Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Anyone else think the Guardian weapons are a bit boring?.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.
Im leveling a Guardian, and I agree. I dont know if its the animations, or the slow swings, but since level 1 all i’ve thought is kitten leveling this dude is kind of boring.
Now if I were leveling with a group, and they all benefited from all the protection and buffs I could throw on em, It would be worth it. But solo play? Seems pretty kitten boring.
Oddly enough, I find the Greatsword on Guardian boring (I have not been using it for about a month now), though I admit it’s a strong weapon choice, even after “nerf.” Also, there’s nothing wrong with auto-attacks-I don’t understand how that is a bad thing in itself. I use sword/shield most of the time, and have plenty of auto-attack time (even with sword’s skills low cooldowns.) The third attack is offensively quite useful. Similar for mace-the auto attack’s third attack heals allies! So I do really not understand/can’t relate to comments stating that people can’t stand being auto-attacking while waiting on their cooldowns, as if that was a bad thing to be avoided at all costs. I suggest, though, if you really like Greatsword over all other weapon choices, to just keep using it, and just trying to find new, novel ways to combo your traits when you get bored/your build is no longer as fun to you, either through nerf or just sheer boredom.
I like Greatword style on my Ranger, but I think Sayaka has found her perfect match with sword and shield, balancing both offense, defense, party support, and great ally heals. Having used all other weapon combos, it’s the most fun for me to currently play. There’s nothing wrong with finding other weapon choices “boring”, though; perhaps greatsword is what suits you and your playstyle better, so maybe fool around with your choices to see if you can still have fun with your great blade.
Thankfully, we don’t have to play this or that way to be “more effective”, as matching our preferences/playstyle to what works for us is better than a random person’s “perfect PvE/PvP build” that may do nothing for us, and may actually hinder our ability to have fun in-game. All weapon choices are valid, as long as you find a good use for them and match the way you prefer to enjoy the game.
Depends on the weapon and the situation, really.
In sPvP, I love the Hammer, but when I do solo PvE, it’s rather boring, because I don’t need all the tools it provides.
Sword is pretty fun all-around, and so are our off-hands.
Mace is a bit too passive for me, but I still find it pretty fun in groups.
Scepter is boring, but everyone already knows that.
Staff is weird and inconsistent, but not actually boring.
Greatsword is in a weird spot.
I find that most of the warrior’s, ranger’s, and guardian’s weapons are kinda… blah. I wouldn’t call them all outright boring, only a handful are that bad, but I got spoiled on engineer/thief/elementalist early on.
As for the guardian, I love the hammer and staff but can’t stand the sword. I actually have the most fun when I can party up and haul out the supportive stuff, so the mace, shield, focus, and staff all get their time. Scepter/shield is a fun combo that I imagine is fairly rare around here, I pair it with staff and it feels like part battlefield general, part watchful protector.
(edited by Haette.2701)
The most boring class is Ranger. With a shortbow, you just shoot shoot shoot…..
yes and no. well no, because i absolutely adore the hammer. true it might be slow, but i love it when i see AoE crits of up to 2k, 3k dmg and then followed up with a combo field.
and #3, 4, 5 as situational as everyone makes them out to be, i always find uses for them, no matter what i’m fighting. if specced right, the boons and support and tools you get from the hammer can benefit yourself (solo) as much as it benefits your team (group play).
i actually go scepter/shield in dungeons and works wonders, espeecially against ranged and i can keep supporting, while also CC-ing a bit and doing decent dmg. though i wish the scepter auto would have a different animation or sound effect lol
i have a few alts (necro, warrior, engi, ranger) ankittenep going back to the Guardian. call me stale, but the hammer is awesome. and i switch every so often with my other weapon set if it doesn’t call for specific situational sets. and i have a good time
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I absolutely love the combination Hammer/Staff.
I usually go with the 3-hit chain / dodge away/ mighty blow back/ Knockdown #4 / Dodge Away and switch to staff (Symbol of Energy) / Symbol / Empower / dodge away, autohit and kite till swap again.
This make me move in every step except for the third hit of the chain (i have to wait for the field to appear to dodge or i cancel the hit). I have worn down 3 veterans at the time in this way, without going under the 50% hp.
It is never boring, you have to stay on your toe, insert virtues and shouts when needed, and generally only autohit when all CD are used up.
What i find boring is sticking with one weapon. I like to swap and change weapons based on what i have to fight. Even Hammer/Staff are not written in stone for me.
Guardian of Moonlight Shadow [MLS]
yes I think they are very Boring
@Fabsm – that’s very decent! i do the same with hammer, but i switch out to other weapons. i’ll have to give the staff a shot, especially with knocking away, and being attack free while you empower!D do you have symbol of energy in both your staff and hammer?
definitely keeps you on your toes!
