Am I playing a bad / worthless build?

Am I playing a bad / worthless build?

in Guardian

Posted by: MercilessLemurs.7459


I really wish I could see your trait abilities. However, at a glance, it definitely is not meeting its full potential. To put it in perspective, my 0 0 30 30 10 has more of every stat than your build does other than vitality.

Am I playing a bad / worthless build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Why so much in Valor? Altruistic Healing? if so, that’s unnecessary right there. It’s nice, don’t get me wrong, but for EVERYTHING in PVE you don’t need it, it’s personal survival only, with your 21k hp soldier gear setup(I assume from stats) you shouldn’t be making any other tradeoffs for personal defense. Now if you find you do need it, go for it, but you should work on trying to use your other defensive tools more and get in the practice and ween yourself off of AH as you can.

Then the 20 in Zeal, I assume GS? Well… now this is just my opinion, but you’ve already basically made the decision by using soldier gear and getting up to 21k hp that you’re NOT a DPS. So why a DPS trait?

Now of course more DPS never hurts, but /shrug IMO one way or the other, support or DPS, I feel in between the two kinda just falls short of really playing a role in the group.

Couple Traits I can’t help but feel you’re really missing out on would be Master of Consecrations, the effect that has on Wall of Reflection can completely change fight strats. Then also nice on purging flames.

Absolute Resolution makes your virtue of the resolute a 3 condition removal, I find that really nice, esp when I don’t run with Soldier(trooper) runes and/or Pure of Voice.

Pure of Voice, another condition removal, but even with AR available, sometimes it’s really nice to be able to drop just a single condition while tossing that shout out, esp for instance while running.

I’d highly recommend looking into the DPS builds, or to look a bit more into virtues and not worry about a little drop in damage when you’re already behind the curve on damage.

Now of course if you don’t like these ideas don’t use them, just personally I’m reletively new as well, and about a month ago I was in the same position, trying to figure out if I could do more damage and still provide the support and “tank” that my group wanted me to be. Well, I’ve found I can use a hammer DPS build with slight tweaks and get everything but the “tanking” done, and I can swap on soldier gear and swap a few traits and become that “tank” they want for the few specific cases we like them.

Am I playing a bad / worthless build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Painbow.6059
