A few things you might not know
Some warn that the Mursaat will return to agonize the people of Tyria once more.
- Mace #3(Protector’s Strike) is a whirl finisher(at the end, if you don’t block any attacks).
Thanks! Never noticed it. One reason to love mace even more :-)
- When trying to stomp an enemy thief in Structured PvP or WvWvW, Judge’s intervention can be used to prevent them from getting away with a teleport. Begin stomping, and teleport to them whenever they teleport away, so that your stomp will not miss.(If anyone could confirm this, that would be greatly appreciated)
This works fine, provided the guardian does not lose target on the thief. Target is lost if the thief is stealthed, such as through the thief’s own smoke bomb downed skill. Attempt to stomp (and teleport if necessary) before smoke bomb finishes its initial cool-down.