A Healing Study for Guardians

A Healing Study for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


Some more number crunching, this time on our heal abilities. All the heals were based off of the stats I had at the time which was 50 healing power from armor and no traits selected while in the Mists. First the numbers:

Heal Name
cooldown / heal ammount (Healing done in 180 seconds)
-additional notes-

Signet of Resolve
40s / 8213 (32852)

30s / 4590 (27540)
-Blocks all attacks for 2 seconds-

Healing Breeze
40s / 6575 (26300)

Virtue of Resolve
1s / 87 (15660)

Virtue of Resolve (activation)
60s / 1663 (4989)

Virtue of Resolve (w/ Absolute Resolution)
1s / 109 (19620)

Virtue of Resolve (activation w/ Absolute Resolution)
50s / 2479 (7437)

120s / 1883 (1883)
-Tooltip says the heal is for 2690 (Possible bugged)-

Merciful Intervention
80s / 2252 (4504)
-Only heals others-

Hold the Line
35s / 816 (4080)
-Tooltip says the heal is for 818 (Possible bugged)-

Save Yourselves!
60s / 1360 (4080)
-Tooltip says the heal is for 1363 (Possible bugged)-

Bow of Truth
60s / 4032 (12096)
-42 arrows heal for 96 each, does not scale with healing power-

Symbol of Faith
8s / 680 (14960)
-Tooltip says the heal is for 545 (Possible bugged)-

Faithful Strike
3s / 344 (20640)
-Tooltip says the heal is for 468 (Possible bugged)-

Tome of Courage
180s / 18690 (18690)
-14 casts of Heal area possible-

20s / 3055 (27495)
-Ticks twice, one for 1550 and another for 1505(Possible bugged)-

Altruistic Healing when traited provided 75 health for each boon applied, the following is a list of each boon heal possible with Guardian skills:

20s / 300

15s / 300

Shield of Judgement
24s / 75

Symbol of Faith
8s / 300

Save Yourselves!
60s / 525

Hold the Line
30s / 150

Stand Your Ground!
35s / 150

Empowering Might or Vigorous Precision (with 35% crit)

Total heals from boons in 180 seconds = 21900

Heals via Meditation by taking the Monk’s Focus Trait:

Smite Condition
20s / 2019

Judge’s Intervention
45s / 2019

Contemplation of Purity
60s / 2019

Total heals from meditations in 180 seconds = 32304

A Healing Study for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


Some of the interesting notes/highlights from this list.

Empower ticks twice, I believe this is because it tries to heal you and then it heals allies to include you. The bugged part is the first tick matches the tooltip but the second one seems to have the tooltip numbers inverted (1550 and then 1505).

It is almost not worth it to pop your Virtue of Resolve because the ticks provide more healing than the heal itself. Only time you may pop it is if you are at 1% life and you have nothing else to save you.

Bow of truth is actually a really good heal, activate and pop it right away.

All of our over time heals seem to be bugged as they do not reflect the correct heal as shown on the tooltips. When done with 0 healing power they match up right so this seems to be a problem with calculating stats above baseline. This has been seen as a problem with burning damage and duration as well.

For self healing while solo, meditation healing provides more healing out put, but while in a big group and your boons are being applied to more people than yourself, then boon healing should provide a bigger output than meditations alone.

A Healing Study for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


A Healing Study for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Really nice info there… Ive never been a tester guy myselft but i really appreciate the effort m8! 1 thing that could be interesting would probobly be for example, if you add 500 total Healing Power, how does that affect the results etc.
Also, are we sure that the heals and everything is same in Mists as in “PVE” areas such as WvW?
Anyway good job =)

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

A Healing Study for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Leeain.2431


Good Job mate! Very helpfull!!!

Sorry for the spelling mistakes, is not my language. :P

A Healing Study for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Great work. I’m currently working to optimize my guardian for dungeon running. While the healing information is really good, I’m hoping someone will investigate the impact that healing power has on the Guardian healing abilities. It’s not clear to me what a certain amount of change in healing power will do to my various choices for healing abilities.