A new way to play my Guardian?
This kind of build is the second bets dps setup for guardian with 3-6% less dps than the meta. Like most hammer build it give good protection uptime, symbol heals, more might and vulnerability than the meta, which is better than the meta in my opinion for pugs which usually don’t max out might and vulnerability. It’s less personnal dps, but more group support.
You can even go further and switching Radiance for Virtue and take UC, Absolute Resolution and Battle Presence for a great hp regen for the whole team at the cost of a bit more dps. That way you also have an easier access to MoC. But like I said you start to cleave you dps a little bit more and lose the F1 Blind and Vulnerability. I played it a bit and it’s as far as I would want to do in term of decreasing my dps. In group with bad dps, going back to a more meta build is significant since you are a bigger part of the dps.
How is the condition dmg so high with no traits for that build?
edit: nvm…misread.
(edited by Haythere.7513)
Condition damage is zero on that build.
What’s the context your play ? WvW ? PvP ? PvE ? The builds differ significantly from one context to the other. For example, i have 3 builds i run on WvW , 3 builds for PvP, and so far only 1 build for PvE but gonna change with expansion.
I love support roles personally in both WvW and PvP but in PvE the state of the game dictates more damage unfortunately.