A question of armor

A question of armor

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


So I’m 80 now, hurray, woohoo, direct your adulation this way.

I’m going to pick up some armor from the TP to round out my ‘hold me over until I have enough tokens’ set. I’m curious as to opinions on which armor might work out in that regard.

Being spec’d as I am for condition damage and given that I use a mace/shield combo my options appear to be Carrion (Cond, Power, Vit) or Rampager (Prec, Cond, Power).

Or did somebody have another thought?

A question of armor

in Guardian

Posted by: kaffaljidhma.1496


How are you using Mace/Shield on a condition spec?

A question of armor

in Guardian

Posted by: Marthiarn.8107


Guardians scale terribly with condition damage. Possibly the worst in the game.

And not just that, but mace is the slowest weapon we can use barre the hammer. So that means you are proccing the burns maybe once ever 5 seconds. Just kind of a puzzling build.

A question of armor

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


do you have a link to your build? just so we can get a better idea of what you’re heading towards and what type of armor would suit you best! : ))

i’m lvl 80 too and looking for your armor is pretty exciting. have a set of rare Knight’s now as i’m specced for crit % / precsion. toughness is good to have and i’m trying to balance out my vitality with the Valkyrie set.

not saying it’s not viable, but for most Guardians, we don’t particularly spec for condition dmg as we only have 1 condition (burning) at our disposal, which stacks in duration as opposed to intensity. so depending on who you play with and what they use as well, your burning might be “negated”. that being said it could be more useful if you specced into other stats with your armor / gear. again, depends on your build and what you’re going for.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

A question of armor

in Guardian

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.3845

Natsu Dragneel.3845

Guardian and condition is the worse combination.. If you’re playing mace, I think the best stats for armor are thougness, vitality, and power(or something else instead of power). I guess when you use that weapon/off-hand combo the best thing to play is support(tank), atleast in dungeons. As for DPS, use a shortsword with a torch or greatsword.

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