Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Cultrix.3172


Hello everyone!

I think Aegis should get stacks, like might and other buffs.
Why? Because in the middle of dynamic fights + loads of buffs, timing aegis isn’t fun

Guardian tanking issues inside dungeons

When using maces, the symbols aren’t that good, because they always tend to leave the symbol area, so, that should be something to work out. Probably increasing the area should fix the problem, and when using the trait to increase symbol size, the symbol should be huge.

When using shield, the 5th ability is only used for the healing and remove defiance. To be honest, should be more powerful.

When using sword, the 3rd ability, isn’t an AOE ability.

What do you guys use in dungeons when you want to tank more then the usual?


Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Well mace hands down is a very tanky main hand, and from what I hear focus is the go to secondary. It gives you 4 blocks, multi-hit blind, and a decent amount of healing.

I, being a lil rebel, use the shield because I like Shield of Awesome, but its only really effective against hordes of small enemies, and only helps for a second or so.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Shielding for a second. Is that really what this class is about? All the art and story suggests that the class is a hardass warrior-esque character in heavy armour. But no, it’s a flimsy temporary shielding caster who has to time everything perfectly and still hasn’t got enough to keep most other classes quiet.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Razlance.6587


Guardian tanking issues inside dungeons

But we aren’t tanks. There is no such thing. You aren’t a tank! Yes, you are tougher than most the other classes, but you shouldn’t be able to chain block. Aegis is fine, l2p.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Y u mad its vydia.6324

Y u mad its vydia.6324

OP confirmed to have never tried 1 decent build or reach level 40. ITT nothing but darkness.

Malaakh. [EU] Desolation.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Aegis needs timing (action MMO, duh) but it’s the most powerful boon in the game.

The reason I find Guardian great compared to other MMOs’ tanks is that you need to manually dodge/block/miss, it’s not some gimmick passive stat.
Your Guardian gets better as YOU get better.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Hassohappa.9278


Guardian tanking issues inside dungeons

But we aren’t tanks. There is no such thing. You aren’t a tank! Yes, you are tougher than most the other classes, but you shouldn’t be able to chain block. Aegis is fine, l2p.

If we aren’t tanks please tell all the mobs to stop focusing me.

Oh what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Your Guardian gets better as YOU get better.

I see this as a massive negative.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Tsing.2891


Your Guardian gets better as YOU get better.

I see this as a massive negative.

Then you may want to consider a new hobby. I hear knitting can be fun, and all knitting needles are pretty much the same!

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019



all knitting needles are pretty much the same!

Now you’re showing your ignorance. Maybe YOU need to learn more about knitting.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: cargan.5689


Strange how what one person sees as a negative another can see as a positive.

I have never liked the idea of a “tank” a guy who googles stuff watches a movie and chats on the phone while damage bounces off and a cleric tosses the occasional hot.

Combat is mobile no one has a magic cant touch this ability, you block deflect or get out of the way. Do guardians have to think plan and time things to keep themselves and the group up yes
and i love it.

Ulfar SOR

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: SuperLuigi.3720


If we aren’t tanks please tell all the mobs to stop focusing me.

Tell them yourself. Drop CC, run past allies, get out of their range, ask for help from your team.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: gabo.6721


it would be too “stacking invulnerability” if it did happen. imagine a party of 5 guardians…

maybe every additional stack of aegis gives 1sec of protection… i think that would at least not completely waste the stack if ever two sources happened to hit simultaneously. It wouldn’t even be noticeable since you’ll have to get aegis out of the way first within that 1sec frame. (well unless you’re stacking protect and it just becomes a neat new mechanic)

Gabo Silvershine
Isle of Janthir
Learn my name, or do not. The world will know it soon enough.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Chii.2814


This forums gets people who posts threads asking anet to turn guardian into a class you can play with one hand without having to pay attention to the game.

Whatever they want to do with their other hand is up to you to speculate.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Rainydays.5368


okay, so Aegis lasts for what… 9 hours I think? You can’t have a buff like that stack. Just keep hitting the virtue on cooldown. 90 sec.. you have 9 hours to stack a ridiculous amount and go solo a Dragon. Something like that happened in WoW vanilla a long time ago. I can’t remember what the skill was, but Pallies had a way to keep stacking a damage multiplyer type of buff. And there were (maybe still are) videos of pallies killing Lord Kazzak (big bad world boss) in 1 hit of an auto attack.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: kousei.5914


Guardian tanking issues inside dungeons

But we aren’t tanks. There is no such thing. You aren’t a tank! Yes, you are tougher than most the other classes, but you shouldn’t be able to chain block. Aegis is fine, l2p.

While I hate most l2p posts, he’s right. You aren’t supposed to be able to stand and tank like you could in previous games and warrior would be a better choice for this in GW2 (highest health tier as well as highest armor class). So stop trying to tank and start playing GW2. You don’t pick the weapon you like to play in GW2. You pick the weapon that works best in the current situation in GW2. If that means, using a Scepter to kite so that you don’t die.

