Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
Q – i can’t remember if this has been asked or if i’ve asked this. Soldier’s Runes – full 6 piece set bonus – “Shouts remove condition”.
so if i sport this set of runes, everytime i shout, i remove one condition? and does this apply to allies that are affected by my shout? and lastly, is there an internal cooldown for the shout removal?
i.e. if i run three shouts, and am afflicted with 3 different conditions. i pop all three, and all three conditions should be removed?
Q – i can’t remember if this has been asked or if i’ve asked this. Soldier’s Runes – full 6 piece set bonus – “Shouts remove condition”.
so if i sport this set of runes, everytime i shout, i remove one condition? and does this apply to allies that are affected by my shout? and lastly, is there an internal cooldown for the shout removal?
i.e. if i run three shouts, and am afflicted with 3 different conditions. i pop all three, and all three conditions should be removed?
A – The shout only removes conditions from you, not your ally, for that you need pure of voice.
There is no internal cooldown.
Yes, all three of them will be removed if you use three shouts.
@andybmcc, all shouts that affect allies work with pure of voice. Allies affected by shouts convert one condition into a boon.
Are you 100% sure, on launch some didnt work with pure of voice.
I will check this out this afternoon and get back to you all.
@Brutaly – thanks for the quick answer. read somewhere that it’s all allies affected by shout loses condition as well. thought that was too goo to be true.
Q – a follow up to Pure of Voice then —> i know sounds silly but want to try it out and just trying to understand the skill better. if i say have PoV traited, i use Retreat – so when i shout, myself and all allies get one condition converted to a boon. is this boon going to be the “opposite” of the condition that was removed? and in addition to this boon, i’ll still get the regular effects of the shout? i.e. aegis, swiftness + another boon?
A- It works exactly as you described.
A- Each specific condition is converted to a specific boon.
So PoV convert the condition and if the boon from the shout is the “same” as the one you get from converting then they stack.
So if you are skilled you know what shout to use when under the influence of a specific condition to gain max from PoV and a specific shout.
Protection works well with retaliation and regen which makes hold the line and syg really strong versus bleeds, vulnerability and poison.
Mind you i didnt get hold the line to work with PoV a couple weeks ago but i will test it again today since it was posted above that PoV isnt bugged anymore.
I think this is somewhat accurate
1. Bleeding becomes 5 seconds of Regeneration
2. Crippled becomes 5 seconds of Swiftness
3. Vulnerability becomes 3 seconds of Protection
4. Poison becomes 5 seconds of Regeneration
5. Blind becomes 5 seconds of Fury
6. Weakness becomes 10 seconds of Might
7. Burning becomes 5 seconds of Regeneration
8. Immobilized becomes 5 seconds of Swiftness
9. Chilled becomes 5 seconds of Swiftness
10. Confusion becomes 5 seconds of Regeneration
(edited by Brutaly.6257)
We cannot allow this thread to die fellow Guardians. Keep those questions coming. I see some very short threads with questions that could have been answered in this compendium!
Do the +10% damage bonuses from Fiery Wrath and Radiant Power stack?
I asked this in its own thread before I noticed this one, and Animus suggested that they do stack, but can someone confirm this?
This thread is a great idea. Thanks IV Endu!
Do the +10% damage bonuses from Fiery Wrath and Radiant Power stack?
I asked this in its own thread before I noticed this one, and Animus suggested that they do stack, but can someone confirm this?
This thread is a great idea. Thanks IV Endu!
Grim, I am confident they do stack.
Does the increase in boon duration affects the duration of boon received on self given by others and/or does it affect the duration of boon given to others?
Affects the duration of all boons cast by you, not received.
The boons you receive will receive bonus duration from their casters.
This is great if you have a support build.
I was curious about the unscathed contender trait (10% under aegis):
How do blocks prioritize themselves? Is it by time (as in, the first one applied is the first one to block)?
Here’s a hypothetical: If I am wielding a mace and focus, and I know that my aegis passive is about to come up and I want to receive the 10% on the burst from the shield pop. What would be the best skill order to use? Protector’s, Shield, Aegis? And maybe add in shelter – that would ensure the shield pops.
Could be a funny little might stack, burning proc, % increase, burst chain. Not really viable, just curious.
I was curious about the unscathed contender trait (10% under aegis):
How do blocks prioritize themselves? Is it by time (as in, the first one applied is the first one to block)?
