Attack Speed

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

This in many ways is a double suggestion. So Lets begin with agreeing zealous blade is terrible? I would really like to know if anyone actually uses it in a primary build. But as this has been said for ages and no changes have come I would like to see it replaced. With an increased attack speed trait. Go 30 into Zeal and get a 10% increase in attack speed with two handed weapons. Means that Zeal has benefit for Hammer and GS users that isnt more powerful that a 10% dps increase through Firey Wrath but allows long cast skills to go off a little quicker with this set of weapons.
Obviously just a thought but would like to hear opinions.

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Silver.8023


I think the problem doesn’t lie with Zealous Blade being bad but with players expecting it to keep them alive whilst forgetting the many other heals we get on top of it. That and Zeal is just a pretty average trait line.

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

Zeal is pretty poor I would say. It is a fairly poor skill as well doesnt give much or help in anyway, combined with being possibly the worst tree makes it seem a little pointless. However with a possible speed increase trait it may make Zeal an appealing tree.

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Silver.8023


I’m not sure if attack speed is the answer either I’m afraid. Even at 10%, the min-maxers everywhere would not be able to put that trait down! Although it certainly is a trait suggestion that would technically be viable across a large number of builds.
I think it might be just a bit too good. I’d say a complete reassessment of how the Zeal line works is more in order. I mean, the minor traits are all about symbols and the major traits have nothing to do with symbols at all! (Protector’s Impact doesn’t count! )

Another possible solution could be similar to what other professions get, move X% faster when Y condition is met.

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Barnabus Stinson.1409

Barnabus Stinson.1409

True maybe seen as a little too good, although it has no impact on cooldowns just animation times, so it wouldnt actually give a 10% buff as it would seem. For GS lost of the damage comes from symbol and WW which this would not benefit in terms of DPS as it would still be on same cool down. It would really only be a 10% buff on the Auto. Which in the case of staff isnt overly powerful as staff isnt great dps wise anyway. For hammer would be helpful and would tie in with the symbol trait line as would allow for Hammer ‘1’ skill to be executed slightly faster.

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Silver.8023


Well, Symbol of Protection doesn’t really need to be any spammier either
Quickness doesn’t affect cooldowns and it’s insane to have! Even though 10% faster does not equal 100% faster, I would say we should leave the attack speed increases at quickness. I mean greatsword already has one of the fastest attack chains available to Guardian already.
I certainly agree that Zeal needs some help somewhere though.

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Setun.4368


Zeal is pretty poor I would say. It is a fairly poor skill as well doesnt give much or help in anyway, combined with being possibly the worst tree makes it seem a little pointless. However with a possible speed increase trait it may make Zeal an appealing tree.

10% increased damage to burning targets (which can essentially upkeep 90% of the time), and immobilizing enemies grants 5 stacks of vulnerability are awesome trait lines.

Attack Speed

in Guardian

Posted by: Silver.8023


The thing about Zeal is though, while you’re right about those traits Setun, I’d say most of the good traits are within I-VI, not giving us much reason to go beyond 15-20ish points into it. Heck, you can get away with just 10.

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood