viable because another style is overpowered. At the very least, I hope the Guardian’s offensive capabilities are buffed if their defense is nerfed, which may still allow for non-bunker builds to hold onto some place in the meta.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I swear, if they change our weapon skill order again…I’m gonna go kill a thief.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Freyvin.5690


May I say, that I looked at the bunker build and that has to be one of the most boring playstyles I’ve ever looked at. You have become a sponge.

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


May I say, that I looked at the bunker build and that has to be one of the most boring playstyles I’ve ever looked at. You have become a sponge.

I find them to be quite fun, actually. But I’m one of those weirdos who doesn’t particularly enjoy killing in games. They’re not as easy to play as everyone seems to think and I enjoy the work I have to put into surviving for an adequate amount of time. And keeping enemies of a point for over a minute is quite enjoyable, to me.

“Come on, hit me!”

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Tbh they should not be using tpvp for their buffing and nerfing. It is a very limited format. And its not even that popular. The bunker build played there is seldom used anywhere else. Ruining all our defensive capabilities over this unpopular game mode would seem pretty silly.

WvW is much more popular and in that play mode Guardian is very balanced. His defences are just enough to hold him up under a bit of focus fire, but not forever. If he can buy 10 or 15 seconds for his teammates he has done well. If he can’t take a bit of focus fire, he is useless.

1. Retaliation will be taken off some traits and passive skills. Made to be a skill you have to fire off. Maybe tied solely to the hammer, mace and gs symbols.
2. Scepter 1 will be improved.
3. Some of the traits in the zeal line become merged and improved.
4. Spirit Weapons start hitting moving targets, getting a buff from a ranger fix. One of their traits get merged so there is some flexibility if you spec them.
5. Spirit Weapons the bow follows the guardian around and actually starts doing something.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

(edited by Relentliss.2170)

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: MidgeisGood.2153


Does anyone have any idea of the actual time this patch is going to be released?

Im impatient

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Amins.3710


  • Greatsword skills re-arranged: Whirling Wrath now has a 20s cooldown
  • Ring of Warding is now a utility skill, and Symbol of Protection from the hammer’s third skill chain takes its place
  • Mighty Blow’s vertical leap has been extended to 600, is now a leap combo finisher
  • Zealot’s Defense can now be used while moving, and its damage reduced by 30%
  • Shield of Absorption now lasts 10 seconds, but can only absorb 5,000 damage at level 80
  • Wall of Reflection now reflects siege weapon projectiles
  • Smite condition now removes all conditions, and cooldown increased to 60s
  • Altruistic Healing now has an internal cooldown of 2s
  • Protector’s Strike now knocks down attacking foes within 400
  • “Retreat!” has been renamed to “Run away! Run away!” and now grants swiftness and fear to allies

Horrible. The majority of these actually NERF the class. Not help it. On top of that, there’s considerable redundancy.

There are only a handfull of suggestions here that actually have ~any~ merit whatesoever:
1) Scepter – Orbs
2) LoF & MB – z-axis
3) Consecratiosn – underwater
4) Active Bocking consuming Aegis.

Guanglai Kangyi has some neat ideas about trait consolidation, however, IMHO, they’re a bit OP.

Everyone want’s to have thier cake, eat it, and then get seconds & thirds to boot…. ridiculous.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Kasei.8726


  • Greatsword skills re-arranged: Whirling Wrath now has a 20s cooldown
  • Ring of Warding is now a utility skill, and Symbol of Protection from the hammer’s third skill chain takes its place
  • Mighty Blow’s vertical leap has been extended to 600, is now a leap combo finisher
  • Zealot’s Defense can now be used while moving, and its damage reduced by 30%
  • Shield of Absorption now lasts 10 seconds, but can only absorb 5,000 damage at level 80
  • Wall of Reflection now reflects siege weapon projectiles
  • Smite condition now removes all conditions, and cooldown increased to 60s
  • Altruistic Healing now has an internal cooldown of 2s
  • Protector’s Strike now knocks down attacking foes within 400
  • “Retreat!” has been renamed to “Run away! Run away!” and now grants swiftness and fear to allies

Horrible. The majority of these actually NERF the class. Not help it. On top of that, there’s considerable redundancy.

There are only a handfull of suggestions here that actually have ~any~ merit whatesoever:
1) Scepter – Orbs
2) LoF & MB – z-axis
3) Consecratiosn – underwater
4) Active Bocking consuming Aegis.

Guanglai Kangyi has some neat ideas about trait consolidation, however, IMHO, they’re a bit OP.

Everyone want’s to have thier cake, eat it, and then get seconds & thirds to boot…. ridiculous.

You actually thought I was serious O.o Hmm, maybe I should add the /s

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Kasei.8726




  • Protector’s Strike: Fixed a bug that allowed this skill to be cancelled and retain the blocking benefits.
  • Shield of Judgment: This skill’s protection duration has been set to 3 seconds from 5 seconds in PvP only.
  • Courageous Return: This trait now uses the correct icon.
  • Power of the Virtuous: This trait now uses the correct icon.
  • Orb of Light: This skill’s velocity has been increased by 50%.
  • Empower: This skill’s might duration increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds.
  • Selfless Daring: This trait had an efficiency with healing power that was reserved for healing skills only and has now been reduced to its intended level. Heal scaling has been reduced by 50% in PvP only.
  • Merciful Intervention: This skill has been updated to be instant when traited and will now always be based around the guardian.

Fixes and a nerf as expected, but a nice staff buff. The increased speed will also increase the staff’s damage output since it’ll be put on recharge faster.

Scorpion Wire: This skill’s range has been increased to 1200.

Oh kitten… here we go

11/15 Patch Predictions???

in Guardian

Posted by: Telegraph.7509


An side effect of scorpion wire and Engy magnet boost (and the removal of fully length stability from pre-canceled tornado/lich/avatar) is stability is more important than ever. Guess which class is good at giving stability to people?