A little dilemma with the guardian
For me the joy of playing a Guardian is timing all my blinds, blocks, etc just perfectly and walking away with no damage taken. If you run Greatsword, sword/focus and have Justice is Blind and Renewed Justice traits you can keep most things blind for a long time.
As Lagerfueled said, the beauty of guardian is going into a fight, timing your abilities and coming out without a scratch. The only thing that has the true versatility in gameplay compared to Ele is Engi. But, you can still do quite a bit with guardian but it’s always has a defensive foothold.
The key to guardian is knowing what’s coming, and with that knowledge you often have something to answer it with. Can you blind? Aegis? Projectile defense? Block? You can even do that for your whole group in some cases! Is a CC attack coming? Stability! Ohh we took a little damage or got a condition… well we have tools to fix that
Try going with Master of Consecrations instaed of the more retal. Then drop Pure of Voice and slot that point into radiance 3 to get your VoJ spam going, that’s a huge huge amazing trait setup the 3 in radiance.
From there I’d look at the 45005 build honestly as it’s a good baseline for a more offensive setup while still having the necessary support tools. Also go to something other than signet mastery… Shelter… learn to use it for the block as well as the heal and you’re doubling up getting quite an amazing skill out of it. Blind exposure there is the generic choice and a very good one with all the blinds you can be throwing out there, though don’t waste them for vuln.
Indomitable courage also isn’t usually necessary, often stand your ground if well timed is more than enough to cover yourself and your group, and when you do need that courage traited up you can usually drop absolute resoluation for the time and then swap back after that stint is over in whatever you’re doing. The one exception is WvW zerging… stability is your life
Check out Obal’s PVE guide and other guides, guardian has it’s niche of fun, but you might need to find it. GL
Thanks for the answers! I really appreciate you took the time to write all this down… I will try these out immediately!