@Khallis – care to elaborate?
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Am I the only one who still uses (and loves) GS?
I find it boring at times, yes, but it’s just me in any MMO. Repetitive use of toon and it’s skills bores me at times.
Still, I like it. I just change character when I’m sickly bored spinning and jumping and hearing “weep – weep – weep” when my FemGuardian swings her GS -_- I hate that voice.
lol, i’ve yet to hear that… some of the voice acting, especially for certain moves can be very strange lol.
and am sure you’re not the only one! every other Guardian i’ve come across sport the GS still! i still use it too depending and will run with it for quite some time. especially in dungeons, when we need to focus AoE. i pull out binding blades drop symbol whirling wrath and i roll out
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I think the Focus weapon is really odd and not suited for
a Guardian O_o- I’m not bored yet ^^. I love the epic leap
with GS.
I find focus and scepter to be a little un-guardian as well. Torch is alright, but I don’t ever use it on any of my professions. I look at it and think “This is not a weapon and it does not look aesthetically pleasing at all.”. That said I enjoy my guardian. She’s definitely gonna be my second level 80. Personally, I’m running sword and board and GS. The only thing the guardian is missing is a better ranged weapon. They need to rework the scepter or rework the staff into a ranged weapon. Or let us use a longbow. I could see some guardian longbow skills.
No do not find the weapons any more boring than any other class. I have tried so far. If I want more interactive combat I bring a mace and a focus and see how many attacks I can mitigate with Justice is blind, activating Virtue of courage, mace skill 3, and focus skills 4 and 5, and my two two dodge rolls. That’s not counting situational utility skill usage or weapon swapping. Learning the timing of enemy attacks and locking them out while bashing their skull in very satisfying to me.
That’s just one good example I can give off the top of my head. You can swap the mace for the sword and use sword skill 2 for an extra blind if you don’t like how the mace feels personally I think it’s a great weapon that gets over looked. I love using mace skill 3 in a crowd and watching the crits pop up.
I find focus and scepter to be a little un-guardian as well. Torch is alright, but I don’t ever use it on any of my professions. I look at it and think “This is not a weapon and it does not look aesthetically pleasing at all.”. That said I enjoy my guardian. She’s definitely gonna be my second level 80. Personally, I’m running sword and board and GS. The only thing the guardian is missing is a better ranged weapon. They need to rework the scepter or rework the staff into a ranged weapon. Or let us use a longbow. I could see some guardian longbow skills.
Dude you have to get past the look of the torch and give it a go it’s very Guardian to launch a blue holy fire flame thrower that does a lot of damage to multiple foes in a cone and removes conditions from your allies in said cone. Both torch skills have quick CD for off hand weapons too. Skill 4 is also great because you light everything around you on fire or you can launch it for some sweet damage and lite everything around your target on fire. Trogdor would be proud.
Depends on the weapon and the situation, really.
In sPvP, I love the Hammer, but when I do solo PvE, it’s rather boring, because I don’t need all the tools it provides.
Sword is pretty fun all-around, and so are our off-hands.
Mace is a bit too passive for me, but I still find it pretty fun in groups.
Scepter is boring, but everyone already knows that.
Staff is weird and inconsistent, but not actually boring.
Greatsword is in a weird spot.
edit: cant quote since what i say showes up 5 times. when i edit the post its shows that its only posted once. Another forum bug?
Draci – 80 Guardian ( on hold)
-Far Silverpeak-
to Ynna:
Wel.. i love the hammer in PvE also.
*I use the knockback to pull extra mobs (or not to loose agroo while im getting more mobs)
*I use hammer 5 after pulling a group or 2 mobs and smash em while they are trying to get to me. also a nice panic button if you need to wait a sec or 5 to get your heal up.
*zealot embrace is a nice “aoe” in pve, its easy to line up the mobs.
Draci – 80 Guardian ( on hold)
-Far Silverpeak-
again. now i cant edit my post so i guess a free bump.
I find the mace to be my favorit weapon when it comes down to how my character swings the weapon.
Draci – 80 Guardian ( on hold)
-Far Silverpeak-
i know it’s a tough argument because we are supposed to be support, but i really really wish we could dual wield something. anything really.
Are you joking? Guardian skills are far more exciting to watch and use than pretty much any other skill. It makes me sad that I hate their utilities so much that I refuse to play mine any more.
Go play a Warrior for 1 minute and then go back to Guardian and bask in the beauty and excitement of their weapons.
