As a condi guardian I really love when...

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


A guardian dps die against me and start to tell me that I’m a “condi noob” XD
(that happen expecially against thiefs and engineers, classes weak against condition damage)

A noob condi guardian that “spam burn” is really easy to kill; I kill them every day in spvp.
I’m a skilled player, expecially with my condi build, a build that is really hard countered by the actual meta.
That’s why I can kill other guardians with a build that basicly is weak against good dps class with blocks, blinds, immunity and condi clean skills (all that a guardian dps is).

I really like when someone that is supposed to kill me easy die and insult me why I use condition damage XD

That happen frequently in spvp and that’s really funny!


As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: x indigo x.6981

x indigo x.6981

Dude i feel ya .. sometimes i play power medi and I STILL get hate messages that i’m playing the “noob brainless burn builds” .. i whisper back " I’m running .. power … l2p?"

I think the burn guard builds have created such a great extent of fear of burn stacks .. alot of unskilled players see stacks of burns and think you’re running burn even when you’re not. Not realizing that even power guard apply burns but it doesn’t remotely damage as much as a burn guard would. I get the same hate on my cele build but admittedly it does have a burn aspect to it.

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

I get called a burn guard all the time. Power medi guard all the way. And bunker when we 5 manning.

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


Typical mmorpg pvp player response. xD

You ever wonder why when you lose to someone they nag you in whisper calling you bad? I mean isn’t that poor self esteem that they assume you gotta be bad for them to beat you? :x

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Kehlian.4380


I play an hybrid celestial medi sword/torch – hammer. This is awesome. When they die, they insult me. When I let them win, they insult me.

I just love this game

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


Im a Celestial Medi Sword/Torch – GS…nobody ever hates on me for killing them
…You people aren’t dancing on their bodies or anything are you?

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Kehlian.4380


Nah I even say GL HF at the start of each matches. But I’m french, and sometimes ends up with other frenches, so… I guess that’s where it comes from :/
French is a pretty rageful community online

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


I’ve never danced on my enemies body.

But once a guy wishper me that I’m a noob and he lose the match (and against me) only why it’s in a bad team. Then bet 10 golds that he was able to kill me in 1vs1. He was with a engi but swapped in mesmer to fight me.
Then i go in the arena he sayd to me and we start the fight.
He died more or less without the need to active my healing skill… He was really a bad player. I’ve never find a mesmer so easy to catch XD (exept me when I use the mesmer.. I’m really bad with that class XD)
Then he asked me another fight. At the third lose he just say “yeah, you’re good with your condi guardian” XD

Sometimes you find guys that make you smile XD

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: KaporHabakuk.6219


I ve seen the hate talks few times in pvp aimed to burn guards,keep the good work thou.Its quite entertaining when ppl start to rant

OTAN guild,WSR server

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Forbid a condi build is actually on par with other power builds. Oh, we can’t have that! /sarcam

We could literally be any other power guard and the same classes would QQ about our bursts and wanting a nerf. We definitely received a lot of that prepatch.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Shiki.7148


If they rage at condi guard, they should play Signet Necro But in all seriousness, even though I think burn guardian is kitten strong it is mostly because burning is way too strong compared to bleeding. Like, 6 times more damage while both being a purely damaging condition? Whut? And the “but it doesn’t last as long and is not as readily avaiable as bleeding” excuse of Anet is BS, especially after Berserker getting a ton of burns, DH getting more burns, 3 (i think) classes having burn on crit traits (a trait which got Necro nerfed hard back in the day, aswell as having been changed to be pretty bad until Reaper comes out). I really don’t get why Anet thinks a high-damage-low duration condi is on par with a low damage, high duration condi… It just isn’t. More damage in less time is always way better, especially with tons of condi-cleanses around and bleeding not adding an additional effect….

/end rant.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


If you look at bleed and burn we need to attack 3-5 times to staco 1 burn, the ranger SB can stack bleed with every attack and use pets to stack bleed, making it’s bleed powerfull like our burn. And ranger can power up bleed by 20%.

Bleed is more easy to stack ad last longer, making you able to deal lesser damage but still high damage with bleed. Anyway a “burst” condition is still better than a long lasting condition.

The only thing that can go in defence of burn on guardian is that it’s the only condition you can apply ith the guardian. A ranger can inflict a good amount of bleed, burn and poison, making it’s condition damage really viable.
I’ve a friend that play condi ranger in spvp and he’s really hard to kill amd deal a very good damage.

Mesmers can inflict a insane amount of torment and confusion (I’ve see a player deal 3k/sec of torment and 1k/sec of confusion+attack damage.
The thief can deal really good condition damage too, if used right.
Necromancer can’t really deal high condition damage by itself but a necro can convert your boons in conditions, making you weak and inflicting also a good amount of condition damage.

The only one that actually buse of Burn is the elementalist, that have too much weapon and utility skills and traits to stack burn and might at the same time, making burn really OP.

Guardian can deal a good burst but a single clean can make your burst deal 1/5 of it’s damage, letting you don’t deal good damage untill your skills recharges.

Anyway ANet can tone down burn by a 20%, increasing our trait effect that increase burn damage by another 20%, making it till viable for us.
That’s the only solution I see to nerf burn and don’t kill condi guardian.

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Shiki.7148


If you look at bleed and burn we need to attack 3-5 times to staco 1 burn, the ranger SB can stack bleed with every attack and use pets to stack bleed, making it’s bleed powerfull like our burn. And ranger can power up bleed by 20%.