Here’s a hypothetical: If I am wielding a mace and focus, and I know that my aegis passive is about to come up and I want to receive the 10% on the burst from the shield pop. What would be the best skill order to use? Protector’s, Shield, Aegis? And maybe add in shelter – that would ensure the shield pops.
Could be a funny little might stack, burning proc, % increase, burst chain. Not really viable, just curious.
If Aegis is up and you block with another skill, your Aegis will still be popped. So in any case it’s always better to let Aegis pop first for that extra block. I’m not sure if that answers your question in anyway but that’s what I’ve been noticing.
Quick question:
Any way to increase movement speed for exploring on map? Currently I play a thief on PvE and I like to be fast in going from point A to point B.
Quick question:
Any way to increase movement speed for exploring on map? Currently I play a thief on PvE and I like to be fast in going from point A to point B.
In general between retreat, save yourselfs, and staff symbol you can keep 33% run speed up without boon duration rune’s. With runes it makes it that much easier.
Does Stand Your Ground also break others’ stuns?
I noticed on the Warrior that Shake It Off cures others’ fear but then again, I might be totally crazy.
Does Stand Your Ground also break others’ stuns?
I noticed on the Warrior that Shake It Off cures others’ fear but then again, I might be totally crazy.
No. Stand Your Ground doesn’t break others’ stuns. Shake It Off removes condition thus it’s able to remove fear.
Quick question:
Any way to increase movement speed for exploring on map? Currently I play a thief on PvE and I like to be fast in going from point A to point B.
In general between retreat, save yourselfs, and staff symbol you can keep 33% run speed up without boon duration rune’s. With runes it makes it that much easier.
Late answer:
Sword teleport and judges intervention can be used for instant travel, just target something REALLY far away so you don’t accidentally hit them. Greatsword leap can be used without a target for a bit of extra movement.
In what order are conditions removed with removal?
(edited by ens.9854)
@ens – just in case, you can hit judge’s intervention during or at the end of sword teleport as well – so technically, close to 1,800 travel distance.
A – also good question. based on my undersatnding, it might be what was applied first? for example, if you had burning, blindness, immobilize on you, it’d remove burning first.
would love someone to confirm though! tyty Guardians of Tyria.
If there are multiple combo fields stacked upon eachother, which combo field will proc with a finisher?
I find that sometimes I’m not getting the combo effect I want and it’s probably because of stacking fields upon eachother :x This info would be really useful to know!
I have 30 points in the 1st tree (Mostly for the last trait that makes Greatswords stronger), which gives +Power
I’m about to redistribute those 30 points into something else, will I see a noticeably large decrease in my GS damage output?
If there are multiple combo fields stacked upon eachother, which combo field will proc with a finisher?
I find that sometimes I’m not getting the combo effect I want and it’s probably because of stacking fields upon eachother :x This info would be really useful to know!
Whichever was put down most recently, apparently.
If there are multiple combo fields stacked upon eachother, which combo field will proc with a finisher?
I find that sometimes I’m not getting the combo effect I want and it’s probably because of stacking fields upon eachother :x This info would be really useful to know!
Whichever was put down most recently, apparently.
I can confirm this.
I play with an Elementalist friend of mine quite frequently, and we always set up combos. If I lay down a symbol, then he lays down another field on top of it, Hammer#2 triggers my combo field.
Does the Lyssa 4 piece work with our virtue? I’ve tried it a few times and it’s patchy at best. Is this a bug or does it not count as a healing spell?
Does the Lyssa 4 piece work with our virtue? I’ve tried it a few times and it’s patchy at best. Is this a bug or does it not count as a healing spell?
Bonuses that trigger on your healing spell, only work with the skill you put in the heal slot (default #6).
Q : my question involves the shout, save yourselves. So it draws condtions from everyone and passes em to you while granting almost every boon to everyone right? so i was thinking of what to do next to clear the conditions but i dont want to use 6 runes of lyssa or contemplation of purity. Hence the only option left is to either wait it out and hope the signet of healing and the trait purity will save me now :P or choose purging flames. So my question is how many conditions does purging flames…..purge? and i know it purges em one by one so i wanna know if you stay in there the whole time, will it be enough if i had every condition on me( and i do mean EVERY)?
(edited by kitai.7638)
It only purges one condition.
Sorry to burst your bubble.
only one…. wow… that kinda blows…. thanks for the answer anyway
If there are multiple combo fields stacked upon eachother, which combo field will proc with a finisher?
I find that sometimes I’m not getting the combo effect I want and it’s probably because of stacking fields upon eachother :x This info would be really useful to know!
Whichever was put down most recently, apparently.
This makes me sad T_T. I’m gonna have to hold back on my Hammer’s third a bit more then. I had a feeling it was getting in the way of my group’s might stacking.
Q : my question involves the shout, save yourselves. So it draws condtions from everyone and passes em to you while granting almost every boon to everyone right? so i was thinking of what to do next to clear the conditions but i dont want to use 6 runes of lyssa or contemplation of purity. Hence the only option left is to either wait it out and hope the signet of healing and the trait purity will save me now :P or choose purging flames. So my question is how many conditions does purging flames…..purge? and i know it purges em one by one so i wanna know if you stay in there the whole time, will it be enough if i had every condition on me( and i do mean EVERY)?
I suggest traiting for Pure of Voice and using Superior Runes of the Soldier. Also use Healing Signet and the trait that cures 1 condition every 10 seconds.
@IV Endu – once during a dungeon run one PUG kept going “STOP PUTTING DOWN LIGHT FIELDS! you’re runing our might stacks!” so i switched from hammer to my GS, and didn’t use #4 at all. fair enough. i didn’t mind and would rather the rest of the run go peacefully. but it did make me think do to change my playstyle to accomodate for others? especially in dungeons, where it’s all about teamwork… :///
although, i use my staff #4 pretty much before every time we fight, as well as in between long fights so i try to contribute as much as possible. sigh.
well…. i’m back with another question, this time regarding empowering might, the trait. I’m currently building a ah/em guardian and i want to use scepter torch + staff so my question is, when they say nearby allies, do they refer to allies near me or near my target?
and how near? same question applies for sigil of water i guess, when it procs does it heal allies near me or near the target that got critted?
well…. i’m back with another question, this time regarding empowering might, the trait. I’m currently building a ah/em guardian and i want to use scepter torch + staff so my question is, when they say nearby allies, do they refer to allies near me or near my target?
and how near? same question applies for sigil of water i guess, when it procs does it heal allies near me or near the target that got critted?
When you see “near you” stay assured that it really means “almost in the same space of you”, as i think the range is 400 or so…
You can have a good guess of the range activating a Water Field with a blast and see the animation.
so all these…. buff/heal/boon stuff happen around the area centered around our character, thanks thats good to know, would help with learning to position myself
and since i’m here abusing this thread :P can someone tell me if smite( scepter skill 2) has a limit of how many hits it can do to 1 target cuz i’ve been counting and i dont think it hits even 10 times to a target even if its alone and in the ring the whole time….
(edited by kitai.7638)
so all these…. buff/heal/boon stuff happen around the area centered around our character, thanks
thats good to know, would help with learning to position myself
and since i’m here abusing this thread :P can someone tell me if smite( scepter skill 2) has a limit of how many hits it can do to 1 target cuz i’ve been counting and i dont think it hits even 10 times to a target even if its alone and in the ring the whole time….
You can definitely proc all hits but sadly the target must be big enough to be hit by all of them :’(
Can guardians be pure DPS or do they have to tank?
Can guardians be pure DPS or do they have to tank?
No and no. Guardians can be offensive, but they will lack the burst damage of thieves. However, Guardian’s offensive capabilities prove to be great in the long run. When other classes take too much damage, they have to fall back. A guardian can maintain their position for quite a while due to their constant healing. Ranged attacks are typically weaker than melee, which means Guardians instantly have a dps buff. Skills like empowering might show that stats do not mean everything. at 50% crit chance I can maintain 6-7 stacks of additional might. That translates to a little more than 300 extra power, which also translates to maybe around a 6.5% boost in damage.
DPS is a subjective term and only assumes the player is spending their entire team whacking the enemy. Well, what if you’re stunned for 5 seconds? You’re dealinkittenage per second. But pop a stun breaker or stability and you’re dealing more dps, simply for playing smarter.
Can guardians be pure DPS or do they have to tank?
Yes, Guardians can go full DPS.
Does anyone build for condition damage? I have this sneaking suspicion that it might be actually, you know, good, largely because we have a fair number of builds that work by maximizing passive VoJ triggers.
I just haven’t been able to prove it yet.
VoJ is just a 1 second burn every 5 hits, doesn’t seem worth building around. Better to build around those 5 hits instead of that tiny effect you get every five hits. I don’t think there is any way to make a condition guardian work, especially if you compare the guardian to the real condition builds of other professions. Many professions will inflict burning or bleeding with every single skill they use, while we get one second of burn every five normal hits, doesn’t seem comparable. Spirit weapons are WAY too bad to use for burning as well.
Which has higher DPS potential for AH greatsword build users between these 2 options in PvE and WvW settings?
Option 1:
10/0/30/25 (WoE/2H)/5
6 superior runes of strength
0/5/30/30 (WoE/2H/EM)/5
2 superior runes of hoelbrak, 2 superior runes of fire and 2 superior runes of strength.
Hello guys
I have one question. Following Brutaly’s guide I got the pre/vit/heal gear from karma, and socketed 2 hoelbrak, 2 fire (still need the 2 strength), and I noticed that my might duration didn’t change. I mean it’s already 40% might duration from those 4 runes, and I tried EM on staff and got 11 seconds. If my math skills didn’t fail me, 40% from 10 1/2 seconds isn’t half a second.
What did I miss here guys? Help please
Hello guys
I have one question. Following Brutaly’s guide I got the pre/vit/heal gear from karma, and socketed 2 hoelbrak, 2 fire (still need the 2 strength), and I noticed that my might duration didn’t change. I mean it’s already 40% might duration from those 4 runes, and I tried EM on staff and got 11 seconds. If my math skills didn’t fail me, 40% from 10 1/2 seconds isn’t half a second.
What did I miss here guys?
Help please
Empower has a known bug, the Might buff lasts 8s instead of 10s.
With your buff, it is 8s * 1.40 = 11.2s
Does Rune of the Soldier 6 set bonus also remove conditions from allies like pure of voice?
Rune of Mercy says you take less damage while reviving. How much less? And has anyone ever used these before (Aka are they any good)? I was pondering trying them but at over 1g ea I’d rather ask first.
Second question, does anyone know if Hold the Line is intentionally not supposed to work with PoV or is that a bug? (a link to a dev saying either way, if such a post exists, would be most helpful)
@Joshi: Yes.
@Dead Water: I’m curious about the same question about the rune so hopefully someone who has used it can answer but as for your second question, I believe it is a bug. If it’s a shout, PoV should work. I noticed too at certain times, PoV doesn’t work at all.
Second question, does anyone know if Hold the Line is intentionally not supposed to work with PoV or is that a bug? (a link to a dev saying either way, if such a post exists, would be most helpful)
This is a known bug (see bug compilation sticky). Hold the Line has a chance to fail to activate Pure of Voice.
not sure if this fits as getting a quick answer type question – from a numbers / stats perspective, which sigil would i benefit more from? for both hammer and greatsword – sigil of force or sigil of accuracy?
i love crits, but +5% dmg seems pretty decent too. which would do more DPS?
@Fabsm Oh, didn’t know that. Thanks for the info And btw, it sucks
not sure if this fits as getting a quick answer type question – from a numbers / stats perspective, which sigil would i benefit more from? for both hammer and greatsword – sigil of force or sigil of accuracy?
i love crits, but +5% dmg seems pretty decent too. which would do more DPS?
5% damage is just that—5% damage. Pretty straightforward.
5% crit is much less straight forward. Assuming you’re not on the cusp of 100% crit chance, the benefit of 5% crit chance is a 50% damage boost 5% of the time, or a 2.5% boost.
If you have crit damage, this goes up, matching 5% damage at +50% crit damage.
You also gain up to 5% more on-crit procs. When factoring in proc cooldowns, this will most likely be less than 5%.
5% damage has the benefit of increasing your peak damage, while 5% crit increases your average.
How can other players bypass barriers advertised as “cannot cross”?
Example: in WvW, I’ve laid down a ring of warding (hammer #5) only to see an enemy dodge out of it. I can see 3 possibilities: 1) a clipping issue, where my client saw the enemy inside the ring when the server had them elsewhere; 2) the enemy had stability, and the dodge is muddying my perception of the problem; 3) dodge rolls actually allow crossing a barrier (which would be absurd from a balance sense).
Thanks – great thread!
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