I just dont like scepter and staff. I also hate how slow the third swing of the hammer. Other than that I like the impact and such. I use the greatsword more than anything at the moment but with my build i can probably switch to hammer without a problem.
Funny because the only weapon I ever use anywhere is Mace and Shield and I’m probably the only person here who uses it lol and I hate the two combinations in every other MMO but now I love it thanks to GW2 and a different game.
I like spamming mainly 3 skills. I shouldn’t even use the shield because I use the 2 skills rarely but I still like em.
Maybe Guardian’s can use Bows or something to change it up a bit. I do use Staff every now and again but for healing and running lol.
Every other weapon is meh for me for Gaurds.
good to hear Rise!D i actually use the mace/shield every so often. it’s super defensive and great in group play for support, while still dealing decent dmg, if you use the skills right. and the mace and shield combo just “looks” right
i still main a hammer and don’t mind the slow third swing of autoattack. you can mix in a dodge or reposition yourself (strafe around the enemies) to place the symbol and third attack because it makes a HUGE difference. an ally in need perhaps, or where all mobs are gathered. Guardian not do enough dmg you say? trying landing the third heavy hitting symbol of protection of 4 – 5 mobs and watch crits pop. then immedialty followed by a might blow for another set of crits.
i wouldn’t mind a bow for the Guardian either. you guys think this could be a possibility for future expansions / even patches? spirit weapon speaking, there’s GS, hammer, shield and bow. we Guardians can wield GS, hammer, shield and well… : ))))))
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
I love my Hammer, PvP or PvE.
So sorry if your mind isn’t wired the same. “Haha” from a far away perspective.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
Anyone else think most of the Guardian weapons are a bit boring?.
Well due to the recent GS change and no longer liking how much time i spend auto attacking and how it feels with my fav builds i decided to switch weapons. Here’s the thing though, after trying them all out i just find them all rather boring.Now during leveling i pretty much stuck with a GS/Scepter:Focus combo and didn’t really use anything else, now however i’ve tried the Hammer, Mace, Staff, Shield, Torch etc and my god, they’re all so boring to use in PvE (haven’t tried them in PvP yet).
Honestly i’m a bit surprised by this, does anyone else find the Guardian weapons all a bit boring?.
Please don’t take this as an attack to the Guardian class (i love my Asura Guardian) or just as some troll post, i’m being totaly honest here and am wondering if others feel the same.
If you don’t weapon swap regularly, then yes I find them all rather underwhelming.
Utilizing the weapon swap as part of your rotation is the key to not staring at yourself auto-attacking.
I think most people view weapon swapping as a sort of dynamic “spec” swap which really isn’t the case in GW2. Weapon swapping is meant to be done (sometimes many times) in the same fight. It not only adds to your damage, survivability and/or support capabilities but is also a lot of fun with the amount of possibilities it opens up (I really wish we had 3 or 4 weapon swap trees).
While not the most immersive mechanic it definitely only adds to the depth of your play.
I absolutely adore the Hammer in PvP. That feeling of satisfaction when you land a mighty blow on someone stuck inside your symbol and taking a huge chunk of their heath off. #3 has grown onto me and more fun to use once I got better predicting player movement.
The only real boring weapon is the scepter but its got more to do with it’s auto attack than anything else. The other weapons look fine.
Funny because the only weapon I ever use anywhere is Mace and Shield and I’m probably the only person here who uses it lol and I hate the two combinations in every other MMO but now I love it thanks to GW2 and a different game.
Nope, you’re not the only one.
Only gripe I really have is I think the skills of the shield and focus should be switched. I love the focus skills, but I hate carrying a focus as a heavy-plate wearer.
Just doesn’t seem right.
Funny because the only weapon I ever use anywhere is Mace and Shield and I’m probably the only person here who uses it lol and I hate the two combinations in every other MMO but now I love it thanks to GW2 and a different game.
Nope, you’re not the only one.
Only gripe I really have is I think the skills of the shield and focus should be switched. I love the focus skills, but I hate carrying a focus as a heavy-plate wearer.
Just doesn’t seem right.
Totally agree. I think the Shield is probably my least favorite Guardian “weapon” (including the Scepter).
The torch is absolutely a weapon. Would you rather fight someone with a lamp or a torch?
The torch is absolutely a weapon. Would you rather fight someone with a lamp or a torch?
Give me cold hard steel anytime.
I wouldn’t mind using a lamp in battle. I could feel like a Tyrian version of Diogenes.
The torch is absolutely a weapon. Would you rather fight someone with a lamp or a torch?
Give me cold hard steel anytime.
I meant would you rather fight a person who is wielding a torch or a lamp.