Bleed is more easy to stack ad last longer, making you able to deal lesser damage but still high damage with bleed. Anyway a “burst” condition is still better than a long lasting condition.

The only thing that can go in defence of burn on guardian is that it’s the only condition you can apply ith the guardian. A ranger can inflict a good amount of bleed, burn and poison, making it’s condition damage really viable.
I’ve a friend that play condi ranger in spvp and he’s really hard to kill amd deal a very good damage.

Mesmers can inflict a insane amount of torment and confusion (I’ve see a player deal 3k/sec of torment and 1k/sec of confusion+attack damage.
The thief can deal really good condition damage too, if used right.
Necromancer can’t really deal high condition damage by itself but a necro can convert your boons in conditions, making you weak and inflicting also a good amount of condition damage.

The only one that actually buse of Burn is the elementalist, that have too much weapon and utility skills and traits to stack burn and might at the same time, making burn really OP.

Guardian can deal a good burst but a single clean can make your burst deal 1/5 of it’s damage, letting you don’t deal good damage untill your skills recharges.

Anyway ANet can tone down burn by a 20%, increasing our trait effect that increase burn damage by another 20%, making it till viable for us.
That’s the only solution I see to nerf burn and don’t kill condi guardian.

Sorry, but I’ve seen eles, guardians and engis maintaining around 5-6 burn stacks at all times (sometimes spiking higher). Which means a class completely relying on bleeding would need to maintain 30-36 stacks of bleed all on their own, which not a single profession can actually reach (maybe with a completely silly, bad, shoehorned build, but even then only as a spike). Sorry, but that is NOT balanced. I agree confusion and torment are different cases, but they don’t directly compare because they AREN’T simply damage dealing conditions. Unlike with burning and bleeding, they have stipulations : IF you move torment deals even more damage, IF you attack you take hard hitting damage from confusion. Burning and bleeding, however, are basically the same condition, dealing damage and nothing more; one a lot of damage in short time (and again, I wouldn’t call something that can be upheld at all times a “burst”), and one (possibly) similar damage but over a lot longer period of time. It is easy to see which of the two is the superior one.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


In a short time, yes, in a long time, is different by the situation.

Anyway, the point over the guardian burn is that he can inflict only burn.
Ranger, engi, mesmer eles(but no one use bleed on ele) can inflict also other conditions than burn. (mesmer don’t inflict burn).

A lot of conditions is always better than only one.

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Jaising.7253


In a short time, yes, in a long time, is different by the situation.

Anyway, the point over the guardian burn is that he can inflict only burn.
Ranger, engi, mesmer eles(but no one use bleed on ele) can inflict also other conditions than burn. (mesmer don’t inflict burn).

A lot of conditions is always better than only one.

Sorry but Mesmers can inflict burning, Winds of Chaos (staff 1)

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Silv.9207


Oh, right. I’m not a frequent mesmer user.

Anyway a ranger can inflict in combo with trap, torch and projectile finishers more or less 17 stack of burn every 25 sec. More or less the same as a guardin “burst”, right?
And can also add a large amount of bleed (11 bleed only with sb skill 4 and the linx) with a little of poison.
I think that make the ranger a very good condition class.

Guardian isnt’ the only one that can burst with conditions. Mesmer, engi and eles can do the same, sometimes better why they use more than a single condition to inflict damage. Confusion and torment can be situationally but whenever in a fight you stay immobile only because you hve torment? No movement = death, expecially against a full ranged class like mesmer. And you don’t active your skills when you have confusion?
Then to fight a condition mesmer the secret is: don’t move and don’t active any kind of skill! Yeah, that seems right XD

Anyway, burn inflict a very good damage and can be made Op if someone add a large amount of might (that’s why condi ele is OP). But with no might burn isn’t so dangerous if you have 2 condi clean to active when the guardian stack he’s burn and 2 good doge to evade it’s burning skills.

As a condi guardian I really love when...

in Guardian

Posted by: Shiki.7148


Oh, right. I’m not a frequent mesmer user.

Anyway a ranger can inflict in combo with trap, torch and projectile finishers more or less 17 stack of burn every 25 sec. More or less the same as a guardin “burst”, right?
And can also add a large amount of bleed (11 bleed only with sb skill 4 and the linx) with a little of poison.
I think that make the ranger a very good condition class.

Guardian isnt’ the only one that can burst with conditions. Mesmer, engi and eles can do the same, sometimes better why they use more than a single condition to inflict damage. Confusion and torment can be situationally but whenever in a fight you stay immobile only because you hve torment? No movement = death, expecially against a full ranged class like mesmer. And you don’t active your skills when you have confusion?
Then to fight a condition mesmer the secret is: don’t move and don’t active any kind of skill! Yeah, that seems right XD

Anyway, burn inflict a very good damage and can be made Op if someone add a large amount of might (that’s why condi ele is OP). But with no might burn isn’t so dangerous if you have 2 condi clean to active when the guardian stack he’s burn and 2 good doge to evade it’s burning skills.

As I said, it is not the Burn guardian that is too strong but burning in general. Not that I care, I play Necro and laugh at people burning to death in their own fire…And Reaper will also have 6-8 perma stack burn possibility with Dhuumfire (although you have to spam DS #1 for it which is most likely not optimal…and if it was optimal it would just show even better how stupid burning is).

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140