Tarnished Coast
Panic Time!
I just can’t seem to enjoy Guardian.
I just came back to the game after last playing in 2013. I was an Engi main, but my poor broken fingers coupled with the overwhelming changes prompted me to make a new character. I love the whole Paladin thing, so I thought I’d make a Guardian.
I just don’t like it. I used some scrolls to boost me up to 20 or 30, but it doesn’t seem to make a big difference. I’m not knocking your class, and I recognize that it might just not be a good fit, but I really want to like Guardian!
I guess I expected a tough melee tank/support kind of thing. Like a Paladin from D&D, WoW, etc. I know GW2 doesn’t have the holy trinity, but something just isn’t clicking and I really want it to click.
I hate scepter, it feels so wimpy. Like I’m trying to attack with a bubble wand, so maybe that’s part of the problem. I’ll gladly take advice or suggestions. Thanks.
if you want tankiness use Sword/shield – mace/focus. Watch some youtube videos and similar and you will find something you like.
Firebrand will be support also if they fix it by 95% of everything.
Well, at the moment I’m just soloing open world quest content. It just feels… dull? Slow? I could do slow, but I don’t even feel tough.
I have no clue about how the class is supposed to be played “effectively”, but I recently also leveled up my guardian and found sword/torch super fun. With sword 2 and “Judges intervention” constantly teleporting into the enemies faces and everything around you just starts to burn felt pretty good “Purging flames” and the Radiance trait “Radiant fire”, which constantly triggers your torch 4 regardless of cooldowns, enhanced this experience further.
It’s flavorwise not exactly paladin-esque and more of an battlemage approach, but maybe you’ll find this more to your liking as it felt very quick and fluent to me.
I don’t like scepter either. I play with greatsword, 4-5-5-(traps)-2 and everything melts, and sword+focus/torch. Focus for more defence and torch more offense.
i recently farmed fresh winterberries with 5 classes and it was much easier on my guardian. stand still and kill everything
Absolutely nothing wrong with how u feel, guardian isn’t quite paladin-esque. Most players will probably run guardian as a DPS spec.
While Guardian do have powerful supportive abilities, those abilities rarely come into play in PvE mode. Channeled blocks are incredibly useful in WvW mode; in PvE mode though, such abilities only results in a dps drop and is generally frowned upon in grp play. Reflects are handy in WvW environment where most attacks are projectile-based; In PvE, reflects are very situational. Stability is kinda crucial in WvW; in PvE, stability is non-essential.
If u’r trying to roleplay as a paladin in PvE mode, the best build u could go for is perhaps, the hammer guardian, it’s capable providing ur entire party with perma protection.
Thanks guys. I was following advice from a build I saw somewhere for leveling, but maybe I just hate scepter+focus. That whole playstyle just felt weird to me. I’ll try to switch back to a greatsword/sword+torch or something.
I never enjoyed Scepter either. Staff was also boring for me, but was a brilliant loot stick… unfortunately they nerfed that.
Hammer: My favorite Guardian weapon. It has an symbol on its auto-attack, giving it nice support along with making it solid DPS if traited right. It also has a ton of CC – throwing down a Ring of Warding and then banishing their face into the ring wall is a blast and works against large mobs too. Add in a 5 sec CD blast finisher, and you can either easily keep condis in check or work on other people’s fields for might/stealth/heals for more support.
Greatsword: Between having a leap, a high DPS spin to win, and an AOE pull that you can use to jerk targets into your trap bomb, this is a staple DPS weapon for Guardian.
Sword: Built in mobility and projectile protection on a weapon with solid DPS while leaving room for either the defenses of shield/focus or the DPS of Torch.
Longbow (DH only): While scepter has come a ways from its early days, they nerfed scepter range and made Longbow Guardian’s long range option. I find the skills of this weapon to be fun, especially when traited, but unfortunately its mediocre DPS relegates it to PVP only (for its point denial strengths). Scepter is simply better ranged DPS and can load more utility.
Mace: Purely a supporty weapon. Great for that role, but not really anything else.
Axe: The weapon of the Firebrand. This will give Guardian a true condi mainhand, which it has lacked. This weapon feels a little clunky, so hoping it will get some work, but has potential. Plus the symbol it has is purty.
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