My advice would be to start all dungeons with Mace/Shield on one weapon set and Scepter/Focus on the second set. (For those that like Staff, Scepter’s #3 can snare even foes that Staff’s Line of Warding cannot block so Scepter is the winner when kiting.) This will give you defense up front and kiting capabilities for tougher fights. As you learn what each part of each dungeon will throw at you, you can actively switch sets from one dungeon section to the next. (Yes that means keep an updated copy of each weapon in you inventory at all times. Safe boxes/invisible bags are great for this.)

Leader of Marked Souls [MkS]
Jade Quarry

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Kidel.2057


In dungeons the guardian can only be a supporter. Any warrior with a guardian buffing him/her is better then any guardian at tanking.

Double hp and personal buffs. Guadian buffs are aoe.

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Kindread.9481


In dungeons the guardian can only be a supporter. Any warrior with a guardian buffing him/her is better then any guardian at tanking.

Double hp and personal buffs. Guadian buffs are aoe.

While I agree that this strategy could work quite well, saying that the Guardian can only be a supporter in dungeons is just ignorant. With either Monk’s Focus, or Alturistic Healing the Guardian has a significant advantage in melee combat to soak up damage. Don’t get me wrong, anyone who just stands there and takes a beating should, and will die, but with the right tools the damage you take between dodge rolling and aegis/blind effects will be mostly negated with the right setup. It does not matter that we have significantly less HP than Warriors because of this.

I played with a Warrior quite a bit while I was leveling up. He was mostly melee focused at the time. I would trait support and we would both control(tank) while our group did their best to stay out of harms way. Later on he switched his main to a ranger and I switched my traits to a Monk’s Focus build. I ran a Mace/Focus build that focused on Blinds and Aegis with the Monk’s Focus trait and loaded up 3 meditation skills. (0/5/30/30/5). I could nearly maintain Regeneration, and with my Passive Virtue of Resolve, and Writ of the Merciful I was healing about 700/sec to myself and my group. Add in the 2k heals each time I used a meditation, and healing for about 1200 each time I dodge rolled (which was augmented by the trait Vigorous Percision).

Anyhow this is just one of many different Guardian defensive builds that could be used as a mob control spec. There is no reason to spread misinformation about the class just because you may not enjoy it.

(edited by Kindread.9481)

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Kindread.9481


okay, so Aegis lasts for what… 9 hours I think? You can’t have a buff like that stack. Just keep hitting the virtue on cooldown. 90 sec.. you have 9 hours to stack a ridiculous amount and go solo a Dragon. Something like that happened in WoW vanilla a long time ago. I can’t remember what the skill was, but Pallies had a way to keep stacking a damage multiplyer type of buff. And there were (maybe still are) videos of pallies killing Lord Kazzak (big bad world boss) in 1 hit of an auto attack.

It was called Reckoning. Everytime the Paladin received a critical hit he would return with an additional hit on his auto-attack. There was however a bug that would cause the paladin to save up the extra hits if he/she did not have auto-attack turned on. There was a YouTube video of a paladin that had a dual weilding rogue with a very high crit chance attack him for a very long time and built up hundreds of additional attacks. The paladin in question then went into a raid dungeon and one shotted the final boss. It was quite funny, but was very quickly nerfed after that.

Not that it matters here .. just thought I would share.

(edited by Kindread.9481)

Aegis stacks + Guardian tank

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


okay, so Aegis lasts for what… 9 hours I think? You can’t have a buff like that stack. Just keep hitting the virtue on cooldown. 90 sec.. you have 9 hours to stack a ridiculous amount and go solo a Dragon. Something like that happened in WoW vanilla a long time ago. I can’t remember what the skill was, but Pallies had a way to keep stacking a damage multiplyer type of buff. And there were (maybe still are) videos of pallies killing Lord Kazzak (big bad world boss) in 1 hit of an auto attack.

Only passive aegis lasts for x amount of hours. Easy fix would be to make active aegis last ~40 secs. That would give only a relatively small window to stack active aegis boons, at most, maybe 22 secs (30 sec courage trait, +30% boon length. It’s not actually too small at all, but, that means the stacks would drop off after that time, so if you did happen to stack some, from like say, passive VoC, active VoC, and retreat, you have 3 blocks which once used (or drop off) are on cd for 30-40 secs and 60 secs).

I suspect Anet has already looked into this, and probably think its more “tactical” (and better for game health in whichever way they determine) to only allow one aegis at a time. In that way, you can’t just stack a million aegis (even if for a short time) with a group of 5 guardians and team tank a bunch of whatever trying to kill you (PvE/PvP/ WvW), though you could almost get the effect of a million aegis if you pop one right after the previous gets used. It’s all in all, probably better how it is now, though it could work.
