[Advice] Guardian Build

[Advice] Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Zorish.2940



I’m a level 80 Guardian and I’m not really that good at building my guardian.

I haven’t been playing lately so I’m not really aware of equipment, dungeons and stuffs going on.

Is there any guide I could read that tells me what to build? I’m usually more interested in WvW and PvE.
I don’t enjoy much PvP. So my question is how do you get equipment in this game?

I know you have to run Dungeons, but which ones? I’m highly confused on what should I get as Guardian.

I know this: I need Toughness – Power and what? Vitality? Precision? % Crit chance?

Any help/links are welcome

[Advice] Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


Knight armour / zerker trinkets

you dont need any vit

[Advice] Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Molch.2078


So my question is how do you get equipment in this game?

For berserker armor, you can do Citadel of Flame, path 1 and 2. You get 60 tokens each day per path and can trade 180 – 330 tokens for one piece of armor.

If you do your daily/monthly, you can buy ascended trinkets in LA. If not, look for a friend/guildmate who can craft trinkets and start mining the orichalcum ore in orr. Or just farm money and buy them.

Maybe this helps: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor_stat_combinations

[Advice] Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Zorish.2940


Ok, so I don’t need Vit? I thought I had to had like 17K hp and decent armor.

I’m doing dungeons and got 30 laurels and 400 badges for the ascended accessory!

That second link seems interesting, I’m going to read it!

[Advice] Guardian Build

in Guardian

Posted by: YoYoPete.6879


You can get crafted armor with your choice of stats on the BLTP for gold.

This is what I did and I am transmuting pieces to get a more unique look.

Apply Runes/Orbs to get more stats you want.

Ascended items for accessories or find the best exotic you can on the BLTP.

Olivia Sylvansong [FoS]
Gate of Madness – Fringe of Society